12:01:24 <ndevos> #startmeeting 12:01:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Dec 2 12:01:24 2014 UTC. The chair is ndevos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:01:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:01:33 <ndevos> Agenda: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bug-triage 12:01:40 <ndevos> #topic Roll Call 12:01:48 <ndevos> Welcome today, who's there? 12:01:55 * jdarcy is 12:02:50 <ndevos> Lala and Humble mentioned that they probably won't join today 12:02:59 <ndevos> kkeithley_: is probably around? 12:03:15 * kkeithley_ is here 12:03:32 <ndevos> and hagarth would be joining later 12:04:50 <ndevos> #topic Status of last weeks action items 12:05:10 <ndevos> #topic Humble to remove pre-2.0 from versions 12:05:39 <ndevos> the versions are gone in bugzilla, users can not file new bugs with old versions 12:05:49 <ndevos> but the old bugs with old versions are still there 12:05:57 <ndevos> so, I think thats good 12:06:15 <ndevos> #topic ndevos will update the unsupported bugs with a message about being unsupported, and request for testing 12:06:47 <ndevos> I've updated all old bugs with a note, and will close them next week when they have not received an update or version change 12:07:32 <ndevos> none if the other items from last week can be discussed now, we're missing the people that are assigned :-/ 12:07:48 <ndevos> #topic Group Triage 12:08:21 <ndevos> we dont have any bugs that NEEDINFO from gluster-bugs@redhat.com 12:08:44 <ndevos> -> New bugs to triage (filed since last week) 12:09:03 <ndevos> 9 new bugs: http://goo.gl/0IqF2q 12:09:12 <ndevos> lets use IRC locking again :) 12:09:31 <jdarcy> 1168809 12:09:42 <ndevos> 1168167 12:10:26 <kkeithley_> 1169707 12:11:55 <jdarcy> 1168574 12:16:16 <hagarth> ndevos: which is the list that's being triaged now? 12:16:34 <ndevos> hagarth: http://goo.gl/0IqF2q 12:16:42 <jdarcy> 1168897 12:18:15 <jdarcy> We don't seem to have a "packaging" component. What's the proper component for a bug in a package upgrade? 12:18:22 <hagarth> build 12:18:28 <hagarth> ? 12:18:43 <hagarth> 1169302 12:18:49 <jdarcy> WFM 12:19:10 <ndevos> yeah, most things got to build for that 12:20:38 * hagarth 1169707 12:20:46 <ndevos> 1169236 12:21:38 <hagarth> should we support hostnames that have an underscore in them? 12:22:01 <hagarth> bz 1169707 is about supporting underscores in hostnames 12:22:21 <ndevos> why not? 12:22:31 <jdarcy> Why is such support not automatic? Do we use underscore for something else? 12:22:52 <hagarth> as per rfc 1034, underscore is not a valid character for a hostname 12:22:58 <jdarcy> IIRC, underscore is technically (i.e. per RFC) not allowed, but it's not that uncommon. 12:22:58 <kkeithley_> hmmm, 1169707 is about not being able to probe hostnames with '_' in them. RFCs 952, 1035, and 1123 say '_' is not a legal character in a hostname. 12:23:14 <kkeithley_> ah, hagarth didn't see my "lock" 12:23:44 <hagarth> underscore is not used for anything else in glusterd, our hostname validation fails if an underscore is present 12:23:55 <hagarth> kkeithley_: unfortunately I missed your advisory lock :) 12:24:01 <kkeithley_> no prob 12:24:07 <ndevos> isnt there an update for host/domain names? even many utf-8 characters should be allowed now? 12:25:14 <kkeithley_> I was looking for a superceding RFC 12:25:31 <hagarth> i think it is 3629 12:26:55 <jdarcy> Either way, seems like something we should fix. 12:26:56 <kkeithley_> the wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname says _ is still not allowed 12:27:21 <jdarcy> Also, 1169236 12:27:29 <jdarcy> (that's a lock) 12:27:55 <jdarcy> Oops, ndevos beat me. nvm 12:29:09 * hagarth 1169331 12:29:13 <jdarcy> Just saw a coyote cross our back yard. 12:29:19 <hagarth> overclk: do you want to take a look into 1169331? 12:29:43 <ndevos> jdarcy: glad to know you're paying attention :) 12:30:04 * ndevos locks 1169701 12:30:17 <overclk> hagarth, yeh, I'll take care of that. 12:30:30 <hagarth> overclk: thx 12:30:31 <jdarcy> ndevos: Predators large enough to eat cats tend to distract me. 12:32:17 * hagarth has never seen a coyote 12:34:03 * ndevos would love to see those from his window too 12:34:15 <kkeithley_> even RFC 2181 still references 1035 12:34:51 <kkeithley_> I get coyotes, deer, and turkeys in my garden (back yard) 12:35:31 <hagarth> kkeithley_: nice 12:36:42 <kkeithley_> so we are agreed that we ought to relax hostname checking for 1169707? 12:36:45 <ndevos> well, once I had to add support for numeric hostnames, see http://review.gluster.org/4017 12:36:56 <jdarcy> Also foxes, skunks, raccoons. Even thought I saw a fisher (large weasel relative) once. 12:36:56 <kkeithley_> numeric hostnames are legal 12:37:33 <jdarcy> kkeithley_: Yes, I think it's not our business to enforce RFC restrictions except where they remove ambiguity, and AFAICT this one doesn't. 12:38:09 <hagarth> valid_host_name() in libglusterfs is the one which does hostname validations. We can relax this restriction there. 12:41:00 <hagarth> ndevos: reg 1169236, I wonder if fio works fine with fuse 12:41:44 <hagarth> maybe we could ask the bug reporter to check that? 12:41:49 <ndevos> hagarth: yeah, would be interesting 12:42:04 <ndevos> hagarth: sure, Kiran is very helpful in testing, he'll surely do that 12:44:49 <ndevos> okay, so all new bugs have now been triaged, thanks! 12:45:47 <ndevos> #topic hagarts action items from last week 12:46:02 <ndevos> hagarth will look for somebody that can act like a bug assigner manager kind of person 12:46:17 <ndevos> hagarth: any update on that front? 12:46:36 <ndevos> or, on hagarth should update the MAINTAINERS file, add current maintainers and new components like Snapshot 12:47:09 <hagarth> ndevos: bug assigner manager in progress. I hope to provide an update soon. 12:47:17 <ndevos> hagarth: cool 12:47:51 <hagarth> ndevos: I will be updating the maintainers after Dec 8th. 12:49:10 <ndevos> hagarth: okay, so the sub-maintainers and the MAINTAINERS file should match? 12:49:35 <ndevos> hagarth: in that case, we need a sub-maintainer for snapshot an possibly other features too? 12:50:14 <ndevos> when triaging bugs, we sometimes check the MAINTAINERS file so that we can put certain developers on CC to get their attention 12:50:19 <hagarth> ndevos: yes, ec and other features too 12:50:46 <ndevos> hagarth: ok, we'll verify it next week 12:50:55 <hagarth> ndevos: maybe we need to draw a distinction between MAINTAINERS and feature owners 12:51:26 <jdarcy> It would be nice if the owner got changed automagically when the component is changed, but it doesn't seem to happen currently. 12:51:29 <ndevos> hagarth: yes, I think MAINTAINERS in the git sources does not need to be the same as the sub-maintainers in Gerrir 12:51:33 <ndevos> *Gerrit 12:51:55 <hagarth> ndevos: yeah 12:52:06 <ndevos> jdarcy: you mean in Bugzilla? bugs@gluster.org is the default owner for all components 12:53:03 <ndevos> jdarcy: and maintainers or component owners are expected to use the bugzilla notifications (mailinglist, rss, ...) to get informed about new bugs/updates 12:54:11 <ndevos> also, there is no 1:1 match between Bugzilla components and our MAINTAINERS file :-/ 12:54:32 <ndevos> #topic Open Floor 12:54:45 * jdarcy (don't fall in) 12:54:46 <ndevos> we got 5 minutes to discuss other business 12:55:37 <ndevos> nothing to add? 12:55:47 <jdarcy> Nope. 12:56:06 <kkeithley_> not me 12:56:09 <ndevos> okay, I guess we'll talk to eachother next week again 12:56:13 <ndevos> if not before 12:56:21 <ndevos> #endmeeting