#gluster-meeting Meeting
Meeting started by kshlm at 12:02:42 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- rollcall (kshlm, 12:03:29)
- Action Items from last week (kshlm, 12:05:21)
- kshlm to check back with misc on the new jenkins slaves (kshlm, 12:05:50)
- ACTION: kshlm to
check back with misc on the new jenkins slaves (kshlm,
- krishnan_p will add information about GlusterD-2.0 to the weekly news (kshlm, 12:06:43)
- ACTION: krishnan_p
will add information about GlusterD-2.0 to the weekly news
- krishnan_p and atinmu will remind developers to not work in personal repositories, but request one for github.com/gluster (kshlm, 12:08:18)
- ACTION: krishnan_p
and atinmu will remind developers to not work in personal
repositories, but request one for github.com/gluster (kshlm,
- krishnan_p will send an email to the -devel list about merging the glusterd-2.0 work into the main glusterfs repo (kshlm, 12:09:51)
- ACTION: krishnan_p
will send an email to the -devel list about merging the glusterd-2.0
work into the main glusterfs repo (kshlm,
- poornimag to send a mail on gluster-devel asking for volunteers to backport glfs_fini patches to release-3.5 (kshlm, 12:11:39)
- Mail sent. Can be viewed at
- http://www.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2015-September/046841.html
- kkeithley will reply to his previous email, confirming that End-Of-Life bugs will be closed (kshlm, 12:14:04)
- ACTION: kkeithley
will close EOL bugs (kshlm,
- kkeithley will close all the EOL'd bugs with a note (kshlm, 12:17:52)
- overclk will get the dht-scalability doc in glusterfs-specs update to the latest design (kshlm, 12:18:26)
- ACTION: overclk will
get the dht-scalability doc in glusterfs-specs update to the latest
design (kshlm,
- jdarcy (and/or others) will post version of the NSR spec "pretty soon" (kshlm, 12:21:00)
- ACTION: jdarcy
(and/or others) will post version of the NSR spec "pretty
soon" (kshlm,
- kshlm to clean up 3.7.4 tracker bug (kshlm, 12:22:28)
- ACTION: kshlm to
clean up 3.7.4 tracker bug (kshlm,
- ndevos send out a reminder to the maintainers about more actively enforcing backports of bugfixes (kshlm, 12:23:23)
- ndevos presented at osbconf.org (kshlm,
- ACTION: ndevos send
out a reminder to the maintainers about more actively enforcing
backports of bugfixes (kshlm,
- ACTION: poornimag and
skoduri will write a trip report for SDC (kshlm,
- ACTION: obnox to
write up a report on his trip to SDC. (kshlm,
- GlusterFS-3.7 (kshlm, 12:32:30)
- ACTION: pranithk will
update the community on 3.7.5 release plans. (kshlm,
- GlusterFS-3.6 (kshlm, 12:36:01)
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1267567
- raghu released 3.6.6 (kshlm,
- 3.6.7 tracker bug created. (kshlm,
- http://www.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2015-September/046821.html
- ACTION: raghu to call
for volunteers and help from maintainers for doing backports listed
by rwareing to 3.6.7 (kshlm,
- GlusterFS-3.5 (kshlm, 12:45:55)
- Gluster.Next (3.8 and 4.0) (kshlm, 12:47:50)
- ACTION: All the leads
to update community on the outcomes of the design
discussions. (kshlm,
- Open Floor (kshlm, 12:53:51)
- Testing for various releases (kshlm, 12:54:07)
- ACTION: msvbhat to
send out an update on DiSTAF once he pushes all his new changes and
creates repo under github.com/gluster (kshlm,
- posting http://blog.gluster.org/2015/08/welcome-to-the-new-gluster-community-lead/ to the mailing lists and general introduction for Amye (kshlm, 12:59:00)
- Volunteer for chairing next weeks meeting (kshlm, 13:00:08)
- kshlm to chair next weeks meeting. (kshlm,
- https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-events
Meeting ended at 13:03:01 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- kshlm to check back with misc on the new jenkins slaves
- krishnan_p will add information about GlusterD-2.0 to the weekly news
- krishnan_p and atinmu will remind developers to not work in personal repositories, but request one for github.com/gluster
- krishnan_p will send an email to the -devel list about merging the glusterd-2.0 work into the main glusterfs repo
- kkeithley will close EOL bugs
- overclk will get the dht-scalability doc in glusterfs-specs update to the latest design
- jdarcy (and/or others) will post version of the NSR spec "pretty soon"
- kshlm to clean up 3.7.4 tracker bug
- ndevos send out a reminder to the maintainers about more actively enforcing backports of bugfixes
- poornimag and skoduri will write a trip report for SDC
- obnox to write up a report on his trip to SDC.
- pranithk will update the community on 3.7.5 release plans.
- raghu to call for volunteers and help from maintainers for doing backports listed by rwareing to 3.6.7
- All the leads to update community on the outcomes of the design discussions.
- msvbhat to send out an update on DiSTAF once he pushes all his new changes and creates repo under github.com/gluster
Action items, by person
- jdarcy
- jdarcy (and/or others) will post version of the NSR spec "pretty soon"
- kkeithley
- kkeithley will close EOL bugs
- kshlm
- kshlm to check back with misc on the new jenkins slaves
- kshlm to clean up 3.7.4 tracker bug
- msvbhat
- msvbhat to send out an update on DiSTAF once he pushes all his new changes and creates repo under github.com/gluster
- obnox
- obnox to write up a report on his trip to SDC.
- poornimag
- poornimag and skoduri will write a trip report for SDC
- raghu
- raghu to call for volunteers and help from maintainers for doing backports listed by rwareing to 3.6.7
- skoduri
- poornimag and skoduri will write a trip report for SDC
- krishnan_p will add information about GlusterD-2.0 to the weekly news
- krishnan_p and atinmu will remind developers to not work in personal repositories, but request one for github.com/gluster
- krishnan_p will send an email to the -devel list about merging the glusterd-2.0 work into the main glusterfs repo
- overclk will get the dht-scalability doc in glusterfs-specs update to the latest design
- ndevos send out a reminder to the maintainers about more actively enforcing backports of bugfixes
- pranithk will update the community on 3.7.5 release plans.
- All the leads to update community on the outcomes of the design discussions.
People present (lines said)
- kshlm (159)
- kkeithley (19)
- msvbhat (17)
- raghu (13)
- obnox (10)
- poornimag (6)
- jdarcy (3)
- csim (3)
- hagarth (2)
- zodbot (2)
- rjoseph (2)
- skoduri (1)
- rafi (1)
- partner (1)
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