04:30:14 <pravins> #startmeeting g11n
04:30:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 15 04:30:14 2015 UTC.  The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
04:30:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
04:30:14 <pravins> #meetingname g11n
04:30:14 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call
04:30:14 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/G11N/Meetings/2015-07-15
04:30:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'g11n'
04:30:20 <mfabian>04:30:23 <ueno> hi
04:30:25 <mkim> hi
04:30:33 <pravins> hi ueno mkim mfabian :)
04:30:37 <juhp> hi
04:30:40 <pravins> who else available for quick meeting today.
04:30:58 <epico> hi
04:31:02 <paragan> hi
04:31:04 <fujiwarat> hi
04:31:15 <pravins> hi juhp epico paragan fujiwarat :)
04:31:23 <pravins> lets start while other joins
04:31:36 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule
04:31:36 <pravins> #info 2015-07-28 	Alpha Freeze (*), Software String Freeze, Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable), Bodhi activation point
04:31:36 <pravins> #info 2015-08-11 	Alpha Release
04:31:36 <pravins> #info 2015-08-25 	Software Translation Deadline
04:31:37 <pravins> #info 2015-09-08 	Beta Freeze (*)
04:32:12 <pravins> Alpha freeze just couple of week away
04:32:55 <pravins> We had good discussions on number of topics in last 3 meeting. I think we can quickly go through each one today and if any new points.
04:33:47 <pravins> #topic Zanata feedback survey - Ani
04:34:08 <tagoh_> hi
04:34:38 <pravins> hi tagoh_ :)
04:35:08 <pravins> Ani seems away today. Pending item is having dedicated meeting to discuss on Zanata survey.
04:35:10 <noriko> pravins, here, sorry late.
04:35:18 <pravins> Later finding we can discuss in this meeting.
04:35:27 <pravins> noriko: you are just in time :)
04:35:45 <pravins> again i will add action item to keep this in track.
04:35:47 <noriko> :)
04:36:10 <pravins> #action Ani to plan meeting to discuss on Zanata feedback survey.
04:36:25 <pravins> #topic Translation deadline around Beta - Noriko
04:37:01 <noriko> ah, nothing I could do for this as I was caught something else.
04:37:11 <pravins> noriko: no problem
04:37:34 <pravins> In present situation i think its difficult to happen for Fedora 22.
04:38:20 <pravins> for Fedora 23 :)
04:38:34 <pravins> But if we start soon good to chance to get it done by F24.
04:38:50 <pravins> #topic G11N Infrastructure (IRC, Wiki and Ticket etc.) - Pravin
04:39:34 <pravins> You might have seen this early Fedora Globalization covered by FPL in fedora magazine.
04:39:35 <pravins> http://fedoramagazine.org/5tftw-2015-07-09/
04:39:58 <juhp> oh
04:40:32 <pravins> yeah :)
04:40:56 <pravins> From irc channel stuff. I think most of us are already in #fedora-g11n.
04:41:05 <pravins> now we should leave #fedora-i18n and #fedora-l10n
04:41:45 <pravins> i think for now good to be only one person remain in #fedora-i18n and #fedora-l10n, specifically to tell person who is joining it to move to #fedora-g11n.
04:41:46 <noriko> oh pravins excellent work!
04:41:56 <pravins> who wants to be that one person :)
04:42:27 <paragan> I can volunteer :)
04:42:48 <pravins> paragan: thanks for #fedora-i18n :)
04:43:20 <noriko> is that too much if we ask paragan to be one person for all other channels too?
04:43:43 <pravins> noriko: i think, good if you take over #fedora-l10n
04:44:23 <noriko> sure I can do that
04:44:28 <juhp> yeah better someone from the translation side
04:44:35 <pravins> +1
04:44:50 * paragan is already on 18-20 channels on Freenode server, good if someone can look into #fedora-l10n
04:45:31 <noriko> :)
04:45:38 <pravins> #agreed noriko (#fedora-l10n) and paragan (#fedora-i18n) last person will remain in channel to just redirect one who join there.
04:46:10 <pravins> i have one more item
04:46:11 <juhp> at least someone on #fedora-l10n :)
04:46:16 <juhp> good
04:46:29 <pravins> do you think we need trac for G11N?
04:46:40 <pravins> we definitely need wiki.
04:46:50 <pravins> we already have trac for i18n, do we have trac for l10n?
04:47:59 <juhp> I guess we will need trac
04:48:09 <juhp> probably?
04:48:26 <juhp> though question may be what about current tracks then
04:48:34 * noriko changed the topic of #fedora-l10n channel to "This channel is obsolete, please move to #fedora-g11n channel"
04:48:44 <pravins> yeah, since we had nice discussions in last 3-4 meeting and unfortunately since we don't have ticketing system
04:48:49 <pravins> its difficult to keep trac for it.
04:49:07 <noriko> pravins, I don't think l10n has track
04:49:09 <noriko> trac
04:49:30 <pravins> in that case, it  make sense to have trac.
04:50:27 <pravins> should i go ahead and file ticket for trac?
04:50:42 <tagoh_> close the existing one?
04:51:34 <pravins> no, i18n is going well. I think lets have it.
04:52:11 * juhp also changed the #fedora-i18n channel topic
04:52:19 * Satya in
04:52:55 <tagoh_> do we maintain duplicate ticket in both trac if one file it for i18n on g11n?
04:53:20 <juhp> or wait until we need g11n trac?
04:53:30 <paragan> we should keep all tickets at one place
04:53:36 <paragan> good to have g11n trac
04:53:37 <juhp> hmm
04:53:51 <pravins> can we simply rename i18n trac to g11n? :)
04:53:53 <paragan> close i18n trac once we resolve all tickets in i18n trac
04:53:57 <juhp> heh
04:54:07 <juhp> is that possible?
04:54:30 * pravins not sure
04:54:32 <juhp> pravins, ^
04:54:37 <paragan> only fedora-infra can answer this :)
04:54:39 <tagoh_> paragan: sometimes referring old ticket. if it's possible to rename, that would be better IMHO
04:54:42 <pravins> these are open ticket presently for i18n https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/report/1
04:55:59 <juhp> there is no trans trac?
04:56:06 <pravins> juhp: yeah, we dont have
04:56:12 <juhp> ok
04:56:15 <juhp> I see
04:56:37 <juhp> are we going to merge the i18n meeting into this one too?
04:56:49 <pravins> so i think, if possible then simply rename i18n trac to g11n. If not make new g11n trac and from F24 close i18n trac and just use g11n trac.
04:56:56 <juhp> currently i18n trac is mostly used for the i18n meeting
04:57:47 <noriko> juhp, no trac for l10n
04:57:48 <pravins> yes, basically to trac activities related Fedora development.
04:58:00 <pravins> tagoh_ has made it really very nice, even creating agenda etc very easy.
04:58:43 <pravins> if possible then simply rename i18n trac to g11n. If not make new g11n trac and from F24 close i18n trac and just use g11n trac.
04:58:52 <pravins> does this looks fine?
04:59:24 <tagoh_> juhp: it could be categorized. so it shouldn't be a big deal.
04:59:48 <juhp> okay
05:01:33 <pravins> lets me file ticket against infra
05:01:41 <pravins> then depends upon there feedback we can decide.
05:02:00 <pravins> #action pravins to file ticker against infra for g11n trac instance.
05:02:12 <pravins> #topic G11N FAD - proposal Pravin
05:02:37 <pravins> I have sent proposal to fedora council mailing list, its almost 10 now :(
05:02:47 <pravins> Matthew is on leave for this week.
05:02:58 <pravins> Dunno if we can ask any other council member for feedback on same.
05:03:50 <pravins> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council#Current_Members
05:04:58 <pravins> so presently its looks on hold :)
05:05:02 <juhp> 10 days?
05:05:31 <juhp> when is the council meeting?
05:05:37 <pravins> juhp: yeah https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/council-discuss/2015-July/013480.html
05:06:08 <pravins> they used to have bi-weekly on Monday. They cancelled last one.
05:06:21 <juhp> ok
05:06:27 <pravins> and this week it was on hangout specifically to discuss different product groups updates.
05:06:39 <pravins> i think i should file ticket as well for same.
05:07:00 <pravins> #action pravins to file ticket against council trac for G11N FAD approval.
05:07:24 <pravins> lets move ahead.
05:07:32 <pravins> #topic FLTG revive plan for Fedora 23 - Ani
05:08:07 <pravins> L10n test day is going to happen on 18th Aug https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/473
05:08:59 <pravins> i18n test day on 1st September https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/474
05:09:37 <juhp> good idea
05:11:15 <Satya> FLTG test group will analyze and modify the i18n test cases before that and and request review.
05:11:59 <pravins> Satya: thats nice. i think we should dedicate some time/day for it.
05:12:13 <pravins> its nice to work on this kind of activities in group :)
05:12:46 <Satya> yeah, thats correct, FLTG usually works in group only! :)
05:13:07 <pravins> and here comes the next topic
05:13:10 <pravins> #topic UTRRS - Satyabrata
05:13:12 <pravins> #link http://utrrs-testing.rhcloud.com/
05:13:22 <pravins> satellit: thanks for email on g11n list regarding your plan.
05:13:24 <Satya> UTRRS devel front has one update.
05:14:26 <Satya> as of now, the automated defect detection task achieved prototype design of the cropped part of any character, which will be used as main logic for detecting defect in large scale
05:14:42 <pravins> sure.
05:15:06 <pravins> UTRRS is one of the tool we used for test day. Do you think we will get updates before our test day? i.e. 1sept 2015
05:15:20 <Satya> pseudo codes are with us, yet to upload it to git or so.
05:16:30 <Satya> automated stuff is little complex, so, would not finish by sept., but unicode-8 compatibility and 2 locales addition will be done by that time.
05:16:45 <pravins> sure. Thanks Satya for an update :)
05:16:55 <pravins> and we come to last topic
05:16:59 <pravins> #topic Open Floor
05:17:54 <pravins> feel free to bring is any missing topic.
05:18:51 <Satya> thanks!
05:18:58 <pravins> if nothing more there, lets close meeting in couple of minutes
05:19:42 <mfabian> Sidhhesh gave me commit rights for our glibc package and I'll push the Unicode 8.0.0 update today.
05:20:14 <pravins> mfabian: wow. :)
05:20:17 <pravins> congrats !!
05:20:25 <pravins> mfabian: do you think, i should review it once?
05:20:53 <pravins> i can give you update mostly by tomorrow
05:20:59 <juhp> yay
05:21:51 <pravins> mfabian: commit right for Fedora, right?
05:22:20 <mfabian> pravins: I just posted the patch to glibc@lists.fedoraproject.org
05:22:32 <mfabian> pravins: Yes, for Fedora, not upstream.
05:22:52 <pravins> great.
05:23:02 <pravins> so we can now go ahead with Unicode 8.0 update at least :)
05:23:04 <pravins> excellent.
05:23:23 <mfabian> The message to the list was too big and thus awaits moderator approval.
05:23:35 <pravins> mfabian: no problem. I think for Fedora we can fix patch later as well.
05:23:48 <pravins> so you go ahead with build. meanwhile i will review it and post comment in upstream
05:23:57 <juhp> mfabian, maybe upload it somewhere? :)
05:24:15 <mfabian> I did a test build yesterday and it worked fine for me.
05:24:25 <juhp> (it = patch)
05:24:30 <mfabian> juhp: yes, uploading ...
05:25:10 <pravins> great.
05:25:44 <pravins> if there is no other update lets close meeting soon.
05:27:11 <pravins> Thanks everyone for nice meeting :)
05:27:12 <pravins> #endmeeting