12:01:43 <kkeithley_> #startmeeting 12:01:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 24 12:01:43 2015 UTC. The chair is kkeithley_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:01:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:02:43 <kkeithley_> #topic rollcall 12:03:24 <kkeithley_> we'll give people a minute or two 12:03:26 * lalatenduM is lurking :) 12:04:56 * hchiramm in 12:05:33 <hchiramm> the aim was to get atleast component maintainers in this meeting :) 12:06:13 <kkeithley_> who else is here? Anyone? 12:06:48 <kkeithley_> yes, it would have been good to get them here. 12:07:20 * kkeithley_ wonders is saying "don't make me come over there" would have any impact. 12:07:27 <kkeithley_> ;-) 12:07:38 <hchiramm> -:) 12:08:33 <hchiramm> we need to put some thought about this meeting and its goal .. 12:08:39 <kkeithley_> Well, this doesn't seem very promising 12:08:50 <hchiramm> true.. 12:09:11 <kkeithley_> yes, people need to understand the value of it. 12:09:22 <kkeithley_> And get value from it 12:09:48 <hchiramm> indeed 12:10:32 * lalatenduM have no idea to make others aware about this 12:10:42 <kkeithley_> Most of the action items from last week were hagarth, ndevos, and lalatenduM. 2/3s aren't here. 12:10:43 <hchiramm> setting the 'triaged' keyword does not make much difference .. 12:10:55 <lalatenduM> agree 12:11:26 <kkeithley_> Well, I don't want to tie up your time waiting here. 12:12:15 <kkeithley_> I think we should adjourn, and work on getting component maintainers here next week. And ndevos and I will be in BLR the following week. 12:12:39 <lalatenduM> kkeithley_, agree 12:12:48 <hchiramm> true.. but how ? :) 12:13:14 <kkeithley_> ndevos and I will be in BLR in two week. See you made me come over there. 12:13:36 * kkeithley_ wonders if that's a threat that Indian parents use on their misbehaving children 12:13:51 <hchiramm> not worried about the 3/4 regular attendees :) 12:14:08 <hchiramm> kkeithley_, u almost made it :) 12:15:47 <kkeithley_> Okay, well, let's end this. We can discuss how to get more participation at a meeting when more people are attending. Or at least hagarth and ndevos are attending 12:15:51 <kkeithley_> Thanks 12:16:01 <kkeithley_> #endmeeting