18:02:53 <smooge> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2016-11-10) 18:02:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 10 18:02:53 2016 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:02:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:02:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2016-11-10)' 18:02:53 <smooge> #meetingname infrastructure 18:02:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:02:53 <smooge> #topic aloha 18:02:53 <smooge> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson 18:02:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:02:53 <smooge> #topic New folks introductions 18:02:53 <clime> hi 18:03:22 <jcline> .hello jcline 18:03:22 <trishnag> .hello trishnag 18:03:22 <zodbot> jcline: jcline 'Jeremy Cline' <jeremy@jcline.org> 18:03:25 <zodbot> trishnag: trishnag 'Trishna Guha' <trishnaguha17@gmail.com> 18:03:27 <puiterwijk> hi 18:03:29 * doteast here 18:03:32 <lousab> .hello lousab 18:03:36 <smooge> hello 18:03:36 <zodbot> lousab: lousab 'luigi sainini' <luigi.sainini@tiscali.it> 18:03:46 <nb> .hello nb 18:03:47 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nb@nb.zone> 18:04:41 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 18:04:41 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 18:05:04 * nirik is tied up helping test from the go/no-go meeting 18:05:25 <smooge> ok 18:05:46 <smooge> Any other new people today? 18:06:13 <smooge> If not.. I will go with our long list of topics today 18:06:17 <smooge> #topic announcements and information 18:06:17 <smooge> #info Fedora 25 Final FREEZE now in effect - everyone 18:06:20 <clime> :) 18:06:33 <smooge> #info RHN scripts were fixed by puiterwijk and smooge and dgilmore 18:06:57 <smooge> any thing else? 18:07:14 <puiterwijk> #info Ipsilon 2.0 is now in staging, with OpenIDC support - Patrick 18:07:27 <puiterwijk> Please test 18:07:32 <smooge> how? 18:07:39 <puiterwijk> Log in to things in staging? 18:07:49 <puiterwijk> (things that use stg Ipsilon) 18:07:55 <smooge> which are :) 18:08:08 <puiterwijk> Supposedly everything, and evertything that doesn't is a bug :) 18:08:31 <smooge> sorry for being obtuse here but i am not sure what would help :) 18:09:04 <smooge> as in if I log into admin.stg.fedoraproject.org does that do anything? 18:09:06 <puiterwijk> No problem at all. Just try to login to different services in staging. Especially app developers should make sure I didn't break anything they depend on 18:09:24 <smooge> or do people know what systems in stg they can log into 18:09:27 <puiterwijk> Yes. Just any service except for FAS should be using Ipsilon :) 18:09:32 <puiterwijk> (web applications) 18:10:24 <smooge> ok anything else? 18:10:28 <smooge> stickster, are you around? 18:10:55 <smooge> if not I am going to skip the next item on the agenda til next week 18:11:21 <stickster> smooge: I'm here 18:11:28 <smooge> Ok the next item is: 18:11:31 <smooge> #topic on-boarding new folks improvements - kevin / stickster 18:11:58 <smooge> kevin is in the go/no-go meeting so we can do this next meeting in full but if you could give a summary that would be useful for people reading notes 18:12:09 * stickster too 18:13:14 <nirik> yeah, I just wanted to add a few things here 18:13:26 <stickster> nirik made changes to a set of wiki pages which was a start here. jflory7 reviewed and liked them, if any infra apprentices reviewed that might be cool too 18:13:27 <nirik> I worked over the wiki pages, so if everyone could look them over again that would be great. ;) 18:13:32 <stickster> ha, *jinx, sorry nirik 18:13:35 <nirik> yeah, that. ;) 18:13:45 <jflory7> .thank nirik 18:13:45 <zodbot> jflory7 thinks nirik is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to nirik++ also) 18:14:00 <linuxmodder> nirik, no prob I can later 18:14:04 <jflory7> Wiki pages definitely needed a refresh, thanks Kevin :) 18:14:22 <nirik> yeah, we had a bunch of old cruft 18:14:23 <lousab> nirik: ok and thanks 18:14:52 <linuxmodder> jflory7, nirik link to that ticket? 18:15:00 <smooge> we are looking for improvements in this process. we need to know what people are wanting and helping 18:15:02 <smooge> ticket? 18:15:03 <jflory7> linuxmodder: It's a thread on the Infrastructure list. 18:15:10 <linuxmodder> noted 18:15:56 <lousab> jflory7: i need to be more involved..i think i'll write you here or email 18:16:05 <smooge> ok thanks nirik and stickster go back to getting F25 out the door. 18:16:37 <jflory7> smooge: For the past few replies of new folks on the list, I tried to use a "common format" of a reply for newcomers to the Infrastructure team. It might be a good idea to have a special document in Gobby or elsewhere with handy info to use consistently use for introductions. However, noting emphasis on it not being cookie-cutter replies *every* time and trying to tune the general response to things in the intro 18:16:50 <jflory7> * to use consistently for introductions 18:17:03 <smooge> that is a great idea. 18:17:14 <smooge> maybe it could be a doc that is in the pagure in .md format? 18:17:43 <bowlofeggs> .hello bowloflateeggs 18:17:44 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: Sorry, but you don't exist 18:17:49 <bowlofeggs> .hello bowlofeggs 18:17:51 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <randy@electronsweatshop.com> 18:17:56 <stickster> haha 18:17:58 <jflory7> Gobby doc, Pagure markdown file, any of those ways sounds fine to me. Gobby could be more convenient for quick revisions without having to do a git commit, but really anything will work as long as people use it. 18:18:03 <linuxmodder> a scriptable intro maybe 18:18:52 <linuxmodder> use PRs then on your own branch still visible and no need for a commit persay out the box 18:21:02 <smooge> any other improvements from apprentices? 18:21:29 <smooge> #topic Apprentice Open office hours 18:21:37 <smooge> which bridges into this topic. 18:24:05 <smooge> are there any questions here? [i am guessing everyone is trying to get F25 working on macs?] 18:24:22 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 18:24:46 <smooge> Ok anything for the open floor? If not I will close out the meeting in 2 minutes and give everyone back 32 minutes 18:25:54 * jflory7 doesn't have anything 18:26:11 <puiterwijk> smooge: not much from me, except for a thanks for chairing :) 18:26:20 <wind85____> :) 18:26:22 <smooge> #endmeeting