05:21:37 <tagoh> #startmeeting i18n 05:21:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 18 05:21:37 2011 UTC. The chair is tagoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:21:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:21:43 <tagoh> #meetingname i18n 05:21:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:21:52 <tagoh> #topic agenda and roll call 05:22:20 <tagoh> sorry for late start, let's have i18n meeting quickly 05:22:28 <juhp> hello 05:22:39 <tagoh> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2011-08-18 05:23:05 <epico_laptop> hi 05:23:17 <dueno> hi 05:24:18 <tagoh> hi, let's get started. 05:24:54 <tagoh> #topic F16 05:25:41 <tagoh> as you know, alpha is slipped by one week and will be out next Tuesday. 05:26:44 <tagoh> that should be affected to the test day schedule though no changes on the test day schedule yet. need to confirm that though 05:27:49 <tagoh> any updates for Features/GnomeInputIntegration? 05:28:07 <juhp> not sure if affects test days actually 05:28:40 <juhp> I just tweaked https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/GnomeInputIntegration#How_To_Test slightly to reflect unified indicator 05:28:51 <juhp> fujiwarat, maybe you could check it looks ok? 05:29:10 <tagoh> cool 05:29:21 <juhp> fujiwarat, is there any test package btw we could try? :) 05:30:23 <fujiwarat> Probably I have no specific updates for Features/GnomeInputIntegration. 05:30:34 <juhp> fujiwarat, perhaps it is better to put the feature in your name? :) I just put my email there since I wrote the initial page - I don't mind too much either way though :) 05:30:52 <fujiwarat> Ah, yeah. 05:31:25 <tagoh> btw did anyone have a look at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2011-09-22_I18n_Desktop ? 05:31:45 <fujiwarat> I think the basic test cases are prepared. 05:33:03 <fujiwarat> Currently bodhi updates shows the new test cases. 05:33:20 <fujiwarat> s/shows/show/ 05:35:02 <juhp> fujiwarat, I see - just hoping the behaviour in #How_To_Test is correct - is it better to replace it then? 05:35:13 <tagoh> anything else candidates for doc beats, except IM? 05:36:39 <fujiwarat> > Adding/removing keyboard layouts in control-center changes layouts listed in ibus, and vice-versa 05:37:13 <fujiwarat> I think the keyboard is configured by control-center only. 05:37:21 <tagoh> juhp: we could just have references from test days' test case perhaps? 05:37:25 <juhp> tagoh: about the testday cases - I think one is needed to start ibus? 05:37:39 <fujiwarat> Currently ibus-gnome3 shows the menu item of g-c-c. 05:37:44 <juhp> tagoh: it doesn't look specific enough to me 05:38:28 <juhp> fujiwarat, is ibus-gnome3 working now in F16? 05:38:39 <tagoh> sure. those needs to be reviewed and improve/polish as needed 05:39:00 <fujiwarat> Yes, current rpm can works with f16. 05:39:03 <juhp> tagoh: :) I mean the testdays are more general than the feature :) 05:39:11 <juhp> testday's cases 05:39:43 <juhp> fujiwarat, ah good 05:40:19 <tagoh> juhp: a slot being assigned at 9/22 (originally) is for new feature. not a general testcase. 05:40:36 <juhp> ah sorry 05:40:50 <juhp> I was confused - was assuming that was 08/26 05:41:12 <juhp> hmm then yeah the tests looks too general perhaps - might be better for 26th? 05:41:17 <fujiwarat> juhp: Currently ibus-setup has an option to switch the legacy trigger and the new bridge trigger. 05:41:22 <juhp> what testcases do we have lined up for 26th? 05:41:34 <juhp> fujiwarat, aha 05:42:04 <fujiwarat> I'd like to remove the last two test cases in #How_To_Test. 05:42:42 <tagoh> juhp: that page contains 3 new testcases from fujiwarat. 05:42:53 <juhp> fujiwarat, you mean: 05:42:55 <juhp> Adding/removing keyboard layouts in control-center changes layouts listed in ibus, and vice-versa 05:42:55 <juhp> Turning off ibus from im-chooser hides input selector if only and only if one keyboard layout configured. 05:42:57 <juhp> ? 05:43:09 <juhp> aha 05:43:26 <fujiwarat> yes 05:43:50 <juhp> fujiwarat, first one is not possible? 05:44:10 <juhp> second because we always show indicator? 05:45:13 <juhp> tagoh: I feel better to fix the second testday after 26th anyway, but sure we can link to the testdays on the feature page 05:45:52 <tagoh> juhp: okay, sounds good. 05:46:35 <fujiwarat> Currently ibus-gnome3 shows the menu item of g-c-c and ibus doesn't have the plan to modify the settings in g-c-c. 05:47:27 <juhp> fujiwarat, okay I guess I need to test :) 05:48:37 <fujiwarat> Yes, I think the second. 05:50:29 <juhp> done 05:50:39 <tagoh> okay, so how about doc beats updates? 05:51:24 <juhp> ah yes... not much change there ;) 05:51:34 <juhp> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_I18n_Beat 05:52:24 <tagoh> thought there should be some idea in the previous meeting though 05:53:37 <juhp> also to expand the current text... 05:53:40 <tagoh> dueno: how about ibus-gucharmap? 05:54:24 <fujiwarat> Oh, it seems .tar.xz files are available in fedora. 05:54:42 <dueno> tagoh: ah, will add some text there in this week 05:54:59 <tagoh> dueno: thanks 05:55:06 <juhp> fujiwarat, if you could too it would be appreciated and better than my fiction ;o) 05:56:01 <fujiwarat> thx 05:56:58 <fujiwarat> I think it may be ok after the beta freeze. 05:59:24 <juhp> fujiwarat, yeah not so urgent but there should be some text in place certainly before beta 05:59:48 <juhp> not sure if there are any other items to add to the relnotes? 06:00:04 <tagoh> well, wiki will be frozen prior to the beta release. so starting to write up on wiki after beta maybe too late. 06:00:11 <juhp> right 06:00:30 <fujiwarat> OK, I see. 06:01:04 <juhp> it doesn't have to be set in stone so often now is easiest :) and we can update as we go 06:01:22 <tagoh> last freeze is 9/19 btw. 06:01:26 <juhp> aha 06:01:34 <tagoh> for GA 06:01:59 <fujiwarat> OK, I see. 06:03:03 <tagoh> erm, it's a reminder. so we could have a few days later. but good to update earlier. 06:03:49 <tagoh> anyway 06:04:15 <tagoh> any concerns on f16 or you want to share? 06:04:56 <tagoh> otherwise better move on 06:05:04 <juhp> tagoh: you mean the beta freeze i guess 06:05:15 <tagoh> #topic Input Methods 06:06:00 <tagoh> juhp: wiki freeze for beta is 9/6 it seems though 06:06:18 <juhp> ah wiki freeze - ok 06:06:28 <juhp> pretty soon then 06:06:30 <tagoh> guess +1 week after slip 06:06:42 <juhp> so yeah let's get the relnotes in shape asap 06:07:40 <tagoh> we have some margins in a time to be translated. so no wonder it's frozen earlier. 06:08:03 <tagoh> anyway, any updates for IM? 06:10:18 <tagoh> apparently no progress on multilib bug in upstream since the patch is renewed. 06:11:36 <tagoh> anything else? 06:12:13 <juhp> hm 06:13:18 <tagoh> nope? 06:14:11 <tagoh> okay, move on then... 06:14:15 <tagoh> #topic Fonts and Rendering 06:14:36 <tagoh> any updates to share? 06:16:33 <juhp> any fonts issues for f16 btw? 06:16:46 <juhp> or rendering even 06:18:19 <tagoh> not too much. most bugs we currently have in bz should be common issues in even f15 and f14 06:19:25 <tagoh> I don't see too much growth after moving f16 development. 06:20:07 <aalam> during test day we can expect some bugs for indic (rendering) 06:20:40 <juhp> ok 06:22:13 <tagoh> also planning to have a look at bugs earlier this time. good to take some actions before getting EOL announcement.. 06:22:29 <aalam> also move f14/15 bugs to f16 06:22:45 <tagoh> yeah 06:22:48 <aalam> yes, f13 or earlier need to 06:24:53 <tagoh> okay, anything else? 06:25:19 <juhp> cool 06:25:25 <tagoh> or for what we may possibly be missing in the agenda? 06:26:25 * epico_laptop updated the UI of fonttools on fedorapeople.org. 06:26:41 <juhp> oh 06:26:53 <tagoh> epico_laptop: cool. is there any screenshots available? 06:26:53 <juhp> epico_laptop, url? 06:27:26 <epico_laptop> http://pwu.fedorapeople.org/fonttools/fonttools.glade 06:27:35 <epico_laptop> just glade file, currently. 06:27:48 <epico_laptop> http://pwu.fedorapeople.org/fonttools/ 06:28:02 <tagoh> right. so asking :) 06:28:40 <epico_laptop> np.:) 06:28:46 <tagoh> would be nice to have one. so can have a comment quickly :) 06:29:20 <epico_laptop> okay. CC jni. 06:30:04 <tagoh> okay, if no topics to discuss here, let's close the meeting shortly 06:31:29 <juhp> epico_laptop, so we could load it in glade3? 06:31:44 <epico_laptop> yes, on F-15 it is ok. 06:31:51 <epico_laptop> can't load in F-14. 06:32:20 <tagoh> aha 06:33:52 <juhp> epico_laptop, interesting - looks a little complicated but thanks for starting it 06:34:10 <epico_laptop> juhp, thanks. 06:34:36 <epico_laptop> also .fonts.conf example, http://pwu.fedorapeople.org/fonttools/fonts.conf.example 06:34:49 <juhp> epico_laptop, do we have a list of requirements? 06:35:59 <epico_laptop> 3 items. 1. customs desktop fonts, 2. custom pango language, 3. configs for wqy-zenhei-fonts. 06:36:11 <tagoh> epico_laptop: btw where is the source code managed at? 06:36:34 <epico_laptop> tagoh: sorry, jni begins to look at it this week. 06:36:42 <tagoh> okay 06:37:27 <tagoh> stop the meeting here today. 06:37:39 <tagoh> anyway, thanks everyone for the meeting! 06:37:52 <tagoh> #endmeeting