12:00:58 <atinmu> #startmeeting 12:00:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 26 12:00:58 2015 UTC. The chair is atinmu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:01:14 <atinmu> #topic roll call 12:01:28 <atinmu> who all we have here today? 12:01:30 * kkeithley is here 12:02:02 * soumya is here 12:02:27 * ndevos is here too _o/ 12:03:00 * ndevos looks for the agenda 12:03:44 <ndevos> https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bug-triage <- agenda for today 12:04:24 * atinmu feels we should jump to the group triage and nothing to be discussed as per the status items 12:04:40 <atinmu> ndevos, correct me if something needs to be discussed 12:04:48 <ndevos> yeah, the action itens are a little stalled 12:05:08 <atinmu> so lets start the group triage 12:05:15 <atinmu> #topic group triage 12:05:35 <atinmu> #info bug triage link to be referred : https://goo.gl/CYpoFn 12:05:59 <atinmu> we've 13 bugs to be triaged this time 12:06:14 <ndevos> atinmu: thats the link for bugs waiting on bugs@gluster.org :) 12:06:32 <ndevos> and it counts 0 bugs 12:06:40 <rjoseph> atinmu: I cant see any bugs there 12:06:43 <atinmu> Arghh!!! sorry 12:06:57 <atinmu> http://goo.gl/WuDQun 12:07:24 * ndevos irc-locks 1218479 12:07:27 * atinmu locks 1224624 12:08:38 * atinmu locks 1223625 12:10:28 * ndevos locks 1223947 12:10:34 * soumya locks 1223949 12:10:38 * atinmu locks 1224857 12:12:44 * atinmu locks 1224243 12:13:00 * soumya locks 1223942 1223938 12:14:13 * ndevos locks 1223945 12:15:28 <soumya> locks 1223935 12:16:16 <kkeithley> 1223937 12:16:38 <atinmu> 1223378 12:19:16 <atinmu> I see a bug 1218479 which has been marked as needinfo on last week's triaging, question is how long should we keep these bugs on needinfo state? 12:19:18 <ndevos> done! 12:19:26 <atinmu> two weeks ? 12:19:39 <ndevos> atinmu: 2 weeks sounds good to me 12:20:02 <ndevos> atinmu: we should have a bugzilla query that lists all needinfo bugs, maybe? 12:20:55 <atinmu> ndevos, yeah, we should do that sometime as well 12:21:43 <atinmu> so done with the group triage 12:22:00 <atinmu> #topic Open Floor 12:22:14 <atinmu> anything to be discussed here? 12:23:20 <ndevos> ... 12:23:56 <ndevos> bugzilla query for needinfo and status != CLOSED: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?f1=bug_status&f2=flagtypes.name&o1=notequals&o2=substring&product=GlusterFS&query_format=advanced&v1=CLOSED&v2=needinfo 12:24:30 <ndevos> but maybe we do care about closed bugs with needinfo? 12:25:11 <atinmu> I am surprised to see the count as 42 only, I was expecting more 12:25:53 <ndevos> there are 70 when you include the CLOSED ones 12:26:16 <ndevos> just edit the url and change CLOSED to XCLOSED or some other invalid status 12:27:06 <atinmu> ndevos, hmm 12:28:20 <atinmu> anything else folks? 12:29:08 <atinmu> ndevos, I am adding this link as part of the agenda for next week, if we get time we should start addressing these bugs and close them wherever applicable 12:30:08 <ndevos> atinmu: yeah, that is a good idea 12:31:09 <ndevos> atinmu: no response in 4 weeks? I'll remove the needinfo from old CLOSED bugs now 12:31:22 <ndevos> well, CLOSED and not updated in 4 weeks 12:31:37 <atinmu> ndevos, sure 12:32:30 <atinmu> so that's it I believe 12:32:45 <atinmu> thank you all for helping in triaging 12:32:52 <atinmu> ndevos++ 12:32:55 <atinmu> kkeithley++ 12:32:58 <atinmu> soumya++ 12:33:05 <atinmu> #endmeeting