16:59:23 <rbergeron> #startmeeting FUDCon Blacksburg Planning Meeting 16:59:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 4 16:59:23 2012 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:59:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:59:34 * pingou go gets a dictionnary 16:59:50 <rbergeron> #meetingname FUDCon Blacksburg Planning Meeting 16:59:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fudcon_blacksburg_planning_meeting' 17:00:08 <rbergeron> Southern_Gentlem: you around? 17:00:14 <rbergeron> jsmith: pingy 17:00:37 <jsmith> rbergeron: Yes? 17:00:41 <Southern_Gentlem> yes 17:00:43 * rbergeron points at the topic 17:00:49 <rbergeron> #topic Tee shirts 17:00:50 <jsmith> Ah, it's that time again! 17:00:56 <rbergeron> Southern_Gentlem: give me the scoop 17:01:01 <rbergeron> #chair Southern_Gentlem jsmith 17:01:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: Southern_Gentlem jsmith rbergeron 17:01:17 <Southern_Gentlem> no scoop to give they were closed because on the cold and wind going tonight 17:01:40 <rbergeron> okay, so, what are we doing about getting shirts 17:01:42 <rbergeron> we're a week out 17:01:48 <Southern_Gentlem> we are fine 17:02:27 <rbergeron> #topic Catering 17:02:39 <rbergeron> any word here? 17:03:01 <Southern_Gentlem> http://noname.math.vt.edu/FUDcon/FOOD/ 17:03:18 <rbergeron> not found 17:04:00 <rbergeron> oh, there we go 17:04:05 <Southern_Gentlem> http://noname.math.vt.edu/FUDCon/Food/ 17:04:26 <Southern_Gentlem> yeah i was getting a 404 as well 17:05:06 <rbergeron> what about sodas and etc? 17:06:16 <rbergeron> oy, food is expensive 17:06:31 <rbergeron> for fudpub 17:06:51 <jsmith> Yeah, seems a bit high to me as well 17:07:01 <Southern_Gentlem> math luncheon is what i had them put together for lunch 17:07:13 <rbergeron> right 17:07:21 <rbergeron> I think the lunch is reasonable 17:07:26 <Southern_Gentlem> pick what you want and i will go back and get prices 17:07:50 <rbergeron> Dinner pricing is... are there other options other than buffet? 17:08:00 <Southern_Gentlem> lunch i am figureing 160 17:08:02 <rbergeron> And what about alcohol/bartending 17:08:27 <Southern_Gentlem> i am going to UUSA to see about the abc license and stuff this afternoon 17:08:44 <Southern_Gentlem> UUSA runs the place 17:09:04 <Southern_Gentlem> so if i can get my own license we can go that route but it is up to uusa 17:09:10 <Southern_Gentlem> my our 17:09:26 <jsmith> Is there time to do that? 17:09:30 <Southern_Gentlem> yes 17:09:50 <jsmith> OK... 17:10:02 <Southern_Gentlem> according to the caterers and other i have talked to 17:10:05 <jsmith> I just know all the hoops rbergeron had to go through in Tempe to try to work things out 17:10:13 <rbergeron> Oh, the BBQ standard pricing would probably work for fudpub 17:10:44 <Southern_Gentlem> now pick a dang menu so I can get to haggleing 17:11:12 <rbergeron> Southern_Gentlem: okay, i can do that in like... about 2 hours 17:11:14 <MarkDude> :) 17:11:56 * MarkDude feels comfortable enough here tho to do a newer thing 17:11:58 <Southern_Gentlem> budget we are about 6K correct? 17:12:16 <MarkDude> oops ignore that 17:13:04 <rbergeron> ummm. 17:13:11 <rbergeron> you mean how much we have spent so far? 17:13:15 <rbergeron> Or how much is left? 17:13:38 <Southern_Gentlem> left 17:14:15 <Southern_Gentlem> we budgeted a little over 10K for travel and rooms 17:14:16 <rbergeron> Well, we've spent about 10,500 on travel. 17:14:26 <rbergeron> So we have about 9.5k left. 17:14:30 <Southern_Gentlem> and i know that has changed some 17:14:42 <rbergeron> Well, yeah. 17:14:47 <Southern_Gentlem> cause the person rooming with abadger isnt coming 17:14:56 <Southern_Gentlem> and neville 17:15:09 <rbergeron> Yeah, but i don't know if neville can reuse the ticket for other things yet. 17:15:11 <MarkDude> Any news on sponsoring my room? 17:15:24 * MarkDude is self-funding flight 17:15:28 <rbergeron> Let's just say for safety's sake that we have like, 10k left. And I'll see about neville 17:15:45 <Southern_Gentlem> so lunch will cost about 1776 17:15:58 <rbergeron> 1776 based on how many people? 160? 17:16:01 <Southern_Gentlem> yes 17:16:01 <rbergeron> does that include tax 17:16:05 <Southern_Gentlem> yes 17:16:09 <rbergeron> okay 17:16:17 <rbergeron> Shirts will be... ? 17:16:19 <rbergeron> any guesses? 17:16:49 <rbergeron> MY CHILDREN WERE USING MY NEW FOUNTAIN PEN AND NOW IT DOES NOT WORK WTFAWK 17:16:53 * rbergeron grumbles 17:17:11 <msavy> can you get a refund? 17:17:13 <msavy> on the children i mean 17:17:15 <Southern_Gentlem> rbergeron, to me the food is more important 17:17:16 <rbergeron> how much is squires center rental? 17:17:44 <Southern_Gentlem> http://noname.math.vt.edu/FUDCon/ 17:17:53 <rbergeron> markdude: give me a bit on that 17:18:18 <tatica> if another room is needed for late night meetings you can use mine 17:18:27 <Southern_Gentlem> http://noname.math.vt.edu/FUDCon/Reservation%20Copy.JPG 17:18:30 <Southern_Gentlem> 690 17:18:33 <jsmith> $690? 17:18:53 * MarkDude will after the meeting if you like rbergeron 17:19:34 <Southern_Gentlem> ok as i was saying if we can do dinner for 3K thats 5K for food 17:19:46 <rbergeron> okay, so - 10k travel, 1800 lunch, 700 fudpub 17:20:18 <rbergeron> that's 12,500 17:20:29 <rbergeron> if shirts are really 1500... that would leave 6k for dinner/fudpub 17:20:57 <Southern_Gentlem> i was going to say 2k for shirts 17:21:05 <rbergeron> okay, then 5500 for dinner 17:21:28 <Southern_Gentlem> http://noname.math.vt.edu/FUDCon/FUDCon%20Tshrit.ods 17:21:38 <Southern_Gentlem> but we need to pick a menu first 17:21:45 <Southern_Gentlem> then i can get prices 17:22:17 <Southern_Gentlem> and we can then say everyone gets 2 tickets for drinks at the bar 17:22:22 <Southern_Gentlem> or whatever 17:22:23 <rbergeron> if we do the bbq standard at 17.50 per person 17:22:56 <rbergeron> and just round it up to 20.. that's 3200 bucks... i have no idea what taxes are, but I figure that extra 2.50 will probably cover it 17:23:14 <rbergeron> Southern_Gentlem: if we can provide our own alcohol it's far cheaper, but it depends on what they allow 17:23:19 <rbergeron> can they do cash bar after tickets? 17:24:01 <Southern_Gentlem> rbergeron, thus the statement above about me looking into our own abc license 17:24:13 <Southern_Gentlem> yes i am sure they can 17:24:15 <rbergeron> right, but if we do that we still need to hire a bartender, presumably 17:24:26 <Southern_Gentlem> we hire them as the bartenders 17:24:36 <rbergeron> how much do they charge for that? do you know offhand 17:25:10 <Southern_Gentlem> http://noname.math.vt.edu/FUDCon/Food/Cash%20Bar%20Policies.doc 17:26:57 <Southern_Gentlem> so basicly 300 for 2 bartenders 17:27:05 <rbergeron> okay. so you need me to tell you what lunch and dinner to get... let's assume the bbq and the lunch as priced 17:27:38 <Southern_Gentlem> yes this committee needs to come up with the menu NOW 17:28:48 <Southern_Gentlem> everyone look at http://noname.math.vt.edu/FUDCon/Food/BBQ%20Standard.doc 17:28:50 <rbergeron> if we do the bartending/drink tickets that should come in at around 2k at 2 drinks per person with bartenders, less if we can provide our own alcohol 17:29:10 <rbergeron> okay, let's get: 17:29:26 <rbergeron> chips dips pretzels, fruit assortment, tossed greens and dressings for salad and appetizers 17:29:34 <rbergeron> for entrees... ughhh 17:29:53 <rbergeron> let's do.. pork bbq and grilled eggplant, I guess? 17:30:26 <rbergeron> Veggies..... baked beans and parsley bliss potatoes 17:30:51 <Southern_Gentlem> jsmith, your input 17:30:59 <rbergeron> desserts - i don't care, strawberry shortcake and cookies? 17:31:12 * jsmith is looking now 17:31:24 <rbergeron> drinks, soft drink assortment and lemondate/iced tea 17:31:33 <rbergeron> we could add a third entree if we wanted 17:31:39 <rbergeron> for 1.75 17:31:54 <jsmith> I'm fine with rbergeron's suggestions for appetizers 17:31:54 <Southern_Gentlem> i dont think we need to 17:32:33 <jsmith> Do we need to account for a vegetarian entree? 17:32:46 <jsmith> vegetarian and/or vegan, I should say 17:33:02 <Southern_Gentlem> #argeed chips dips pretzels, fruit assortment, tossed greens and dressings for salad and appetizers 17:33:25 <rbergeron> isn't roasted eggplant or grilled or whatever vegetarian? 17:33:33 <rbergeron> or will they provide that upon request in addition to two entrees 17:34:02 <jsmith> Yeah, I'd almost rather pay for a third, just not to leave out our vegan/vegetarian friends 17:34:03 <rbergeron> actually, maybe glazed vegetable kabobs would be better than eggplant 17:34:08 <Southern_Gentlem> calling about veg 17:34:31 <jsmith> rbergeron: Yeah, I think veggie kabobs is a safer choice 17:34:45 <rbergeron> eggplant is pretty wrong to a lot of people :) 17:35:29 <jsmith> Yeah... 17:35:52 <jsmith> I think the ideal thing would be to have two meat choices + a smaller amount of vegetable kabobs 17:36:00 <jsmith> Not sure how that might work out, though 17:36:44 <rbergeron> well, it's be another... 300 bucks 17:36:49 <jsmith> As far as dessert goes, I'd love to see pecan pie on the list, but that's just my stomach talking 17:37:03 * MarkDude is Italian, sees how many folks freak out over eggplant 17:37:10 <MarkDude> +1 pecan 17:37:43 <Southern_Gentlem> 3 entrees is 19.25 per person 17:38:06 <Southern_Gentlem> about 3500 17:38:12 <rbergeron> 3500? 17:38:16 <rbergeron> for how many people are we talking? 17:38:19 <Southern_Gentlem> 160 17:38:33 <rbergeron> oh right, that's the number i gave before 17:38:56 <rbergeron> I think that's fine, I think we can still fit it all in, esp if i can do some moving around with neville's ticket 17:38:57 <Southern_Gentlem> 3418.8 17:39:13 <jsmith> Can we get two-and-a-half entrees? 17:39:18 <Southern_Gentlem> nope 17:39:21 * jsmith throws out crazy ideas 17:39:53 <tatica> can we cook? 17:39:58 <rbergeron> no 17:40:04 <Southern_Gentlem> taxs are 11% 17:40:14 <rbergeron> what about gratuity? 17:40:30 <Southern_Gentlem> Price includes catering & service fee. 17:40:54 <Southern_Gentlem> i see nothing about gratuity 17:40:56 <rbergeron> so let's get the third entree, i guess many honey mango grilled chicken? 17:41:00 <rbergeron> yeah, i don't either 17:41:51 <Southern_Gentlem> so we all agree on the pork bbq? 17:42:20 <rbergeron> yes 17:42:26 <jsmith> Yeah... 17:42:28 <rbergeron> my belly agrees 17:42:32 <rbergeron> veggie kabobs 17:42:33 <jsmith> NC style or Virginia style? 17:42:35 <Southern_Gentlem> i think pork bbq bbq chicken and veg kabobs 17:42:56 <rbergeron> i think if people don't like bbq sauce stuff it might be better to have a non-bbq sauce option 17:42:59 * jsmith likes the idea of the honey-mango grilled chicken 17:43:01 <rbergeron> other than veggie 17:43:05 <jsmith> Yeah... 17:43:11 <rbergeron> and we're already doing burgers and dogs elsewhere 17:44:03 <jsmith> OK, are we agreed? 17:44:37 <Southern_Gentlem> virginia is tomato based and nc is vineagr based 17:44:51 <jsmith> Yeah... 17:44:54 <jsmith> I like both :-) 17:44:59 <jsmith> But we need a decision 17:45:24 <jsmith> If I had to choose one or the other, I guess I'd lean towards NC style 17:45:29 <Southern_Gentlem> i wanted pork and chick for those who cant eat pork 17:45:42 <Southern_Gentlem> redhat is footing the bill so nc 17:45:47 <Southern_Gentlem> but we are in VA 17:45:51 <jsmith> Yes, we're getting the honey mango chicken for non-pork eaters, right? 17:46:21 <Southern_Gentlem> i proposed bbq chick so they could have bbq but whatever 17:46:51 <rbergeron> we have one type of bbq, let's the get the mango chicken, and the kabobs, and then we have a veggie, a healthy, and a delicious option 17:47:01 <jsmith> WORKSFORME 17:47:13 <Southern_Gentlem> entree is what now 17:47:40 <Southern_Gentlem> rbergeron, va or nc 17:48:22 <rbergeron> i don't care. seriously 17:48:24 <rbergeron> just get VA 17:48:34 <rbergeron> :) 17:48:57 <Southern_Gentlem> #agreed bbq pork VA honey mango chicken grilled veg kabobs 17:49:16 <Southern_Gentlem> vegatables 17:49:38 <jsmith> Parsley Bliss Potatoes and corn on the cob? 17:49:46 <rbergeron> sure 17:49:49 <Southern_Gentlem> ok 17:49:59 <jsmith> Simple and easy 17:50:04 <Southern_Gentlem> #agreed Parsley Bliss Potatoes and corn on the cob 17:50:17 <Southern_Gentlem> Desserts ? 17:50:28 <Southern_Gentlem> shortcake and fudge 17:50:34 <jsmith> Pecan Pie and Shortcake? 17:50:47 <jsmith> or shortcake and fudge 17:51:11 <Southern_Gentlem> pecan and shortcake i am good with that (not a pecan fan) 17:51:34 <Southern_Gentlem> #agreed pecan and shortcake 17:52:06 <Southern_Gentlem> beverages lemonade/tea softdrink assortment 17:52:35 <Southern_Gentlem> rbergeron, jsmith? 17:52:50 <jsmith> Either way 17:53:03 <Southern_Gentlem> it say choose 2 17:53:06 <jsmith> Sounds great! 17:53:18 <jsmith> lemonade/tea apparently counts as one 17:53:27 <jsmith> So do that + soft drink assortment, and we're good 17:53:32 <Southern_Gentlem> if it is either or lemonade or tea which 17:53:51 <rbergeron> tea, probably 17:53:57 <Southern_Gentlem> ok 17:53:58 * jsmith isn't a tea drinker, but probably tea 17:54:08 <rbergeron> but it says lemonade/tea so i'm guessing it's one 17:54:15 <jsmith> I'm guessing it's both 17:54:19 <rbergeron> but yeah, just in case 17:54:23 <jsmith> (based on previous catering experiences in the South) 17:54:25 <rbergeron> well i mean it's all wrapped up in one 17:54:36 <rbergeron> lemonade/tea is one item :) 17:54:39 <jsmith> But yeah, non-tea drinkers can survive on soda :-) 17:54:45 <Southern_Gentlem> #agreed lemonade/tea soft drinks 17:55:45 <Southern_Gentlem> i called and they said if we wanted to include a gratiuty was up to us 17:56:05 <rbergeron> okay 17:56:26 <rbergeron> so, let's get the catering order rolling, and get the liquor people on the horn 17:56:30 <rbergeron> and the shirts going asap 17:56:36 <rbergeron> if the price is right 17:56:44 <rbergeron> Southern_Gentlem: do you know how many / what sizes to order 17:57:01 <Southern_Gentlem> i am going by the wiki 17:57:02 <rbergeron> or ... i can put that list together in a few hours post-meetings 17:57:04 <rbergeron> okay 17:57:12 <rbergeron> how may shirts? 17:57:16 <rbergeron> many 17:57:17 <Southern_Gentlem> we need to set a cut off on the wiki 17:57:29 <Southern_Gentlem> 200 total 17:57:33 * rbergeron just ordered 200 last year 17:57:45 <rbergeron> yeah, let's just mark on the wiki that shirts end at #200 17:57:57 <Southern_Gentlem> no end the wiki now 17:58:15 <Southern_Gentlem> like you did at 140 last year 17:58:24 <Southern_Gentlem> cutoff iss now on thewiki 17:59:53 <Southern_Gentlem> 168 18:00:39 <rbergeron> okay 18:00:48 * rbergeron has another meeting now, do we have anything else? 18:01:21 <rbergeron> Southern_Gentlem: when will yyou hear back on liquor and have confirmatoin on the food? 18:01:25 <rbergeron> and shirts? 18:01:26 <rbergeron> :) 18:02:06 <Southern_Gentlem> shirts tonight food i am calling 18:05:35 <Southern_Gentlem> corn on cobb is out cut buttered corn instead ? 18:05:52 <Southern_Gentlem> jsmith, rbergeron ? 18:06:56 <jsmith> hmmmmn... 18:07:10 <jsmith> That or green beans, I guess. 18:07:30 <Southern_Gentlem> whole friut is a fruit and melon try 18:07:38 <Southern_Gentlem> cut buttered corn 18:07:57 <rbergeron> get cut buttered corn 18:07:59 <rbergeron> mmmm buttter 18:08:07 <jsmith> cut corn it is, then :-) 18:12:32 <Southern_Gentlem> ok she is writing up the contracts on the food now and emailing it me and i will forward it to whom 18:13:18 <Southern_Gentlem> whose credit card has is this going on 18:15:46 <jsmith> Either Robyn or me 18:15:51 <jsmith> Doesn't really matter 18:15:53 <jsmith> I can handle it 18:17:32 <Southern_Gentlem> ok i have 2 computers to get going and then i am going to UUSA 18:18:16 <Southern_Gentlem> rbergeron, can you update the budget page so we have an idea at the moment 18:18:41 <rbergeron> Southern_Gentlem: yes, it's going to be in about an hour or two 18:18:47 <Southern_Gentlem> ok 18:18:47 <rbergeron> i am on the phone for a team meeting 18:23:47 <Southern_Gentlem> anything else? 18:23:54 <Southern_Gentlem> #endmeeting