#fedora-golang: Go SIG meeting
Meeting started by alexsaezm at 18:00:43 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (alexsaezm, 18:01:07)
- http://meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html
- ACTION: jcajka to
retire go-srpm-macros (gotmax[m],
- Go 1.19 (alexsaezm, 18:16:05)
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&email1=go-sig%40lists.fedoraproject.org&emailassigned_to1=1&emailcc1=1&emailtype1=equals&list_id=12644423&query_format=advanced&short_desc=FTBFS&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr
- ACTION: alexsaezm
will update Rawhide with Go 1.19 and perform a COPR mass rebuild.
Then report the amount of issues to the Go SIG (alexsaezm,
- CVEs (alexsaezm, 18:33:41)
- https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/golang/pull-request/29
- https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=88294905
- ACTION: alexsaezm
will skip the test suite for arm32 in order to avoid the current
failures in the pr/29 (alexsaezm,
- Open Floor (alexsaezm, 18:52:39)
- https://pagure.io/fork/nim/go-rpm-macros/c/e876e2483cbe4443f4d7c18afad6227f4dd7c75c?branch=go-modules
I think (gotmax[m],
Meeting ended at 19:15:07 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jcajka to retire go-srpm-macros
- alexsaezm will update Rawhide with Go 1.19 and perform a COPR mass rebuild. Then report the amount of issues to the Go SIG
- alexsaezm will skip the test suite for arm32 in order to avoid the current failures in the pr/29
Action items, by person
- alexsaezm
- alexsaezm will update Rawhide with Go 1.19 and perform a COPR mass rebuild. Then report the amount of issues to the Go SIG
- alexsaezm will skip the test suite for arm32 in order to avoid the current failures in the pr/29
- jcajka
- jcajka to retire go-srpm-macros
People present (lines said)
- alexsaezm (91)
- gotmax[m] (73)
- jcajka (31)
- eclipseo (19)
- mikelo (17)
- zodbot (11)
- gotmax (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.4.