12:01:02 <atinm> #startmeeting 12:01:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 5 12:01:02 2015 UTC. The chair is atinm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:01:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:01:12 <atinm> who all do we have today? 12:02:34 <atinm> Can we have the roll call please? 12:02:52 * kkeithley_ is here 12:03:30 * soumya is here 12:03:33 * hagarth is here 12:03:56 <atinm> I expect few more folks to participate :) 12:04:08 <atinm> we 12:04:16 <atinm> we've around 38 bugs to triage 12:04:55 <atinm> #topic Status of last weeks action items 12:05:28 <atinm> hagarth should update the MAINTAINERS file, add current maintainers and new components like Snapshot and other new features 12:05:35 <atinm> hagarth, any update on this? 12:07:27 <atinm> since I am not hearing from hagarth moving to next item 12:07:51 <atinm> The rest of the action items are with ndevos & lala 12:08:18 <atinm> I believe they've not joined either 12:08:42 <atinm> can we move to next topic i.e group triage? 12:08:53 <atinm> #topic group triage 12:09:19 <atinm> #info triage link : http://goo.gl/WuDQun 12:09:50 <hagarth> atinm: that is a long term AI for me. we can skip that from weekly meetings :). 12:10:21 <atinm> hagarth, allright, I will remove that from action items list 12:10:39 * atinm locks 1216940 12:11:41 * soumya locks 1217939 12:11:54 * atinm locks 1217311 12:12:56 * atinm locks 1217322 12:13:29 * soumya locsk 1216898 12:13:54 * atinm locks 1217372 12:14:13 * soumya locks 1218304 12:14:21 <kkeithley_> 1218400 12:15:24 <soumya> 1216960 12:15:34 * atinm locks 1217429 12:16:43 <soumya> 1218553 12:19:29 <soumya> 1218593 12:19:46 <soumya> 1217701 12:21:15 <kkeithley_> 1217378 12:21:17 * atinm locks 1217766 12:22:40 * atinm locks 1217788 12:23:29 * atinm locks 1217879 12:24:00 <kkeithley_> 1216965 12:25:06 <atinm> 1218060 12:25:15 <soumya> 1218479 12:25:55 <atinm> 1218164 12:27:08 <atinm> 1218273 12:28:02 <atinm> 1218485 12:28:44 <kkeithley_> 1218589 12:29:15 <atinm> 1218585 12:29:23 <soumya> 1218573 12:29:59 <kkeithley_> 1218167 12:31:49 <atinm> 1218575 12:31:55 <soumya> 1218575 12:32:15 <kkeithley_> 1218562 12:32:19 <soumya> 1218562 12:33:16 <kkeithley_> nm 1218562, soumya has it 12:33:39 <atinm> 1218576 12:33:40 <kkeithley_> 1218488 12:35:06 <atinm> 1218565 12:35:41 <atinm> 1218570 12:36:50 <soumya> kkeithley_, sorry dint notice 12:37:31 <soumya> 1218587 12:37:53 <atinm> 1217576 12:40:24 <soumya> 1218506 12:41:29 <soumya> I think we covered all 12:43:29 <atinm> we have one miore 12:43:32 <atinm> 1218479? 12:43:35 <atinm> soumya? 12:45:14 <atinm> so we are done with the group triage 12:45:21 <atinm> #topic open floor 12:45:27 <atinm> anything to discuss? 12:47:10 <atinm> so I think we are done 12:47:23 <atinm> thanks soumya and kkeithley_ for triaging 12:47:30 <atinm> #endmeeting