18:02:21 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2015-04-09) 18:02:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 9 18:02:21 2015 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:02:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:02:22 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:02:22 <nirik> #topic aloha 18:02:22 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk 18:02:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:02:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:02:22 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions / Apprentice feedback 18:02:30 <nirik> sorry about the delayed start. 18:02:39 <nirik> I am in the go/no-go meeting and a bit distracted by that 18:02:52 * relrod here 18:03:02 <relrod> but might duck out early 18:03:40 <nirik> also many folks are at pycon. ;) 18:03:41 * adrianr here 18:03:43 <d3prof3t> Hello everyone, I'm an apprentice. 18:03:45 <smooge> here 18:04:03 <smooge> I will take over 18:04:25 <smooge> #topic New folks introductions / Apprentice feedback 18:04:25 <smooge> = Status / information / Trivia / Announcements = 18:04:38 <smooge> hello d3prof3t 18:04:49 <smooge> anything we can do to help you? 18:05:19 <d3prof3t> Yea, actually I was going through the easyfixes and I thought to start off with #50 ticket 18:05:27 <d3prof3t> And it was under you. 18:05:55 <smooge> .... uhm do you have a link :) 18:06:12 <d3prof3t> Although I don't know exactly where to start working exactly, but I just chose it so that I atleast start getting to know about all of this stuff 18:06:14 <d3prof3t> wait 18:06:56 <d3prof3t> smooge: https://fedorahosted.org/fas/ticket/50 18:06:58 <dgilmore> hola all 18:07:06 <smooge> thanks 18:07:20 <d3prof3t> hmm 18:07:47 <d3prof3t> smooge: although It would be really helpful if I could start working on python stuff 18:08:09 <d3prof3t> smooge: as I am a bit fluent with it 18:08:27 * smooge looks at the ticket.... 18:08:42 <smooge> ok everyone that would be helpful on that are at PyCon today 18:09:20 <d3prof3t> Ohh okay 18:09:38 <d3prof3t> where is today's Pycon happening? 18:09:45 <d3prof3t> *PyCon 18:09:57 <smooge> we used to have a fakefas system which could be used for seeing how fas runs. I will see if I can find the steps for that and if you can email me (smooge@gmail.com) I will send them to you 18:10:05 <smooge> I believe it is in Montreal Canada 18:10:48 <d3prof3t> smooge: Okkay I will mail u a Hello World :p 18:11:03 <smooge> thanks any other apprentices with questions? 18:11:12 <nirik> Hopefully the fas docs explain how to make a local one. ;) 18:11:52 <smooge> nirik, they always seem to require a lot of 'well why the f doesn't that work anymore' 18:12:17 <nirik> a great chance to help improve the docs. ;) 18:12:41 <nirik> anyhow, you want to keep going running things, or want me to? 18:12:42 <smooge> yeah.. the changes usually were 'hand problem to abadger1999' 18:12:54 <smooge> nirik, is go/no-go over? 18:13:18 <nirik> not officially, but since it's no go, we just are waiting for the singing at the end. ;) 18:13:19 <smooge> if it is over I will be happy if you want to take over. if not I will keep running also 18:13:41 <smooge> #topic announcements and information 18:13:41 <smooge> #info New release of Fedora Badges deployed with updated leaderboard, profiles, and frontpage - ralph 18:13:41 <smooge> #link https://badges.fedoraproject.org/ 18:13:41 <smooge> #info two new pkgdb release (bug fixes on pkgdb-sync-bugzilla) - pingou 18:13:41 <smooge> #info new anitya release (mostly bug fix) - pingou 18:13:42 <smooge> #info 18:13:59 <smooge> #info I need to learn cut and paste better.... 18:14:58 <smooge> so ralph (at pycon) worked a lot on the badges.. and pingou (at pycon) did a lot of work with anitya, pkdb and I think new-hotness 18:15:52 <smooge> #info we are in a freeze so changes to running systems require an on-list 2 +1 from sysadmin-main to occur 18:15:59 <d3prof3t> I find this badge concept really good :). Nice job 18:16:39 <smooge> It is fun for people in the project 18:16:57 <smooge> Any other announcements or move onto "Things we should discuss?" 18:17:05 <nirik> move on. 18:17:14 <adrianr> I wanted to give a quick update about MM2 18:17:33 <smooge> #topic Quick Update about MM2 18:17:37 <smooge> adrianr, all yours 18:17:55 <adrianr> I have been bisecting the curl segfault for over a week and it seems the segfault is in every version of curl 18:18:08 <nirik> :( 18:18:10 <adrianr> the Fedora 21 libcurl also crashes, but not so often 18:18:30 <nirik> adrianr: so whats the next step? newer? f22? 18:18:32 <adrianr> I will now try to recreate the segfault outside of MM2 for easier debugging 18:18:45 <adrianr> I tried the newest upstream git 18:18:52 <nirik> ah. 18:19:08 <adrianr> I hope this is possible without too much effort 18:19:33 <d3prof3t> Sir 18:19:46 <adrianr> but if pingou can make a release I could start moving the installation from staging to production 18:20:01 <adrianr> and if the segfault is fixed it would be ready 18:20:10 <d3prof3t> Can you give me a link to this project so that I can read what its all about 18:20:18 <nirik> adrianr: well, yeah... but we need to get out of freeze before making the prod instances... 18:20:32 <adrianr> another solution would be to go back to a forking approach and ignore the threading problem 18:20:42 <adrianr> sure, after the freeze 18:20:54 <adrianr> d3prof3t: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1204825 18:21:13 <adrianr> that's it 18:21:18 <d3prof3t> adrianr: thanks 18:21:20 <nirik> thanks for working on this adrianr 18:21:27 <smooge> adrianr, thanks for all the work 18:21:35 <smooge> adrianr++ 18:22:04 <smooge> #topic do we need warm spare hosted/collab instances anymore? - kevin 18:22:14 <smooge> nirik, you ok to run on this? 18:22:19 <nirik> so, I thought I would bring this up. 18:22:39 <nirik> right now we have hosted and collab (where mailing lists are), with 'warm spares' at another datacenter. 18:22:48 <nirik> This is from back in the days when things were unstable with them. 18:23:01 <nirik> We have never used the warm spare instances 18:23:12 <nirik> so, I am thinking we might just retire them. 18:23:30 <nirik> It would mean if osusol went off the net or our machines there died, those things could be down a bit... 18:23:36 <nirik> we do have backups of them both 18:23:39 <puiterwijk> sounds good enough to me, as long as we have backups 18:23:59 <nirik> so worst case we spin up new ones and restore, which could take a while, but should work fine. 18:24:56 <nirik> anyhow, thought I would bring it up in case anyone felt strongly about it. 18:25:00 <nirik> thats all. ;) 18:25:04 <smooge> I am for it for no other reason than our use of gluster to clone the disks has always gotten a "really we said you could do that?" from the gluster filesystem gusy :) 18:25:19 <nirik> smooge: we aren't using gluster tho. ;) 18:25:20 <puiterwijk> smooge: well, I think we no longer use gluster for this 18:25:21 <nirik> it's all rsync 18:25:24 <puiterwijk> we're just rsyncing 18:25:31 <nirik> every hour they rsync all the data from one to another 18:25:34 <smooge> ah well there goes my being on top of things 18:26:03 <puiterwijk> gluster was the time where I had a cronjob that would recreate all trac databases because gluster would corrupt them 18:26:23 <nirik> I think we did this setup after the great gluster blow up 18:26:30 <puiterwijk> yup 18:26:52 <nirik> anyhow, thats all I had on this... 18:26:55 <smooge> I am getting old.. I thought I ran into gluster on our boxes last week and it was those system 18:26:58 <smooge> ok 18:27:00 <puiterwijk> I'm personally in favor 18:27:23 <puiterwijk> smooge: we do use gluster on some other boxes, e.g. askbot and nuancier, for uploaded files 18:28:09 <puiterwijk> nirik: perhaps we should consider renaming the boxes when they're migrated to RHEL7. I always think it's odd the primary node is hosted03 :) 18:28:30 <nirik> puiterwijk: sure. I was going to make the new one hosted01 18:28:32 <smooge> ah it was askbot 18:29:00 <puiterwijk> nirik++ 18:29:00 <zodbot> puiterwijk: You have already given 1 karma to kevin 18:29:05 <smooge> ok so we are at the learning about section 18:29:23 <nirik> and since no one signed up. we skip 18:29:25 <smooge> well foo. I can't give adrianr karm but you can 18:29:27 <puiterwijk> which reminds me I should put SSO/SLO for next week 18:29:28 <nirik> so on to open floor. ;) 18:29:41 <smooge> #topic open floor 18:29:44 <puiterwijk> adrianr++ 18:29:47 <d3prof3t> What is SS0/SLO? 18:29:55 <puiterwijk> d3prof3t: Single SignOn and Single Logout. 18:30:06 <d3prof3t> okkay 18:30:07 <puiterwijk> a major project I'm currently working on to simplify authentication to our webapps 18:30:20 <d3prof3t> okkay 18:30:54 <d3prof3t> puiterwijk: I was having one thing on my mind 18:31:11 <puiterwijk> d3prof3t: what is it? 18:31:26 <d3prof3t> puiterwijk: I was looking at the apps and I noticed most of them had TG frameworks running 18:31:31 <d3prof3t> right? 18:31:36 <puiterwijk> d3prof3t: no, not anymore 18:31:42 <puiterwijk> we still have one TG1 app remaining, bodhi1 18:31:47 <puiterwijk> the rest is all rewritten in Pyramid or Flask 18:31:49 <nirik> well, a few more 18:31:54 <nirik> mirrormanager1 18:31:57 <d3prof3t> okkay 18:31:59 <nirik> fas2 18:32:07 <puiterwijk> nirik: I think fas2 is tg2? 18:32:20 <d3prof3t> Actually nowadays I am doing some personal stuff on bottle frameowork 18:32:28 <d3prof3t> Its really just for begginers 18:32:41 <nirik> puiterwijk: don't think so. 18:32:51 <puiterwijk> nirik: ah, okay. I might be mistaken. so we have a few 18:32:57 <puiterwijk> but most of them are flask/pyramid nowadays 18:32:58 <d3prof3t> I mean I havent seen it working anywhere 18:33:05 <d3prof3t> yea exactly 18:33:46 <puiterwijk> d3prof3t: I guess you were going to ask about the tg1 "single login" stuff where all apps just use the same cookie? or not? 18:34:00 <d3prof3t> So, what I was saying was if I could just be an assistance sort in any project of a web app, so that i can see how it works and then I can also give a lille contribution to web apps 18:34:07 <d3prof3t> yea 18:34:41 <d3prof3t> yea so I needed some assistance so that I can learn them 18:34:50 <puiterwijk> we had that before, but that depended on a shared key and central connections to FAS, but we got rid of that 18:35:10 <d3prof3t> hmm 18:35:23 <puiterwijk> nowadays, we're switching to OpenID for our apps 18:35:51 <d3prof3t> Okkay, so is there any resource to read for it.. or just google that thing 18:35:55 <puiterwijk> and single login/logout for OpenID is slightly more tricky. Thouigh I have a setup for it, and we're now adding that to all of our apps 18:36:14 <puiterwijk> if you ping me in #fedora-apps after the meeting, I'd be glad to explain everything :) 18:36:28 <d3prof3t> puiterwijk: Okkay I will 18:36:36 <d3prof3t> puiterwijk: Thanks 18:36:41 <smooge> anything else for open floor anyone? 18:38:22 <smooge> #endmeeting