#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2017-02-09)

Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:19 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. aloha (nirik, 18:00:19)
  2. New folks introductions (nirik, 18:00:20)
  3. announcements and information (nirik, 18:03:25)
    1. bodhi-2.4.0 beta deployed to stg, please test! - bowlofeggs (nirik, 18:03:25)
    2. first mirrorlist container is in production now on proxy02 - kevin/patrick (nirik, 18:03:25)
    3. mass rebuild hasn't yet started, but should be soon - releng folks (nirik, 18:03:25)
    4. work on new nagios resumes (nirik, 18:03:25)
    5. new anitya in prod sometime in the next week (jcline, 18:04:16)
    6. migration of badges from fedorahostted to staging pagure done (sayan, 18:05:00)
    7. new newhotness update soon if stg looks good. (nirik, 18:07:05)
    8. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Fedorahostedmigrations (nirik, 18:11:16)
    9. everyone to check projects still on hosted and urge owners to migrate. (nirik, 18:13:50)

  4. Moving SOPs to the proposed infra-docs sphinx project (https://docs.pagure.org/infra-docs/) (nirik, 18:27:29)
  5. idea to make a packages git repo with all pkgs as submodules - kevin (nirik, 18:28:17)
  6. dist-git upstream progress status - clime (nirik, 18:43:31)
  7. Apprentice Open office hours (nirik, 18:51:40)
  8. Open Floor (nirik, 19:01:00)

Meeting ended at 19:03:19 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. nirik (114)
  2. pingou (52)
  3. puiterwijk (31)
  4. linuxmodder (28)
  5. kloczek (20)
  6. clime (20)
  7. zodbot (15)
  8. athos (13)
  9. cverna (10)
  10. jcline (7)
  11. sayan (7)
  12. stickster (6)
  13. smooge (5)
  14. nb (2)
  15. vivek_ (2)
  16. threenodedev (1)
  17. marc84 (1)
  18. doteast (1)
  19. threebean (0)
  20. pbrobinson (0)
  21. relrod (0)
  22. abadger1999 (0)
  23. lmacken (0)
  24. dgilmore (0)

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