05:30:11 <paragan> #startmeeting i18n 05:30:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 8 05:30:11 2021 UTC. 05:30:11 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 05:30:11 <zodbot> The chair is paragan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:30:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:30:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:11 <paragan> #meetingname i18n 05:30:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:11 <paragan> #topic agenda and roll call 05:30:11 <paragan> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2021-02-08 05:30:31 <tagoh> Hi 05:30:33 <petersen> hi 05:30:35 <priyam> Hi 05:30:41 <epico> hi 05:31:25 <mfabian> Hi 05:31:37 <paragan> Hi all 05:31:48 <paragan> #chair tagoh petersen priyam epico mfabian 05:31:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico mfabian paragan petersen priyam tagoh 05:32:15 <petersen> Nice rhythm there :) 05:33:37 <paragan> welcome to today's bi-weekly meeting of i18n 05:33:54 <paragan> let's go through agenda items 05:33:55 <paragan> #topic Upcoming schedule 05:34:16 <paragan> Tomorrow we have 2 milestones 05:34:18 <paragan> #info 2021-02-09 Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable) 05:34:18 <paragan> #info 2021-02-09 Branch Fedora 34 from Rawhide 05:35:19 * petersen notes in passing that fbrnch now has a master-rename command 05:35:31 <paragan> cool 05:37:45 <paragan> then next milestones are 05:37:47 <paragan> #info 2021-02-23 Bodhi updates-testing activation point 05:37:51 <paragan> #info 2021-02-23 Change Checkpoint: 100% Code Complete Deadline 05:37:53 <paragan> #info 2021-02-23 Beta Freeze (starts at 1400 UTC) 05:37:55 <paragan> we will discuss about our Changes progress in its own ticket 05:37:57 <paragan> anything to discuss for this topic? 05:38:51 <paragan> Moving to Issues topic 05:39:13 <paragan> #topic Issues 05:39:23 <paragan> #info #126: Tracker for Fedora 34 Changes (pnemade) 05:39:25 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/126 05:39:47 <paragan> we got 6 F34 Changes accepted now 05:40:50 <paragan> mfabian, are your Sinhala and Vietnamese Changes completed? 05:41:01 <suanand> (hi, sorry) 05:41:13 <paragan> #chair suanand 05:41:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico mfabian paragan petersen priyam suanand tagoh 05:41:19 <mfabian> I still need to change langpacks. will do that today. 05:42:10 <paragan> but those languages got default input from ibus-m17n right? 05:42:18 <mfabian> Yes. 05:42:28 <mfabian> So maybe there is nothing to do.\ 05:42:28 <paragan> Good 05:42:54 <mfabian> commit 093f4a636ddafe47e0f16cb37cf1c1bde2a26d62 05:42:54 <mfabian> Author: Parag Nemade <pnemade@fedoraproject.org> 05:42:54 <mfabian> Date: Fri Dec 18 13:09:39 2020 +0530 05:42:54 <mfabian> 05:42:57 <mfabian> Change default for Sinhala and Vietnamese to use ibus-m17n keymaps 05:43:00 <mfabian> 05:43:04 <mfabian> 05:43:08 <mfabian> Yes, nothing to do. 05:43:14 <paragan> Good 05:43:26 <paragan> mfabian++ 05:43:26 <zodbot> paragan: Karma for mfabian changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 05:43:30 <pravins> hi all :) 05:44:15 <paragan> tagoh, Is freetype change also implemented in Fedora 34? 05:44:23 <paragan> #chair pravins 05:44:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico mfabian paragan petersen pravins priyam suanand tagoh 05:44:29 <pravins> sorry to ping, how Sinhala and Vietnamese related to langpacks, you mean default package installation? correct 05:44:52 <tagoh> Yes. the freetype package with harfbuzz support is available on rawhide. no other tasks. 05:45:30 <paragan> tagoh, thanks 05:45:33 <paragan> pravins, https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/langpacks/c/093f4a636ddafe47e0f16cb37cf1c1bde2a26d62?branch=rawhide 05:45:36 <petersen> Btw there was some related deps bug from mtasaka-san 05:45:39 <pravins> thanks paragan 05:46:12 <petersen> Not sure it it was just transitional issue with the bootstrap 05:46:27 <petersen> tagoh: I added you to the bug anyway 05:46:36 <tagoh> sure 05:46:38 <paragan> yesterday's Live build task also failed -> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=61509484 05:46:44 <petersen> Oh 05:47:03 <paragan> wonder how come that Live build is only failing 05:47:13 <petersen> Maybe because we don't install that package in WS 05:47:30 <paragan> but I can see all/mostly KDE related Live build have failed 05:48:11 <paragan> check the builds list -> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/userinfo?buildStart=20&userID=3445&buildOrder=-completion_time&packageOrder=package_name&packageStart=0#buildlist 05:48:31 <paragan> this can be discussed later :) 05:48:48 <paragan> back to current topic discussion 05:49:04 <petersen> .bug 1925922 05:49:06 <zodbot> petersen: 1925922 – dependency loop with harfbuzz confuses xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi installation?? - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1925922 05:49:07 <petersen> sure 05:49:18 <paragan> I am not sure what is status of other 3 Changes that are related to Fujiwara-san 05:49:57 <paragan> we can check that later 05:50:13 <petersen> I believe the ibus version change which talks about mmap is still wip 05:50:18 <petersen> mmap for emoji 05:50:51 <petersen> I wanted to check on the anthy status too - last I heard we were still waiting for gnome-desktop3 to be updated 05:52:20 <paragan> I think it got merged upstream? https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/3430 05:54:28 <paragan> I think Anthy Change will be completed in next gnome-desktop3 update 05:55:21 <paragan> also we need to check if Kasumi Unicode Change status 05:56:37 <paragan> ok let's move to next agenda item 05:56:39 <tagoh> I think that should be done. 05:56:40 <fujiwarat> I will ping comps 05:56:43 <petersen> At least ibus-kkc is still in Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-Rawhide-20210207.n.0.iso 05:56:52 <petersen> fujiwarat: thanks 05:57:51 <fujiwarat> Still not sure if gnome-desktop3 or gnome-desktop4 will be integrated. 05:58:01 <paragan> aha 05:58:21 <fujiwarat> https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-desktop/-/merge_requests/96 05:58:28 <petersen> Ya seems ibus-anthy is not listed in g-c-c even after removing ibus-kkc 05:59:05 <petersen> fujiwarat: fastest way would be to ask kalev 05:59:21 <fujiwarat> ok 06:00:38 <petersen> Actually g-c-c does list anthy after restarting ibus - my bad, but it is not listed first 06:00:59 <petersen> fujiwarat: so I see no harm to have the comps change already 06:01:24 <petersen> Is it already open? 06:02:06 <paragan> https://pagure.io/fedora-comps/pull-request/587 06:02:41 <petersen> Thanks! 06:03:27 <paragan> next issue 06:03:49 <paragan> #info #127: Fedora 32 bug triaging (prigupta) 06:03:49 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/127 06:04:22 <paragan> looks like current F32 bug count is 32 06:05:11 <priyam> yes 06:05:59 <paragan> let's work on these bugs 06:07:16 <priyam> Sure paragan 06:07:28 <petersen> (I think the query should exclude bugs ON_QA :) 06:08:11 <petersen> Well it's okay - particularly unless the state is wrong/stale of course 06:08:12 <paragan> its deliberate because we have seen occasionally bodhi fails to send updated to bugzilla and bug remains in ON_QA state 06:08:18 <petersen> Okay 06:08:21 <petersen> Thanks 06:08:29 <paragan> priyam, thanks 06:08:33 <paragan> moving to next issue 06:08:42 <paragan> #info #125: fix/backport xorg-x11-font-utils fonttosfnt for OpenType Bitmap fixes (pwu) 06:08:43 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/125 06:09:09 <epico> terminus-fonts is built I think. 06:09:23 <paragan> cool 06:09:37 <epico> Shall we close this issue? 06:09:57 <epico> or wait for bodhi? 06:10:07 <paragan> yes let me close it 06:10:20 <epico> close it now. :) 06:10:35 <epico> sorry, missed the above comment. 06:11:24 <paragan> Done, closed :) 06:11:44 <petersen> Great 06:11:47 <epico> Thanks! 06:11:58 <petersen> epico++ 06:12:15 <paragan> epico++ 06:12:15 <zodbot> paragan: Karma for pwu changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 06:12:33 <paragan> next issue 06:12:40 <paragan> #info #130: rename master branch(es) to main (petersen) 06:12:40 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/130 06:13:11 <petersen> Ya I wondered if we should not do something/contribute to this 06:13:52 <petersen> At the very minimal we could rename https://pagure.io/i18n/tree/master 06:14:11 <petersen> But there is much more that could be done potentially 06:14:43 <paragan> you mean our memeber's individual pagure project hosting need this change? 06:15:07 <petersen> Well we don't even have to restrict to pagure :) 06:15:17 <paragan> right :) 06:15:43 <petersen> I guess we can't force projects to change but it is encouraged 06:16:28 <petersen> In github it is pretty easy to do 06:17:06 <paragan> Sure 06:18:08 <paragan> thanks for reporting this ticket, let's keep it open for sometime to track/collect any changes done 06:18:11 <petersen> I see pagure has aliases 06:18:44 <petersen> Good 06:19:21 <petersen> Any objections to add main to above i18n? 06:20:04 <tagoh> nope. +1 from me. 06:20:15 <petersen> Or can one of the admins help to do that? 06:20:41 <petersen> Not sure if there was any post about the pagure process? 06:20:57 <petersen> Just add main alias and then delete master?? 06:21:33 <petersen> Better have a local clone backup before doing any drastic changes I guess 06:22:29 <paragan> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/GitRepos-master-to-main#Phase0_-_2021-01-05_-_COMPLETE 06:23:23 <petersen> Okay I see main there now 06:24:58 <paragan> anything more to discuss for this issue? 06:25:54 <paragan> ok moving to next topic 06:26:03 <paragan> #topic Open Floor 06:26:13 <paragan> anything anyone want to discuss here? 06:28:35 <paragan> if not lets close this meeting. 06:28:44 <paragan> Thank you all who joined today for this meeting. 06:28:48 <paragan> #endmeeting