06:00:42 <pravins> #startmeeting g11n 06:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 11 06:00:42 2015 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:00:47 <pravins> #meetingname g11n 06:00:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'g11n' 06:00:52 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 06:00:56 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2015-11-11 06:01:03 <mkim> hi praiskup 06:01:08 <ueno> hi 06:01:11 <mkim> hi pravins 06:01:12 <mkim> :) 06:01:15 <pravins> hi mkim :) 06:01:18 <pravins> hi ueno :) 06:01:26 <praiskup> hi all ;) 06:01:27 <mkim> hi ueno-san 06:01:40 <pravins> praiskup: hey !! :) 06:01:45 <epico> hi 06:02:03 <pravins> #chair mkim ueno epico 06:02:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico mkim pravins ueno 06:02:07 <pravins> hi epico :) 06:02:42 <pravins> Its Diwali holiday in India today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diwali 06:03:00 <pravins> So may be Parag and Sundeep will be away today. 06:03:17 <pravins> while other joins lets get started 06:03:20 <juhp> hi 06:03:24 <pravins> hi juhp :) 06:03:27 <pravins> #chair juhp 06:03:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico juhp mkim pravins ueno 06:03:56 <fujiwarat> hi 06:04:13 <pravins> Lets me start with thanking you all for making your self available for G11N FAD in Tokyo last week 06:04:54 <pravins> Its excellent time with you all both professionally as well as personnel :) 06:04:57 <pravins> hi fujiwarat :) 06:04:59 <pravins> #chair fujiwarat 06:05:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat juhp mkim pravins ueno 06:05:46 <pravins> I am very much confident now, to drive Fedora G11N activities faster with you all. 06:06:00 <pravins> lets start with agenda. 06:06:07 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:06:14 <pravins> #info 2016-01-12 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (System Wide Changes) 06:06:14 <pravins> #info not scheduled yet Side Tag Builds Deadline 06:06:14 <pravins> #info not required Mass Rebuild 06:06:14 <pravins> #info 2016-02-02 Branch Fedora 24 from Rawhide (Rawhide becomes future F25) 06:06:14 <pravins> #info 2016-02-16 Alpha Freeze (*) 06:06:15 <pravins> #info 2016-02-16 Software String Freeze 06:06:17 <pravins> #info 2016-02-16 Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable) 06:06:19 <pravins> #info 2016-02-16 Bodhi activation point 06:06:48 <juhp> yes thanks for the great FAD event - it was very good and productive days we had 06:07:23 <pravins> +1 06:07:28 <mkim> juhp, +1 06:08:27 <pravins> From schedule perspective i think good if we do most of stuff before New year vacation, from last experience i saw we loose some momentum during that time ;) 06:09:10 <pravins> moving to next topic 06:09:15 <pravins> #topic New topics 06:09:24 <pravins> #info #43: G11N FAD in 2015 (pravins) 06:09:24 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/43 06:10:16 <tagoh_> hi 06:10:20 <pravins> hi tagoh_ :) 06:10:23 <pravins> #chair tagoh_ 06:10:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat juhp mkim pravins tagoh_ ueno 06:11:20 <pravins> 1. Expense claims: Please start your expense claims soon. 06:11:44 <pravins> 2. Update your FAD report to your respective ticket. 06:12:01 <pravins> Anything more? 06:12:45 <pravins> I wrote one more blog on our second day 06:12:47 <pravins> #link http://pravin-s.blogspot.in/2015/11/globalization-fad-2nd-day-report.html 06:13:50 <pravins> i know i missed lots of things, hoping those will get covered in your personnel blog. 06:14:13 <pravins> We should write at least one post to http://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ 06:14:29 <pravins> It can be brief but should mention achievements and future plans. 06:15:11 <pravins> Lets collaborate on this?? 06:16:26 <pravins> #action pravins to open shared document for creating post for Community blog of Fedora. 06:16:35 <pravins> Dunno should it be for Fedora magazine 06:17:36 <pravins> Any more queries on FAD? 06:18:03 <juhp> nice blog post 06:18:16 <pravins> thanks juhp :) 06:18:26 <pravins> i think you opened up Google+ for adding event photos? 06:19:04 <juhp> ah I guess we could collect some photos there 06:20:02 <pravins> i think link is shared with all 06:22:13 <pravins> moving to next topic 06:22:18 <pravins> #info #57: Fedora 24 change planing (pravins) 06:22:19 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/57 06:22:28 <pravins> I think here we can spend more time today 06:22:56 <pravins> We have already done planning in FAD. Thanks to juhp for insisting on it. :) 06:23:11 <pravins> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/17LU-PmtuirbGd7wfxUuKTz7X6fsv82PVPgZaDELi4js/edit#heading=h.3gzh0ubdx8oy 06:24:23 <pravins> Will go only through i18n stuff today. 06:24:38 <pravins> #idea String Breakage monitoring (Jens, Akira) 06:24:54 <pravins> tagoh_: juhp any plan for this? 06:25:21 <juhp> I think we should do something definitely 06:25:40 <juhp> ideally it needs some infra though 06:25:50 <pravins> aha 06:25:58 <pravins> will it be change proposal? 06:26:13 <juhp> maybe need to consider scope - dunno if we can/should track all packages 06:26:27 <pravins> how about creating wiki with proposal? 06:26:40 <pravins> Then we can involve other stakeholders as well 06:26:43 <juhp> yeah Change proposal is probably a good idea 06:26:56 <pravins> yeah, solve both things Wiki with Change proposal :) 06:27:07 <juhp> can that include things not directly in the distro? 06:27:10 <pravins> +1 06:27:33 <tagoh_> or we could create a pilot script to watch packages and propose it once confirmed it works? 06:28:39 <juhp> sure 06:29:13 <pravins> yes 06:29:50 <pravins> It will be really interesting script. 06:29:55 * pravins excited. 06:30:34 <pravins> #idea Merge IBus fbterm into ibus core (Fujiwara) 06:30:49 <pravins> fujiwarat: it looks like change proposal, would you like to report one? 06:31:26 <juhp> fujiwarat, I was wondering though - why not just fork ibus-fbterm? 06:31:40 <juhp> does it really have to be in core? 06:35:23 <pravins> good point 06:35:57 <fujiwarat> juhp: ibus-fbterm is not maintained. its still code.google.com. 06:37:05 <juhp> fujiwarat, okay - so why not import it to github as a new project :) 06:38:12 <fujiwarat> juhp: Is it allowed? Also I"m not sure how the versions are managed in that case. 06:38:13 <pravins> it only issue if Google not maintaining it, forking is best option :) 06:38:41 <juhp> fujiwarat, have you contacted the author? 06:39:01 <fujiwarat> juhp: Of course no response. 06:39:05 <juhp> I see 06:39:25 <juhp> fujiwarat, then I don't see problem to fork to github and bump version? 06:39:46 <pravins> what is license? 06:39:48 <juhp> just wondering/don't see that unmaintained = needs to be merged into core :) 06:40:08 <juhp> but if there is good reason to merge.... I guess many ibus users don't need fbterm support though 06:40:52 <pravins> License : GPLv3 06:40:59 <pravins> We can fork, no issues. 06:41:41 <pravins> If we are forking will it be Change proposal? dont think so. 06:41:57 <fujiwarat> juhp: That mean the multiple versions can exist by distro? 06:42:42 <juhp> fujiwarat, hm can't your newer version replace the older releases? 06:43:08 <juhp> I am not really seeing the problem, sorry 06:43:45 <juhp> or you mean other distro may fork too? 06:43:45 <fujiwarat> No response means I don't become the maintainers. Yeah, I just mind the version management. 06:43:53 <juhp> hmm 06:44:13 <juhp> I was hoping/assuming your maintained version would be considered new upstream 06:44:33 <juhp> couldn't it be in the github ibus org? 06:44:47 <pravins> yeah, we can even update existing Fedora package with your upstream fork. 06:45:08 <juhp> pravins, of course 06:45:41 <fujiwarat> zodbot whoowns fbterm 06:45:41 <zodbot> fujiwarat: lbazan 06:45:57 <juhp> fujiwarat, anyway that alone still doesn't seem a good reason to merge into core 06:46:39 <juhp> fujiwarat, or maybe you could contact the distro maintainers? 06:46:53 <tagoh_> to avoid availability of the different versions among distros, you could announce ibus-fbterm is forked at ibus list or so. that said, if it is available as a sort of plugins in ibus, it doesn't hurt so much even if users doesn't want to use I suppose. 06:47:06 <juhp> true 06:48:44 <pravins> IMHO we need good reason to merge it in ibus. 06:49:02 <fujiwarat> I'm including both fbterm and ibus-fbterm so not sure the announce at ibus list is enough. 06:49:03 <pravins> may be more easy to maintain, chance to get more contributors.. 06:49:29 <pravins> more sync with ibus development cycle..etc. 06:50:08 <tagoh_> pravins: right 06:51:39 <pravins> so what you all think, should we go ahead with proposal? 06:52:52 * pravins afraid we will not able to discuss all ideas in today meeting. 06:53:05 <tagoh_> though how often fbterm is used these days, if it is well considered to avoid extra dependencies for users who don't need, I don't mind either honestly. 06:53:06 <pravins> may be move to next topic after this one. 06:54:31 <juhp> sure 06:55:04 <pravins> fujiwarat: i think good to drop email on i18n list and discuss this to list itself. 06:55:10 <pravins> good chance to get more views 06:55:28 <juhp> fujiwarat, I'm just trying to understand "why" :-) 06:55:56 <juhp> so fbterm will also be merged? 06:56:29 <juhp> fbterm is Linux only? 06:56:41 <fujiwarat> juhp: The main reason is the version management and lots of internal patches. 06:56:47 <juhp> I see 06:56:58 <fujiwarat> juhp: Yes, linux only. 06:57:33 <pravins> i think good to drop email on i18n list with open option and based on discussion decide in next meeting. 06:57:37 <juhp> fujiwarat, would fbterm become a build option then? 06:57:50 <pravins> aha 06:57:57 <juhp> pravins, let's move on then 06:58:18 <fujiwarat> juhp: What do you mean in the build option? 06:58:59 <juhp> fujiwarat, I mean if it will be built optionally? 06:59:00 <pravins> mean sub-package etc.. 06:59:47 <fujiwarat> juhp: Ah, you mean ibus configure option. Yes, it's option and enabled by default. 06:59:52 <juhp> hm 07:00:01 <epico> fujiwarat, why do you want to merge fbterm? 07:00:11 <juhp> epico, right 07:00:31 <epico> fujiwarat, fork both is an option? 07:01:25 <epico> or combine fbterm and ibus-fbterm into one? 07:01:43 <juhp> or make ibus-fbterm2 ? 07:02:15 <epico> or fbterm2 ? 07:03:34 <juhp> sorry I probably should have asked this question at the FAD - maybe I was tired on the last day... 07:03:40 <pravins> #idea fork ibus-fbterm 07:03:52 <pravins> #idea fork ibus-fbterm and fbterm into one package. 07:04:24 <juhp> fujiwarat, is it already merged upstream? 07:04:28 <fujiwarat> May fbterm-gobject and ibus-fbterm-gobject is one of the options. 07:04:34 <juhp> aha 07:05:01 <juhp> fbterm-gobject and ibus-fbterm2 ? :) 07:05:21 <juhp> well anyway the naming is less of an issue 07:06:47 <pravins> lets discuss more in next meeting or mailing list. 07:06:55 <pravins> Will decide in next meeting. 07:07:05 <pravins> good to move ahead, already over meeting time. 07:07:21 <pravins> #info #58: Prioritizing bugs for Fedora 24 release (pravins) 07:07:21 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/57 07:07:36 <pravins> This we discussed in Fedora 23 but idea came up very late cycle 07:07:52 <pravins> basically we should list down all bugs we are planning/willing to fix in Fedora 24. 07:08:22 <pravins> Bug must be listed with easy fix, medium and difficult. 07:08:41 <pravins> We will publish this list on Wiki and mailing list. 07:09:03 <pravins> and whenever we get some new contributor will to participate, we can ask him to go through it. 07:09:21 <pravins> Its idea for new contributor to fix something and get that working in next release. 07:09:32 <pravins> I am sure, everyone of us must be having few issues pending. 07:09:38 <pravins> How do you find this idea? 07:11:27 <pravins> Its not necessary/compulsory to fix all the bugs we listed down. But at least good to have work/plan for F24. 07:11:42 <pravins> One more need behind this is, we can push all improvement through Fedora change proposals. 07:11:48 <pravins> good to get bit bigger picture. 07:12:04 <pravins> may be elaborate bit more in next meeting. 07:12:18 <pravins> meanwhile requesting you to find out fews bugs plans for F24 :) 07:14:23 <pravins> moving to next one 07:14:24 <pravins> #topic New tasks 07:14:24 <pravins> #info #56: Fedora 21 EOL Bugs traiging (pravins) 07:14:24 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/56 07:14:41 <pravins> You might have already received this notification. 07:16:02 <pravins> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&f1=OP&f2=assigned_to&f3=cc&f4=reporter&f5=keywords&f6=CP&j1=OR&list_id=4143489&o2=substring&o3=substring&o4=substring&o5=substring&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced&v2=i18n-bugs%40lists.fedoraproject.org&v3=i18n-bugs%40lists.fedoraproject.org&v4=i18n-bugs%40lists.fedoraproject.org&v5=i18n&version=21 07:17:40 <pravins> please go through this and move bugs appropriately. 07:17:54 <pravins> and here comes the last topic :) 07:17:56 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 07:18:16 <pravins> did we missed any important topic today? 07:18:48 <pravins> I will not available next week for G11N focused on L10N and Zanata meeting 07:18:55 <pravins> would anyone like to host it? 07:19:17 <pravins> We have number of important topics 07:20:46 <pravins> #info pravins not available for next week G11N meeting. Need someone to host it. 07:21:09 <pravins> if nothing else, lets close meeting in two minutes 07:22:42 <pravins> Thanks everyone for meeting. 07:22:43 <pravins> #endmeeting