13:01:35 <jsmith> #startmeeting FUDCon India planning meeting 13:01:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Sep 9 13:01:35 2011 UTC. The chair is jsmith. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:46 <jsmith> #meetingname fudcon_pune 13:01:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fudcon_pune' 13:01:51 <mether> morning 13:01:51 <jsmith> #topic Roll Call 13:02:03 <FranciscoD> .fas FranciscoD 13:02:04 <jsmith> #chair mether rbergeron spot 13:02:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: jsmith mether rbergeron spot 13:02:04 <zodbot> FranciscoD: ankursinha 'Ankur Sinha' <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com> 13:02:12 * jsmith is here 13:02:24 <mether> .fas mether 13:02:25 <zodbot> mether: sundaram 'Rahul Sundaram' <metherid@gmail.com> 13:03:07 <jsmith> OK, let's go ahead and get started 13:03:18 <jsmith> #topic Status updates 13:03:27 <jsmith> So, I'm sorry about last week's meeting 13:03:39 <mether> np 13:03:49 <jsmith> I took a day off work, but I had asked Spot to cover the meeting for me 13:04:05 <jsmith> Apparently that didn't happen, or our communication wasn't clear somewhere along the lines 13:04:16 <mether> its fine. nothing urgent was needed 13:04:30 <jsmith> #topic Status Updates: Hotel 13:05:01 <pjp> hi 13:05:20 <mether> Hotel is finalized already. Nothing new to add 13:05:34 <jsmith> mether: Just for the record, we have twenty rooms reserved? 13:05:46 <jsmith> mether: Are these double rooms? single rooms? 13:05:58 <mether> double rooms 13:06:19 <mether> we wouldn't need that many but we can free them up as we get closer to the dates 13:06:19 <jsmith> OK. 13:06:33 <jsmith> OK, next question... 13:07:10 <jsmith> When someone books their room at the hotel and says that they are part of the Fedora group, will the hotel assign one of those twenty rooms, or are those twenty rooms specifically for us to allocate? 13:07:30 <mether> we have to inform them first 13:07:44 <jsmith> Ok, just wanted to make that clear 13:08:10 <jsmith> Let's do everything we can to get the word out that the hotel is ready for people to start booking their rooms 13:08:25 <jsmith> I'll make up a spreadsheet to track the subsidized rooms, like I've done for FUDCon Milan 13:08:33 <mether> sure 13:08:47 <jsmith> Any other hotel-related business? 13:09:03 <mether> fwiw, I added a prominent note to #link https://mether.wordpress.com/2011/09/09/fudcon-india-sep-06-2011-face-to-face-meeting-minutes/ 13:09:37 <jsmith> Yeah, I saw that -- but not everyone follows the Planet, so I want to make sure people get the information via other means as well 13:09:53 <mether> we have mailed people individually as well in advance 13:10:01 <jsmith> Awesome 13:10:04 <jsmith> #topic FUDPub 13:10:10 <jsmith> Status update on FUDPub? 13:11:09 <mether> There was a meeting supposed to happen last night but we hope to get that done this weekend. we have two or three options and need to settle on one 13:12:00 <jsmith> OK 13:12:15 <jsmith> #info No status update on FUDPub 13:12:29 <jsmith> #topic Catering/Food 13:13:17 <mether> pjp, want to give an update? 13:13:30 <pjp> mether: yep, 13:13:56 <mether> go ahead then 13:14:40 <pjp> I spoke to caterers at the Hidden Place, they've given a quotation of about INR 275/- for Veg and INR 300/- per meal, 13:15:15 <mether> Is this for boxes? 13:15:31 <pjp> mether: yes, 13:15:42 <mether> ok 13:16:13 <pjp> at CCD, they said they can put up an on-site stall for the snacks and tea/coffee beverages where one can go and buy food, 13:16:55 <mether> ok. we will talk to COEP and confirm that, they will allow that. I was planning to do that tom but FAD has been canceled. So next week 13:17:17 <pjp> mether: ah ok, 13:17:48 <mether> we will reschedule the FAD some other weekend but we will talk to COEP before that 13:18:38 <mether> go on 13:18:40 <pjp> yesterday we(Me, Mr Murthy, and Satya) had a meeting with the folks at Cocoon about catering, we've given them an approximate estimate of about 250 people/day, of which 150 sponsored for food. 13:19:42 <pjp> mether: even the Cocoon team said, they can put up a stall for tea/coffee/snacks etc. which will be convenient for the attendees 13:20:10 <mether> have they quote any prices for that? 13:20:12 <pjp> they are yet to come back with their menu and cost estimation, 13:20:17 <mether> ok 13:20:39 <mether> Murty said they will mail him today. So I will followup with him on that later 13:20:43 <jsmith> #info Hidden Place is quoting about INR 275/- for Veg and INR 300/- per boxed meal 13:20:58 <jsmith> #info Cocoon still hasn't come back with their menu and cost estimates 13:21:29 <pjp> small correction, Hidden Place is INR 275/- for buffet, and INR 300/- for box meals, 13:21:41 <pjp> both include Veg, Non-Veg menu 13:21:46 <pjp> and a water bottle, 13:21:49 <jsmith> #undo 13:21:49 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x13c06b2c> 13:21:51 <jsmith> #undo 13:21:51 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x100013ac> 13:22:01 <jsmith> #info Hidden Place is quoting about INR 275/- for Buffet and INR 300/- per boxed meal 13:22:10 <jsmith> #info Cocoon still hasn't come back with their menu and cost estimates 13:22:17 <pjp> yep, 13:22:19 <jsmith> OK, cool 13:22:43 <jsmith> #topic Posters/signage/artwork 13:22:46 <pjp> I've couple of other quotation from caterers, I'll upload all of them to the wiki later today, 13:23:57 <mether> we have finalized artwork for most of what we need. T-Shirt is one major pending item. Suchakra said he will work on it the whole day this weekend and propose a design by Sunday 13:24:21 <mether> A couple of vertical banner designs need to be put out as well but wont take much time 13:25:07 <jsmith> OK 13:25:27 <mether> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Pune_2011_Buttons_And_Banners 13:25:55 <jsmith> #info Artwork has been finalized for most items 13:26:12 <jsmith> #info T-shirt design still pending, but should have a proposal by Sunday 13:27:57 <jsmith> #topic Website 13:29:07 <mether> Tatica was discussing with Shrink for replacing the picture with something more local 13:29:13 <mether> but that hasn't happened yet 13:29:21 <mether> some other minor updates needed but not much pending there 13:30:17 <jsmith> OK, makes sense 13:30:29 <jsmith> #info minor updates needed to the website, but not much pending there 13:30:36 <jsmith> #topic Booklet 13:30:54 <FranciscoD> suchakra update the cab info 13:31:16 <FranciscoD> I pinged jsmith for the welcome statement, please check your mail, may have gotten buried in there 13:31:29 <jsmith> Yeah, I saw it -- but I've been on the road and haven't had time to finish it 13:31:35 <jsmith> I'm hoping to have something to you by next week 13:31:53 <FranciscoD> I'm to get the map, ian weller has a way of getting it from open street maps, 13:32:08 <FranciscoD> I'll hopefully have that done over the weekend 13:32:30 <jsmith> OK, sounds good 13:32:41 <jsmith> #action jsmith to finish the Welcome letter 13:32:48 <FranciscoD> mether: it has a section for "pre defined events" 13:32:57 <FranciscoD> when do we get this info? 13:33:12 <mether> FranciscoD, i want to get them printed by say the month end. I will see if we need pre defined events 13:33:14 <FranciscoD> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:India_2011_booklet#General_schedule 13:33:14 <jsmith> #action FranciscoD to get the map 13:33:32 <FranciscoD> mether: alright, :) 13:34:10 <jsmith> Ok, any other topics before we dive into the last few subsidy requests? 13:34:31 <mether> nope 13:35:49 <jsmith> #topic Subsidy requests 13:36:16 <jsmith> There are just a few subsidy requests left, which is good because there is only a bit of money left in the budget for them :-) 13:38:32 <jsmith> #topic Ticket 216: Srishti Sethi 13:38:41 <jsmith> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/216 13:39:29 <mether> From what I understand, GNOME Foundation is willing to fund travel for GNOME contributors 13:39:58 <mether> There are few more of them from GSoC and elsewhere and Sankarshan forwarded me a list 13:39:59 <jsmith> Has someone asked the GNOME Foundation for travel funding for Srishti? 13:40:21 <mether> Not that I am aware of. I will forward you the mail on this topic 13:40:35 <jsmith> Should we hold off making a decision until we hear back from the GNOME Foundation? 13:40:50 <mether> We have the funds to sponsor her anyway but if there are more we should hold back and get info from the foundation, yes 13:41:08 <mether> I will forward you the mail today and we can followup on this 13:41:16 <jsmith> OK 13:41:36 <jsmith> #agreed to hold this request for now, and follow up when we have more information 13:42:21 <jsmith> #topic Ticket 221: Lakshmi Narasimhan T V 13:42:30 <jsmith> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/221 13:42:42 <mether> Active contributor and only needs stay. +1 from me 13:42:54 <jsmith> Sounds great... +1 from me :-) 13:43:30 <mether> He has booked the tickets and we are all set here anyway. 13:43:58 <jsmith> #agreed to fund ticket 221 for hotel room 13:44:20 <jsmith> #topic Ticket 219: Andreas Thienemann 13:46:02 <jsmith> Asking for around $1300 + hotel 13:46:24 <jsmith> I'd love to support the request from Andreas, but that puts us around a thousand dollars over budget :-/ 13:48:06 <mether> I talked to Satish this Tuesday and he has confirmed that he has additional budget of around 3k if there is a good justification for it. We could use that if you think its worth it 13:49:14 <mether> I dont Andreas Thienemann so I am neutral on this 13:49:32 <mether> s/dont/dont know 13:49:44 <jsmith> I know him... he's a long-time contributor in Europe 13:50:48 <mether> I could go with it then 13:52:49 <mether> jsmith, 13:53:05 <tatica> morning 13:53:06 <jsmith> Any other votes/comments/concerns? 13:53:35 <mether> tatica, morning 13:54:03 <jsmith> OK, looks like we're agreed then 13:54:21 <jsmith> #agreed to fund ticket #219 for $1300 for airfare, plus a hotel room 13:54:30 <jsmith> #topic Any other tickets? 13:54:33 <mether> tatica, did you find time to pick a image for the apac website? 13:54:50 * amitshah just joined. 13:54:52 <tatica> nop hon, but the local team is helping me with that task 13:55:08 <tatica> right now my work pc is being format 13:55:11 <mether> ok 13:56:15 <mether> jsmith, I asked a few people to mail you for invitation letter fyi 13:56:57 <mether> for the visa, that is 13:57:17 <jsmith> mether: OK. I've done a bunch for Milan, but have only seen a couple of requests come through for India 13:57:21 <jsmith> mether: That reminds me... 13:57:26 <mether> I have copied you my address and phone number if you need them 13:57:44 <jsmith> In the notes from the face-to-face meeting, you said something about having people get a tourist visa instead of a conference or business visa 13:57:45 <jsmith> Why? 13:58:28 <mether> a conference visa requires the conference to be registered with the government according to the visa rules according to info that Satya looked up 13:58:45 <jsmith> Oh, interesting... 13:58:52 <jsmith> I'd never heard that 13:58:57 <jsmith> What about a regular business visa? 13:59:14 <amitshah> That conference is a govt conference; not our kind of conferences. hence the distinction 13:59:37 <amitshah> business visa means you're going to be in the country for gainful employment. 13:59:40 <jsmith> Ah, that makes more sense now 13:59:40 <amitshah> which isn't the case here 14:00:54 <jsmith> OK... any other questions or concerns? 14:01:01 <jsmith> Any other subsidy tickets I might have missed? 14:01:05 <mether> nope 14:01:07 <mether> thats it 14:01:15 <jsmith> #topic Any other business? 14:01:18 <jsmith> Last call! 14:01:31 <jsmith> If there's nothing else in the next minute, I'll end the meeting 14:01:38 <mether> if you can update the welcome letter and respond to any requests for invitation letters, we are good 14:06:35 <jsmith> OK, thanks everyone for joining the meeting! 14:06:37 <jsmith> #endmeeting