18:00:02 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2015-05-28) 18:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 28 18:00:02 2015 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:02 <nirik> #topic aloha 18:00:02 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson 18:00:02 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions / Apprentice feedback 18:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:19 <oddshocks> .hello oddshocks 18:00:20 <zodbot> oddshocks: oddshocks 'David Gay' <dgay@redhat.com> 18:00:25 <roshi> .hello roshi 18:00:25 <nirik> morning. Any new folks like to give a one line introduction? 18:00:26 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com> 18:00:29 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 18:00:31 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 18:00:31 <nirik> or apprentices with questions or comments? 18:00:34 <rahulrrixe> .hello rahulrrixe 18:00:35 <sonalkr132> .hello sonalkr132 18:00:35 <zodbot> rahulrrixe: rahulrrixe 'Rahul Ranjan' <rahul.rrixe@gmail.com> 18:00:38 <zodbot> sonalkr132: sonalkr132 'Aditya Prakash' <aditya.prakash132@gmail.com> 18:00:54 * pingou 18:01:00 * relrod 18:01:07 * lmacken 18:01:13 <roshi> I'm Mike Ruckman (you might know me from the QA team or the Cloud WG) and I'm looking forward to learning more about Fedora infra :) 18:01:24 <prth> .hello prth 18:01:25 <zodbot> prth: prth 'None' <parthpanchl@gmail.com> 18:01:26 <kushal> roshi, hola 18:01:31 <roshi> :) 18:01:33 <d3prof3t> .hello d3prof3t 18:01:34 <zodbot> d3prof3t: d3prof3t 'Saurabh Sharma' <manutd10rm7@gmail.com> 18:01:34 <Shad0w_Crux> .hello Shad0w_Crux 18:01:37 <zodbot> Shad0w_Crux: Sorry, but you don't exist 18:01:40 <banas> .hello sarupbanskota 18:01:41 <zodbot> banas: sarupbanskota 'Sarup Banskota' <sbanskota08@gmail.com> 18:02:16 <kushal> Shad0w_Crux, these are FAS account names. 18:02:17 <nirik> hey roshi. welcome! 18:02:22 <Shad0w_Crux> .hello tengland 18:02:22 <zodbot> Shad0w_Crux: tengland 'None' <turner.england@gmail.com> 18:02:26 * threebean is here 18:02:29 * maxamillion is here and probably considered new 18:02:53 <roshi> thanks :) 18:03:18 <lnxslck> hello guys 18:03:26 <lnxslck> has te meeting started yet? 18:03:30 <lnxslck> the 18:03:40 <pingou> just :) 18:03:44 <threebean> lnxslck: just doing roll call now, yeah :) 18:03:45 <nirik> just did. ;) 18:03:46 <lnxslck> :) 18:03:50 <nirik> morning. Any new folks like to give a one line introduction? 18:03:52 <nirik> or apprentices with questions or comments? 18:04:34 <lnxslck> hello, i've worked with redhat/fedora and centos from a long time ago, just want to help the infrastructure team, mainly on infrastructure issues 18:04:56 <lnxslck> however i will help in anything i have the knowledge 18:05:11 * danofsatx is presently present 18:05:26 <nirik> welcome again lnxslck. :) 18:05:33 <lnxslck> nirik, thank you 18:05:33 <pingou> welcome lnxslck 18:05:42 <lnxslck> thanks guys 18:06:00 <nirik> ok, shall we go on to GSoC checkins? 18:06:14 <nirik> #topic GSoC student update - kushal 18:06:20 <kushal> nirik, Thanks. 18:06:28 <nirik> there was one on the list who wasn't able to attend due to being sick. ;( 18:06:47 <sonalkr132> Anuradha from askfedora 18:06:49 <kushal> nirik, Yes. 18:06:51 <kushal> So who all are the GSoC student here? Just say present. 18:06:51 <banas> yep, that was Anuradha, she's left an email on the mailing list though. 18:06:57 <Shad0w_Crux> present 18:07:04 * sonalkr132 is present 18:07:24 <kushal> Shad0w_Crux, your update please. 18:07:33 <lnxslck> and GSoC student is? 18:07:41 <sgallagh> I just pinged jskorepa who is lurking in #cockpit right now 18:07:44 <nirik> lnxslck: google summer of code. ;) 18:07:52 <nirik> we have several students working on projects around fedora. 18:07:53 <lnxslck> ok :9 18:07:54 <kushal> sgallagh, Thanks :) 18:08:10 * rahulrrixe present 18:08:12 <prth> i've been trying jQuery plugins for cropping image 18:08:28 <nirik> many of their projects affect applications or things we have deployed or might deploy 18:08:35 <kushal> Shad0w_Crux, ? 18:08:42 <Shad0w_Crux> This week I've spent most of the time reading through all of the Cockpit documentation to try to get an idea of where to start. 18:09:02 <Shad0w_Crux> My initial timeline accouned for being relatively inexperienced. 18:09:08 <pingou> prth: anything worth a blog post? 18:09:08 <kushal> Shad0w_Crux, did you do your weekly blog post? If yes, then please paste the post link here. 18:09:24 <pingou> prth: presenting the different ones and what you think of them? 18:09:25 <kushal> pingou, They are supposed to do blog posts each week. 18:09:26 <Shad0w_Crux> This week I've been noodling around with some thing locally but haven't made any commits/code contributions yet. 18:09:32 <kushal> Shad0w_Crux, Okay. 18:09:39 <sgallagh> kushal: For the record, the Cockpit project has requested blog posts on Fridays. 18:09:44 <kushal> sonalkr132, your update please. 18:09:46 <prth> pingou, not yet but i will write one by saturday 18:09:47 <kushal> sgallagh, Okay. 18:09:48 <Shad0w_Crux> kushal: No, I was planning on handling that each Friday; 18:09:57 <kushal> Shad0w_Crux, Okay 18:09:57 <pingou> prth: cool :) 18:10:14 <sonalkr132> I have working on authorization. It turned out to be longer than I thought. 700+ lines long 18:10:18 <rahulrrixe> I am working on the freque project. This week I have worked on adding git actiona and basic UI view of it. 18:10:21 <kushal> Everyone please do a post from your experience in the community bonding period. 18:10:52 <kushal> rahulrrixe, sonalkr132 any blog post ? 18:10:52 <sonalkr132> Something similar to prth, I will be implementing cropping of images with some ruby gem 18:11:15 <kushal> sonalkr132, Did you made sure that the gems are packaged in Fedora? 18:11:21 <sonalkr132> #link https://chasingcrazydreams.wordpress.com/2015/05/26/exploration-page/ 18:11:25 <nirik> if anyone has problems with blog posting or getting them showing up on the fedora planet, you're always welcome to ask for help in #fedora-admin. ;) 18:11:27 <kushal> sonalkr132, Thanks :) 18:11:39 <rahulrrixe> kushal yes here is the link to it https://medium.com/@rahulrrixe/fedora-once-again-back-in-life-37b92399f95f 18:11:46 <kushal> rahulrrixe, Thanks :) 18:12:06 <rahulrrixe> kushal: i have shared it on the summer-coding mailing list. 18:12:12 <kushal> Any other gsoc student? 18:12:16 <kushal> rahulrrixe, Okay. 18:12:27 <banas> just thought I should update on behalf of Anuradha. 18:12:37 <kushal> So only 4 students + Anuradha 18:12:40 <banas> she has been blogging regularly here: http://anuradhanotes.blogspot.in 18:12:41 <kushal> banas, go ahead :) 18:12:41 <sonalkr132> My project is a web app. So it doesn't really matter if it come with fedora. However I was able to install and use it on my fedora 18:13:03 <banas> she's working on mocking up pages, and we should soon be on our way coding the pages from next week on. 18:13:08 <jskorepa> GSoC student here :) 18:13:22 <kushal> sonalkr132, Anything goes on Fedora infra, should come as rpm packages, that is the general rule we follow. 18:13:27 <kushal> jskorepa, Hello 18:13:30 <banas> I would actually encourage everyone to check the mockups out and leave feedback :) 18:13:40 <kushal> jskorepa, May we get your introduction, and weekly update? 18:13:49 <kushal> jskorepa, I think this is first time for you here. 18:13:55 <kushal> banas, nice. 18:14:17 <jskorepa> Yes, it's my first time here 18:14:56 <sonalkr132> kushal, rpm package? I will have to look into that. Normally ruby gems use 'bundler' for packaging. 18:15:04 <jskorepa> My name is Jakub SkoĊepa, I'm from Czech Republic and work on Cockpit UI for Systemd Timers. 18:15:19 <ipotrosko> Hello everyone 18:15:32 <ipotrosko> :) 18:15:35 <OpenDevil> Am I late?? 18:15:38 <rahulrrixe> sonalkr132: you will need fedora to build rpm package. 18:15:43 <OpenDevil> New guy here 18:15:50 <OpenDevil> :) 18:15:52 <kushal> nirik, pingou threebean can anyone of you point you sonalkr132 to our guidelines about apps on Fedora infra? 18:15:53 <ipotrosko> hello opendevel :) 18:15:57 <kushal> OpenDevil, welcome. 18:16:04 <sgallagh> OpenDevil: We're currently going through the GSoC student updates, then the regular meeting will resume 18:16:10 <jskorepa> My blog is located on http://blog.skorepa.info/ 18:16:20 <kushal> jskorepa, Okay. 18:16:32 <threebean> kushal, sonalkr132: here's a starting point http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/AppBestPractices 18:16:35 <OpenDevil> Sure :) 18:16:43 <kushal> threebean, Thanks :) 18:16:46 <rahulrrixe> sonalkr132: here is the link to fedora packaging guidelines https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines 18:16:48 <kushal> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/AppBestPractices 18:16:56 <kushal> #link http://blog.skorepa.info/ 18:17:07 <kushal> #link http://anuradhanotes.blogspot.in 18:17:20 <kushal> #link https://medium.com/@rahulrrixe/fedora-once-again-back-in-life-37b92399f95f 18:17:23 <sonalkr132> kushal, it is a webapp. (we have plans of running it locally with docker) but do webapps need to follow those rules too? 18:17:33 <maxamillion> sonalkr132: there's really good guidelines on how to handle rubygems w/ bundler craziness 18:17:58 <pingou> sonalkr132: askfedora is ask.fedoraproject.org right? 18:18:30 <sonalkr132> pingou, yes it is. 18:18:40 <pingou> sonalkr132: isn't it in python? 18:18:52 * pingou confused about where the gems are coming from 18:19:09 <kushal> pingou, that is Anuradha 18:19:17 <kushal> I think sonalkr132 is that design team app. 18:19:17 <banas> pingou, anuradha is the one working on ask fedora :) 18:19:30 <sonalkr132> pingou, Anuradha is working on askfedora. I am on Glittergallery. Mine is rails app 18:19:43 <nirik> cool. Is that all the GSoC folks? 18:19:47 <pingou> ah ok 18:19:53 <banas> also, http://www.isitfedoraruby.com 18:19:56 <pingou> sorry for getting lost :) 18:19:58 <kushal> sonalkr132, We will discuss this over #fedora-apps after meeting. 18:20:05 <kushal> No update from sshagarwal 18:20:12 <kushal> nirik, please continue. 18:20:12 <sonalkr132> kushal, okay sure. 18:20:13 <threebean> kushal++ thanks for organizing gsoc reports! 18:20:13 <zodbot> threebean: Karma for kushal changed to 7: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:20:13 <banas> #link http://www.isitfedoraruby.com 18:20:42 <nirik> OpenDevil: care to give a short introduction of yourself and what you are interested in? 18:20:47 <sshagarwal> Hi 18:21:07 <sshagarwal> Sorry I am getting connected and disconnected. 18:21:39 <nirik> sshagarwal: you have a GSoC update? 18:22:24 <sshagarwal> Well, I am trying to create an addon first and then going through the mailnews code from Mozilla Thunderbird comm-central. 18:22:34 <sshagarwal> My overall short term aim is 18:22:45 <sshagarwal> to write a dummy "hello world" type protocol 18:22:55 <sshagarwal> for reading folder emails and display them in Thunderbird 18:23:00 <sshagarwal> using the addon approach. 18:23:16 <nirik> cool 18:23:46 <OpenDevil> nirik, Hello! I am new here but have been using Linux for quite sometime now. Not sure what is expected of me here but, I am comfortable with intermediate programming but there's always room for some improvement. I guess, I will need some guidance. Languages known are C, Python, and Java. Did RHCE few years back to clear my concepts. 18:24:24 <nirik> OpenDevil: great. welcome. ;) You will want #fedora-apps after the meeting for our apps team... they can point you at our easyfix list to get started. 18:24:53 * nirik moves on to announcements/info 18:25:00 <nirik> #topic announcements and information 18:25:01 <nirik> #info Fedora 22 RELEASED! - everyone 18:25:01 <nirik> #info we are out of f22 freeze. Next stop f23 alpha - kevin 18:25:01 <nirik> #info Fedora Hubs brainstorming session last week went well. Next steps are to vet prototype and design. - ralph 18:25:01 <nirik> #link https://github.com/ralphbean/fedora-hubs-prototype#a-picture-is-worth 18:25:02 <nirik> #info koschei.stg - implemented broken buildroot detection - mizdebsk 18:25:04 <nirik> #info shifted around {elections,fedimg,fedocal,gallery,nuancier}01.stg from vh12 to vh11. Still have old LV's around if anyone needs data from them. -relrod 18:25:07 <nirik> #info new elections (bugfix) released - pingou 18:25:23 <nirik> anything to add or note from those? 18:25:42 <nirik> we have a number of items in the discussion section this week. ;) 18:25:47 <nirik> #topic Taiga update and packaging policy question - ralph 18:25:53 <nirik> threebean: this was your topic? 18:26:12 <threebean> oop, i'm up! 18:26:29 <nirik> and maxamillion I think was looking at this too 18:26:42 <threebean> There was a meeting a few weeks ago discussing whether or not we could adopt some tools for project planning. A number of different ones were discussed.. 18:26:48 <OpenDevil> nirik, sure thing. 18:26:53 <threebean> one was 'taiga' and people seemed most excited about that. 18:27:06 <maxamillion> for reference, I made a wiki page --> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/TaigaProject 18:27:07 <threebean> So, maxamillion set up a dev instance here: 18:27:17 <threebean> maxamillion: great, thanks :) 18:27:21 <maxamillion> threebean: certainly 18:27:54 <threebean> the sticking point now is that 'packaging status' table near the bottom of the wiki page. it's going to be a good bit of work to get it all done and packaged. 18:28:08 <nirik> yeah, webapps. ;( 18:28:14 <threebean> so, I guess I wanted feedback from the group. it could go a couple different ways.. 18:28:30 <threebean> 1) do we want to bother with taiga at all or are people still excited about the prospect of using it in a supported way? 18:28:35 <nirik> well, it's less bad than gitlab. ;) 18:28:45 * lmacken hasn't played with it yet 18:28:56 * nirik also has not had time to play with it. 18:28:57 <threebean> 2) can we bend the infra/packaging policy for this? or containerize it to get around all that nodejs hassle? 18:29:11 <threebean> note -- most of the packaging work is in nodejs land which is *only* for build-time dependencies. 18:29:25 <nirik> so, that 2) there ties in with the next discussion topic. ;) 18:29:27 <threebean> it's for compiling a bunch of coffeescript into javascript for the frontend. 18:30:02 <threebean> we don't have to do any deciding on this today -- but I thought I'd raise it as food for thought. 18:30:24 <nirik> yeah, I don't think we will decide much on that stuff until after flock. 18:30:37 <nirik> I think a high BW discussion there might help us out 18:30:40 <misc> it could be interesting to see if it can be dockerized, so you would have a reason to try atomic and/or openshift v3 ? 18:31:11 <misc> ( and nodejs is usually fast to package, just tedious ) 18:31:20 <maxamillion> misc: I think openshift v3 is quite a ways out for any real production deployments 18:32:03 <threebean> misc: and atrocious to maintain. they pin their deps really specific versions on every package (it's automated as part of their toolchains) 18:32:04 <maxamillion> I don't mind doing the packaging work, I've already started on the python backend bits currently in a COPR 18:32:22 <nirik> threebean: sigh. ;( 18:32:56 <misc> threebean: we will exchange war stories in flock, I do have ruby stuff :) 18:33:04 <threebean> misc: cool ;) 18:33:16 <misc> ( who break when you pin version, and break in another way when you don't ) 18:33:16 <maxamillion> misc: +1 ... I have rubygems war stories from OpenShift v2 18:33:25 <nirik> anyhow, for now I would say we should have people test it and see how excited we are by it and ponder on what ways we might want to bring it to production if the answer is yes. 18:33:45 <maxamillion> nirik: is testing it as an install from source acceptable? 18:33:58 <nirik> maxamillion: thats what we are doing now, no? 18:33:58 <threebean> I don't mind taking on the nodejs stuff, or working on further plugins (like fedmsg, trac integration) but I guess the level of investment just got a little higher. it'd be nice to know that people will use it before we sink all that time. 18:34:01 <threebean> nirik: sounds good to me. 18:34:18 <misc> so using the instance of maxamillion as a test ? 18:34:20 <nirik> It might be nice to have some example data there too... 18:34:28 <nirik> I am still not clear on how the kanban stuff all works. 18:34:43 <maxamillion> nirik: yes, but just in a cloud instance ... which isn't long for this world by design 18:35:03 <maxamillion> (or at least wasn't planned to be) 18:35:13 <dgilmore> testing is good 18:35:21 <maxamillion> nirik: another thing to make note of is that we'll need python3 in epel7 for hosting in Fedora Infra on RHEL7 18:35:22 <nirik> well, I am not sure we have any better place. 18:35:36 <nirik> well, we already do need that for mailman3, so it will happen. ;) 18:35:47 <maxamillion> ah, right 18:35:47 <maxamillion> +1 18:35:50 <misc> what about using it for more than Fedora, as a test ? ( ie, i could give a try for some short project, provided I convince others and it doesn't disappear too fast ) 18:36:15 <nirik> sure, I'd love to see it in action. 18:36:22 <misc> I think number80 wanted to have kanba, so he would surely be interested 18:36:28 <maxamillion> alright, I have nothing else really there ... I just didn't want to spend a bunch of time working on the packaging unless it was something people want, I'll table that until flock then 18:36:46 <nirik> so yeah, I would hold off for now doing lots of packaging. 18:36:53 <nirik> until we know the 1) and 2) above. 18:37:00 <roshi> kushal and I could take it to the Cloud WG and see if they're interested in testing it 18:37:16 * roshi has liked taiga for the bit he's used it for personal projects 18:37:29 <maxamillion> sounds good, I'll leave it where it stands .... I will likely nag threebean for some help sorting out the CORS issue I had when enabling SSL 18:37:46 <nirik> ok. 18:37:52 <number80> misc: not a hard requirements, taiga is good for me 18:37:57 <nirik> do note to everyone we ask to test that this is a test instance. 18:38:16 <maxamillion> nirik: but other than getting SSL up on the test instance I can't think of anything else for that unless threebean wants to bring something up 18:38:16 <nirik> ie, no backups, no SLA, save your work, call your mom, etc. 18:38:17 * threebean repeats the url 18:38:19 <threebean> 18:38:33 <maxamillion> threebean: I added that to the wiki page 18:38:43 <threebean> good, good. :) 18:38:44 <nirik> ok, cool. next topic? 18:38:44 <maxamillion> threebean: along with mention of your work on the FAS plugin 18:39:03 <misc> nirik: a timeline for the test period, ie say "we revisit that in X months" ? 18:39:17 <nirik> misc: how about 'after flock' ? 18:39:22 <threebean> +1 18:39:23 <misc> nirik: seems fine for me :) 18:39:24 <nirik> thats what... 3 months? 18:39:32 <misc> or better, "discuss during flock" 18:39:32 <nirik> 2 months 18:39:38 <nirik> foor sure 18:39:43 <misc> where we can have enough beer to complain about nodejs :p 18:39:44 * lmacken tried to create a project, but i don't think it worked 18:39:46 <maxamillion> yeha, wow .. flock is just 2 months away 18:39:59 <nirik> #topic Next generation tools and deployments - kevin 18:40:07 <nirik> so, we just talked about this same sort of thing above. ;) 18:40:20 <nirik> and definitely more talk at flock. 18:40:31 <nirik> However, we might also do some testing and get more data before then. 18:41:13 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Nextgen_Deployment 18:41:18 <nirik> is a wiki page for this... 18:41:19 * pingou wants to make faitout docker-ready 18:41:42 <nirik> so, I might try playing around with atomic host (we have images setup in our cloud) and docker and such. 18:41:46 <nirik> see what might work, etc. 18:42:07 <nirik> Just wanted to bring it up in case others wanted to help out. ;) 18:42:22 <nirik> and speaking of the cloud... 18:42:26 <nirik> #topic Openstack cloud discussion. A few changes we might make - kevin 18:42:34 * lmacken has written some ansible atomic docker playbooks. definitely willing to help. 18:42:38 <nirik> so, I wanted to bring up a few things... 18:42:46 <nirik> lmacken: cool. will definitely ping you 18:42:59 <lnxslck> nirik, i wouldn't mind jumpin in on that, mostly to give a willing hand 18:43:43 <nirik> 1. we are making some efforts to https all the *.fedoraproject.org things. We have HSTS headers set. This means for things like our cloud that they will have issues with http. 18:43:50 <maxamillion> lmacken: nirik: I can be of help there as well, we ran docker+atomic in production in OpenShift Online 18:44:02 <nirik> lnxslck / maxamillion: cool. ;) will ping you both too. 18:44:23 <lnxslck> :) 18:44:34 <maxamillion> nirik: close 18:44:58 <nirik> ie, someone goes to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ sometime and HSTS is set, and then they go to http://foobar.fedoraproject.org and firefox will try and send them to https version, etc. 18:45:15 <nirik> so, I was wondering, perhaps we should pick up a new domain for the cloud? 18:45:30 <nirik> since it will have testing stuff thats http and so forth 18:46:01 <pingou> different from cloud.fp.o? 18:46:10 <pingou> ah yes the idea being that fp.o is all behind https 18:46:12 <relrod> yeah, because cloud.fp.o will match HSTS 18:46:19 <nirik> pingou: yes, because we set HSTS to 'always use https' 18:46:32 <nirik> and in fact some browsers are already pre-seeding that. 18:46:37 <relrod> nirik: that sounds like a reasonable solution 18:46:41 <nirik> this broke the testday app for example 18:46:46 <pingou> ok 18:46:55 <pingou> fedinfra.org? 18:47:13 <nirik> I was thinking fedoracloud.org or something... but we can pick up something 18:47:23 <nirik> which brings up the next thing: 18:47:28 <threebean> mattdm will balk at fedoracloud.org ;P 18:47:37 <relrod> fedoracloud might get confusing because of the official cloud image thing ;) 18:47:39 <pingou> yup :) 18:47:54 <nirik> 2) our current fed-cloud09.cloud.fedoraproject.org ssl cert has no altname so python-urllib3 spews a warning on every connection. 18:48:02 <nirik> oh right, we can avoid that then. 18:48:19 <nirik> so, I want to re-issue that cert, which if we get a new domain would be fine time to do so. 18:48:19 <misc> fedora_group_of_rain_drop.org 18:48:24 <dgilmore> nirik: fedcloud.org? 18:48:48 <nirik> ficloud.org? 18:48:58 <nirik> woah, taken 18:49:14 <nirik> so is fedcloud 18:49:26 <pingou> fedinfra.org seems to be available 18:49:37 <relrod> fedorainfrastructurecloudinstances.org 18:49:38 * relrod hides 18:49:51 <nirik> we can brainstorm it out of meeting. ;) 18:49:59 <nirik> last item on this: 18:50:25 <nirik> 3) the new cloud should be all ready to migrate stuff to. I might start soon doing that for things we control... like jenkins, etc. 18:50:53 <nirik> any other cloud questions or comments? 18:51:06 <relrod> do the transient playbooks use the new one yet? 18:51:33 <nirik> relrod: yep. I fixed it up last week. There's 1 playbook now, you get a default unless you pass it otherwise. 18:51:43 <relrod> cool 18:51:49 <nirik> you just have to pass it a 'name=' 18:52:26 <nirik> it's a lot nicer than the old ones too. nova is smart enough to see name=whatever is already up if it is and it just moves on past the spin up. 18:52:45 <nirik> (ie, you can run it infinity times against the same name= and it will do the right thing. 18:52:55 <relrod> neat 18:53:07 <nirik> there's comments in the playbook with the various variables, etc. 18:53:16 <lnxslck> sorry guys, i'll have to leave. i will stay connected so when i come back, i'll read all about this 18:53:25 <nirik> lnxslck: no worries. Thanks for coming. 18:53:27 <nirik> #topic Getting pretty graphs of Fedora Infra data - relrod 18:53:34 <nirik> relrod: you're up. ;) 18:53:35 <relrod> ok, so 18:54:19 <relrod> We currently have collectd set up which gives us graphs of some things. I noticed on Sunday that we had several config issues, which sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole 18:54:30 <relrod> A number of boxes weren't able to report to it at all due to selinux issues 18:54:59 <relrod> Newer apache-using boxes had apache configured incorrectly such that it apache metrics couldn't be graphed, etc 18:55:10 <relrod> So I fixed up some of those issues hopefully (let me know if anything seems weird still) 18:55:18 <nirik> thanks much for that. 18:55:25 <relrod> but in the process I got thinking about other ways of generating pretty graphs 18:55:28 <nirik> that also fixed up our apache status proxy stuff. ;) 18:56:04 <relrod> There are things like graphite/grafana, logstash, kibana, etc, that can do all sorts of pretty graph generation that let you narrow in on certain trends and time periods, etc, to look for issues 18:56:14 <relrod> some of them seem pretty neat, if a bit heavy 18:56:24 <smooge> nirik, when do you want me to rebuild old cloud boxes so they are under new cloud? 18:56:44 <nirik> smooge: well, we have to migrate everything off the old one first. ;) 18:56:47 <smooge> oh sorry hit return in wrong coneversation 18:56:59 * danofsatx is running a small ELK stack locally 18:57:01 <smooge> relrod, my apologies 18:57:13 <relrod> I'd like to start exploring some of these options (collectd integrates cleanly with many of them, so we can still use that for some metrics, etc, but there are other things we can graph too -- tons of fedmsg stuff, for example) 18:57:16 <relrod> smooge: no worries at all 18:57:21 <nirik> relrod: lots of them are heavy... and in stacks we don't know much about. java/ruby/etc 18:57:27 <danofsatx> It is really impressive. I'm approaching it with the attitude that it is the open source answer to Arcsight 18:58:03 <relrod> nirik: graphite stuff is python, but a lot of the tooling around it is in, well, all sorts of things 18:58:25 <relrod> grafana is a dashboard frontend to it...it's in Go, but they have RPMs available for it already. It's pretty, I've been playing with it locally. 18:58:58 <relrod> Anyway I just wanted to open a discussion and see if anyone wanted to help play around with them. I'm probably going to spin up some cloud instances and play around and see what happens 18:59:15 <relrod> Feeding collectd data to it is trivial, so that will give us some easy data to play with. 18:59:29 <danofsatx> I can help with the ELK stack. I'm slowly but surely figuring it out. 18:59:33 <threebean> relrod: cool. I'm interested in it :) 18:59:39 <nirik> relrod: there's a ticket open about graphite web... might ping on there to see if the person who filed it is still interested. 18:59:56 <misc> danofsatx: there is a Feature to package ELK ( mostly E for now ) 19:00:43 <relrod> that's all I have :) 19:00:43 <nirik> I think it's good to look into. 19:01:02 <nirik> also, slightly related, smooge was looking at piwiki (or however you spell that) 19:01:25 <smooge> I killed the server I set up to do that 19:01:52 <smooge> I am working on setting up a second 19:02:18 <relrod> smooge: cool, happy to help play around with that as well :) 19:02:26 <nirik> excellent. 19:02:43 <nirik> ok, we are actually over time, so I guess I will just go to open floor and save my blathering about openvpn to next time. 19:02:47 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 19:03:27 <nirik> anyone have any items for open floor? 19:03:36 <nirik> if not, will close our in %RANDOM seconds 19:04:27 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone! 19:04:30 <nirik> #endmeeting