18:00:17 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-10-30) 18:00:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 30 18:00:17 2014 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:17 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:17 <nirik> #topic aloha 18:00:17 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk 18:00:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:20 * lmacken 18:00:25 * puiterwijk is here 18:00:29 * bwood09 here 18:00:31 * adimania is here 18:00:51 * pingou here 18:00:56 <aikidouke> here 18:01:48 * bochecha here, for once 18:01:55 * kushal is here 18:02:38 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks. 18:02:52 <nirik> any new folks like to introduce themselves? I saw several new folks on list... 18:03:08 <kushal> sritanu, ^^^^ 18:03:09 <adimania> not exactly new but here goes: 18:03:10 <sritanu> sritanu in #fedora-meeting 18:03:11 <adimania> hi. apologies for a long break. I had a nasty accident and my mobility was reduced considerably. I am slowing coming back to action. So let us get the rest of playbooks done! :) 18:03:12 * threebean here 18:03:30 <threebean> adimania: sorry to hear that! :( 18:03:40 <nirik> hey adimania. Welcome back and hope you have a quick and good recovery. ;) 18:03:40 <kushal> adimania, get well soon. 18:03:43 <threebean> adimania: glad you're on the mend. 18:03:55 <adimania> nirik, threebean, kushal, thanks :) 18:04:18 <aikidouke> Brand new here, studying for my RHCSA, looking to gain experience outside of my lab. happy to help in any way 18:04:23 <smooge> here 18:04:36 <sritanu> Hello to all.I am new to the FOSS world and I want to get started with contributing to Fedora infrastructure projects.I would be happy to help in any way. :) 18:05:13 <pingou> adimania: get well :) 18:05:26 <adimania> pingou, :) 18:05:29 <nirik> aikidouke / sritanu: welcome! do read the getting started wiki page... and if you are interested in the apprentice group, see me after the meeting over in #fedora-admin and I can get you setup. 18:06:32 <sritanu> nirik, sure.I would love to. :) 18:06:38 <nirik> great. ;) 18:06:44 * danielbruno is here 18:08:09 <nirik> ok. any apprentices with questions or comments? or shall we move on? 18:09:43 <nirik> #topic Freeze reminder 18:09:52 <nirik> A reminder we are still in Beta freeze. 18:10:01 <nirik> hopefully we will ship beta tuesday and be out wed. 18:10:29 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 18:10:34 <nirik> any appplication news this week? 18:10:54 <pingou> I create a small interface to pygit2 https://github.com/fedora-infra/pygit2_utils 18:11:20 <lmacken> I wrote a new atomic-composer ansible role, and just deployed it to composer.stg. Working on fedmsg tweaks now, and will then dive into the MirrorManager1 integration of the ostrees. 18:11:51 <nirik> lmacken: awesome. I guess the idea being we add it after beta to production rawhide? 18:12:25 <lmacken> nirik: rawhide and f21 trees I'm guessing 18:12:29 <pingou> hoping to provide a stable API with it (which pygit2 doesn't offer: https://github.com/libgit2/pygit2/commit/7653d12c721e444a1f837612169330b018f38392#diff-62c330cd8da31d476bb63b51bb8b1307R44 ) 18:12:33 <nirik> cool. 18:12:37 <puiterwijk> there's been a new FAS release pushed to stg that picks up all fixes since June, includes some fedmsg fixes. Planning to move to production once freeze is lifted, but feel free to test 18:13:10 <nirik> #info atomic-composer ansible role in testing/staging on composer.stg. 18:13:29 <nirik> #info pygit2_utils interface to pygit2 hopefully with a stable api. 18:13:55 <nirik> #info new fas (fedora account system) in staging with various bugfixes. Should be moved to production after freeze. 18:14:15 <nirik> bochecha: we landed some more dist-git changes in stg too right? the upload hash changes? 18:14:25 <bochecha> nirik, partially, yes 18:14:32 <nirik> ok, but not the full set? 18:14:44 <bochecha> the stuff that landed only makes it possible to switch later on (it adds support for sha512), but it still does md5 18:14:54 <nirik> ok, fair enough. 18:15:11 <threebean> work started on bodhi2+taskotron integration over here. still yards more to go, though - not ready for staging yet. 18:15:26 <nirik> cool. 18:15:31 <lmacken> threebean++ 18:15:34 <nirik> we need that before we can land bodhi2 in stg right? 18:15:40 <threebean> some progress made on getting compose/releng scripts working in staging. sent some patches in and waiting on feedback for now. 18:15:42 <nirik> amoung other things probibly 18:15:46 <bochecha> for the record, plan for lookaside hashes is still: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/rel-eng/2014-April/017619.html 18:16:04 <lmacken> such awesome flexible policy cascading with bean's new taskotron integration 18:16:16 <threebean> nirik: we'd like it. I don't think 'gating' was a hard requirement, but we have time to get it in now. 18:16:33 <lmacken> threebean: I wish we could do PR's with that releng repo :P 18:16:40 <pingou> bochecha also pushed a bunch of patches to rpkg cleaning up a lots of stuff :) 18:16:55 <nirik> were we still planning stg for bodhi sometime 'soon' with the idea of prod after f21? 18:16:56 <threebean> lmacken: oh yeah. that does sound pleasant ;) 18:16:57 <bochecha> pingou, s/pushed/sent/, they still need to be reviewed and merged 18:17:15 <pingou> bochecha: true indeed 18:17:30 <pingou> so there are quite a number of patch waiting on the rel-eng list :) 18:17:50 <nirik> yeah, dgilmore has been traveling, beta composes have been happening, etc. 18:17:57 <nirik> Hopefully next week things will settle some 18:17:57 <pingou> threebean: lmacken progit? :) 18:18:09 <threebean> 2015, year of the progit. 18:18:23 * bochecha has to go now, bye everyone 18:18:23 <lmacken> nirik: or at least stg after f21 :) 18:18:28 <pingou> bochecha: cheers! 18:18:30 <lmacken> threebean: code review's just aren't the same without emojis :) 18:18:38 <lmacken> pingou: yes, that would rule. 18:18:42 <pingou> lmacken: :canfix: 18:18:43 <nirik> :) 18:18:51 <lmacken> :shipit: 18:18:58 <nirik> ok, anything else on the applications side? 18:19:17 <pingou> we should get ryan and mizmo on board for the emojis :D 18:19:18 <puiterwijk> maybe a re-announce of FedOAuth and Ipsilon merge coming along nicely 18:19:32 <pingou> puiterwijk: I meant to ask you about this :) 18:19:43 <lmacken> puiterwijk: and we need to start porting to saml or something, right? 18:19:45 <puiterwijk> for more info and current status: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/FedOAuth_Ipsilon_Merge 18:20:01 <puiterwijk> lmacken: not yet. I first want to move to ipsilon, and then I'll start looking into that 18:20:24 <lmacken> puiterwijk: okay cool. I can pretty easily port to use velruse, which should handle it fine 18:20:57 <puiterwijk> lmacken: yeah. but if we come to that part, I'll go around and look what will need to be done et al. so for now, just assume that external apps (Fedora Infra apps etc) won't see any difference 18:21:15 <pingou> puiterwijk: I see only 2 items left there: persona and configuration, is that it? 18:21:20 <puiterwijk> pingou: yup 18:21:24 <pingou> :cool: 18:21:33 <puiterwijk> and based on my planning, persona should be in this week 18:21:49 <nirik> puiterwijk: should it be happy on rhel7? or have you been using rhel6 for testing/porting? 18:21:54 <puiterwijk> I think configuration is also going along pretty well, and I've seen some patches for that. so I wouldn't be surprised if that lands this or next week 18:22:30 <puiterwijk> nirik: at first we might need to add some packages to EPEL while waiting for them to make their way to RHEL, but we're making it work on RHEL7 18:22:59 <nirik> ok, great. I'd prefer to not deploy anything new on 6 anymore. 18:23:00 <puiterwijk> or rather, we're testing/developing on RHEL7 and Fedora. so I'm not even sure it will run on RHEL6 :) 18:23:07 <nirik> ok, fine. ;) 18:23:45 <puiterwijk> as soon as we get the config and persona in, I will send another email to the list with an expected schedule for stg 18:24:49 <nirik> great! 18:25:26 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 18:25:36 <nirik> not too much on the sysadmin side I can think of off hand... 18:25:52 <puiterwijk> I think it's been pretty quiet there because of the freeze 18:26:04 <nirik> smooge has been working on a spreadsheet of all our machines and warentee info. 18:26:14 <nirik> yeah. 18:26:27 <smooge> yay.. spreadsheets 18:26:34 <nirik> just the typical requests coming in... 18:26:43 <puiterwijk> smooge: when is the ASCII-art version coming? :) 18:27:01 <smooge> <<Angry eye emoji>> 18:27:02 <pingou> puiterwijk: ask mattdm :-p 18:27:12 <adimania> I wonder if it is possible to use something like OCS-ng instead of spreadsheets. 18:27:22 <smooge> rebuilt fed-cloud11 for kushal 18:27:42 <nirik> #topic nagios alerts 18:27:48 <nirik> .tiny https://admin.fedoraproject.org/nagios/cgi-bin//summary.cgi?report=1&displaytype=3&timeperiod=last7days&smon=10&sday=1&syear=2014&shour=0&smin=0&ssec=0&emon=10&eday=30&eyear=2014&ehour=24&emin=0&esec=0&hostgroup=all&servicegroup=all&host=all&alerttypes=3&statetypes=3&hoststates=7&servicestates=120&limit=25 18:27:59 <smooge> oh nirik I had something we sysadmins need to look at 18:28:00 <zodbot> nirik: http://tinyurl.com/pllgkmt 18:28:03 * nirik has to step away for a min, back in a flash 18:28:10 <nirik> smooge: go ahead. 18:28:11 * threebean remembers this was a fun nagios week 18:28:35 <smooge> osuosl03 was ready to be used for a box and then we got caught up in summer stuff. 18:28:41 <smooge> and now it is not responding 18:28:56 <smooge> so I need to get onto the osu vpn and figutre out what is going on I think 18:30:09 <nirik> smooge: ? it has several guests on it... 18:30:21 <smooge> ok I am smoking crack 18:30:28 <smooge> was I trying to get to osuosl04 18:30:54 <smooge> I was trying to get all the warranty stuff done and was looking for a system at osu that may not exist 18:31:01 <nirik> we don't have one of those that I know of? 18:31:09 <nirik> 03 is the new one. 18:31:21 <rino> hi. im late :/ 18:31:22 <smooge> ok well then never mind. I saved myself 2 tasks 18:31:46 <nirik> there is a ibiblio04... 18:32:50 <nirik> smooge: note: on the rhel7 external hosts we have iptables blocking ssh except from phx2, vpn, and a few other ip's... 18:32:51 <rino> i was in fudcon managua and i saw a talks about infra, and i want to know how to apply to work with first tickets 18:33:07 <nirik> hey rino. Welcome. 18:33:24 * threebean waves "hello" 18:33:35 <rino> :) 18:33:50 * pingou wants to see threebean waving it irl 18:34:14 <nirik> rino: do see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted for more info. 18:35:01 <nirik> anything else on the sysadmin side / nagios? or shall we move on? 18:35:03 <rino> great 18:35:09 <rino> i work with nagios 18:35:29 <rino> im ambassador and packager 18:35:31 <rino> i will check it 18:35:33 <rino> thanks 18:36:01 <nirik> rino: sure, we have nagios tickets from time to time and are always looking for improvements 18:36:14 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 18:36:14 <nirik> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/infrastructure/ 18:36:22 <nirik> anything upcoming folks would like to note or schedule? 18:36:54 <pingou> FAD :) 18:37:17 <nirik> oh yeah, I was going to add that to the calendar? or were you going to pingou ? 18:37:31 <pingou> nirik: I can sure 18:37:54 <nirik> december 4th - 9th. We will be in RDU at the Red Hat tower... but of course remote help always welcome. 18:38:22 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_MirrorManager2_ansible-migration_2014 18:38:30 <adimania> I would be helping out remotely. 18:38:49 <threebean> cool :) 18:38:58 <pingou> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/1677/ 18:39:14 <nirik> I exchanged some email with mdehann... he's going to try and come out for at least 1/2day or something and help us out/look over our setup/tell us where we are doing things poorly. ;) 18:39:38 <pingou> nirik: over the week-end? 18:39:56 <nirik> he wasn't sure, said he would update the wiki page when he knew more 18:40:05 <pingou> cool, that sounds great! :) 18:40:41 <lmacken> nirik: excellent 18:40:51 <pingou> speaking of wiki: feel free to edit https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_MirrorManager2_ansible-migration_2014#Budget_Realized when you know your flights&price 18:41:13 <nirik> pingou: I sent to stickster, haven't heard yet if he had a chance to book it. 18:41:26 <pingou> I shall ask him then :) 18:42:15 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:42:25 <nirik> anyone have any items for open floor? 18:42:53 <smooge> We have various US holidays coming up 18:43:10 <nirik> yeah, thanksgiving then xmas/new years. :) 18:43:38 <smooge> In 4 weeks 1/2 week is off for Thanksgiving. And in 8 weeks Red Hat takes a week off for closing end of year stuff. 18:43:42 <kushal> nirik, when is thanksgiving ? 18:43:52 <smooge> Nov 27 2014 18:43:59 <kushal> smooge, Okay, thanks :) 18:44:00 <pingou> thanks 18:44:29 <smooge> RH close dates are 23rd? -> Jan 5th I believe 18:44:37 <smooge> but not sure. 18:45:02 <nirik> 24th to the 1st... + any people take 18:46:14 <nirik> The important thing to note there is that RH employees may or may not be around, so don't expect they will be. :) 18:47:11 <nirik> ok, anything else? or shall we call it a meeting? 18:48:49 <nirik> ok. Thanks for coming everyone. Lets continue in #fedora-admin, #fedora-apps and #fedora-noc. 18:48:52 <nirik> #endmeeting