13:00:42 #startmeeting FZUG 13:00:42 Meeting started Fri Apr 7 13:00:42 2017 UTC. The chair is zsun. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:42 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:42 The meeting name has been set to 'fzug' 13:00:43 [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki 13:00:46 #topic Roll Call 13:00:51 #chair pany gbraad bexelbie 13:00:51 Current chairs: bexelbie gbraad pany zsun 13:00:55 .hellomynameis zsun 13:00:56 zsun: zsun 'Ziqian SUN (Zamir)' 13:01:02 gbraad: will you join us? 13:01:25 .hello bex 13:01:26 bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' 13:01:26 .hellomynameis pany 13:01:29 pany: pany 'Pany' 13:01:52 bexelbie: I wonder gbraad will join or not, as his hand is hurt 13:02:16 you may saw that from Facebook 13:02:41 pany: Fedora 26 Alpha 发布了 13:03:13 I did 13:03:30 * bexelbie is still weirded out by the high number of facebook users from China - I think it is awesome! 13:03:38 bex 13:03:46 bexelbie: not actually 13:03:49 zsun: 看到新闻了,不过我好像一直用的是正式版,没用过测试版 13:04:09 Well FB is a problemf or sure - but the idea that I can be social with my Chinese friends online is awesome 13:04:23 Most of the Chinese services I had tried were very disconnected from me and often had only Mandarin interfaces 13:04:24 it's harder and harder now, and many Chinese users are just not in China 13:04:53 bexelbie: yes that is a problem for you, while at least some of us still use FB 13:05:27 I'd like to move to topics directly 13:05:33 #topic Offline Events 13:05:57 bexelbie: well I did not see the vFAD report in Ambassador list or council-discussion, did I miss it? 13:06:48 zsun, no :( Council FAD report is truly in its final edits now 13:07:04 it is goaled to go out on Tuesday 13:07:06 ok, luckily I did not miss it 13:07:13 I am probably going to publish it whether they want it out or not :P 13:07:52 bexelbie: okay. I only worry if it comes to some of my anti-spam rules 13:07:57 but now it's clear that it is not 13:08:29 nope, this spam has yet to be delivered :D 13:09:02 #info Register for LinuxConf Beijing is open http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-containercon-cloudopen-china/attend/register 13:09:03 Register / 立即注册 | LinuxCon + ContainerCon + CloudOpen China 2017 | Linux Conferences and Linux Events | The Linux Foundation 13:09:08 bexelbie: :-) 13:09:56 personally, the price is as high as my expected before 13:10:10 s/my/I 13:11:45 bexelbie: if we have nothing for LinuxCon this week, you can just continue with your dayjob 13:12:06 I have nothing to add at this time 13:12:20 bexelbie: thanks. So I will switch topic to Fedora 26 then 13:12:28 my $dayjob today involves a lot of POs ... I'd rather not contineu :P 13:12:31 * bexelbie will lurk 13:12:40 #topic Fedora 26 13:13:07 bexelbie: we may use many Chinese now ;-) 13:13:21 pany: 看起来Tonghui升级到F26了 13:13:33 zsun, I insist 13:13:36 然而最近我只折腾了一下Rawhide,没尝试26 Alpha 13:13:58 谢谢 13:15:25 明天我用虚拟机装一下试试 13:15:42 bexelbie: Ah, great, you can even type it 13:15:56 bexelbie: I will try learn some Czech when I have some more time later 13:16:24 pany: 赞 13:17:14 不知道翻译怎么样了。。。最近真心顾不上 13:17:28 * bexelbie doesn't really speak Czech 13:17:55 #info Tommy He will not be active till July due to dayjob 13:18:12 bexelbie: Oh? IMO life in Brno is mostly in Czech 13:19:38 我们可能会晚些时候再测试一轮Fedora 26 13:19:44 不过估计又到了Beta了 13:20:21 pany: 另外我的BeagleBone Black借出去了所以暂时也没法测试ARM 13:20:26 可以 dnf 直接升级是吗? 13:20:41 25 -> 26 Alpha 13:20:51 pany: 应该是,不过估计需要一些trick 13:21:02 (例如启用testing之类,我不确定 13:21:50 嗯 13:23:32 pany: 我找到了这个, https://superuser.com/questions/1178929/how-to-upgrade-fedora-25-to-fedora-26-alpha 但是似乎没人+1/-1 13:23:34 linux - How to upgrade fedora 25 to fedora 26 alpha? - Super User 13:25:25 我试试啊 13:26:51 虽然我对Alpha有信心,但是还是提醒,谨防滚挂 XD 13:28:32 #chair tonghuix 13:28:32 Current chairs: bexelbie gbraad pany tonghuix zsun 13:28:43 tonghuix: 啊今天你竟然出现了 13:28:50 嗯,我也对 Alpha 有信心 :D 13:31:46 我今天登录了 13:31:52 之前都忘了 13:32:28 tonghuix: 2333 13:33:01 所以其实现在在讨论F26 Alpha 13:34:42 这个很期待啊很期待!! 13:34:59 不是已经发了么 13:35:10 tonghuix: 而且看到微博上你也试用了啊 13:36:34 我知道,就是以后想赶紧用上正式版 13:36:42 最近一直在抓紧测试 13:36:49 有空就运行运行 13:37:23 嗯 13:37:30 唉最近忙着生病了 13:38:36 「多喝热水」 13:38:40 谢谢 13:38:42 zsun, 你咋了? 13:38:58 tonghuix: 感冒,但一直没康复 13:39:08 一个多周了 13:39:37 你太瘦弱了。。。 13:39:46 今天终于可以将话说清楚了。前几天说话都说不清 13:39:47 我愿意无偿赠送给你我的肉 13:39:51 2333 13:40:14 工作压力太大( 13:40:15 最多能给你至少30公斤吧 13:40:28 zsun, 唉压力大不是应该长胖么 13:40:44 tonghuix: 是胖子长胖,瘦子变瘦 13:41:08 233.。。 13:41:18 其实我体重一直很稳定 13:41:19 好吧,先聊正事把 13:41:29 其实没啥正事了吧 13:41:33 open floor? 13:42:16 对了,zsun,貌似还是要给mandy权限 13:42:28 他申请完GSOC就从那组里给去掉了 13:42:48 前两天想要编辑wiki页面,结果就没戏了。。。 13:44:01 tonghuix: ... 13:44:18 #topic Open Floor 13:45:07 我想问一下啊,其实前几天的会议记录我没太看懂,LinuxCon 上会有 Fedora 的摊位吗? 13:46:00 票不便宜啊…… 13:46:27 pany: 其实还没确定 13:46:29 多少钱? 13:46:37 接近2000 13:46:49 tonghuix: 就是在国家会议中心举办会议的常见价格 13:48:19 那目标人群是什么人呢?开发者?媒体?企业? 13:49:37 不知道。。。 13:49:57 我其实不了解Linux基金会 13:50:18 不过根据价格来推测,受众是企业的比例更高 13:52:24 好吧 13:53:12 dnf 升级中 13:53:40 pany: 祝福 XD 13:53:55 我真心不喜欢Linux基金会啊 13:54:11 不过如果需要帮忙fedora站摊位,我还是愿意的 13:54:36 tonghuix: 啊其实Fedora APAC整体不太喜欢Linux基金会的活动。。主要原因就是要价太高 13:55:13 所以这三年budget planning FAD都给Linux Foundation在亚太的活动做了0预算 13:57:07 估计是没戏了 13:57:41 tonghuix: 不讨论这个问题。总会有办法的 13:59:05 嗯 13:59:08 还有其他话题么 13:59:14 没有就要结束会议了 14:01:15 #endmeeting