#gluster-meeting: Gluster community weekly meeting

Meeting started by atinm at 12:00:03 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. agenda is @ https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-community-meetings (atinm, 12:00:31)

  1. roll call (atinm, 12:02:59)
  2. roll call (atinm, 12:03:18)
  3. last week's action items (atinm, 12:04:40)
    1. ACTION: ndevos to send out a reminder to the maintainers about more actively enforcing backports of bugfixes (atinm, 12:06:07)
    2. ACTION: kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla, github (atinm, 12:06:43)
    3. ACTION: kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in the codebase (atinm, 12:07:51)
    4. missing release notes for 3.7 patch : kshlm to update missing release-notes for 3.7 (atinm, 12:08:23)
    5. missing release notes for 3.7 patch - https://review.gluster.org/13509 (atinm, 12:08:41)
    6. ACTION: kshlm to update amye to update the website with latest release notes (atinm, 12:09:18)
    7. ACTION: kshlm to follow up with rabhat about 3.6.9 updates (atinm, 12:12:48)
    8. release manager for 3.7.9 will be raghug (atinm, 12:13:25)
    9. ACTION: raghug/kshlm to follow up on maintainers list for a replacement of 3.7.9 release manager (atinm, 12:16:43)

  4. GlusterFS 3.6 (atinm, 12:18:45)
  5. GlusterFS 3.5 (atinm, 12:21:07)
    1. 3.5.8 release announcement is yet to be done (atinm, 12:22:27)
    2. ACTION: ndevos to announce 3.5.8 availability later this week (atinm, 12:23:14)

  6. GlusterFS 3.8 & GlusterFS 4.0 (atinm, 12:24:31)
    1. ACTION: aravindavk to add Gluster Eventing & REST API support in 3.8 roadmap (atinm, 12:31:54)
    2. Eventing design : http://review.gluster.org/#/c/13115/ (atinm, 12:45:02)
    3. ACTION: lpabon to review Eventing design (atinm, 12:46:02)

  7. Open Floor (atinm, 12:47:47)
    1. If you're attending any event/conference please add the event and yourselves to Gluster attendance of events: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-events (atinm, 13:00:45)
    2. Put (even minor) interesting topics on https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-weekly-news (atinm, 13:00:46)
    3. Use the following etherpad for backport requests https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-backport-requests (atinm, 13:00:46)

Meeting ended at 13:01:15 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. ndevos to send out a reminder to the maintainers about more actively enforcing backports of bugfixes
  2. kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla, github
  3. kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in the codebase
  4. kshlm to update amye to update the website with latest release notes
  5. kshlm to follow up with rabhat about 3.6.9 updates
  6. raghug/kshlm to follow up on maintainers list for a replacement of 3.7.9 release manager
  7. ndevos to announce 3.5.8 availability later this week
  8. aravindavk to add Gluster Eventing & REST API support in 3.8 roadmap
  9. lpabon to review Eventing design

Action items, by person

  1. aravindavk
    1. aravindavk to add Gluster Eventing & REST API support in 3.8 roadmap
  2. kkeithley
    1. kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in the codebase
  3. kshlm
    1. kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla, github
    2. kshlm to update amye to update the website with latest release notes
    3. kshlm to follow up with rabhat about 3.6.9 updates
    4. raghug/kshlm to follow up on maintainers list for a replacement of 3.7.9 release manager
  4. lpabon
    1. lpabon to review Eventing design
  5. ndevos
    1. ndevos to send out a reminder to the maintainers about more actively enforcing backports of bugfixes
    2. ndevos to announce 3.5.8 availability later this week

People present (lines said)

  1. atinm (120)
  2. ndevos (30)
  3. kshlm (23)
  4. josferna (15)
  5. jdarcy (11)
  6. kkeithley (10)
  7. msvbhat (9)
  8. lpabon (9)
  9. aravindavk (6)
  10. overclk (3)
  11. zodbot (3)
  12. skoduri (1)
  13. ggarg (1)
  14. Saravanakmr (1)
  15. hchiramm_ (1)

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