20:01:14 <smooge> #startmeeting infrastructure 20:01:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 28 20:01:14 2010 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:35 <smooge> #meetingname Infrastructure-2010-10-28 20:01:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure-2010-10-28' 20:01:47 <smooge> #chair mmcgrath 20:01:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: mmcgrath smooge 20:01:54 * nirik is lurking around. 20:01:57 <smooge> #topic Who is here 20:02:00 * tremble lurks quietly in the corner 20:02:00 * lmacken 20:02:01 * CodeBlock[s] here 20:02:03 * waltJ_ is still awake 20:02:10 * sijis is around 20:02:30 <smooge> #topic Fedora 14 release 20:02:45 * ninjazjb here 20:02:54 <smooge> Going to run down the list of tickets at https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/9 20:03:06 <smooge> .ticket 2436 20:03:09 <zodbot> smooge: #2436 (New Website) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2436 20:03:10 * mmcgrath here 20:03:18 <smooge> sijis, how is this going? 20:03:41 <sijis> its gone well. like all things we have some bug reports 20:03:51 <sijis> primarily with how the font looks in Windows 20:03:58 <sijis> but overall positive feedback 20:04:07 <smooge> yes.. that does seem funny. not sure why. 20:04:35 <CodeBlock[s]> There was someone in -noc before who said they noticed a "sensitive" security thing with the website. I pointed him to admin@fp.o 20:04:40 <CodeBlock[s]> So you guys might have an email there 20:04:47 <mmcgrath> CodeBlock[s]: all fixed, thanks for sending him our way 20:04:48 <smooge> cool. I am glad the "Oh why are you using javascript?" and "Who took a dump on my web-page?" emails were low 20:04:51 <sijis> CodeBlock[s]: yeah, that's been addressed already 20:04:57 <CodeBlock[s]> Alright 20:05:08 <smooge> cool 20:05:09 <sijis> good ol' ricky :) 20:05:35 <smooge> I have nominated ricky to take mmcgrath's place 20:05:50 <smooge> since he isn't here.. he can't protest 20:05:57 <mmcgrath> done deal 20:05:59 <sijis> election is on Nov 2nd, is it? 20:06:02 * gholms rolls eyes 20:06:48 <smooge> anything else on this ticket? When do you want to close it? 20:08:09 <mmcgrath> smooge: leave it open until the website is done on release day, we still have chagnes to make to it 20:08:21 <mmcgrath> like getting rid of the beta and making sure all the new F14 release links work. 20:08:34 <sijis> yup. 20:08:45 <sijis> are the iso's available on mirror? 20:09:05 <mmcgrath> sijis: I don't believe they are yet 20:09:06 <mmcgrath> Oxf13: ? 20:09:11 <smooge> they or on the mirror. they will be open on nov 2nd 20:09:21 <smooge> oh I thought they were 20:09:44 <smooge> mmcgrath, got it. 20:10:12 <smooge> damn fingers.. mmcgrath, got it.. will not look for it to be closed til Nov 4th meeting 20:10:37 <smooge> .ticket 2437 20:10:38 <zodbot> smooge: #2437 (Mirror Disk Space) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2437 20:11:47 <smooge> mmcgrath, did you look at this? 20:12:12 <smooge> 11 should be removed tomorrow as it is on archive. I just need to throw a switch mdomsch wtore 20:12:18 <mmcgrath> I did but I didn't post the results, I remember we're fine, especially after removing F11 but I forgot the exact numbers. 20:12:39 <smooge> cool 20:12:44 <smooge> .ticket 2438 20:12:48 <zodbot> smooge: #2438 (Release day ticket and milestone) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2438 20:13:06 <smooge> Just a tracker. Not to be dealt with until after release 20:13:10 <smooge> .ticket 2439 20:13:11 <zodbot> smooge: #2439 (Verify with rel-eng permissions) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2439 20:13:27 <smooge> Ok I did this and permissions below the top were all good 20:13:35 <smooge> .ticket 2440 20:13:36 <zodbot> smooge: #2440 (Add MirrorManager repository redirects.) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2440 20:13:55 <smooge> Ok this is a mdomsch item. I think he is ready to do it 20:15:56 <smooge> .ticket 2441 20:15:57 <zodbot> smooge: #2441 (Communication with Red Hat IS) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2441 20:16:10 <smooge> Ticket was open to let them know. 20:16:20 <smooge> .ticket 2442 20:16:21 <zodbot> smooge: #2442 (Infrastructure change freeze) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2442 20:16:35 <smooge> Been done for a while :) 20:16:41 <smooge> .ticket 2443 20:16:42 <zodbot> smooge: #2443 (Modify Template:FedoraVersion to reference new version.) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2443 20:17:08 <sijis> thats on me 20:17:16 <smooge> how does that look? 20:17:38 <sijis> i believe ian wrote an SOP on how to do that. i'll have ot read it but i have the gist of what needs to be done :) 20:18:14 <smooge> ok cool 20:19:35 <smooge> .ticket 2444 20:19:36 <zodbot> smooge: #2444 (Re-review Lessons Learned pages from previous release,) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2444 20:19:47 <smooge> Another after we have finished ticket 20:19:54 <smooge> .ticket 2445 20:19:55 <zodbot> smooge: #2445 (Enable Caching for the wiki for release) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2445 20:20:02 <smooge> Ooops dead ticket 20:20:15 <smooge> .ticket 2447 20:20:16 <zodbot> smooge: #2447 (Add the new release to stats gathering scripts on log1) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2447 20:20:28 <smooge> Ok I am doing this after the meeting so it is done. 20:21:13 <smooge> .ticket 2448 20:21:14 <zodbot> smooge: #2448 (Lessons Learned) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2448 20:21:25 <smooge> ok this is actually the after release ticket. 20:21:51 * CodeBlock[s] has to head to class, bye :/ 20:21:52 <smooge> mmcgrath, what is the intended difference between .2438 and .2448 20:21:57 <smooge> see CodeBlock thanks 20:22:05 <mmcgrath> .ticket 2438 20:22:06 <zodbot> mmcgrath: #2438 (Release day ticket and milestone) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2438 20:22:27 <mmcgrath> smooge: the release day ticket was initially a creation of OTRS and kind of grouped the tickets together. 20:22:41 <mmcgrath> I'd also sometimes use it to make notes of oddities of the day (when we had release days with lots of outages) 20:22:45 <mmcgrath> we could maybe get rid of it by now 20:23:18 <sijis> oh boy, i've missed some good ol' times with release day outages 20:23:48 <smooge> yeah I think mmcgrath can be congratulated for removing that headache for a long time. 20:23:52 <sijis> not that i was around.. more like.. wow i've been lucky i haven't been through one 20:23:53 <mmcgrath> sijis: you really did, the first release that happened shortly after I joined... the docs site was down for DAYS. 20:23:59 <smooge> I expect that soon it will come around again :) 20:25:11 <sijis> yikes! 20:25:20 <smooge> well hopefully not days 20:26:09 <smooge> mmcgrath, thanks so I use one for logging what broke and then use the other to cullminate how to fix them 20:26:17 <smooge> last ictket 20:26:24 <smooge> .ticket 2449 20:26:25 <zodbot> smooge: #2449 (migrate old releases off of main) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2449 20:27:06 <mmcgrath> smmmmmmmo yeah 20:27:08 <smooge> 11 has been copied to archives. I will run an mdomsch script in a bit and then it will be removed tomorrow from ftp. 20:27:25 <gholms> An mdomsch script? 20:27:40 <mdomsch> "be careful, or I will replace you with a very tiny shell script" 20:27:50 <smooge> mdomsch, wrote a script to automate turning stuff from mirrors -> archive 20:27:51 <Arsenick> haha 20:27:51 <sijis> haha 20:28:36 <mdomsch> #2440 I need to finish a similar script. I worked on it on the plane yesterday before I fell asleep from boredom 20:28:44 <smooge> In december 12 will go EOL. and then after a suitable lenght of time mourning it will be moved off to archive also 20:29:16 <smooge> there is a new CD. bash scripts to help you sleep 20:29:36 <smooge> python lullabies? 20:29:43 <mdomsch> lua 20:31:22 * smooge is boo'd off the stage and moves on 20:31:22 <smooge> needs to create a derivative of lua called loa where it possesses other scripts and rides them like horses 20:31:22 <smooge> #topic Infrastructure Changes 20:31:22 * smooge killed zodbot? 20:31:32 <gholms> Must've been asleep. 20:31:41 <Arsenick> fall asleep 20:31:45 <smooge> mdomsch's script works on zodbot 20:32:10 <smooge> ok just a reminder, mmcgrath is moving on to another job. 20:32:19 <gholms> mdomsch replaced zodbot with a short script as well? 20:32:28 * gholms ducks (Sorry) 20:32:40 * mdomsch can't replace mmcgrath with a shell script 20:33:02 <smooge> There is an opening for an architect of the group. We have nominated ricky for it and would give it to mdomsch but he still has Dell paying for his flood damage 20:33:08 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: maybe a perl script? 20:33:09 <mmcgrath> :) 20:33:23 <mdomsch> mmcgrath: silverlight 20:33:27 <smooge> eeeewwww 20:33:29 <mmcgrath> totes 20:33:57 <smooge> so until we have a replacement, I think I get to be Alexanader Haig. 20:34:21 <gholms> Isn't he dead? 20:34:27 <skvidal> gholms: it's an old reference 20:34:34 <skvidal> "I am in control here in the whitehouse" 20:34:49 <skvidal> gholms: if you don't get the joke it just means you're not as old as smooge 20:34:50 <smooge> I don't plan on making any changes making sure I better document what I am working on so people will know I am not dead yet. 20:34:51 <skvidal> (or me) 20:34:55 <gholms> I get it, but... 20:35:19 <sijis> so, in short, smooge is the infra lead? 20:35:33 <smooge> no I just know how to hum a few bars 20:35:41 * sijis doesn't get this old as smooge reference 20:36:10 <sijis> i meant in the shorterm. 20:36:14 <smooge> spot gets to decide that. I am just filling in until the Constitution finds out who was VP or House Speaker :) 20:36:27 <smooge> sijis, yes. 20:36:34 <sijis> understood. 20:36:44 <smooge> skvidal, gholms yes. I need a new joke.. Haig died this February 20:36:57 <sijis> so mmcgrath is on double-duty new position and transitional phase (or whatever) 20:36:59 <smooge> mmcgrath, is still the position until I think right after release. 20:37:18 <mmcgrath> sijis: yeah, I'm hoping we find someone soon. I'm not sure how that whole search is going. 20:37:33 <mmcgrath> smooge: yeah I'm officially moving to the other position the day after the release (same day we unfreeze) 20:37:35 <smooge> sijis, yes that is probably a better description. mmcgrath is on triple dutyr and I am filling in 20:37:38 <mmcgrath> but I won't be vanishing any time soon. 20:37:59 * smooge watches mmcgrath turn more and more whispy each day 20:38:44 <smooge> ok anyway.. if I am not being as transparent as needed please ping me to make sure I am 20:38:53 <smooge> after that new topic 20:39:02 <smooge> #topic November Update Cycle. 20:39:19 <smooge> oh wait there was something in between the two topics. 20:39:44 <smooge> While I am in a caretaker mode, I will be unavailable on November 8th. 20:40:13 <smooge> I am getting an old man exam which requires me to be out for a bit and then rather wooozy afterwords 20:40:25 <smooge> so no root for me on the 8th. 20:40:31 <skvidal> I should be around 20:40:41 <smooge> skvidal, dgilmore will you be around? 20:40:49 <smooge> ok thanks 20:40:53 <skvidal> I expect capt gilmore and cmdr zhou will be nearish by, too 20:40:59 <smooge> wait dgilmore won't be around 20:41:15 <smooge> he will be on a plane to Australia 20:41:20 <nirik> he's heading out on vacation 20:41:33 * lmacken will be gone for the next 2 weeks as well 20:41:42 <sijis> oh, i thought he was trying to get away from the Bears 20:42:06 <smooge> so admiral skvidal, commander zhou, ensign CodeBlock and some others will be there 20:42:28 <smooge> and that leads me to November Updates 20:42:35 <skvidal> what fun. 20:42:48 <smooge> we try to do them on the 2nd Wednesday of the month which will be the 10th. 20:43:11 <smooge> prep work is done on 'patch tuesday' and 'reports' are done on the thursday. 20:43:44 <CodeBlock[s]> hi from class.... smooge I can try to help with those, depending on time of day 20:43:47 <smooge> I have had some difficulty doing this without incident lately.. so I wrote up a checklist to put up as a an SOP 20:44:16 <smooge> I sent that to the list a while ago.. I think it covers everything, and I will have an SOP written in the wiki tonight. 20:44:47 <smooge> once it is written I would love for it to be reviewed and we will use it after I get back 20:45:04 <smooge> this update cycle will require reboots for several reasons 20:45:12 <smooge> 1) new kernel and 2) new glibc 20:45:23 <smooge> there may be a couple of others but I am not sure. 20:46:38 <smooge> because lmacken won't be here I think we will need to blacklist some things in EPEL because I think there was a turbogears update 20:47:33 <smooge> skvidal, can func-yum work with excludes? 20:47:52 <skvidal> smooge: you want them inline? 20:48:12 <smooge> not sure what that means 20:48:13 <lmacken> smooge: TurboGears-1.0.9-3.el5 is just a packaging tweak 20:48:55 <dgilmore> smooge: you can pretty much write me off for anything in november 20:48:59 <skvidal> smooge: I can make changes to func-yum to make excludes work - but it doesn't do it now - other than honoring the ones the system has itself 20:49:52 <smooge> skvidal, ok thanks. I am just wanting to make sure that if the packaging tweak somehow breaks stg we don't end up with a large undo 20:50:07 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 20:50:12 <skvidal> nod 20:50:14 <smooge> ok I will shut up now :) 20:50:28 <skvidal> smooge: why don't we talk about the updates the week before 20:51:15 <smooge> ok will have that for next meeting 20:51:22 * CodeBlock[s] is trying to become more involved again..... starting to work out the whole college/work/volunteer/play/etc thing. 20:52:03 <smooge> cool. just remember that school comes first. Not all of us are peter jones 20:52:32 <smooge> anything else from people? 20:52:43 <CodeBlock[s]> smooge: yeah..I miss being as active as I was when i first started though 20:52:44 <CodeBlock[s]> :/ 20:53:06 <Arsenick> is there a good place to find a sponsor and become active in the infrastructure group ? :P 20:53:55 <smooge> Arsenick, ok the general way I have found is the following: 1) Find something in the open tickets you want to work on even if its taken by someone else. Propose how to deal with it on list and/or IRC 20:54:10 <smooge> sponsorship usually comes after that for sysadmin-test 20:54:17 <Arsenick> ok 20:54:38 <mdomsch> I spent an hour talking to a Canonical I/t guy about mirrors 20:54:38 <Arsenick> allright, I'll take a look at the tickets ;) thanks! 20:55:02 <smooge> Arsenick, if it works out we usually move to sysadmin-noc or some similar group which allows for more autonomy/meritocracy. 20:55:05 <mdomsch> they are now considering using mirrormanager instead of a custom launchpad bit 20:55:09 <smooge> mdomsch, oooooh 20:55:38 <ricky> Niice :_) 20:55:43 <skvidal> mdomsch: cool 20:55:44 <Arsenick> smooge, great thanks for the info 20:55:52 <smooge> that would be nice if for no other reason than it would allow for apples/apples comparisons versus apples/wheat 20:57:10 <smooge> also help on stuff like finding code issues 20:57:24 <smooge> ok I think I can wrap up so rbergeron can run cloud 20:57:25 <mdomsch> yep 20:57:57 <smooge> #endmeeting