04:31:17 <pravins> #startmeeting g11n 04:31:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 9 04:31:17 2015 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:31:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:31:21 <pravins> #meetingname g11n 04:31:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'g11n' 04:31:25 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 04:31:59 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/G11N/Meetings/2015-09-09 04:31:59 <mfabian> Hi! 04:32:07 <pravins> hi mfabian :) 04:32:10 <tagoh_> hi 04:32:13 <pravins> who else available for meeting today? 04:32:34 <paragan> hi 04:33:16 <pravins> hi tagoh_ paragan :) 04:33:46 <pravins> while other joins lets see upcoming schedule 04:33:48 <juhp> hi 04:33:50 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 04:34:03 <pravins> #info 2015-09-22 Beta Release 04:34:03 <pravins> #info 2015-10-13 Final Freeze (*) 04:34:03 <pravins> #info 2015-10-27 Fedora 23 Final Release 04:34:49 <pravins> hi juhp :) 04:34:57 <epico> hi 04:35:39 <pravins> hi epico :) 04:36:01 <pravins> looks no one from Zanata and L10N? 04:36:36 <pravins> #chair tagoh_ mfabian juhp paragan epico 04:36:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico juhp mfabian paragan pravins tagoh_ 04:36:41 <juhp> btw anyone tried tc4? 04:36:51 * pravins not :( 04:37:13 <mfabian> Installed it yesterday. 04:37:38 <mfabian> The translations are there again (were missing in TC1). 04:38:00 <juhp> oh 04:38:12 <pravins> nice. 04:38:21 <juhp> mfabian, all missing?? 04:38:36 <mfabian> Most, Japanese was there in TC1. 04:38:44 <juhp> hmm 04:38:57 <juhp> wonder how that happened 04:39:17 <fujiwarat> hi 04:39:20 <paragan> tc4 is having root password issue 04:39:25 <mfabian> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1257795 04:39:33 <paragan> wait for tc5 04:39:42 <juhp> so I hear 04:39:44 <juhp> okay 04:39:45 <mfabian> David Shea wrote: “There were some bumps in creating the new branch in Zanata” 04:39:53 <juhp> oh 04:40:39 <mfabian> paragan: What is the root password issue? 04:40:58 <pravins> hmm, good to again check translations for other languages also, may be TC5. 04:41:45 <paragan> mfabian, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1260875 04:42:32 <pravins> Just one month away from Final Freeze. 04:42:42 <pravins> lets move to next topic 04:42:43 <pravins> #topic G11N FAD - proposal 04:42:48 <pravins> #info #43: G11N FAD in 2015 04:43:33 <pravins> This week council meeting was cancelled due to "Labor Day in the US" 04:43:44 <pravins> so not able to present. Next Monday will try for it. 04:44:25 <pravins> #info Pravin will present in 14th Sept council meeting on Fedora G11N activities. 04:44:40 <pravins> hi mkim :) 04:44:49 <mkim> hi pravins sorry i am late :) 04:45:06 <pravins> no problem :) 04:45:23 <pravins> for FAD tagoh_ has recently updated recommended hotel list on Wiki 04:45:48 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_G11N_2015#Hotels 04:46:11 <pravins> As per our available budget Hotel Excelent Ebisu looks good. It has twin sharing rooms as well., 04:47:29 <pravins> It costs around Yen 15100/night with Bed and Breakfast http://www.soeikikaku.co.jp/doc/rates.pdf 04:48:00 <pravins> tagoh_: is this hotel near from Venue? 04:48:19 <juhp> I think that is the only feasible option in the list ;) 04:48:29 <mfabian> I found this hostel “ACE INN Shijuku” http://www.hostelbookers.com/property/prp/47822/arr/2015-10-30/ngt/6/ppl/1/ It starts from 18.53$/night in a 13 bed dorm, but it is 6.6 km from the Red Hat office (it is a bit east of Shinjuku) 04:48:36 <juhp> but we could look for more cheaper options 04:48:49 <juhp> mfabian, aha interesting 04:49:19 <tagoh_> pravins: yes, I think so 04:49:41 <juhp> I would actually suggest to remove the rest of the hotels to avoid any confusion 04:50:16 <juhp> pravins, it is actually the closest I think 04:50:31 <pravins> Ebisu is very much in budget. If council approve 5825 :) 04:50:39 <juhp> I think we need to work out if it is cheap enough though... 04:50:43 <pravins> $376.589907723 for 3 nights on twin sharing 04:50:49 <juhp> okay 04:50:54 <juhp> if 04:51:02 <pravins> we have calculated $530 for two 04:51:37 <mfabian> This looked quite interesting: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/5815307?checkin=10%2F30%2F2015&checkout=11%2F04%2F2015&s=BA1V it is near Ebisu (15 minute walk) 04:51:44 <pravins> mfabian: If you find any other option near to Venue do add it in Wiki page. 04:52:40 <mfabian> pravins: OK! 04:53:43 <pravins> mfabian: looking nice. 04:53:48 <anish_> Hi 04:54:05 <pravins> IMO it will be good if it near to venue, we will get more time to communicate and work. 04:54:14 <pravins> off course depends on budget ;) 04:54:17 <pravins> hi anish_ :) 04:54:23 <pravins> #chair anish_ mkim 04:54:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: anish_ epico juhp mfabian mkim paragan pravins tagoh_ 04:54:35 <pravins> Lets again go through topic list we finalized 04:54:42 <pravins> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p2jAxbo778CvBbr0h6n9hICTkQh5rMmbKY7g0kdGUWE/edit#heading=h.lke2waodwsft 04:54:45 <anish_> sorry for late joining 04:55:21 <pravins> no problem. 04:56:17 <pravins> mkim: i think you was not there in last meeting, we have now good list of topics for FAD. would you like to suggest any more? 04:56:42 <pravins> still not sure, what it mean by "Involvement from Planning stage (anyone?)" 04:56:46 <mkim> pravins, thanks for the link. I am having a look now and will let you know if I have any topics. I will add it 04:56:53 <pravins> sure. 04:57:08 <pravins> Noriko suggested one more topic: "L10N New Software Deadline Proposal (noriko, pravin anyone?)" 04:57:41 <pravins> its already in pending list in G11N task 04:57:52 <pravins> and we are targeting it for F24. 04:57:57 <pravins> good to add it. 04:58:03 <pravins> so +1 from me. 04:58:55 <paragan> +1 to add this topic 05:00:00 <pravins> nice. 05:00:25 <juhp> what is there to discuss on it? 05:00:30 <juhp> or work on 05:00:46 <juhp> no objections - just trying to understand what it is to cover 05:01:09 <pravins> presently deadline is just after Alpha and lots of packages keeps on changing till Final freeze 05:01:12 <juhp> for the hackathon? 05:01:19 <juhp> ah 05:01:21 <juhp> that 05:01:29 <pravins> getting Translation deadline after Beta, will improve L10N percentage for Fedora. 05:01:37 <pravins> not hackthon, just discussion 05:01:45 <juhp> okay 05:01:47 <pravins> i am sure, there might have some discussion happened earlier. 05:02:25 <juhp> I guess it should "New L10n software deadline" 05:02:40 <juhp> ok 05:03:02 <pravins> yeah more clear title 05:03:12 <juhp> not sure if everyone is interested in this topic but we can surely cover it during the fad 05:03:38 <pravins> new one: Container i18n 05:03:48 <pravins> not sure who proposed it. 05:03:50 <juhp> yeah I added that 05:04:16 <pravins> It will be testing and evaluating? 05:04:24 <anish_> container i18n means docker 05:04:24 <juhp> dunno if there is time but wanted to propose it as something interesting to look at 05:04:25 <anish_> ? 05:04:44 <pravins> frankly speaking, we will not able to cover all listed topics 05:04:48 <juhp> pravins, yeah evaluating/testing perhaps 05:04:52 <juhp> indeed 05:04:53 <pravins> so might be we can keep few pending for next FAD :) 05:04:59 <juhp> lol 05:05:19 <juhp> yes 05:05:22 <pravins> while scheduling we will prioritise and only include possible in 3 days. 05:05:29 <anish_> +1 from me for containers :) 05:05:41 <pravins> anish_: nice :) 05:05:49 <juhp> well we see how much interest there is 05:06:07 <pravins> yes 05:06:20 <pravins> It will go in hackthon 05:06:27 <juhp> I also added next one - actually idea is kind of stolen from tagoh_ :) 05:06:57 <pravins> tagoh_++ 05:07:00 <juhp> though I think it is not completely new idea... but highly desirable in the long term 05:07:08 <pravins> agree !! 05:07:10 <juhp> in-app translation 05:07:35 <anish_> whats in-app translation 05:07:55 <juhp> obviously impossible finish during fad but maybe some initial design/experiment/discussion could be held around it 05:09:02 <pravins> is this topic also come into containers domain? 05:09:28 <juhp> not particularly - though it could be one approach too 05:09:39 <pravins> interesting !! 05:09:45 <pravins> +1 from me 05:10:02 <pravins> anything more on G11N FAD 05:10:07 <pravins> queries or doubts? 05:10:59 <mkim> just wondering how big is fedora l10n community in japan? are we inviting anyone from community? it might be interesting to hear about fedora japan community? 05:11:14 <juhp> anish_, pretty much what it says - during translation inside a running app 05:11:30 <anish_> aha 05:11:42 <pravins> mkim: good point 05:11:50 <juhp> currently software translations largely have no context 05:11:52 <pravins> i was talking with APAC ambassadors 05:11:58 <pravins> he gave me contact of https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dramsey 05:12:03 <juhp> mkim, yeah 05:12:20 <juhp> anish_, ugh s/during/doing/ 05:12:39 <pravins> I have requested him, if he can connect us to local community. 05:12:52 <mkim> pravins, juhp : I think it might be interesting to have a topic on fedora japan and how the l10n community work as a topic? 05:13:06 <pravins> +1 05:13:07 <juhp> aha 05:13:14 <pravins> We can include this topic in Fedora 23 release party. 05:13:17 <juhp> if we can get some involvement sure 05:13:23 <mkim> great! 05:13:27 <juhp> or Fedora l10n session 05:13:59 <pravins> at least at present i am expecting, we will get some local contributors in Fedora 23 release party. 05:14:25 <juhp> I think noriko should know the fedora ja translators 05:14:28 <pravins> We can use this opportunity for educating on G11N. 05:14:51 <juhp> I know a couple at least 05:15:00 <pravins> #idea Topic on Fedora Japan 05:15:00 <mkim> yes, whole idea for us having g11n meeting is to boost community engagement. :) 05:15:11 <pravins> #idea How the L10N community work 05:15:24 <juhp> mkim, well not really but it would be a good plus 05:15:37 <juhp> :) 05:15:48 <mkim> juhp, nod nod 05:16:31 <pravins> yeah. FAD is gathering for contributors and completing long time pending Fedora activity. But yes we should use this opportunity. 05:16:41 <pravins> s/for/of 05:17:18 <pravins> good to move for next topic? 05:17:55 <pravins> #action pravins to ping Dramsey in one week on G11N FAD 05:19:05 <pravins> #topic Zanata feedback survey 05:19:13 <pravins> #3: Zanata translation platform user survey 05:19:17 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/G11N/ticket/3 05:19:44 <pravins> unfortunately this is taking more time than expected :( 05:19:54 <pravins> Luke has finished first draft couple of weeks back 05:20:17 <pravins> Ani is sick and available for less time from few days. 05:21:08 <pravins> Survey questions are available on https://zanata.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COM/Fedora+Community+Survey 05:21:49 <pravins> ideally we should go through each questions in meeting for review and then should send on mailing list before making it live. 05:22:27 <pravins> less time to work on it now. 05:22:43 <pravins> and aeng and luke also not available. 05:23:05 <pravins> #action plan meeting to discuss Zanata survey question tomorrow 10th Sept. 05:23:20 <pravins> #topic Localization test day for Fedora 23 05:23:24 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/G11N/ticket/1 05:23:56 <pravins> L10n test day https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/473 05:24:49 <pravins> AFAIK Report is still pending from Ani 05:24:59 <pravins> #action Ani to prepare report for L10N testday. 05:26:20 <pravins> #topic I18n test day for Fedora 23 05:26:32 <pravins> We had i18n test day last week 05:26:44 <pravins> its still open, if you get chance please go through it 05:26:50 <pravins> and make sure your languages work fine. 05:27:04 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2015-09-01_i18n 05:27:35 <pravins> anything more on test days? 05:28:37 <pravins> moving to last topic 05:28:41 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 05:28:54 <pravins> if nothing there, lets close meeting in couple of minutes. 05:30:37 <randomuser> oh, I have something! 05:31:32 <juhp> randomuser, go :) 05:31:40 <randomuser> I just closed the relnotes beats on the wiki, so if you don't have or don't want to use docs-commits privs, please communicate some other way if you have content to add to the Release Notes 05:32:16 <randomuser> we'll pick up the formal Changes, but could use help on anything else 05:32:33 <pravins> randomuser: yeah, we do have some content. 05:33:06 <pravins> i think tagoh_ can tell us more 05:33:38 <randomuser> hmm... if you give me a timeframe and have plans, the i18n wiki conversion could be deferred for a few days 05:33:55 <randomuser> if that's better, we can work on other things first 05:34:32 <pravins> sure. will update you soon. 05:34:49 <tagoh_> randomuser: how long can you defer to work on? 05:35:06 <juhp> the beats page is empty now 05:35:51 <randomuser> tagoh_, I'd say not more than the end of the week, we are already behind schedule and I don't like handing over POTs late 05:36:10 <tagoh_> sure 05:36:30 <randomuser> ... not that it isn't being worked on after this week, but we want to be done with the wiki 05:36:56 <pravins> randomuser: thanks for update. :) 05:37:05 <randomuser> thanks for the help! 05:37:12 <pravins> #action update docs beat for i18n and l10n in this week. 05:37:34 <pravins> tagoh_: can you send email for this on g11n? 05:38:34 <tagoh_> pravins: okay. though I did for i18n only, let me forward it to g11n too. 05:39:20 <pravins> my bad, i missed it :) 05:39:28 <pravins> thanks tagoh_ :) 05:39:28 <tagoh_> pravins: or you can pick this up on sending the minutes :) 05:39:47 <tagoh_> or I could follow up on that 05:39:48 <pravins> tagoh_: sure, will do :) 05:40:17 <pravins> yes, looks good to me. 05:40:39 <pravins> closing meeting 05:40:50 <pravins> Thanks all for inputs and nice meeting :) 05:40:57 <pravins> #endmeeting