12:02:50 <JustinClift> #startmeeting Weekyl GlusterFS Community Meeting 12:02:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 24 12:02:50 2014 UTC. The chair is JustinClift. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:02:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:03:07 <JustinClift> Roll call :) 12:04:41 <kshlm> I'm here 12:04:42 <JustinClift> Well, this is going to be a short meeting 12:05:00 * kshlm thought the meeting was going back to the old time slot. 12:05:05 <JustinClift> Ahhh 12:05:15 <JustinClift> I thought we cancelled that and decided not to move it? 12:05:28 <JustinClift> Hmmm, ok, lets can this one, and I'll ask hagarth 12:05:33 <JustinClift> :) 12:05:35 <kshlm> I was about to leave, when I saw your ping. 12:05:41 <JustinClift> np :) 12:05:46 <JustinClift> #endmeeting