14:00:09 <smooge> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2018-05-24) 14:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 24 14:00:09 2018 UTC. 14:00:09 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:09 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2018-05-24)' 14:00:09 <smooge> #meetingname infrastructure 14:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 14:00:09 <smooge> #topic aloha 14:00:09 <smooge> #chair smooge relrod nirik pingou puiterwijk tflink 14:00:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink 14:00:14 <smooge> Hello all 14:00:21 <puiterwijk> hi 14:00:27 * relrod waves 14:00:45 <nirik> morning 14:01:40 <bowlofeggs> .hello2 14:01:41 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <rbarlow@redhat.com> 14:01:42 <aikidouke> aloha 14:01:45 <cverna> morning o/ 14:01:45 <creaked> .hello2 14:01:45 <zodbot> creaked: creaked 'Will Chellman' <creaked@gmail.com> 14:02:09 <smooge> #topic New folks introductions 14:02:09 <smooge> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 14:02:27 <smooge> Hello any new people out there. and also all us old people too 14:02:52 <abompard> .hello2 14:02:54 <zodbot> abompard: abompard 'Aurelien Bompard' <aurelien@bompard.org> 14:04:06 <smooge> and I realized something.. I started this in the wrong channel 14:04:32 <smooge> argh. reflex on my part 14:04:52 <smooge> ok for us to move over to #fedora-meeting-1? 14:04:57 <puiterwijk> smooge: should be fine if we finish in 25 minutes :) 14:05:08 <smooge> ok will go puiterwijk time then 14:05:14 <nirik> ha 14:05:20 <linuxmodder> smooge, you sad meeting-1 :) 14:05:22 * linuxmodder is here 14:05:27 <linuxmodder> .hello2 14:05:28 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 14:05:42 <smooge> #topic announcements and information 14:05:42 <smooge> #info more hardware installed 14:05:42 <smooge> #info relrod PTO 9 Jun - 19 Jun 14:05:42 <smooge> #info smooge PTO 8 Jun 14:05:43 <smooge> #info Problem with mirrormanager and newest rsync found/fixed 14:05:44 <smooge> #info armv7 Builders downgraded to fedora 27 - kevin 14:05:45 <smooge> #info bodhi-3.8.0 beta in staging https://bodhi.stg.fedoraproject.org/docs/user/release_notes.html 14:06:07 <smooge> Any other announcements? 14:06:14 <linuxmodder> nfm 14:06:22 <smooge> #topic Oncall reminder and discussion - kevin 14:06:30 <nirik> oh, thats leftover from last week. 14:06:30 <smooge> #info relrod is on call this week. 14:06:34 <nirik> Forgot to remove it. 14:06:38 <smooge> #info who is on call next week? 14:06:38 <puiterwijk> #info puiterwijk PTO (maybe/hopefully) 25 May 14:06:53 <puiterwijk> Oh, sorry 14:06:55 <puiterwijk> #undo 14:06:55 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by puiterwijk at 14:06:38 : puiterwijk PTO (maybe/hopefully) 25 May 14:07:13 <nirik> I can be... 14:07:49 <smooge> #info nirik is on call next week 14:08:04 <smooge> #topic Fedora web dev clinic resurrection (https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/friday-fedora-web-dev-clinic/) - cverna 14:08:19 <smooge> cverna, your up 14:08:27 <smooge> cverna, you're up 14:08:35 <cverna> I am 14:08:53 <cverna> what do you think about restarting the Fedora web clinic ? 14:09:13 <cverna> I was not around when it happened so I don't really know how it went 14:09:21 <linuxmodder> I never remember it so some context/backstory pls? 14:09:31 <cverna> linuxmodder: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/friday-fedora-web-dev-clinic/ 14:10:15 <cverna> pretty much it is 1 hour every week where people would be online (video) to discuss the webapp development 14:10:17 <puiterwijk> cverna: I personally don't like video calls with $whomever-shows-up. So an hourly "office hours" in chat, sure. But a video chat with "whomever wants shows up", I'd not like that 14:10:19 * nirik isn't a big fan of video... but if folks want to try it, go for it. 14:10:21 <cverna> or other topic 14:10:32 <linuxmodder> guess I'm for more input from the comunity so prelim + 1 14:11:01 <aikidouke> cverna: what would some of the topics be? 14:11:05 <cverna> puiterwijk: nirik I am not against IRC too 14:11:09 <linuxmodder> not photo/video friendly much nirik ? 14:11:12 <smooge> I think one of the problems is that many of us are video averse 14:11:19 <bowlofeggs> to me it would be important that it have a specific agenda 14:11:28 <smooge> the same here 14:11:33 <bowlofeggs> i'm also not a big fan of video meetings 14:11:37 <nirik> well, the first 15min of every video meeting is people trying to get stuff working. 14:11:49 <linuxmodder> ^^ that too 14:11:59 <nirik> then it's hard sometimes to interject... because someone else is talking 14:12:26 <linuxmodder> vidcons not my 1st choice but if it brings in valuable contribs I'm for a test run 14:12:31 <bowlofeggs> "i'd like to interject for a moment... it's GNU + linux" 14:12:38 <nirik> heh 14:12:45 <puiterwijk> .fire bowlofeggs 14:12:45 <zodbot> adamw fires bowlofeggs 14:12:49 <bowlofeggs> hahah 14:13:30 <cverna> I was thinking this would be more like an open hour, where contributors show up with question, or ticket they would like help with 14:13:44 <cverna> but having an agenda might not be a bad idea 14:14:17 <nirik> sounds similar to an office hours/apprentice workday... 14:14:19 <cverna> I think it does not have to be video, if most people are not favouring it 14:14:21 <puiterwijk> cverna: well, then the question is what that brings over the general "ask whatever, whenever" we have on #fedora-apps 14:14:28 * nirik is open to trying anything tho. :) 14:14:40 <cverna> puiterwijk: I agree but it does not seems to work 14:14:56 <cverna> so maybe having a dedicated time would work better 14:15:04 <nirik> puiterwijk: being sure someone was available then to spend time might be of use... 14:15:10 <puiterwijk> cverna: I've seen other projects and us do office hours/apprentice days. The first time, some people show up, from the second time, not even all the main contributors are likely able to show up. 14:15:28 <linuxmodder> if it has jwf tho it will be heavily pushed as he is a BIG fan of video cons 14:15:30 <puiterwijk> nirik: Sure. If we can make sure of that, *and* it's at a time that contributors can attend 14:16:27 <nirik> Related I thought it might be nice to try and do more 'pair' or 'group' things... ie, some area, we talk about it, divide up the work and help review, etc. 14:16:56 <cverna> What I can do is write a proposal on the mailing list and see how it goes ( ie if there is some interest for it) 14:17:08 <puiterwijk> cverna: that sounds fair with me 14:17:11 <smooge> cverna, so the problem with the events in the past is that people usually need an outside force (aka why we have management) to keep to a schedule to be at a regular meeting without letting other problems take precedence. Office hours that aren't enforced tend towards no one showing up after a bit 14:17:31 <nirik> sure. I think one thing is we shouldn't be afraid to try things and adjust... not too much talking about them and not doing anything. ;) 14:17:32 <smooge> cverna, so I would suggest working on a proposal (aka what you typed while I did my long paragraph) 14:17:42 <cverna> smooge: :) 14:17:44 <linuxmodder> nirik, so like a conference break out room logic ? 14:17:59 <nirik> sure. whatever works. 14:18:12 <smooge> cverna, and get buy in from some people who would remind people that showing up is more important than whatever fire that week has our attention 14:18:27 <cverna> Ok I ll sent this later today on the mailing list and we can see next week what feedback we had 14:18:29 <puiterwijk> (note: I'm not opposed to office hours, I'm just saying that I'm not sure it gives all that much more over the current "ask whenever, and people will reply when they're back". If people think it's a significant enough difference, I'm all for it (as long as it's not video)) 14:18:50 <smooge> ok we have 8 minutes left in the channel 14:19:10 <linuxmodder> so puiterwijk is totally anit-video got it :) 14:19:37 <smooge> anything more on this? 14:19:48 <cverna> not from me we can move on 14:20:07 <smooge> thanks cverna I look forward to the proposal and thank you for taking the initiative to get us off our duffs 14:20:10 <smooge> #topic Tickets discussion 14:20:10 <smooge> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=2 14:20:19 <nirik> I had a few marked for meeting. 14:21:19 <nirik> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=2 14:21:24 <nirik> lets do each in turn 14:21:52 <nirik> .ticket 4437 14:21:58 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #4437: BFO does not work from GRUB2 - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/4437 14:22:14 <nirik> so this is a 3 year old ticket. 14:22:20 <linuxmodder> damn 14:22:32 <nirik> It's kinda waiting for testing... I have no idea if it's still happening. 14:22:42 <smooge> I asked upstream about BFO and kernel.org no longer supports it 14:22:51 <linuxmodder> I can try to test this weekend if noone gets to it first 14:23:01 <nirik> smooge: yeah, I keep ours up with my spare time, but... 14:23:11 <nirik> yeah, if some others could test that would be great. 14:23:21 <nirik> .ticket 4520 14:23:25 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #4520: repos.fedorapeople.org fails DNSSEC validation - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/4520 14:23:57 <nirik> this also is 3 years old. We keep not getting our DS records added. Do we know how to move this forward any? 14:24:34 <nirik> smooge or puiterwijk: can you try again to get domain people to add records for us? 14:24:35 <smooge> ah crap. I clicked the wrong part of the screen and took the ticket 14:24:52 <smooge> I will ask legal about it after the meeting 14:24:57 <puiterwijk> smooge: well, it'd probably be you taking this ticket anyway, since you were in contact with those people last 14:25:14 <nirik> yeah, I think we had some other domains too, but this one has been sitting there forever. 14:25:14 <smooge> the person who was my contact on DNS left the company last week so I need to find a new path anyway 14:25:27 <puiterwijk> Ah. Fun 14:25:31 <nirik> .ticket 6950 14:25:36 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #6950: Redirector service and pipermail URLs - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/6950 14:25:47 <nirik> so, this is about our old email list archives vs new. 14:26:49 <nirik> I agree it's confusing to see the old archives just end... but I am definitely not up for making some kind of super redirector. 14:27:00 <nirik> Which is not to say that upstream mailman might not want such a thing 14:27:30 <nirik> Is there anything we cna do to make the old archives more apparent as old? 14:27:34 <nirik> without messing them up 14:28:18 <bowlofeggs> you could hang some spider webs on them 14:28:56 <nirik> That would be lovely... but not sure how. 14:29:05 <linuxmodder> time check: 2 mins and change 14:29:06 <smooge> well that would be a css template 14:29:09 <nirik> ie, if you go to: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/packaging/ 14:29:13 <smooge> 30 seconds actuallly 14:29:27 <nirik> you get the old archives, with no idicator why they stopped in 2015. ;) 14:29:38 <nirik> any dotnet sig folks around? 14:29:47 <nirik> (I think thats who we were overlapping with) 14:30:01 <smooge> yes 14:30:17 <nirik> well, if they want the room we can vacate. ;) 14:30:27 <smooge> I am going to end this meeting here and start it properly in #fedora-meeting-1 14:30:32 <smooge> #endmeeting