19:00:09 <alexsaezm> #startmeeting Go SIG meeting
19:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov  7 19:00:09 2022 UTC.
19:00:09 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:00:09 <zodbot> The chair is alexsaezm. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
19:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'go_sig_meeting'
19:00:21 <alexsaezm> #topic Roll Call
19:00:43 <copperi[m]> .hello copperi
19:00:44 <zodbot> copperi[m]: copperi 'Jan Kuparinen' <copper_fin@hotmail.com>
19:00:56 <gotmax[m]> .hellomynameis gotmax23
19:00:57 <zodbot> gotmax[m]: gotmax23 'Maxwell G' <gotmax@e.email>
19:01:16 * gotmax[m] realizes he didn't do his homework
19:01:49 <gotmax[m]> By that, I mean send the email about moby-engine :)
19:02:06 <eclipseo> .hello2
19:02:07 <zodbot> eclipseo: eclipseo 'Robert-André Mauchin' <zebob.m@gmail.com>
19:02:21 * gotmax[m] waves to eclipseo
19:02:28 <eclipseo> hi hi
19:02:55 <alexsaezm> hi everyone!
19:03:02 <gotmax[m]> alexsaezm: Can you chair gotmax[m] :)?
19:03:11 <gotmax[m]> * alexsaezm: Can you #chair gotmax\[m\] :)?
19:03:26 <alexsaezm> #chair gotmax[m]
19:03:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexsaezm gotmax[m]
19:03:33 <alexsaezm> worked?
19:03:41 <mikelo_m[m]> o/
19:03:43 <gotmax[m]> 👍️
19:03:46 <gotmax[m]> #chair gotmax
19:03:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexsaezm gotmax gotmax[m]
19:03:58 <gotmax[m]> (That's the IRC gotmax)
19:04:05 <gotmax[m]> that I just chaired
19:04:07 <gotmax[m]> :)
19:04:50 <alexsaezm> we have 3 issues marked as meeting, any preference? or should we go by the ID?
19:05:55 <gotmax[m]> I don't mind too much. Maybe moby and then leaf packages?
19:06:16 <alexsaezm> #topic Discuss current docker/moby/containerd ecosystem brokenness https://pagure.io/GoSIG/go-sig/issue/43
19:07:33 <eclipseo> So regarding containerd, it builds fine, maintenance is doable without too much hurdle until  2.0.0 I believe
19:07:40 <gotmax[m]> I was supposed to send my email. I guess the email's two main points would be that someone needs to step up or we should consider adding Docker CE as a Fedora Workstation third party repository.
19:08:10 * gotmax[m] shudders about that 2.0.0 part
19:08:27 <eclipseo> weell it's not that close, we have time to see
19:08:55 <gotmax[m]> Also, I see you've been packaging up a beta of the next golang-github-docker-devel major version?
19:09:24 <eclipseo> Regarding docker, first we have the standalone moby-engine package which works by itself for providing docker to the masses
19:10:22 <eclipseo> regarding golang-github-docker-devel I've elected to use the beta to be able to work with our other "fresh" deps
19:10:46 <eclipseo> 20.10 uses old deps and the working with the compatibiity would have been nightmarish
19:10:56 <gotmax[m]> fresh = not five year's old :(
19:11:19 <eclipseo> the only "issue" is the swarmkit-2 dep, for which upstream seems a bit dead
19:11:58 <eclipseo> Otherwise the stack is in a good place, all deps have been updated
19:12:17 <eclipseo> the docker maintenance burden is not really on other deps
19:12:38 <eclipseo> but more the working relation with docker own other packages
19:13:16 <gotmax[m]> eclipseo: In terms of dependency versions that need to match up?
19:13:17 <eclipseo> it seems they update stuff in moby/moby but their other library don't follow immediately
19:14:38 <eclipseo> the maintenance should be pretty straightforward for 22.04 onward
19:15:10 <eclipseo> they don't move at a rapd pace anymore, and 22.04 doesn't use five years old deps
19:16:19 <eclipseo> I'm fixing now the eventual unforeseen deps breakage, I've updated containerd and etcd this week-end and today
19:16:37 <gotmax[m]> Would it be possible now to build the `docker` and `dockerd` binaries from the unbundled golang-github-docker{,-cli} packages?
19:17:06 <gotmax[m]> Yeah, I saw that you had already fixed containerd a few hours before I bugged you about it last week :)
19:17:13 <eclipseo> I haven't tried it....I would not try this until a stable release
19:17:37 <gotmax[m]> Yeah, I don't think we should ship a beta, but I'm curious if it would work
19:24:07 <eclipseo> theorically is possible, but I haven't tried to build it, if it fails it will reveal API problems more likely
19:24:07 <eclipseo> which we could fix
19:24:07 <eclipseo> but the test passes so it should be goood
19:24:07 <eclipseo> Now I'm working on updating/fixing the K8S stack. it is on 1.22 and I need 1.24 for another thing but I'll probably go with 1.25 if there is no compatibility issues
19:24:07 <eclipseo> I'm working my way to Koschei  fails
19:24:07 <eclipseo> through*
19:24:07 <copperi[m]> k8s goes forward fast, so 1.25 should last a bit longer
19:24:08 <eclipseo> i've got too much notifications from everywhere already 😕
19:24:09 <gotmax[m]> eclipseo: In case it's helpful, [Fedora Notifications](https://apps.fedoraproject.org/notifications) allows signing up for Koschei status notifications.
19:24:09 <gotmax[m]> Fair point :)
19:24:09 <gotmax[m]> We still need someone to pick up moby-engine
19:24:55 <gotmax[m]> If we're maintaining all of these libraries, it'd be a shame to not actually have moby-engine itself available
19:25:46 <eclipseo> I've taken containerd since I was already working on it periodically
19:26:08 <eclipseo> I don't know much about the building process of moby-engine
19:28:34 <gotmax[m]> Yeah, moby-engine is a bit complicated. Maybe I'll find some time to simplify the package...
19:29:02 <eclipseo> there is sone stuff wrong in it BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/docker/libnetwork) is deprecated, I'll have  a look this week maybe
19:29:16 <gotmax[m]> I wonder if dghubble who left a PR to update containerd would be interested in becoming a packager and helping out with the stack
19:29:29 <gotmax[m]> eclipseo: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/moby-engine/blob/rawhide/f/moby-engine.spec#_139
19:30:44 <gotmax[m]> docker-proxy is part of the moby-engine package even though its code is from golang-github-docker-libnetwork-devel
19:30:45 <gotmax[m]> I don't know why it's like that
19:30:45 <gotmax[m]> I inherited it ;)
19:31:51 <copperi[m]> moby is complicated, i can help co-maintain it, but do not have enough experience to be the owner.
19:32:15 <eclipseo> libnetwork is inside moby/moby now
19:32:57 <eclipseo> https://github.com/moby/moby/tree/master/libnetwork
19:33:55 <gotmax[m]> eclipseo: It's in the latest moby not the docker 20.10.x
19:34:03 <gotmax[m]> * docker 20.10.x branch that we have
19:35:39 <gotmax[m]> Maybe I'll find some time to simplify the moby-engine package...
19:36:31 <eclipseo> i'll take a look too
19:36:40 <gotmax[m]> It's an old package that used to be maintained by the RH containers team. Multiple components are bundled into it, because it was based on a RHEL package.
19:37:11 <gotmax[m]> I have shaved it down a little bit, but it's still rather complicated.
19:37:35 <eclipseo> why do we have github.com/krallin/tini in it?
19:39:47 <gotmax[m]> If you'd like to take a crack at simplifying it, I'd start by updating the package to 22.x.x. I don't mean push the beta to Fedora, just update it locally to work off that base.
19:40:51 <gotmax[m]> eclipseo: See the explanation at the end of https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/DMPZRAUO3H5EHOCZDULYORYJVQU2WBIJ/
19:41:43 <gotmax[m]> docker-init is tini-static renamed
19:43:49 <gotmax[m]> #action gotmax and/or eclipseo to work on simplifying moby-engine and investigate whether it can be unbundled
19:44:17 <gotmax[m]> We should probably move on soon to save time for Open Floor
19:44:37 <alexsaezm> we have two other issues tagged for meetings
19:45:07 <alexsaezm> should we move to the leaf one?
19:45:10 <alexsaezm> is this topic over?
19:46:13 <gotmax[m]> I'm fine with moving to the leaf one
19:46:37 <alexsaezm> awesome!
19:46:40 <alexsaezm> to the next one!
19:46:41 <alexsaezm> #topic Leaf Go library packages https://pagure.io/GoSIG/go-sig/issue/48
19:47:48 <gotmax[m]> This was based on the earlier discussion that mikelo_m brought up re. leaf packages
19:48:10 <gotmax[m]> Basically, I created a ticket to track leaf library packages
19:49:01 <gotmax[m]> Not sure there's too much to discuss here
19:49:47 * mikelo has been busy lately :(
19:51:25 <gotmax[m]> eclipseo: Do you know if golang-github-jackc-pgmock can be orphaned?
19:52:09 <eclipseo> it can
19:52:20 <eclipseo> there's nothing depending on it
19:53:09 <eclipseo> it can be retired
19:53:11 * gotmax[m] nods
19:53:38 <gotmax[m]> You want to do the honors :)?
19:53:53 <eclipseo> do you have a reliable method to detect leaf that are not binaries?
19:54:20 <eclipseo> done
19:54:55 <gotmax[m]> eclipseo: Not yet, but I'd like to
19:55:31 <gotmax[m]> These were mostly manual. I got some of them from https://mikel.olasagasti.info/tmp/fedora/goquery/
19:55:37 <mikelo> the rust-sig script could be a good start point, but as said, I've been busy
19:55:39 <gotmax[m]> https://mikel.olasagasti.info/tmp/fedora/goquery/possible_retirable.txt specifically
19:57:44 <gotmax[m]> #action $PERSON_WITH_COPIOUS_FREE_TIME to work on identifying leaves and/or writing a script
19:57:56 <gotmax[m]> #undo
19:57:56 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by gotmax[m] at 19:57:44 : $PERSON_WITH_COPIOUS_FREE_TIME to work on identifying leaves and/or writing a script
19:57:56 <eclipseo> ok
19:57:59 <gotmax[m]> #action $PERSON_WITH_COPIOUS_FREE_TIME to work on identifying leaves and/or writing a script to do so
19:58:03 <gotmax[m]> :)
19:58:29 <gotmax[m]> #topic Open Floor
19:59:12 <gotmax[m]> The floor is open. Don't fall in.
19:59:17 <alexsaezm> lol
19:59:37 <alexsaezm> I don't have anything to add, busy with other stuff
20:01:26 <gotmax[m]> R.e. the i686 issue, the new `%gometa -f` stuff should at least slow the rate of new packages being built for that arch. We could evaluate completely dropping it at a later date.
20:02:09 <mikelo> is there official date/release where i686 dies?
20:02:11 <eclipseo> problem is we still have armv7hl for older branches
20:02:26 <gotmax[m]> I've packaged the latest aerc if anyone wants to test/give karma :).
20:02:28 <gotmax[m]> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-57f5a7a572
20:02:28 <gotmax[m]> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-6667416d75
20:02:51 <gotmax[m]> mikelo: It'll probably stay around for a while due to wine and steam
20:02:53 <eclipseo> can't gometa -f also drop armv7hl?
20:03:31 <gotmax[m]> armv7hl is already gone on F37+
20:03:54 <eclipseo> also, just a warning, fedora 35 go's is too old for more and more packages
20:04:02 <gotmax[m]> I worry that changes %gometa -f in 36 would cause problems
20:04:16 <gotmax[m]> eclipseo: Yeah, I've already been bit a couple times
20:04:40 <gotmax[m]> We discussed this a bit in the last meeting
20:04:46 <eclipseo> ok
20:05:04 <gotmax[m]> See the end of https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-golang/2022-10-24/go_sig_meeting.2022-10-24-18.12.log.html
20:05:15 <mikelo> I'm trying not to update packages for f35
20:06:10 <gotmax[m]> alexsaezm: Do you know when 1.18 will go EOL?
20:06:26 <gotmax[m]> I believe that's when 1.20 is released, but I don't know when that is either :)
20:06:45 <mikelo> https://endoflife.date/go
20:07:09 <mikelo> me--, pasted before checking if it had a date
20:07:13 <alexsaezm> it should be "soon": Feb 2023
20:07:35 <alexsaezm> few days ago, upstream created the draft document with the information
20:07:38 <alexsaezm> https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/doc/go1.20.html
20:07:49 <alexsaezm> `Go 1.20 is expected to be released in February 2023`
20:08:04 <alexsaezm> at that point, 1.18 will go EOL
20:08:44 <gotmax[m]> F36 is supported until 2023-05-16, so we might want to consider getting FESCo approval for a mid-release rebase like I said last time
20:09:19 <alexsaezm> absolutely. I'll do it
20:09:55 <alexsaezm> #action alexsaezm will talk with FESCo for a mid-release rebase approval so F36 can have 1.19 instead of 1.18
20:10:53 <gotmax[m]> Cool, thanks!
20:11:26 <alexsaezm> np :)
20:11:51 <alexsaezm> anything else?
20:12:34 <gotmax[m]> Nothing from me :)
20:13:00 <mikelo> neither
20:13:53 <mikelo> eclipseo, I've been working on rclone. I updated to 1.60 and I'm building it now for f37 and f36 after all deps are correctly built and overrided
20:14:10 <alexsaezm> I'll end the meeting in 2 or 3 minutes just to give time :)
20:14:26 * mikelo hates how F37 updates are required to override as they never go stable until... well.. f37 hits stable
20:16:34 <eclipseo> thanks!
20:17:12 <eclipseo> well hopefully well be out of freeze soon
20:17:37 <mikelo> final release is set to 15-Nov
20:17:41 <mikelo> so 8 days
20:19:44 <alexsaezm> if nobody has anything else to add, we can call it :)
20:19:49 <alexsaezm> thanks everyone!
20:20:23 <eclipseo> thanks, have a good one everyone
20:20:38 <alexsaezm> #endmeeting