#fedora-golang: Go SIG meeting

Meeting started by alexsaezm at 18:00:43 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (alexsaezm, 18:01:07)
    1. http://meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html (alexsaezm, 18:05:29)
    2. ACTION: jcajka to retire go-srpm-macros (gotmax[m], 18:13:57)

  2. Go 1.19 (alexsaezm, 18:16:05)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&email1=go-sig%40lists.fedoraproject.org&emailassigned_to1=1&emailcc1=1&emailtype1=equals&list_id=12644423&query_format=advanced&short_desc=FTBFS&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr (mikelo, 18:22:26)
    2. ACTION: alexsaezm will update Rawhide with Go 1.19 and perform a COPR mass rebuild. Then report the amount of issues to the Go SIG (alexsaezm, 18:30:23)

  3. CVEs (alexsaezm, 18:33:41)
    1. https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/golang/pull-request/29 (alexsaezm, 18:40:05)
    2. https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=88294905 (alexsaezm, 18:40:26)
    3. ACTION: alexsaezm will skip the test suite for arm32 in order to avoid the current failures in the pr/29 (alexsaezm, 18:51:34)

  4. Open Floor (alexsaezm, 18:52:39)
    1. https://pagure.io/fork/nim/go-rpm-macros/c/e876e2483cbe4443f4d7c18afad6227f4dd7c75c?branch=go-modules I think (gotmax[m], 18:56:00)

Meeting ended at 19:15:07 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jcajka to retire go-srpm-macros
  2. alexsaezm will update Rawhide with Go 1.19 and perform a COPR mass rebuild. Then report the amount of issues to the Go SIG
  3. alexsaezm will skip the test suite for arm32 in order to avoid the current failures in the pr/29

Action items, by person

  1. alexsaezm
    1. alexsaezm will update Rawhide with Go 1.19 and perform a COPR mass rebuild. Then report the amount of issues to the Go SIG
    2. alexsaezm will skip the test suite for arm32 in order to avoid the current failures in the pr/29
  2. jcajka
    1. jcajka to retire go-srpm-macros

People present (lines said)

  1. alexsaezm (91)
  2. gotmax[m] (73)
  3. jcajka (31)
  4. eclipseo (19)
  5. mikelo (17)
  6. zodbot (11)
  7. gotmax (1)

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