#gluster-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by kkeithley at 12:09:11 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. action items from last week (kkeithley, 12:11:52)
    1. ACTION: pranithk to send a list with components and their assignees - soliciting others to contribute too (kkeithley, 12:13:16)
    2. ACTION: lalatenduM to send bug triage email (kkeithley, 12:15:30)
    3. ACTION: JustinClift low priority to get initial GlusterFS Consultants and Support Companies page online (kkeithley, 12:15:49)
    4. ACTION: JustinClift to encourage Tamas Papp to log a bug bout http://supercolony.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2014-July/018219.html (kkeithley, 12:17:33)
    5. ACTION: , no eta ndevos will verify status of patches proposed for 3.5.3 and request reviews for those patches in master? (kkeithley, 12:18:24)
    6. ACTION: hagarth and JustinClift: blog post of latest leaderboard stats, after receiving from hagarth (kkeithley, 12:19:17)

  2. 3.4 (kkeithley, 12:23:06)
    1. ACTION: JustinClift to test out Gitorious 3.x, to see if it's better than GitLab (JustinClift, 12:26:46)
    2. ACTION: kkeithley will nag pranithk about fixes for 3.4.6 (kkeithley, 12:28:23)

  3. 3.5 (kkeithley, 12:32:03)
    1. ACTION: ndevos to nag for 3.5.3 urgent fixes (kkeithley, 12:34:47)
    2. ACTION: , kkeithley DHT backport 3.5.3->3.4.6 https://bugzilla.redhat.com:443/show_bug.cgi?id=1116150, https://bugzilla.redhat.com:443/show_bug.cgi?id=1117851 (kkeithley, 12:38:30)

  4. 3.6 (kkeithley, 12:39:14)
    1. ACTION: : ndevos to add branch checking to rh-bugs (kkeithley, 12:48:30)
    2. ACTION: ndevos to update the rh-bugs script in Jenkins to check git/branch and bug/version (ndevos, 12:48:50)
    3. ACTION: hagarth to evolve plan for the test weekend and update schedule for 3.6 (hagarth, 12:49:57)

  5. : cppcheck fixes nag (kkeithley, 12:54:10)
  6. packaging 3.5.2 for Debian (kkeithley, 12:54:25)
    1. ACTION: kkeithley to discuss -dev and -geo-rep subpackages for Debian with pmatthai (kkeithley, 12:55:45)

  7. bugzilla sub-components for Community GlusterFS (kkeithley, 12:56:22)
  8. web site mainenance (kkeithley, 13:01:43)
    1. ACTION: hagarth, JustinClift and misc to evolve a proposal for web site maintenance (hagarth, 13:04:08)

  9. Where to propose and keep a list of projects for people who'd like to develop something? (kkeithley, 13:04:24)
    1. ACTION: ndevos when we know how to update the webpage, add a pointer to proposed features for new contriburos (ndevos, 13:08:37)

  10. Samba EPEL6 packaging issue http://supercolony.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2014-August/018374.html (kkeithley, 13:09:26)
    1. ACTION: kkeithley will talk to Ira and Jose about this. (kkeithley, 13:09:51)
    2. http://www.samba.org/samba/history/samba-4.1.11.html (mikedep333, 13:16:09)

  11. Backups for GlusterFS Infrastructure (kkeithley, 13:17:46)
    1. ACTION: JustinClift to start discussion around backups on gluster-infra mailing list (JustinClift, 13:19:00)
    2. ACTION: JustinClift to discuss backup strategy on -infra ml (kkeithley, 13:19:03)

Meeting ended at 13:20:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. pranithk to send a list with components and their assignees - soliciting others to contribute too
  2. lalatenduM to send bug triage email
  3. JustinClift low priority to get initial GlusterFS Consultants and Support Companies page online
  4. JustinClift to encourage Tamas Papp to log a bug bout  http://supercolony.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2014-July/018219.html
  5. , no eta ndevos will verify status of patches proposed for 3.5.3 and request reviews for those patches in master?
  6. hagarth and JustinClift: blog post of latest leaderboard stats, after receiving from hagarth
  7. JustinClift to test out Gitorious 3.x, to see if it's better than GitLab
  8. kkeithley will nag pranithk about fixes for 3.4.6
  9. ndevos to nag for 3.5.3 urgent fixes
  10. , kkeithley DHT backport 3.5.3->3.4.6 https://bugzilla.redhat.com:443/show_bug.cgi?id=1116150, https://bugzilla.redhat.com:443/show_bug.cgi?id=1117851
  11. : ndevos to add branch checking to rh-bugs
  12. ndevos to update the rh-bugs script in Jenkins to check git/branch and bug/version
  13. hagarth to evolve plan for the test weekend and update schedule for 3.6
  14. kkeithley to discuss -dev and -geo-rep subpackages for Debian with pmatthai
  15. hagarth, JustinClift and misc to evolve a proposal for web site maintenance
  16. ndevos when we know how to update the webpage, add a pointer to proposed features for new contriburos
  17. kkeithley will talk to Ira and Jose about this.
  18. JustinClift to start discussion around backups on gluster-infra mailing list
  19. JustinClift to discuss backup strategy on -infra ml

Action items, by person

  1. hagarth
    1. hagarth and JustinClift: blog post of latest leaderboard stats, after receiving from hagarth
    2. hagarth to evolve plan for the test weekend and update schedule for 3.6
    3. hagarth, JustinClift and misc to evolve a proposal for web site maintenance
  2. JustinClift
    1. JustinClift low priority to get initial GlusterFS Consultants and Support Companies page online
    2. JustinClift to encourage Tamas Papp to log a bug bout  http://supercolony.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2014-July/018219.html
    3. hagarth and JustinClift: blog post of latest leaderboard stats, after receiving from hagarth
    4. JustinClift to test out Gitorious 3.x, to see if it's better than GitLab
    5. hagarth, JustinClift and misc to evolve a proposal for web site maintenance
    6. JustinClift to start discussion around backups on gluster-infra mailing list
    7. JustinClift to discuss backup strategy on -infra ml
  3. kkeithley
    1. kkeithley will nag pranithk about fixes for 3.4.6
    2. , kkeithley DHT backport 3.5.3->3.4.6 https://bugzilla.redhat.com:443/show_bug.cgi?id=1116150, https://bugzilla.redhat.com:443/show_bug.cgi?id=1117851
    3. kkeithley to discuss -dev and -geo-rep subpackages for Debian with pmatthai
    4. kkeithley will talk to Ira and Jose about this.
  4. lalatenduM
    1. lalatenduM to send bug triage email
  5. ndevos
    1. , no eta ndevos will verify status of patches proposed for 3.5.3 and request reviews for those patches in master?
    2. ndevos to nag for 3.5.3 urgent fixes
    3. : ndevos to add branch checking to rh-bugs
    4. ndevos to update the rh-bugs script in Jenkins to check git/branch and bug/version
    5. ndevos when we know how to update the webpage, add a pointer to proposed features for new contriburos

People present (lines said)

  1. kkeithley (119)
  2. ndevos (58)
  3. hagarth (55)
  4. JustinClift (27)
  5. lalatenduM (19)
  6. mikedep333 (17)
  7. Humble (13)
  8. glusterbot (7)
  9. atinmu (6)
  10. zodbot (2)

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