19:00:02 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2013-07-18) 19:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 18 19:00:02 2013 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 19:00:02 <nirik> #topic welcome everyone 19:00:02 <nirik> #chair smooge CodeBlock ricky nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean 19:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 19:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: CodeBlock abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik ricky smooge threebean 19:00:17 * cyberworm541 is here 19:00:22 * tflink is lurking 19:00:33 * abadger1999 here 19:00:39 <sheap> here! 19:00:44 * Smoother1rOgZ is around 19:00:52 * threebean is here! 19:01:46 * kilted1 waves 19:02:14 <smooge> here 19:02:16 <rhaen> here. 19:02:23 * oddshocks 19:02:29 <nirik> ok, I guess we should go ahead and dive on in... 19:02:43 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks 19:02:57 <nirik> any new folks like to introduce themselves? or apprentices with questions or comments? 19:03:06 <Jairo> Hi all 19:03:08 <sheap> Hi everyone, I'm new here 19:03:14 <Jairo> Me too 19:03:25 <nirik> cool. welcome. 19:03:33 <Jairo> thanks 19:03:40 <nirik> are you more interested in sysadmin or application development type things? 19:03:41 <oddshocks> sheap: Welcome to Fedora-land! 19:03:44 <threebean> Hi Jairo, sheap. :) 19:03:49 <Jairo> sysadmin 19:03:51 <oddshocks> Jairo: welcome! 19:03:57 <sheap> Thanks everyone! 19:04:27 * relrod_n4 here...ish. 19:05:00 <nirik> if sysadmin, I can help you get started after the meeting over in #fedora-admin... if apps we have #fedora-apps ready for your questions. ;) 19:05:23 <mahrud> nirik: hmm, is that a new channel? 19:05:44 <nirik> not really... been around a while now. year or two? 19:06:45 <nirik> so, sheap / Jairo: welcome, and do chime in with questions and hang out in #fedora-admin / #fedora-noc / #fedora-apps. :) 19:07:15 <sheap> I've been silently watching in admin/noc. Interesting to see what's going on 19:07:23 <nirik> excellent. 19:07:27 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 19:07:34 <nirik> Any application news? 19:07:48 <Jairo> I'm lost in how start or find a task 19:08:00 <threebean> Jairo: oh, have you seen pingou's "easyfix" app? 19:08:11 <Jairo> no 19:08:15 <dgilmore> hey all 19:08:16 <threebean> Jairo: https://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/ 19:08:34 <threebean> Jairo: its a list of tickets aggregated from a variety of our trackers that have been marked (appropriately or not) as "easyfix" 19:08:51 <threebean> meaning, they could be a good first ticket to take on. 19:09:24 <Jairo> Thanks, now I take a look 19:09:27 * nirik nods. 19:09:52 <nirik> also, it's often good to hang out in our irc channels and ask about issues people are talking about... that can often get you involved in the solution. 19:10:07 <threebean> in application news, I got some websocket updating working on the badges staging app -> https://apps.stg.fedoraproject.org/badges 19:10:18 <threebean> if you let it sit and watch the leftmost column, it should update as new badges are awarded by the backend. 19:10:55 <nirik> nice. ;) 19:11:07 <lmacken> I'm probably going to do a bodhi update during the koji outage too with a few bugfixes 19:11:16 <nirik> are we planning on starting fresh when we deploy in prod? or copying the existing staging db? 19:11:31 <nirik> lmacken: cool, sounds good. 19:11:35 <threebean> start fresh, I think. 19:11:58 <oddshocks> I vote start fresh 19:12:03 * nirik nods. just wondering, no biggie to me either way 19:12:04 <oddshocks> We've already wiped the DB many times 19:12:06 <oddshocks> in staging 19:12:24 <oddshocks> The highest I've seen the user count at was about 800, which is sweet :) 19:12:44 <nirik> how many badges are we up to? 19:13:09 <threebean> 62 + the flock badge = 63 19:13:23 <nirik> nice. 19:13:25 <oddshocks> Plus, mizmo and Jenn are almost done with all of the art for em :) 19:13:31 <oddshocks> they look awesome *digs up link from mizmo* 19:13:48 <nirik> wonder if we shouldn't do a brainstorm session sometime for some more. Would be cool to start with 100+ or something. 19:13:52 <threebean> yeah! 40~50 of those done. only a dozen or so are actually loaded into the stg app at this point. 19:14:16 <oddshocks> these are mizmo's: http://i.imgur.com/j5RL1Gr.png 19:14:32 <rhaen> oddshocks: oh, they do look very nice, indeed 19:14:40 <nirik> yeah, very nice. 19:14:50 <oddshocks> and you can see Jenn's in some cases on staging, or here: https://github.com/oddshocks/badges/tree/master/art (assuming she PR'd me the latest bits) 19:14:56 <oddshocks> #agree 19:14:59 * samkottler is sorry he's late 19:15:15 <tdk2fe> Hello all 19:15:21 * oddshocks waves 19:15:25 <nirik> samkottler: no worries, welcome. 19:15:32 <nirik> hey tdk2fe 19:15:56 <threebean> nirik: I'm out on PTO next week. we could do a brainstorming session on tuesday the 30th? 19:15:58 <nirik> I also think it's pretty cool that the debian folks have their fedmsg setup running along now. ;) Very cool. 19:16:27 <nirik> threebean: I'll be in phx2 then... perhaps that friday? 19:16:31 * threebean nods 19:16:33 <threebean> sounds good 19:16:41 <nirik> #info have 63 badges done now. 19:16:43 <threebean> #link http://blog.olasd.eu/2013/07/bootstrapping-fedmsg-for-debian/ 19:17:02 <nirik> #info #debian-fedmsg over on irc.oftc.net for debian messages. ;) 19:17:18 <oddshocks> ahh awesome they have a channel for it, too 19:17:20 <oddshocks> so cool 19:17:33 <nirik> yeah, its getting a ton of traffic because they have their bug tracker hooked up 19:17:36 <tdk2fe> so is there a formal start to the meeting? Or is 19:00 UTC a suggestion for when to arrive :) 19:17:52 <nirik> tdk2fe: yes, we start at 19UTC sharp. ;) (17min ago) 19:18:08 <tdk2fe> Ah 19:18:16 <nirik> tdk2fe: if you're new, welcome... more interested in sysadmin or application development or both? 19:18:20 <tdk2fe> I won't interrupt further, then 19:18:26 <tdk2fe> Sysadmin 19:18:30 <nirik> no problem at all... :) 19:18:44 <nirik> ok, do see me in #fedora-admin after the meeting and we can get you pointed in the right direction. 19:18:53 <threebean> tdk2fe: (welcome!) 19:18:55 <tdk2fe> (I'm at work right now so if I take a bit to respond I apologize) 19:18:58 <tdk2fe> Thanks! 19:19:11 <nirik> any other application news upcoming? 19:19:28 <threebean> oh, I pushed a new release of the fedora-packages app to production 19:19:38 <threebean> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages 19:19:42 <nirik> #info new packages app to production 19:19:49 <nirik> any exciting changes? or just small bugfixes? 19:19:50 <threebean> fixed some bugs in the updates view 19:19:55 <threebean> small stuff :) 19:20:04 <nirik> ok 19:20:10 <mdomsch> mirrormanager is still struggling a bit 19:20:30 <nirik> mdomsch: yeah, crawler issues? 19:20:33 <mdomsch> crawler is hanging 19:20:42 <nirik> :( 19:21:22 <nirik> mdomsch: oh, can you make a fedora-rawhide-install thing that points to rawhide fedup images like we do for say fedora-19-install ? (one step needed for fedup to support upgrading to rawhide) 19:21:51 <mdomsch> ok 19:22:19 <nirik> (not urgent at all, just happened to remember it) 19:22:39 <nirik> abadger1999: you said there might be a new voting app update soon? 19:23:16 <abadger1999> nirik: yeah -- fchiulli has just about finished the rewrite. 19:23:26 <abadger1999> I think we could deploy and test.. 19:23:41 <nirik> cool. we can look at migrating it to ansible / per application instance(s) 19:23:46 <abadger1999> not sure about doing the next release naming vote in it -- that might be cutting it close 19:23:58 <nirik> well, we are already overdue on that vote. ;( 19:24:03 <abadger1999> otoh, release naming is fairly low impact even if it is the most voted in election :-) 19:24:31 <abadger1999> <nod> 19:24:31 <nirik> yeah. 19:24:57 <nirik> ok, moving on then... 19:24:59 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 19:25:08 <nirik> Lets see... 19:25:14 <abadger1999> Once the rewrite is deployed, it will be time for people to start thinking about how to enhance the app again -- I think it's a pretty straight port. So plenty of UI warts will be carried over. 19:25:25 <nirik> #info nirik to be at phx2 29th - 31st 19:25:34 <nirik> abadger1999: yeah. 19:25:47 <nirik> I'm going to schedule a outage for the 30th. 19:26:13 <nirik> during which we will roll up everything on updates and I will be adding memory/disk to various virthosts. 19:27:14 <nirik> #info koji outage starts in about 1.5 hours later today. 19:27:19 <smooge> weee 19:27:37 <nirik> I think I am mostly all setup for that. 19:27:50 <nirik> I predict there will be lots of people who didn't pay attention asking about it however. 19:28:19 <nirik> #info work on our rbac-playbook wrapper script has moved forward, ready to test 19:29:02 <nirik> #info hope to have our new bladecenter working sometime soon. 19:29:08 <nirik> anything else sysadmin wise? 19:30:53 <smooge> I am trying to find out ab 19:30:55 <tflink> nirik: has there an announcement about the outage on the 30th? 19:31:04 <nirik> tflink: yes, to devel-announce. 19:31:12 <smooge> geez.. me no type good 19:31:20 <smooge> I am updating some certs on the websties 19:31:32 <nirik> oh, sorry, no not yet 19:31:49 <nirik> tflink: was going to wait a bit, because if I announce too much in advance people forget about it. 19:31:52 <smooge> I am hardlinking a lot of data over to archive so that will be ready 19:32:16 <nirik> smooge: cool. Can you also make sure that the certs are in nagios to be monitored for expire? 19:32:22 <tflink> nirik: ok, making sure I hadn't missed anything 19:32:28 <smooge> I will add that 19:32:51 <nirik> tflink: hopefully it will not be too long, but pulling and adding memory always takes longer than you expect. 19:32:51 <smooge> I am on hold for a bunch of stuff 19:33:01 <smooge> that will probably all come about at the same time 19:33:13 <tflink> nirik: sure, just wanted to be sure I knew about any autoqa downtime 19:33:16 <nirik> of course. ;) 19:33:50 <nirik> tflink: probibly won't directly affect autoqa... I don't think we are doing anything to that virthost/qa hosts. 19:34:03 <nirik> although, if you need me to do anything to those qa hosts, please do let me know. 19:34:46 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 19:34:46 <nirik> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/infrastructure/ 19:34:55 <nirik> anything anyone would like to note or plan upcoming? 19:36:37 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 19:36:45 <nirik> any items for open floor? questions or comments/ 19:36:46 <nirik> ? 19:37:02 <rhaen> Nice introduction to ansible, yesterday, nirik 19:37:37 <rhaen> thanks for this. 19:38:04 <nirik> oh yeah, I should note that here... 19:38:08 <kilted1> is there a transcript to that meeting somewhere? 19:38:35 <nirik> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meetbot/meetbot/meetbot/meetbot/fedora-meeting-1/2013-07-17/infrastructure-ansible-meetup.2013-07-17-19.00.html 19:38:41 <nirik> just was getting it. ;) 19:38:58 <nirik> so, thats a short intro to what we have so far on our ansible deployment and questions and issues we need to solve. 19:39:18 <smooge> I am working on some "how to test on your own" stuff 19:39:33 <smooge> so you can "test" things on a vm local to you to get an idea 19:39:43 * threebean saves that link 19:39:50 <rhaen> is there anything like rspec/cucumber for ansible playbooks? 19:39:56 <nirik> yep. I use ansible here at home as well... it's very easy to get started playing around with it. 19:40:37 <nirik> rhaen: not that I know of... playbooks are pretty simple to write... 19:41:13 <nirik> just include any existing roles or tasks or add specific plays... 19:41:14 <rhaen> nirik: k, they are easy, true - do you recommend a yaml editor / vim plugin/ something? 19:41:18 <kilted1> smooge: very cool, I would be interested in that 19:41:33 <nirik> I've just been using plain vim. There might be some plugin for yml that would make it neater. ;) 19:41:34 <smooge> I hope to have it by next thursday 19:42:50 <nirik> ok, if nothing else will close out in a minute 19:44:41 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone! 19:44:44 <nirik> #endmeeting