18:02:19 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-05-15) 18:02:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 15 18:02:19 2014 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:02:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:02:19 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:02:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:02:20 <nirik> #topic welcome my friends 18:02:20 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk 18:02:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:02:24 * threebean 18:02:30 * lmacken 18:02:32 * pingou 18:02:36 * relrod 18:02:39 <abadger1999> Greetings 18:02:42 <janeznemanic> hi 18:02:55 * tflink 18:03:02 <ootbro> hey y'all..... 18:03:03 * bwood09 is here 18:03:11 * nirik waves to everyone 18:03:14 * mpduty1 is present 18:03:28 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks 18:03:35 <nirik> any new folks want to introduce themselves? 18:03:43 <nirik> or apprentices with comments, questions or ideas? ;) 18:03:49 <mhaynes> I'll say hi 18:04:00 <mhaynes> MIchael Haynes here. Software developer from southern Alabama (US) looking to apply my dev skills to whatever I can while learning some new things that are hopefully related to networking and security. See my mailing list note for more info. 18:04:29 <nirik> welcome mhaynes. :) Are you more interested in sysadmin or application development, or both? 18:04:51 <mhaynes> Sysadmin.. been writing code for years as a daily job and want to expand my horizons 18:05:07 <nirik> Also, I'd like to note: There was no May apprentice update email. I was gone on vacation and forgot about it... so we are just going to skip may and there will be one for june. ;) 18:05:24 <nirik> mhaynes: great. See me in #fedora-admin after the meeting and I can add you to our apprentice program. 18:05:37 <mhaynes> Thanks nirik 18:05:45 <ootbro> one of the new apprentices here...... with an idea for a new project that I've discussed (briefly) with nirik. 18:05:54 <ootbro> In last week's meeting, someone brought up the idea of a pictoral landscape of FP.... so after some thought (and trying to figure out what I can do here), I decided that I'd bite. I'm already doing something similar for my paying job (but for some Lotus Domino servers). 18:06:00 <ootbro> Nagios has a map page, but FP has too many servers for a clear picture of FP's landscape. I looked at a couple of the docs in http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/docs as a place to get started from. 18:06:32 <nirik> ootbro: it seems like a fine plan to me. ;) A nice overview and map type thing would be nice... 18:07:31 <ootbro> I haven't settled on final product form. I was thinking of .png, but realized a .pdf might be better -- I can add links to it. 18:08:07 <nirik> yeah... it would be nice also to have it easy to modify as things change. 18:08:23 <nirik> (not that they do all that often) 18:08:39 <ootbro> but no IT system is static, so change is expected 18:08:49 <nirik> yep. very true. 18:09:06 <nirik> #info no may fi-apprentice status update email, look for one in june. 18:09:26 * webpigeon late 18:09:26 <nirik> #info ootbro to work on map/landscape/overview of infra architecture. 18:09:42 <nirik> anything else for apprentices or new folks ? 18:09:46 <ootbro> I'll post the idea to the mailing list, too, for feedback 18:09:51 <ootbro> (done) 18:10:17 <nirik> ootbro: great. Do ask when you run into questions on things... happy to help you out. 18:10:32 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 18:10:33 <ootbro> nirik: many thanks for the offer. 18:10:42 <nirik> #info pkgdb2 is now in production. Hurray! 18:11:01 <threebean> yay! 18:11:11 <pingou> \ó/ 18:11:32 <pingou> nice team effort to get it deployed :) 18:11:43 <nirik> a bit of interaction issues we didn't expect... ;( but we overcame them 18:12:20 <threebean> yeah, it was a long day ;) 18:12:25 <nirik> there's only a few things left on app servers. I am really looking forward to moving the last bits off there and nuking them. ;) 18:13:11 <pingou> there is still few outstanding issues, but we're slowly getting there :) 18:13:12 <nirik> any other application news from the last week or upcoming? 18:13:33 <nirik> pingou: one I noticed (need to file a ticket on) is that the email doesn't contain all the info for changes. 18:13:43 * pingou building pkgdb-cli 2.2 18:13:59 <nirik> ie, email has: 18:14:01 <nirik> user: kevin set acl: approveacls of package: incron from: Awaiting Review to: Approved on branch: master 18:14:07 <pingou> nirik: someone also asked why we still send email, the original idea being to rely on FMN 18:14:15 <nirik> but doesn't say _who_ I approved acls for 18:14:25 <pingou> nirik: I'll fix this, thanks 18:14:37 <nirik> well, I'd still like the scm-commits cc 18:14:41 <nirik> it's nice as a record. 18:14:45 <nirik> but I guess we have datanommer 18:14:58 <pingou> threebean: could we create a fake account on FMN? 18:15:00 <nirik> so perhaps we could drop it. 18:15:12 <threebean> pingou: if you can create a fake account in fas, then yes. 18:15:22 <pingou> nirik: would that be a solution? 18:15:39 <abadger1999> +1 fake fas account for scm-commits 18:15:39 <nirik> we could... just mark it 'bot' so it doesn't allow resetting, etc 18:15:41 <pingou> I guess one admin of the list would have to do i :) 18:15:47 <pingou> it* 18:16:15 <nirik> right now that list allows *@fedoraproject.org I think, so we would need to moderate password emails or just make it direct in the db 18:16:57 <nirik> anyhow, we don't need to decide this now, we can figure it out. 18:17:25 <nirik> relrod: have you had a chance to work on the process git requests/epel7 scripts? where are we with those? 18:17:30 * Daredel is late 18:17:41 * nirik waves to Daredel 18:17:45 <relrod> nirik: I have a patch started for those, it still needs work 18:18:01 <relrod> https://gist.github.com/CodeBlock/b6f9020a3f129a29f5c8 is what I have so far. 18:18:32 <nirik> ok. would be good to get those soon... the spice^Wnew packages must flow. 18:19:06 <relrod> I have some questions for pingou regarding it - will ping after meeting 18:19:08 <nirik> #info a few pkgdb2 issues outstanding, working on them 18:19:13 <nirik> cool. thanks. 18:19:20 <nirik> anything else application wise? 18:19:31 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 18:19:42 <nirik> lets see... on the sysadmin side... 18:19:54 <nirik> #info reinstalled all our old blade servers as koji buildhw builders. 18:20:10 <nirik> (one of them is hosed, but I put in a ticket to have someone on site pull it out and try and reset it) 18:20:31 <pingou> relrod: me or limburgher 18:21:07 <nirik> I updated all stg hosts and rebooted them monday, but there's another kernel update out soon I suspect, so holding off on updating production... 18:21:11 <nirik> but we might do it next week. 18:21:16 <relrod> pingou: you ;) 18:21:42 <nirik> #info reinstalled fas02 as x86_64 with more memory 18:21:53 <nirik> (hopefully this fixes some fasClient run timeouts we have been seeing lately) 18:22:11 <pingou> nirik: nice :) 18:22:27 <nirik> smooge and I will be heading out to our main datacenter next month or month after (not fully scheduled yet) 18:23:05 <nirik> #topic nagios/alerts recap 18:23:17 <nirik> I have a ugly url... 18:23:20 <nirik> does this work for folks: 18:23:23 <nirik> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/nagios/cgi-bin//summary.cgi?report=1&displaytype=3&timeperiod=last7days&smon=5&sday=1&syear=2014&shour=0&smin=0&ssec=0&emon=5&eday=15&eyear=2014&ehour=24&emin=0&esec=0&hostgroup=all&servicegroup=all&host=all&alerttypes=3&statetypes=2&hoststates=3&servicestates=56&limit=50 18:23:30 <pingou> http://is.gd/1i0Eqe 18:23:44 <nirik> those are the top 50 alert producers in the last week. 18:23:53 <smooge> Plans are to rebuild the cloud.. arm the illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator.. and figure out quantum mechanics 18:23:55 <nirik> most of them can be explained. 18:24:14 <nirik> retrace should get fixed by new machines we have on order. 18:24:32 <nirik> the telia01 ones are just network issues. ;( 18:24:48 <threebean> the "check fedmsg consumers" ones keep hitting socket timeout. not sure why, but I increased the timeout today to see if it makes a difference. 18:24:59 <nirik> the tummy01 ones at the bottom are a tummy01 network outage that was pretty short 18:25:19 <nirik> the fas02 ones hopefully are solved by my repaving it. 18:25:34 <nirik> the pkgdb ones are related to the pkgdb2 roll out 18:26:05 <nirik> so, hopefully next week we look a good deal better. ;) 18:26:50 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 18:26:52 <nirik> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/infrastructure/ 18:27:00 <nirik> anyone have upcoming items they would like to note or schedule? 18:27:10 <nirik> #info our bodhi2/taskotron fad is coming up! 18:27:15 <pingou> \ó/ 18:27:16 <threebean> :) 18:27:24 <nirik> anything we need to discuss on it? or are we pretty set ? 18:27:48 <nirik> if we have flight arival times I can see about trying to pick up folks at the airport? 18:28:23 <lmacken> I can do some pickups on sunday, but I won't have a car on monday 18:28:27 <threebean> yeah, the flight arrival times on the wiki should be correct 18:29:04 <lmacken> as far as logistics, I think we're good. Hopefully everyone will have a dev environment setup ahead of time :) 18:29:20 <bwood09> In other news, the fedorahosted guidelines I sent out a week or two ago are almost finished with the revisions; should I pass it around another time? If not, what should I do next? 18:29:42 <pingou> gather statistics :) 18:29:50 <nirik> ok, I can look at the times and see when I might be able to pick up folks. I think tflink also said he could pick up some people. 18:30:23 <nirik> bwood09: yeah, some stats might be good... and/or you could run it by the list again for a final lookover. 18:30:43 <bwood09> Define stats. What specifically should I collect? 18:31:01 <bwood09> I'll do the stats and final look simultaneously. 18:31:45 <pingou> bwood09: how many projects are concerned by the rules you're proposing 18:31:48 <nirik> bwood09: well, how many projects would be affected, etc? 18:31:59 <tflink> yeah, I'm willing and able to do airport pickups 18:32:11 <pingou> bwood09: how many projects have not updated their trac index page, do not use their git, their mailing list... 18:32:14 <bwood09> Got it. Should I start taking a look at implementation as well? 18:32:33 <bwood09> Making a plan, etc 18:33:03 <nirik> sure. ;) 18:33:31 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:33:56 <nirik> anyone have items for open floor? questions, comments, ideas, favorate soft drink? 18:34:38 <bwood09> Raspberry Coca Cola is REALLY goof 18:34:41 <bwood09> Good* 18:34:52 * nirik hasn't even seen that before. 18:35:00 <threebean> yeah. that's news :P 18:35:06 <pingou> Ii 18:35:08 <pingou> Oo 18:35:16 <bwood09> From those freestyle machines in Firehouse and Checkers/Rally's? 18:35:42 <Daredel> apprentice here, still trying to familiarize with all the things... 18:35:56 <nirik> bwood09: will keep an eye out, but I haven't ever seen it here. ;( 18:36:21 <ootbro> Daredel: I'm in the same boat, which is why I decided to go with the FP landscape :) 18:37:25 <nirik> yeah, there's a lot to take in. ;) 18:38:10 <mhaynes> Yeah, I have a lot to read myself. So much I don't know about things at the moment. 18:38:20 <Daredel> not english native speaker, so not sure what do u refer with "FP landscape" 18:38:52 <pingou> Fedora Project 18:38:56 <nirik> Daredel: ootbro is going to work on a diagram/map/overview of fedora infrastructure setup 18:38:56 <ootbro> Daredel: no problem.... "FP landscape" is the FedoraProject.org architectrual picture 18:39:12 <Daredel> ohhh 18:39:15 <Daredel> nice 18:39:45 <Daredel> well i'm lookig for things to work on. so i can try to help 18:39:46 <ootbro> I'm still trying to learn the landscape and I figure this will help all the newbies get up to speed 18:40:56 <Daredel> i have looked at the easyfix but don't feel like prepared enough to solve one 18:41:05 <bwood09> Well, I just got a phone call from Nintendo 18:41:13 <bwood09> I'm an official Wii U developer now 18:41:15 <ootbro> DareDel: look for my e-mail on the mailing list -- it'll have my e-mail address for direct contact 18:41:16 <bwood09> So that's fun 18:41:20 <nirik> bwood09: alright. ;) 18:41:22 <mhaynes> Awesome bwood 18:41:26 <ootbro> bwood09: congrats :D 18:41:49 <nirik> ok, if nothing else will close out in a minute... and we can all continue over in #fedora-admin, #fedora-noc and #fedora-apps. 18:42:38 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone! 18:42:41 <nirik> #endmeeting