06:00:11 <pravins> #startmeeting g11n 06:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 27 06:00:11 2016 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'g11n' 06:00:11 <pravins> #meetingname g11n(i18n focus) 06:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'g11n(i18n_focus)' 06:00:17 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 06:00:17 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2016-04-27 06:00:20 <mfabian> Hi! 06:00:32 <epico> hi 06:00:38 <pravins> Who available for meeting today? 06:00:46 <pravins> I hope will have quick meeting today. 06:00:49 <pravins> hi mfabian epico :) 06:01:18 <paragan> Hi 06:01:24 <suanand> hi.. 06:01:27 <pravins> hi paragan suanand :) 06:01:34 <pravins> #chair mfabian epico paragan suanand 06:01:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico mfabian paragan pravins suanand 06:01:46 <pravins> while other joins, lets see upcoming schedule 06:01:52 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:01:52 <pravins> #info 2016-05-03 Beta Release 06:01:52 <pravins> #info 2016-05-24 Final Freeze (*) 06:01:52 <pravins> #info 2016-06-07 Fedora 24 Final Release (GA) 06:02:14 <pravins> Definitely we have to make sure things remain good till final release. 06:02:31 <pravins> But i think we should use this part of schedule to improve our processes 06:02:49 <pravins> Beta release in one week !! 06:03:02 <pravins> #info Beta release happening in 1 week 3rd May 06:03:22 <pravins> #topic #36: gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages 06:03:30 <pravins> This topic is pending from F23 now. 06:03:50 <pravins> hi jibecfed :) 06:04:04 <jibecfed> hi :) 06:04:11 <pravins> I think we should find new volunteer for F25. 06:04:33 <pravins> #action pravins to ask Anish todo items for Gnome Keyboard ticket. 06:05:06 <pravins> #topic #57: Fedora 24 change planning (pravins) 06:05:06 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/57 06:05:16 <pravins> We are doing well. 06:05:22 <pravins> Any concerns here? 06:05:39 <jibecfed> does langpacks works ? 06:06:06 <paragan> as said already they are not going to work till packages are added into the Live/iso media 06:06:35 <paragan> I have not got any reply from Server WG 06:07:06 <pravins> #info No further reply from Server group on pulling langpacks for Live ISO. 06:07:20 <jibecfed> it's still this bug yes ?https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1319073 06:07:33 <pravins> .bug 1319073 06:07:34 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1319073 install langpacks during installation from live image - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1319073 06:07:55 <paragan> jibecfed, yes 06:08:24 <jibecfed> i'm not that good in english, but shouldn't we understand they won't add packages into iso ? 06:08:34 <pravins> "If this cannot be solved in the live payload itself, it will need to be solved post-install, somehow." 06:08:56 <paragan> so post-install need to be implemented by dnf developers in dnf code 06:09:27 <jibecfed> no possibilities to link to gnome-software job ? 06:09:52 <jibecfed> as gnome-software does work after reboot, maybee they already have some kind of hooks ? 06:10:23 <paragan> sorry what is mean by gnome-software work? 06:10:38 <paragan> jibecfed, do you get option to install langpacks from gnome-software? 06:10:41 <jibecfed> i mean : installation start after reboot 06:10:45 <paragan> I am not a fan of gnome-software 06:10:51 <pravins> :) 06:11:15 <paragan> for that we have gnome-initial-setup 06:11:42 <pravins> so does, gnome-initial-setup do the trick for pulling langpacks after install? 06:12:00 <paragan> where we need add code in gnome-initial-setup to show langpacks languages and allow to install langpacks 06:12:17 <paragan> but then I find command line tool more useful. Just say "dnf install langpacks-fr" 06:12:55 <pravins> command line tool are useful but somehow it should happen auto for users and i liked g-i-setup idea. 06:13:13 <pravins> It always runs after successful install. 06:13:28 <mfabian> In Anaconda one already sees a language selection, it is not nice that this is ignored. 06:14:11 <jibecfed> regardless the way to implement, any chances to have this for F25 ? 06:14:26 <mfabian> I mean if you select languages x and y in anaconda, gnome-initial-setup cannot automatically offer to install langpacks-x and langpacks-y. 06:14:30 <mfabian> Or could that be done? 06:14:51 <mfabian> Can gnome-initial setup know what language support was requested in anaconda? 06:14:53 <pravins> mfabian: good point !! 06:15:03 <paragan> jibecfed, the major hurdle for all this different implementations is dnf and its developers not accepting to add new hook to re-resolve packages in transaction 06:15:45 <paragan> mfabian, I doubt as what languages are selected are need to be stored somewhere 06:16:00 <paragan> mfabian, we need to check in anaconda logs of installation 06:16:22 <pravins> Dont they get added in /etc/locale.conf ? 06:16:33 <mfabian> pravins: Only the main language. 06:16:41 <pravins> hmm. 06:16:45 <mfabian> pravins: But you can select more than one language in anaconda. 06:17:30 <pravins> in that case, if we select Fr in Anaconda, gnome-initial-setup can read it from /etc/locale.conf and install langpacks for it. 06:18:35 <mfabian> pravins: Yes, that would be better than nothing, but one can install in Fr and also add support for other languages in Anaconda, currently that is ignored in a live install. 06:19:06 <jibecfed> note, it doesn't have to be automated (even if would be perfect), it just need to be easily accessible to users 06:19:52 <pravins> jibecfed: one can install langpacks after install with ""dnf install langpacks-fr"" 06:19:58 <pravins> This is working presentlyt. 06:20:01 <pravins> s/presently 06:20:41 <jibecfed> ok, then we should change gnome-initial-setup text to write it explicitly, and I think we are out of schedule 06:20:47 <pravins> #info Need to check whether gnome-initial-setup can pull langpacks after install from /etc/locale.conf 06:21:35 <pravins> jibecfed: yes, lets plan better for F25. 06:21:35 <paragan> anyone want to comment on upstream g-i-s => https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=757121 ? 06:21:54 <pravins> i think in flock we can have good discussion around this. 06:22:38 <pravins> paragan: good point :) 06:22:51 <pravins> i will add point discussed to ticket later. 06:22:55 <jibecfed> can we discuss gnome-software ? 06:23:29 <pravins> basically gnome-software is not distro specific. People use it on other distros, so does every distro using langpacks? 06:23:57 <jibecfed> about langpacks in gnome-software, we didn't try to upgrade from F23 to F24 with gnome software and activating langpacks, I'll make a comment on richard's blog 06:24:11 <jibecfed> to ask if it works or may work 06:25:02 <pravins> jibecfed: sure. 06:25:19 <pravins> lets see if any progress happens by next week. 06:25:29 <jibecfed> done: https://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2016/04/20/upgrading-fedora-23-to-24-using-gnome-software/ 06:25:29 <pravins> #info #58: Prioritizing bugs for Fedora 24 release (pravins) 06:25:30 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/58 06:26:56 <pravins> Unfortunately not happened as we expected but we definitely have some good content on this page. We should use some of this points in docs beat. 06:27:09 <pravins> We should work more on cleanup of this page. 06:27:22 <pravins> Good point is, things not happened in F24 can be moved for F25 :) 06:28:50 <jibecfed> it didn't really help at all 06:29:11 <pravins> jibecfed: no, i will not say that. At least we have task listed there. 06:29:42 <pravins> but yeah not successful :( 06:29:56 <jibecfed> I mean : 06:30:09 <jibecfed> writing what we need or wish is usefull 06:30:34 <jibecfed> but this list of tickets didn't really change in time 06:30:48 <pravins> Agree. 06:31:14 <pravins> Before final release of F24, we used to have 1 month. We will use that time for better planning 06:31:32 <pravins> i.e. getting people identified for each activity. 06:31:47 <pravins> If no one working lets push to Fedora mailing list and ask for contribution help/ 06:32:27 <pravins> jibecfed: but yeah, agree with your concern. This is first time we tried this kind of Prioritization. Lets push more for F25 :) 06:32:39 <jibecfed> yep 06:32:52 <jibecfed> I'll help 06:33:07 <pravins> that's nice :) 06:33:08 <pravins> #info #61: FTBFS bugs for Rawhide (pravins) 06:33:08 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/61 06:33:17 <pravins> 3 bugs are still open. 06:33:34 <pravins> I just open needinfo against owner for these bugs. 06:33:45 <pravins> .bug 1307714 06:33:46 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1307714 libUnihan: FTBFS in rawhide - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1307714 06:33:57 <pravins> .bug 1308190 06:33:59 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1308190 tomoe-gtk: FTBFS in rawhide - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1308190 06:34:19 <pravins> .bug 1308194 06:34:20 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1308194 translate-toolkit: FTBFS in rawhide - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1308194 06:36:05 <pravins> Lets see if any progress happens in coming week. 06:36:10 <pravins> #info #62: F24 Documentation beat (pravins) 06:36:10 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/62 06:36:19 <pravins> As we discussed last time we have already missed deadline. 06:36:30 <pravins> I think good to add notes on ticket for now and later we can ping Docs team for it. 06:36:38 <pravins> One todo item is asking to Docs to make process clear for G11N stuff. 06:37:20 <pravins> I will work on it this week. 06:37:41 <pravins> If anyone has comments, feel free to add into ticket 06:38:32 <pravins> and here we moved to out last topic 06:38:33 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 06:39:21 <pravins> Last week i was in Gnome Asia conference and presented on Indian language status. 06:39:45 <pravins> Gnome is also requesting new contributors to start with Translation. 06:40:03 <pravins> I am still completing my pending action of conference i.e. preparing report etc. 06:41:02 <pravins> Lets close meeting in 2 minutes, if no more topic. 06:41:47 <jibecfed> Comps packager pushed strings after string freez 06:41:47 <mfabian> Has anybody tried the new multilingual ibus-typing-booster? 06:42:36 <jibecfed> I pushed email to trans@, and I'll ask packagers to build new package with translations 06:43:15 <pravins> jibecfed: we should inform packages of comps regarding String Freeze policy 06:43:30 <pravins> mfabian: yeah i tried. :) 06:43:45 <pravins> mfabian: can you write short blog. I mentioned this in Gnome Asia to users 06:43:52 <pravins> your blog can help for users. 06:44:05 <mfabian> I’ll try to write a blog today. 06:44:11 <pravins> mfabian++ 06:44:19 <jibecfed> other subject : does Zanata fedbus works ? 06:44:23 <mfabian> I just added one more feature to remember the current preëdit input method when restarting. 06:44:37 <pravins> its not working yet. I think last time Alex mentioned it in progress. 06:44:53 <pravins> jibecfed: did you noticed further improvements? 06:45:09 <jibecfed> Remy DeCausemaker/decause said it works, but feeds are looping, no results 06:45:09 <pravins> mfabian: aha, control+up-arrow stuff. 06:45:37 <pravins> umm, i missed FedBus stuff :( 06:45:55 <mfabian> Yes, until now it is not remembered, after ibus-restart it always starts with the same ime for preedit again. But I just added an option to make it possible to remember the last used state. 06:46:41 <pravins> #info Remy mentioned FedBus and Zanata started working but feeds are looping, so no results. 06:47:12 <pravins> #info mfabian has implemented multilingual support in ibus-typing-booster, requesting users to test. 06:47:42 <pravins> mfabian: We try to make loud noise in F25 with this excellent feature 06:48:46 <pravins> if nothing more lets close meeting and discuss further on #fedora-g11n. 06:50:48 <pravins> thanks everyone for meeting. 06:51:06 <pravins> Next week meeting happening in EMEA timezone and more focused on translation. 06:51:06 <jibecfed> thanks 06:51:16 <pravins> #endmeeting