#gluster-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by ndevos at 12:00:30 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (ndevos, 12:00:43)
  2. Last week action items (ndevos, 12:03:32)
  3. davemc to run a "what should it say?" through users ML (ndevos, 12:03:51)
    1. HELP: Need to find out what the "what should it say?" action item is about (ndevos, 12:05:29)

  4. Announcement about GlusterFS releases and its EOL (ndevos, 12:05:36)
    1. HELP: Need a volunteer to document the EOL process/versions in a blogpost and email (ndevos, 12:08:56)

  5. hagarth to update maintainers file (ndevos, 12:09:15)
    1. ACTION: hchiramm sends a patch that adds the new maintainers/components to the MAINTAINERS file (ndevos, 12:14:20)
    2. ACTION: hagarth needs to send a cleanup patch for the MAINTAINERS file to remove inactive maintainers (add a allumni section?) (ndevos, 12:15:06)

  6. JustinClift to create initial GlusterFS Release Checklist page on the wiki (ndevos, 12:15:46)
    1. ACTION: JustinClift to create initial GlusterFS Release Checklist page on the wiki (ndevos, 12:16:48)

  7. davemc to add pointer to wiki from site (ndevos, 12:17:35)
    1. ACTION: JustinClift fix the "wiki" link on gluster.org to redirect to the wiki and not to the blog (ndevos, 12:19:21)
    2. HELP: Need a volunteer to add a link to the blog on the top of gluster.org (ndevos, 12:20:35)
    3. ACTION: hchiramm will try to fix the duplicate syndication of posts from blog.nixpanic.net (ndevos, 12:22:26)

  8. JustinClift to respond to Soumya Deb on gluster-infra about website (ndevos, 12:22:51)
  9. Discuss stability issues and directions (ndevos, 12:27:20)
    1. ACTION: Debloper to write a blog post about complete revamp (hchiramm, 12:28:48)
    2. AGREED: we're not aware of stability issues, dropping it from the agenda unless someone (re)adds more details (ndevos, 12:30:53)

  10. hagarth to set up small file performance meeting (ndevos, 12:31:06)
    1. ACTION: jdarcy schedules a "small file performance" meeting (ndevos, 12:31:48)
    2. ACTION: davemc to chat semiosis on ubuntu release (ndevos, 12:32:01)
    3. ACTION: kkeithley and partner will keep an eye on getting debian and ubuntu packages updated (ndevos, 12:37:05)

  11. follow up on Rackspace regressions (ndevos, 12:37:23)
    1. ACTION: atinmu continues looking into the mgmt_v3 regression test issue (ndevos, 12:40:34)
    2. ACTION: atinmu will look for someone that can fix the spurious fop-sanity test (ndevos, 12:41:01)
    3. ACTION: atinmu will contact JustinClift to update the regression.sh script and capture /var/log/messages too (ndevos, 12:42:40)

  12. GlusterFS 3.6 (ndevos, 12:43:05)
    1. ACTION: raghu` creates a 3.6.2 beta today (10 december) or tomorrow, release follows later this week or early next week (ndevos, 12:49:08)

  13. GlusterFS 3.5 (ndevos, 12:51:00)
  14. GlusterFS 3.4 (ndevos, 12:52:01)
  15. GlusterFS.next (is that the correct name?) (ndevos, 12:53:46)
  16. Other Agenda Items (ndevos, 12:56:17)
    1. http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Features/Feature_Smallfile_Perf (ndevos, 12:57:29)
    2. http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Performance_Testing (hchiramm, 12:58:13)
    3. ACTION: JustinClift and misc should post an update or plan about upgrading Gerrit (ndevos, 12:59:29)

Meeting ended at 13:00:42 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. hchiramm sends a patch that adds the new maintainers/components to the MAINTAINERS file
  2. hagarth needs to send a cleanup patch for the MAINTAINERS file to remove inactive maintainers (add a allumni section?)
  3. JustinClift to create initial GlusterFS Release Checklist page on the wiki
  4. JustinClift fix the "wiki" link on gluster.org to redirect to the wiki and not to the blog
  5. hchiramm will try to fix the duplicate syndication of posts from blog.nixpanic.net
  6. Debloper to write a blog post about complete revamp
  7. jdarcy schedules a "small file performance" meeting
  8. davemc to chat semiosis on ubuntu release
  9. kkeithley and partner will keep an eye on getting debian and ubuntu packages updated
  10. atinmu continues looking into the mgmt_v3 regression test issue
  11. atinmu will look for someone that can fix the spurious fop-sanity test
  12. atinmu will contact JustinClift to update the regression.sh script and capture /var/log/messages too
  13. raghu` creates a 3.6.2 beta today (10 december) or tomorrow, release follows later this week or early next week
  14. JustinClift and misc should post an update or plan about upgrading Gerrit

Action items, by person

  1. atinmu
    1. atinmu continues looking into the mgmt_v3 regression test issue
    2. atinmu will look for someone that can fix the spurious fop-sanity test
    3. atinmu will contact JustinClift to update the regression.sh script and capture /var/log/messages too
  2. Debloper
    1. Debloper to write a blog post about complete revamp
  3. hchiramm
    1. hchiramm sends a patch that adds the new maintainers/components to the MAINTAINERS file
    2. hchiramm will try to fix the duplicate syndication of posts from blog.nixpanic.net
  4. kkeithley
    1. kkeithley and partner will keep an eye on getting debian and ubuntu packages updated
  5. partner
    1. kkeithley and partner will keep an eye on getting debian and ubuntu packages updated
  6. raghu`
    1. raghu` creates a 3.6.2 beta today (10 december) or tomorrow, release follows later this week or early next week
    1. hagarth needs to send a cleanup patch for the MAINTAINERS file to remove inactive maintainers (add a allumni section?)
    2. JustinClift to create initial GlusterFS Release Checklist page on the wiki
    3. JustinClift fix the "wiki" link on gluster.org to redirect to the wiki and not to the blog
    4. jdarcy schedules a "small file performance" meeting
    5. davemc to chat semiosis on ubuntu release
    6. JustinClift and misc should post an update or plan about upgrading Gerrit

People present (lines said)

  1. ndevos (118)
  2. hchiramm (42)
  3. kkeithley (18)
  4. raghu` (13)
  5. atinmu (13)
  6. Debloper (9)
  7. gothos (6)
  8. zodbot (3)
  9. partner (3)
  10. atalur (2)
  11. kshlm (1)

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