18:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2016-07-14) 18:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 14 18:00:01 2016 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2016-07-14)' 18:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:01 <nirik> #topic aloha 18:00:01 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson 18:00:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:01 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions / Apprentice feedback 18:00:14 <clime_> hello! 18:00:22 <tammy_> Hello 18:00:31 <puiterwijk> sorta here, sorta preparing firmware upgrades :) 18:00:34 <nirik> morning everyone 18:01:02 * aikidouke_ is here 18:01:16 * sayan is here 18:01:30 <nirik> Any new folks here today? 18:02:42 <smooge> here 18:02:48 * cverna is here 18:03:39 <relrod> here 18:03:59 <nirik> alright, if no new folks will move on to info/status 18:04:16 <nirik> #topic announcements and information 18:04:16 <nirik> #info spammers ongoing. Wiki is now cla+1 - kevin/patrick/smooge 18:04:16 <nirik> #info inactive apprentices removed, feel free to re-add anytime - kevin 18:04:16 <nirik> #info koji01.stg moved to vh04 and made larger - relrod 18:04:16 <nirik> #info ansible check/diff report getting smaller, fixed a number of things - kevin 18:04:23 <nirik> anything anyone would like to add or discuss from those? 18:04:24 <puiterwijk> #info there's now a infra-cloud-announce list, please make sure to subscribe to get cloud outages - patrick 18:04:41 * pingou late but around 18:04:43 <puiterwijk> #info cloud storage upgrade tonight, no impact expected - patrick 18:04:52 <pingou> #info new pagure in stg, should update prod soon 18:05:16 <nirik> pingou: perhaps you know, when is the mm version in stg going to move to prod? or should I ask adrianr ? 18:05:32 <pingou> nirik: adrianr would be best 18:05:47 <nirik> ok. 18:06:30 <nirik> #info will be planning a mass update/reboot cycle for july 25 26 27. 18:07:15 <nirik> ok, moving on to discussion... I had one item I wanted to bring up... 18:07:26 <nirik> #topic flock - kevin 18:07:26 <tammy_> What is a reboot cycle 18:07:46 <nirik> tammy_: where we apply updates to all servers/instances and reboot them to pick up new kernels and such. 18:08:08 <tammy_> OK sorry if I ask questions as I am still learning 18:08:14 <puiterwijk> nirik: you mean semi-new kernels 18:08:20 <nirik> no, questions are great. :) 18:08:27 <nirik> please do ask anytime 18:08:31 <puiterwijk> There is always a new kernel out the day after we update :) 18:08:36 <aikidouke_> lol 18:08:37 <nirik> yeah, it seems like. ;( 18:08:52 <tflink> which systems are you planning for which days? 18:09:16 <puiterwijk> tflink: we tend to do cloud - build - rest 18:09:18 <nirik> anyhow, flock. flock is coming up. It's the yearly fedora conference. This year in poland. We should consider what kinds of things we want to meet up on, etc. 18:09:23 * tflink will be traveling to flock on the 27th 18:09:47 <nirik> tflink: we can switch it up and do monday/tues?/ or you can do qa before ? 18:10:06 <nirik> I just wanted to have them done before flock and then we go into alpha freeze for f25 alpha right after. 18:10:20 <tflink> nirik: any of that would work - i assume that's something we can figure out outside the meeting, though 18:10:24 <nirik> https://flocktofedora.org/ 18:10:27 <nirik> tflink: true 18:10:52 <tammy_> Will this be a streamed event 18:11:03 <nirik> tammy_: I hope so, but I am not sure. 18:11:03 <puiterwijk> tammy_: probably not, unfortunately. 18:11:07 <nirik> no? 18:11:14 <puiterwijk> No, they are planning to do the same as last year 18:11:19 <nirik> I guess the last one talks were recorded and uploaded after 18:11:24 <puiterwijk> where the speakers record themselves with cheese, and then upload later 18:11:29 <tammy_> Oh OK 18:11:35 <nirik> but there will be videos. ;) 18:11:43 <tammy_> Cool 18:11:59 <nirik> also, many folks still talk and interact on irc while there. We have a #fedora-flock channel where they gather. 18:12:08 <nirik> sometimes in the past people have done irc transcriptions. 18:12:15 <nirik> but thats hard to organize 18:12:41 <smooge> For problems I will be working 'US' hours to rectify 18:13:13 <puiterwijk> I will also be available at the normal times for issues, except for the hours when I have talks 18:13:13 <nirik> also, we want to make sure that though we discuss things there, we want to still include everyone in decisions... so just propose things and post them to lists after to bring in everyone on things. 18:13:48 <nirik> ie, we want decisions in the open, not behind doors at a conference not everyone will be at. ;) 18:14:20 <nirik> pingou: I should touch base with you since we are both co-managing a state of infra talk. :) 18:14:33 <nirik> and we will have a workshop one of the days 18:14:40 <puiterwijk> nirik: maybe I can also ive one or two points for that talk? :) 18:14:42 <pingou> puiterwijk: most likely not because we will make sure you interact w/ people and don't spend too much of the conference on your laptop :D 18:14:50 <tammy_> Great idea to have a workshop 18:14:50 <pingou> nirik: agreed :) 18:14:51 <nirik> puiterwijk: absolutely 18:15:11 <puiterwijk> pingou: I'll be sure to have my phone with me in case of problems :) 18:15:30 <pingou> note for later: bring a puiterwijk 's phone signal jammer 18:15:30 <nirik> so, I'll proibibly start a thread on the list, but if there's things people would like us to discuss when we have high bandwith (ie, face to face), add them to the thread. 18:15:50 <pingou> one will def be fedorahosted 18:16:00 <pingou> (its future or lack there of) 18:16:13 <nirik> yeah. 18:16:31 <nirik> reminds me, I wonder if I should post something to fedorahosted announce list... but perhaps after flock. 18:17:10 <nirik> #info will start list thread on items to discuss / work on at flock 18:17:19 <nirik> anything else on this one? 18:17:47 <nirik> ok, any other discussion items before we move on? 18:18:30 <nirik> alright. 18:18:36 <nirik> #topic Apprentice office hours 18:18:47 <nirik> any apprentices with questions or comments or looking for things to work on? 18:19:01 <clime_> I am still on .ticket 3748 :) 18:19:21 <tammy_> I need to choose a ticket not sure which one 18:19:23 <nirik> .ticket 3748 18:19:24 <zodbot> nirik: #3748 (Automate review stats) – Fedora Infrastructure - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3748 18:19:28 <aikidouke_> i would like to give lousab++ for submitting a docs patch 18:19:28 <nirik> ah yeah. 18:19:42 <pingou> lousab++ 18:19:42 <zodbot> pingou: Karma for lousab changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:19:45 <clime_> thanks for posting to list nirik! 18:19:49 <pingou> clime_++ 18:20:01 <nirik> clime_: yeah, no answer yet, but hopefully some will appear. 18:20:15 <aikidouke_> thanks pingou 18:20:27 <clime_> nirik: yeah well, both options are ok :) 18:20:53 <clime_> of course just sending it to the list is simpler (mainly because it's already done :D) 18:21:00 <nirik> If anyone had patches or whatever they attached to tickets or sent to the list, make sure they are applied. I think I got them all, but might have missed something. 18:21:28 <puiterwijk> Also, make sure you add a comment when you add the attachment 18:21:34 <puiterwijk> trac doesn't send notifications for just attachments 18:21:49 <nirik> yeah, that bug is really anoying. ;( 18:21:57 <puiterwijk> It's not a bug. 18:22:04 <pingou> pagure puts attachment in the comment 18:22:06 * pingou runs 18:22:19 <puiterwijk> pingou: and it allows XSS :P 18:22:22 * puiterwijk hides 18:22:32 <tammy_> Can I take 5249 18:22:42 <nirik> .ticket 5249 18:22:43 <zodbot> nirik: #5249 (Monitor the size of queued_messages in the FMN db) – Fedora Infrastructure - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/5249 18:22:46 <pingou> puiterwijk: does it? 18:22:50 <nirik> tammy_: sure! 18:22:54 <puiterwijk> pingou: not anymore, but sometimes it does :-) 18:22:57 <pingou> tammy_: nirik actually not yet 18:23:01 <nirik> oh? 18:23:11 <nirik> why not? 18:23:13 <pingou> since we're in the process of merging the re-arch of FMN (if someone ever reviews it) 18:23:24 <pingou> it may be better to wait for this new version before starting on this 18:23:39 <pingou> oh wait, no that part isn't changed with the new arch 18:23:43 <pingou> so go for ti :) 18:23:45 <pingou> it* 18:23:46 <tammy_> Let me take a look at another one 18:23:54 <nirik> yeah, it should have the same problems I would think. 18:24:09 <aikidouke_> tammy_ are you looking through the easyfix tickets? 18:24:19 <pingou> yeah that's for sending messages in bulk and stored in the db, so that isn't changed 18:24:33 <nirik> tammy_: so yeah, you can do that one... should still apply to the new code too. ;) 18:25:00 <tammy_> Yes but I thought you said not now for that one 18:25:25 <pingou> tammy_: my mistake 18:25:40 <pingou> tammy_: you can take it, the new code won't change this part :) 18:26:06 <tammy_> OK cool 18:26:09 <tammy_> Thanks 18:26:19 <nirik> cool. ;) 18:26:34 <nirik> any other apprentice questions, comments? 18:27:02 <nirik> I didn't line up a learn about session today, so we can just make it a quick meeting, or if someone really wants to know about some specific app I can try and talk about it. :) 18:27:16 <aikidouke_> is open floor next? 18:27:24 <nirik> yep. 18:27:28 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:27:35 <nirik> the 30min meeting is the new thing. ;) 18:27:52 * aikidouke_ hopes this doesnt take more than 3 minutes 18:28:00 <aikidouke_> for moving badges to pagure 18:28:07 <puiterwijk> nirik: last meeting was 60 minutes though :) 18:28:42 <aikidouke_> can we just host the badges repo at pagure and use pagure for issues while leaving the web app where it is? 18:28:49 <smooge> nirik runs the meetings with an iron club 18:28:52 <aikidouke_> or do we need to move the web app as well 18:29:21 <nirik> aikidouke_: sure, the web app stays where it is. That would just be about tickets and git repo. 18:29:33 <nirik> puiterwijk: so we are improving! :) 18:30:14 <aikidouke_> ok - so if I get nb and ralph to give that a thumbs up, and send a note to the badges list, are there any other people that would be interested? 18:30:22 <aikidouke_> maybe the artwork folks? 18:30:38 <tammy_> I am interested to know more about it 18:30:51 <nirik> yeah, and the badges trac has a really detailed workflow... so might create the pagure version and see how it could work there. 18:31:01 <nirik> we may need to implement things in pagure to help that use case... 18:31:17 <aikidouke_> ok so set up a test deployment in pagure and ask people to check it out? 18:32:10 <aikidouke_> tammy_: I'm kind of multitasking a bit right now, but I will ping you soon with some info, is that ok? 18:32:44 <nirik> yeah, or look at the way the workflow is now and try and replicate something like it there. 18:33:14 <aikidouke_> gotcha 18:33:21 <sayan> aikidouke_: nirik: which badges repo? 18:33:39 <aikidouke_> sayan: the one that holds the artwork and rules 18:33:46 <sayan> aikidouke_: ah ok 18:33:47 <nirik> sayan: the fedorahosted one 18:33:58 <tammy_> Yes that is fine 18:34:20 <aikidouke_> https://git.fedorahosted.org/git/badges.git 18:34:37 <tammy_> Thanks 18:34:52 <nirik> cool. Anything else? or shall we wrap it up? 18:35:41 <aikidouke_> i am in favor of wrapping 18:36:12 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone! 18:36:14 <nirik> #endmeeting