17:59:59 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2012-06-07) 17:59:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 7 17:59:59 2012 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:59:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:00 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:00 <nirik> #topic Is anyone there? 18:00:00 <nirik> #chair smooge skvidal CodeBlock ricky nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean 18:00:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: CodeBlock abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik ricky skvidal smooge threebean 18:00:06 <skvidal> yah yah yah 18:00:09 * relrod here 18:00:14 * pingou here 18:00:42 * marcdeop here 18:00:49 * ianweller_ here 18:01:28 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead and start in... 18:01:28 * fcami__ here 18:01:29 <smooge> here 18:01:37 * threebean is here 18:01:57 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks. 18:01:57 <nirik> If any new folks want to give a quick one line bio or any apprentices 18:01:57 <nirik> would like to ask general questions, they can do so here. 18:02:00 * rossdylan is here 18:02:16 <nirik> any new folks like to introduce themselves? or any general apprentice questions or concerns? 18:02:39 <rossdylan> I am a new red hat intern working on integrating open badges into fedora infrastructure 18:02:45 <rossdylan> Hi everyone 18:02:48 <nirik> welcome rossdylan 18:02:53 <threebean> Hi :) 18:02:55 <nirik> cool on the badges. ;) 18:02:56 <marcdeop> welcome rossdylan :) 18:03:12 <rossdylan> thanks :D 18:03:51 <nirik> ok, I guess lets move along then... 18:03:53 <nirik> #topic two factor auth status 18:04:03 <nirik> any news on this this week? 18:04:06 <skvidal> nothing really. I tried to get ahold of wolfkit 18:04:14 <skvidal> not much 18:04:20 <nirik> yeah, I've not seen him on irc of late much 18:04:34 <nirik> I get the idea we are close to ready to setup a staging/test 18:04:39 <skvidal> we are 18:04:55 <nirik> which will be very nice. ;) 18:04:57 <skvidal> it's round-tuits and a little bit of code 18:05:01 <skvidal> also - I wanted to ask 18:05:14 <skvidal> has anyone in here used http://code.google.com/p/mod-auth-external/ 18:05:16 <skvidal> and 18:05:20 <skvidal> http://code.google.com/p/pwauth/ 18:05:26 <relrod> Yeah I haven't talked to wolfkit much recently either, I can try poking him via other means (I have contact with him outside of Fedora) and get him to check in 18:05:28 <skvidal> it's somewhat related 18:05:37 * nirik hasn't 18:05:37 <skvidal> relrod: that'd be great 18:05:48 <skvidal> so the gist of it is 18:05:55 <skvidal> we use mod-auth-external 18:06:01 <skvidal> coupled with pwauth 18:06:20 <skvidal> to do auth to fas2 for things like hosted trac, nagios, etc etc 18:06:32 <skvidal> w/o needing a direct db connection to fas2 18:06:41 <nirik> yeah, and that gets them to the same level as other places where the fas servers do not need to be up 18:06:53 <skvidal> yah 18:07:14 <nirik> (or the database as the case may be) 18:07:19 <skvidal> I've read the security warnings about both 18:07:27 <skvidal> and they don't seem more dramatic than anything else 18:07:41 <nirik> are they packaged up yet? 18:07:43 <skvidal> yes 18:07:44 <skvidal> in epel 18:07:47 <skvidal> all ready to roll 18:08:04 <nirik> cool. Sounds like a good thing to test out and see if there are any gotchas. 18:08:14 <skvidal> nod 18:08:19 <skvidal> it would, of course, HAVE to be ssl'd 18:08:23 <skvidal> but I think we assume that now anyway 18:08:25 <nirik> I was looking at mod_auth_openid... but it doesn't solve that problem (still need the fas openid provider to login) 18:08:45 <skvidal> so the only thing I am hazy on is this 18:08:51 <skvidal> pwauth needs to be setuid 18:09:00 <skvidal> so it can make the pam check at all 18:09:06 <skvidal> so the gist of it is 18:09:33 <skvidal> apache -> mod-auth-external -> pwauth -> pam -> talks to local pam auth 18:09:42 <nirik> we might run this idea by the RH security folks too? 18:09:43 <skvidal> then you can make a fall through to check for a group membership 18:10:04 <skvidal> maybe... 18:10:29 <skvidal> okay - that's all. 18:10:37 <nirik> ok, sounds good. 18:10:44 <skvidal> if anyone wants to setup those and test them - feel free to let me know 18:10:48 <skvidal> otherwise roundtuits 18:10:55 <nirik> #info will look at testing mod_auth_external / pwauth for nagios/trac 18:11:33 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 18:11:46 <nirik> Any application news this week? 18:11:52 * pingou has not much 18:12:01 <threebean> oo, oo. me! 18:12:05 <threebean> https://admin.stg.fedoraproject.org/updates (bodhi) and http://community01.dev.fedoraproject.org/tagger (tagger) are emitting zmq messages now. 18:12:06 <nirik> I hear that we had actual messages going accross fedmsg bus in staging this week? :) 18:12:19 <threebean> :) 18:12:23 <threebean> You can see them by logging onto a staging machine and running: "$ fedmsg-tail --really-pretty" while poking at the apps. 18:12:39 <ianweller_> and that means it's time for me to start work on datanommer ;) 18:13:00 <threebean> I'm splitting up the config into /etc/fedmsg.d/ now (because /etc/fedmsg-config.py is ballooning). 18:13:03 <nirik> threebean: does that need to be any specific machine? or just anything? 18:13:04 <threebean> After that, I'll try standing up mediawiki+fedmsg in staging. 18:13:20 <threebean> nirik: should be anything in puppetEnvironment == 'staging' 18:13:24 <nirik> cool. 18:13:38 <smooge> tres cool 18:14:12 <nirik> speaking of mediawiki... smooge / ianweller_: whats next for mediawiki 119? 18:14:34 * relrod has a few small things - I worked with abadger1999 last night on making a new python-fedora release which adds a method to create FAS groups, which I needed for the fedorahosted app. Also did some testing with him making sure fas01.dev is working fine. 18:14:52 <ianweller_> i think since we're still working on mw118, we do that 18:14:53 <smooge> I need to build it in EPEL. I need to get the plugins reviewed 18:14:57 <ianweller_> wait 18:14:59 <ianweller_> we are doing 119 18:15:00 <ianweller_> that's right 18:15:05 * ianweller_ shuts up 18:15:19 <nirik> I can help with plugins. 18:15:27 <nirik> would be nice to get it updated. ;) 18:15:29 <smooge> right now the plugins are the ones we use in our private idaho 18:16:11 <smooge> my steps would be then would be update in a .dev. environment to see if it will work cleanly. Then do so in staging and then production 18:16:21 <nirik> yeah. 18:16:23 <smooge> ianweller_, did the last "update" so I will need info from him 18:16:30 <relrod> As far as the fedorahosted app itself, I'm working on getting the various fedorahosted SCMs processable via the CLI. Git requests should almost kindasorta work. Mailing lists should get created via ansible when we move lists to hosted-lists01 (I need to test the ansible bits locally, but it *should* work as-is). 18:16:38 <nirik> we can probibly just go to stg with it... do it on one of the apps there. 18:16:47 <ianweller_> that's fun, because i don't remember doing the last updat e;) 18:17:03 <threebean> relrod: that's awesome 18:17:14 <nirik> excellent. 18:17:29 <threebean> smooge, nirik: if it winds up in app*.stg, let's just communicate so aren't both fighting over mediawiki at the same time. :) 18:17:29 <nirik> ianweller_: I'm sure we can sort it out. ;) 18:17:32 <ianweller_> smooge: are you wanting to work on this stuff today? 18:17:35 <ianweller_> smooge: or when 18:17:45 <nirik> threebean: yeah, agreed. Please coordinate. 18:18:34 <smooge> GNOME server went tango uniform again.. will be focusing on that for a few minutes 18:18:51 <skvidal> smooge: I hear if you just reseat everything it'll be fine 18:18:52 <skvidal> ;) 18:19:04 <nirik> In other application news, we moved fas db to it's own db server. This should prevent it from getting hit by load issues on other apps. 18:19:20 <skvidal> w00t 18:19:23 <nirik> smooge: ;( 18:19:28 <nirik> ok, any other application news? 18:19:30 <skvidal> we also gave db02.stg more ram 18:19:38 <skvidal> so hopefully it will stop crapping out occasionally 18:19:39 <nirik> oh yeah. 18:19:51 <threebean> rossdylan is making rapid progress on badges for week #1. 18:20:00 <nirik> skvidal: are we overcommited on any virthosts now? 18:20:05 <nirik> (on mem) 18:20:18 <skvidal> umm lemme look 18:20:35 <nirik> threebean / rossdylan: cool. Is there any place with a plan/overview of the badges setup? or place were folks could step up to help? 18:20:37 <rossdylan> indeed I am, you can now award badges to people (based on email) by listening on the fedmsg bus 18:20:59 <skvidal> nirik: running 18:21:00 <rossdylan> current dev is hosted on github.com/rossdylan/fedmsg 18:21:31 <threebean> nirik: nothing written down :/ 18:21:52 <threebean> rossdylan: let's definitely do that so infra peeps can review it 18:21:56 <nirik> also, dunno if it's worth looking at to see if you could pull in, but our askbot instance has badges... 18:22:00 <skvidal> nirik: virthost10.phx2.fedoraproject.org:-479 18:22:07 <skvidal> still a little short there - but I bet we never hit it 18:22:24 <nirik> http://ask.fedoraproject.org/badges/ 18:22:29 <skvidal> nirik: oh and virthost06.phx2.fedoraproject.org:-814 18:22:29 <nirik> skvidal: ok, good to know. 18:22:45 <skvidal> hmm 18:22:58 <skvidal> releng01, ask01, bapp02, packages01 18:23:08 <nirik> releng01 is bvirthost06. ;) 18:23:19 <rossdylan> nirik, we were thinking about creating scripts to dump existing badges (or existing activities that need awarding) into the newer open badges system 18:23:44 <nirik> rossdylan: sounds reasonable. 18:23:53 <nirik> ok, shall we move on then? 18:23:55 <skvidal> nirik: right - sorry - bad grep 18:24:13 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 18:24:27 <nirik> here's what I have on my list for upcoming: 18:24:29 <nirik> #info 2012-06-08 OOW: osuosl01.fedoraproject.org 18:24:29 <nirik> #info 2012-06-11 remove people with pkgdb bugzilla issues. 18:24:29 <nirik> #info 2012-06-14 23UTC class A and B reboots 18:24:29 <nirik> #info 2012-06-17 OOW: sign-vault02.phx2.fedoraproject.org 18:24:30 <nirik> #info 2012-06-21 to 2012-07-04 Kevin is off on trains and boats. 18:24:32 <nirik> #info 2012-06-26 Fedora 15 end of life. 18:24:34 <nirik> #info 2012-06-28 Seth at jury duty. 18:24:46 <nirik> I'm going to ask fesco about the people who have bugzilla email issues... 18:24:53 <nirik> get permission to just remove them all. 18:25:02 <nirik> next wed we will be doing mass reboots. 18:25:14 <nirik> anything else folks would like to schedule or note? 18:26:14 <nirik> we need to reschedule the lists.fedorahosted move sometime. 18:26:35 <skvidal> does anyone here have any dyndns or round-robin dns mgmt experience? 18:26:58 <skvidal> I was looking for some input on if there is a vastly simpler way to do something we're currently doing in a kludgy, horrible way 18:26:59 <skvidal> :) 18:27:20 * nirik has avoided those setups in the past. ;) 18:27:35 <skvidal> well we're stuck with roundrobin 18:27:38 <abadger1999> nirik: I don't have the date handy but -- date that RH is turning of old bugzilla compatibility should probably be noted 18:27:40 <skvidal> I do not know a way around it for our proxies 18:27:47 <nirik> skvidal: oh, we might ask letoto, he's mr dns. 18:27:59 <nirik> abadger1999: good idea. I think I saw it somewhere, let me look. 18:27:59 <skvidal> nirik: I thought he only cared about dnssec 18:28:01 <smooge> skvidal, I do 18:28:52 <skvidal> smooge: so right now the process we use for updating dns for hte proxies is.... 18:28:56 <skvidal> ridiculously complicated 18:28:59 <skvidal> 1. edit in 12 locations 18:29:01 <skvidal> 2. edit serial 18:29:03 <nirik> #topic Dns 18:29:05 <skvidal> 3. commit to git 18:29:08 <skvidal> 4. push 18:29:15 <skvidal> 5. force-puppet on ns\* 18:29:17 <skvidal> 6. wait 18:29:22 <skvidal> 7. do what you want to do 18:29:30 <skvidal> 8. do those again to put it all back 18:29:33 <marcdeop> wow, that's a lot of steps 18:29:46 <skvidal> sorry 12 is an exaggeration 18:29:52 <skvidal> it's only 6 locations 18:29:56 <smooge> yeah.. pretty much standard fair for doing the "we want people in X to use this proxy over that proxy" 18:30:06 <skvidal> so here's what I was thinking 18:30:16 <smooge> listening 18:30:24 <skvidal> we use the proxies just as fedoraproject.org and wildcard.fedoraproject.org 18:31:03 <skvidal> in most cases the sites are CNAMES to wildcard 18:31:21 <skvidal> (admin.fp.o, for example or www) 18:31:36 <smooge> yes 18:31:36 <skvidal> what I was thinking is that we setup a subdomain 18:31:43 <skvidal> dyn.fedoraproject.org 18:32:06 <skvidal> so we can edit that one domain - for changes to the proxies 18:32:15 <skvidal> and bump only the serial in that domain 18:32:31 <skvidal> the website names, of course, don't change 18:32:35 <skvidal> that's the point of the cnames 18:32:42 <skvidal> so if I go to www.fedoraproject.org 18:32:49 <skvidal> it currently goes to wildcard.fedoraproject.org 18:33:05 <skvidal> which RR dns to one of our proxy ips - dependent on which GEOip you're coming from 18:33:22 <skvidal> all we'd be changing is instead of going to wildcard.fedoraproject.org 18:33:28 <skvidal> it would be wildcard.dyn.fedoraproject.org 18:33:50 <skvidal> and instead of hand-editing the zones in puppet/git and pushing them out 18:34:01 <skvidal> we could script the creation/updating of that zone 18:34:26 <skvidal> just create a dictionary of ips and which regions they should exist in 18:34:32 <nirik> I think this is worth persuing. 18:34:36 <skvidal> and populate the various region-specific files that way 18:34:47 <smooge> skvidal, that sounds good. 18:34:47 <skvidal> so I guess what I'm wondering is.. 18:34:52 <skvidal> has someone else already done this? 18:35:02 <nirik> not only for less editing/stuff when we change things, but allowing for automation (example nagios pulls a site thats down from dns for us) 18:35:36 <skvidal> it also seems like 18:35:39 <smooge> well we were using cobbler to do zones for building stuff and editing bind files that way. At another spot we had a shell script which did pretty much what you said for a limited domain 18:35:42 <skvidal> it would make the process less error prine 18:35:51 <skvidal> s/prine/prone/ 18:35:56 <nirik> yes. 18:36:28 <nirik> also, ideally I'd prefer if there were a nag when it's not in the 'normal' config state. Currently, we take something out, and when it's back up, we forget to re-add it 18:37:19 <skvidal> okay.. 18:37:22 <nirik> anyhow, I don't know of anything done like this before, but we could look around on the net? 18:37:23 <skvidal> here's what I might do 18:37:33 <skvidal> there's no reason to NOT setup the dns zone 18:37:37 <skvidal> and just not USE it for anything 18:37:45 <skvidal> ie: just test populating/updating the zones 18:37:54 <skvidal> but nothing is ever referred to inside it 18:37:55 <skvidal> right? 18:37:59 <skvidal> that seems harm-free to me 18:38:11 <nirik> yep. Should be fine. 18:38:20 <skvidal> so I may look into that as a start 18:38:26 <skvidal> unless someone else wants to take this on 18:39:05 * marcdeop is not sure has the knowledge need but wants to help skvidal out 18:39:08 * nirik listens to the silence. ;) 18:39:19 * marcdeop s/need/needed 18:39:28 <skvidal> marcdeop: do you have any dns experience? 18:39:35 <nirik> #info skvidal to work on more automated/dynamic zone updates for our primary zone 18:39:35 <marcdeop> a little bit, yes 18:40:03 <skvidal> marcdeop: well - all we're talking about is a script that lets us generate a pretty simple dns zone 18:40:11 <skvidal> it's really just a template 18:40:22 <skvidal> I bet I could use python jinja to most of it 18:40:33 <skvidal> the only tricky part is state maintenance 18:40:42 <skvidal> and making the commands make sense to someone updating it 18:40:53 <skvidal> marcdeop: I'll sketch up some pseudocode 18:40:58 <skvidal> and post to infra for complaints 18:41:04 <skvidal> if you want to work on fleshing it out - feel free 18:41:10 <nirik> sounds good. 18:41:39 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:41:48 <nirik> Any other items anyone has? questions? comments? 18:41:58 <skvidal> how about the clean up issues we encountered this week? 18:42:08 <smooge> I will be out next Thursday 18:42:13 <skvidal> smooge: have fun! 18:42:22 <nirik> skvidal: sure, would be good to note those... 18:42:23 <smooge> I am going to a security conference in Santa Fe for a couple of hours 18:42:33 <smooge> should be learning some new things 18:42:52 <smooge> hopefully not all Windows related :) 18:42:58 <nirik> smooge: cool. 18:43:00 <skvidal> nirik: well I was thinking of these items: 18:43:10 <marcdeop> couple of hours = next week? wooow 18:43:12 <marcdeop> :P 18:43:32 <skvidal> 1. all of sign-* hosts redo/work/update 18:43:35 <skvidal> 2. old puppet crap 18:43:55 <nirik> 3. firewalls? 18:43:57 <skvidal> 3. httpd::site vs httpd::website and porting things around 18:44:02 <skvidal> (firewalls, yes) 18:44:06 <skvidal> 4. fakefas reinstall 18:44:36 <skvidal> 5. it's been a while since the last time we changed global root pws 18:44:58 <relrod> 5 I was thinking about the other day and agree with. 18:45:10 <nirik> right. So, on 1. I am wondering if we should consider a late summer FAD for infrastructure security stuff. We could gather somewhere and work on redoing our sign stuff, finish implementing the 2factor auth stuff, talk about signing commits, talk about any other secuity deliverables we might want to have. 18:45:32 <nirik> we could also do 5 at that time with many of us in person? 18:45:47 <skvidal> nirik: root pw change is triviall, actually 18:45:53 <nirik> well, yeah, true. 18:45:54 <skvidal> i have a func script which can do it globally 18:46:08 <skvidal> speaking of that I made a change to our global ssh configuration this week 18:46:16 * marcdeop is sorry but has to leave. Hopes to read any stuff left in the log :) 18:46:22 <skvidal> such that it is now possible for us to allow root to login - but only using ssh keys 18:46:28 <nirik> marcdeop: no problem. 18:46:32 <skvidal> however, I have not enabled any authorized_keys 18:46:55 <nirik> I'm ok with a rootpw change anytime. 18:47:32 <skvidal> nirik: okay I'll jot it down 18:47:53 * nirik was also wanting to change the default IMM passwords/other places thats used. 18:47:58 <nirik> but thats more work 18:48:07 <relrod> nirik: when/where are you thinking about the FAD? I was thinking 'VFAD' but you said in-person 18:48:14 <skvidal> nirik: can we do that via the ssh connection? 18:48:20 <skvidal> nirik: b/c that would be WAY easier 18:48:21 <nirik> skvidal: not sure. 18:48:24 <skvidal> relrod: VFADs suck 18:48:29 <skvidal> relrod: b/c people are still distracted 18:48:45 <skvidal> let me rephrase 18:48:50 <skvidal> vfads do not suck 18:48:53 <skvidal> they suck for things like this 18:48:54 <nirik> relrod: yeah, if we can get funding... it occured to me that no one does FAD's anymore... but perhaps infra could put together a compelling one. 18:49:11 * pingou likes the idea 18:49:14 <relrod> Yeah. I think it'd be cool 18:49:17 <skvidal> in person, relatively isolated could work for hammering out something. 18:49:19 <nirik> not that I like traveling, but I bet we could get a lot done in a weekend face to face with less distractions. 18:49:31 <skvidal> or better yet! not a weekend! :) 18:49:34 <nirik> or at least a lot of plans to bring back 18:49:38 <nirik> sure, that too. 18:49:43 <pingou> a long week-end ? :) 18:50:02 <nirik> anyhow, it's just an idea. 18:50:12 <nirik> I'll run it by the list and see what interest there is. 18:50:16 <pingou> nirik: in your idea, where would it be held ? 18:50:16 * relrod likes it - if I can help plan it somehow let me know 18:50:29 <nirik> pingou: good question. 18:50:37 <nirik> we are pretty spread out... 18:50:39 <pingou> nirik: US is the basic answer, but east/west cost ? 18:50:54 <skvidal> I bet we could get a conference room in the RDU office for free 18:50:57 <nirik> I suspect it would come down to costs... 18:51:19 <nirik> where can we get space/net/etc... where is cheap to fly people into...where is cheap to have people stay 18:52:03 * relrod likes the idea a lot 18:52:05 <smooge> let us do one in Phoenix :). In the summer 18:52:09 <nirik> another possibility would be to try something next to fudcon... have folks come in a few days sooner or leave a few days later. 18:52:17 <nirik> but thats next year 18:53:13 <nirik> smooge: we could all sit next to the servers in the datacenter. ;) 18:53:25 <pingou> \รณ/ 18:53:32 <pingou> nice and cold 18:53:41 <nirik> but unfortunately, loud. 18:53:46 <skvidal> incredibly loud 18:53:56 <pingou> hear plugs ? :) 18:53:59 <nirik> anyhow, I'll send out a thing to the list and see what folks think... 18:53:59 <skvidal> I've never been in a quiet datacenter 18:54:05 <skvidal> nirik: cool 18:54:06 <pingou> and we can chat on irc :) 18:54:24 <nirik> I'll note it's important for FAD's to have a list of specific deliverables... 18:54:36 <nirik> not just "work on stuff" 18:54:39 <skvidal> right 18:54:42 <skvidal> I think that list is not hard 18:54:51 <skvidal> sign* fixup/redo/document/process 18:54:56 <skvidal> 2fa 18:54:59 <nirik> yeah, I have a long list of things I would like to have done/do/plan 18:55:11 <skvidal> well we could focus it down to only auth/security if it would help 18:55:21 <pingou> abadger1999: webapp FAD ? 18:55:22 <nirik> yeah, thats what I was thinking too. 18:55:34 <abadger1999> Maybe Colorado is the closest to all of infra-sysadmin :-) 18:55:51 <jaysonr> sorry i almost missed the meeting - I was thinking it was #PM EDT :) 18:55:53 <nirik> abadger1999: we could make a graph. ;) 18:55:58 <jaysonr> 3PM* 18:55:58 <abadger1999> pingou: We could. I bet Boston area is most central for those. 18:56:07 <skvidal> anyway - to the list? 18:56:12 <pingou> abadger1999: likely 18:56:27 <relrod> webapp/fedora-apps FAD would be cool too, yes :P 18:56:31 <nirik> yeah. (I would be happy with colorado, because then I wouldn't have to fly) 18:56:40 <nirik> anyhow, anything else? or shall we call it a meeting? 18:56:44 <skvidal> nirik: you could drive to raleigh if you really wanted to 18:56:58 <nirik> yeah. 18:57:16 <nirik> possibly could do train too, but I bet I would have to go via chicago or something silly. 18:57:48 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone. 18:57:58 <nirik> #endmeeting