14:03:03 <smooge> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2018-07-12) 14:03:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 12 14:03:03 2018 UTC. 14:03:03 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:03:03 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:03:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2018-07-12)' 14:03:04 <smooge> #meetingname infrastructure 14:03:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 14:03:04 <smooge> #topic aloha 14:03:04 <smooge> #chair nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink threebean 14:03:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink threebean 14:03:28 <clime> hey 14:03:38 * pingou here 14:03:54 * cverna waves 14:03:55 <relrod> morning 14:04:17 <aikidouke> .hello2 14:04:18 <zodbot> aikidouke: aikidouke 'None' <zachvatwork@gmail.com> 14:04:24 <nirik> morning 14:04:46 <puffi> .hello2 14:04:47 <zodbot> puffi: puffi 'Brian O'Regan' <puffi@bossbox.com> 14:04:48 <aikidouke> hot bean water for all... 14:05:30 <puiterwijk> hello 14:08:25 <smooge> #topic New folks introductions 14:08:25 <smooge> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 14:08:32 <smooge> sorry I am getting into this 14:09:36 <nirik> aikidouke: it's the best! 14:09:44 <aikidouke> :) 14:10:03 <smooge> #topic announcements and information 14:10:03 <smooge> #info bowlofeggs is on PTO 14:10:03 <smooge> #info abompard is on PTO 14:10:03 <smooge> #info pingou is on half-time PTO 14:10:03 <smooge> #info tflink is going on extended PTO 14:10:04 <smooge> #info major Ibiblio outage 2018-07-10 (completed) 14:10:06 <smooge> #info FLOCK in Dresden is 2018-08-08->2018-08-13? 14:10:08 <smooge> #info visit to PHX2 will be happenening 2018-08-15->2018-08-18 14:10:10 <smooge> #info New OSBS deployed in prod (Openshift 3.9) - cverna 14:10:12 <smooge> #info pkgdb is now json flat file (relrod/mizdebsk) 14:10:27 <pingou> #info pingou is kinda back :) 14:10:35 <nirik> welcome back 14:10:46 <pingou> thanks :) 14:12:47 <smooge> ok any other announcements for this week? 14:14:11 * pingou has a hard stop in 15 minutes 14:14:19 <smooge> ok next up 14:14:30 <smooge> #topic Oncall 14:14:30 <smooge> #info Kevin is on call from 2018-07-06->2018-07-12 14:14:30 <smooge> #info Relrod is on call from 2018-07-12->2018-07-19 14:14:30 <smooge> #info Smooge is on call from 2018-07-19->2018-07-26 14:14:30 <smooge> #info Kevin? is on call from 2018-07-26->2018-08-01 14:14:31 <smooge> #info Smooge is on call from during FLOCK 14:14:35 <smooge> #info Summary of last week: (from Kevin) 14:14:49 <smooge> nirik, anything big in the last week of oncall? 14:15:11 <nirik> pretty normal I'd say... let me think... 14:15:32 <smooge> I have tried to set up the schedules that on-call swaps around after the meeting. this means that if something is in progress it can be discussed in meeting and the next person can take it over. [Like a shift change] 14:15:58 <nirik> yeah, good thinking. 14:16:12 <nirik> Nothing really pending that I can think of 14:17:18 <nirik> I do need to find out if I finally fixed or broke fedmsgs from centos-ci 14:17:35 <smooge> OK cool 14:17:45 <smooge> #topic Tickets discussion 14:17:45 <smooge> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/report/Meetings%20ticket 14:18:09 <smooge> .ticket 7076 14:18:10 <zodbot> smooge: Issue #7076: Brainstorming about possible git checkout seed improvements - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7076 14:18:30 <nirik> so tibbs had some ideas here... if we want to discuss/look over 14:18:39 <nirik> or perhaps this is one for the mailing list too 14:20:41 <clime> .ticket 6875 14:20:43 <zodbot> clime: Issue #6875: Modernize libravatar and deploy a test cloud instance - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/6875 14:20:59 <nirik> it's hard to tell without knowing what our audience uses there. 14:21:11 <clime> Hello, I've added PostgreSQL support into libravatar (and sry for interrupting the prev one) 14:21:28 <smooge> clime, can we wait until we get the previous ticket dealt with 14:21:36 <clime> sure, sry 14:22:02 <smooge> thanks 14:22:23 <smooge> ok any other discussion on 7076. I agree with nirik it is a mailing list item 14:22:42 <smooge> when I read the discussion in #fedora-devel it looked like everyone was using the git see differently 14:22:42 <cverna> +1 for mailing list 14:23:03 <smooge> but that was just a random layout of "I am awake on the Irc channel at this moment" 14:23:06 <nirik> sure, I can ask on list... should I ask on devel since thats where it's customers would be? 14:23:13 <smooge> I would ask on devel 14:23:19 <nirik> ok. I can... 14:23:32 <smooge> and if no one answers.. make it a change request for F30 14:23:46 <smooge> that will get them telling you why its wrong 14:24:00 <smooge> .ticket 5644 14:24:01 <zodbot> smooge: Issue #5644: Consistent URL / domain name scheme for Fedora web apps - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/5644 14:24:22 <nirik> so this one I realized has a related ticket... let me find it. 14:24:55 <nirik> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/6397 14:25:02 <nirik> .ticket 6397 14:25:03 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #6397: F28 timeframe: move to having user-facing sites live under a single domain - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/6397 14:25:28 <nirik> again this may be something more than a ticket discussion. perhaps flock? 14:25:51 <smooge> so I love this... 14:25:53 <cverna> I think that's a good idea, is there anything against do it ? 14:26:02 <smooge> really really love this... like the plague 14:26:03 <cverna> s/do/soing/ 14:26:24 <patricku> As long as we’re using subdomains it’s all fine with me. 14:26:25 <nirik> well, I think its fine, but it means a lot of work moving things around. 14:26:52 <smooge> we had all our applications under one domain apps.fedoraproject.org/hgofdf/ and then got told it was bad because it was confusing to find things.. and no one stuck things in urls anymore 14:26:54 <nirik> and it's not clear how we get from now to there... flag day? redirects? all at once? some at a time? 14:27:14 <patricku> nirik: I’d say one at a time 14:27:15 <smooge> so we moved everything to calendar.fedoraproject.org and are then told.. no one can find things because its not under one URL 14:28:02 <nirik> The thing I'm afraid of is that we will break stuff many times... because moving may require changes to haproxy, varnish, httpd config, the app... 14:28:21 <nirik> also I think we need a list/map of what we are going to change. 14:28:34 <cverna> If I take the example of packages it was not that easy to make it work to be apps.fp.o/packages, patricku had to do some magic 14:28:38 <nirik> we could perhaps leverage the SME's that smooge made 14:29:04 <smooge> so one of the reasons I thought we were also moving to calendar.fedoraproject.org was we could more easily move them out of Fedora into the 'cloud' 14:29:48 <nirik> I suppose thats an advantage sure 14:29:50 <patricku> cverna: yeah, lots of stuff likes to be on it’s own subdomain 14:30:03 <smooge> so first off I think we need to have an idea of why we are moving to one or the other and get buyin 14:30:17 * pingou gtg 14:30:18 <smooge> and explain to the other side of the argument that they will have to suck it up 14:30:22 <smooge> see you pingou 14:30:25 * pingou will read logs, cheers folks! 14:30:39 <clime> bb 14:30:40 <misc> mhh, wouldn't it also improve security by having different domain and things like this ? 14:30:58 <nirik> I think the main win for just keeping what we have is all the work involved. ;) 14:31:23 <smooge> nirik, well we look to be half-way between having stuff in and out 14:31:32 <nirik> misc: well, we orig wanted to use apps.fedoraproject.org / admin.fedoraproject.org so things under them could share auth cookies, but thats not been true in a long time. 14:31:37 <cverna> yeah it is currently working as it is and might no be worth to invest the time needed to move things 14:31:57 <nirik> smooge: true. we did do both. 14:32:01 <aikidouke> @smooge are you saying we shouldnt put one subdomain in and pull one subdomain out? 14:33:17 <smooge> what I am saying is that we do need to be consistent and move to either everything under fedoraproject.org/ so the SEO are happy (for the moment) OR we move to all seperate <foo>.fedoraproject.org and make the marketing people happy 14:33:56 <smooge> but we have to decide why are doing it and keep to it. 14:34:17 <clime> I think also we can do neither of those. 14:34:28 <smooge> sorry the term marketing should have been SEO also 14:34:53 <smooge> I just want some sort of consistency on our part 14:35:07 <nirik> yeah, thats why I was thinking this might be a larger discussion... since mattdm and others wanted various things from it 14:35:15 * aikidouke was just being unhelpful and going for the hokey-pokey joke :/ 14:35:22 <nirik> aikidouke: ha. 14:35:48 <nirik> smooge: I think we mostly let whoever was deploying the app decide... which makes it... not very consistent 14:36:34 <misc> you could also get both, have a vhost on foo.fpo that redirect to apps.fpo/foo ? 14:37:34 <smooge> yeah.. I think we were doing that but it was getting griped at for some reason 14:37:35 <nirik> sure, but I dislike redirects. It just adds to confusion... is the app broken? is the redirect broken? 14:38:16 <smooge> ok so I think this needs to be discussed 14:38:27 <patricku> Let’s make it a flock talk 14:38:32 <patricku> Discussion * 14:38:58 <smooge> maybe get mattdm and some others in a room in flock and pound it out 14:39:10 <smooge> yeah what patricku siad 14:39:57 <smooge> #action Will take ticket #6397 and #5644 to Flock and get which one we are doing 14:39:58 <nirik> yep. someone willing to update the ticket(s) with that? 14:40:06 <smooge> I will go do that after the meeting 14:40:31 <tibbs> Sorry, I just got into the office. I didn't realize you would bring up #7076 in a meeting, but if you need me to be around to talk about it then I can plan for that. 14:40:44 <smooge> #action smooge will update tickets and put a timer on them 14:40:53 <nirik> tibbs: I think we decided that we don't know enough about people who use it and wanted to ask devel list... 14:41:23 <tibbs> That's fine; I just didn't want to lose the ideas that got brainstormed in IRC. 14:41:49 <nirik> yeah, they may well be what we want to do... just don't know what people expect there. 14:42:35 <smooge> ok anything else on these 3 tickets? 14:42:51 <smooge> .ticket 6875 14:42:52 <zodbot> smooge: Issue #6875: Modernize libravatar and deploy a test cloud instance - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/6875 14:43:02 <smooge> clime you had some questions? 14:43:39 <clime> yes, well, I would like to try to deploy a test instance of https://git.linux-kernel.at/oliver/ivatar 14:44:01 <nirik> we could spin up a cloud instance for that? 14:44:51 <clime> yes, probably, I was thinking deploying it in OpenShift as suggested. 14:45:16 <nirik> well, we could do that too... staging. we don't have a test or dev openshift yet 14:45:41 <clime> great 14:45:57 <clime> thnkas, will look at it then. 14:46:10 <clime> *thanks 14:46:15 <nirik> take a look at the bodhi openshift app... 14:46:24 <clime> ok 14:48:12 <clime> roles/openshift-apps/bodhi 14:48:43 <smooge> general question.. could clime use minishift to test it first? 14:49:10 <clime> I did local testing already, it was openshift origin run locally 14:49:43 <clime> but for writing a playbook...I will use it again 14:50:02 <clime> (or try to) 14:51:14 <smooge> ok thanks 14:51:35 <smooge> we are coming up to the top of the hour 14:51:44 <smooge> cverna, when is the next open office hours? 14:52:08 <cverna> tuesday 18.00 UTC 14:52:44 * aikidouke has a Q if we can get it in - if not can bother someone after 14:52:53 <smooge> #topic Apprentice Open office minutes 14:52:53 <smooge> #info A time where apprentices may ask for help or look at problems. 14:53:05 <smooge> aikidouke, you are up 14:54:04 <aikidouke> .ticket 5136 14:54:05 <zodbot> aikidouke: Issue #5136: Add the BackTick extention to Fedora Wiki, - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/5136 14:54:25 <aikidouke> package review passed *phew* 14:54:49 <aikidouke> so for testing, we would need a build for centos/rhel 7 - yes? 14:55:52 <nirik> aikidouke: nope. 14:55:53 <aikidouke> also patricku - this is just a tiny bit of php code - but I dont know php at all. anything I should do to make sure the code isnt a security issue? 14:56:01 <nirik> our wiki instances are running fedora 14:56:08 <aikidouke> awesome nirik 14:56:21 <nirik> f27 currently. 14:56:31 <puiterwijk> aikidouke: sure, I can take a look at it 14:56:34 <aikidouke> so I guess I just need a sponsor then? oh..27? 14:56:41 <aikidouke> thanks patrick 14:56:43 <puiterwijk> Just ping me out of meeting 14:56:47 <aikidouke> sure thing 14:56:58 <nirik> we could upgrade them to 28... should be easy enough. 14:57:10 <nirik> and if you passed review you can ask to be sponsored. 14:57:46 <aikidouke> should I ask on the devel list then? sorry - probably taking up alot of time with slightly infra-stuff 14:57:55 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_get_sponsored_into_the_packager_group '"If you have accepted packages and still have not managed to find a sponsor, feel free to file a ticket in the sponsors ticketing system. " 14:58:08 <nirik> but I would be happy to sponsor you... 14:58:21 <nirik> I can do so after the meeting 14:58:26 <smooge> ok cool. 14:58:27 <aikidouke> OH THANKS! 14:58:34 <aikidouke> nirik++ 14:58:36 <smooge> we are coming up to the top of the hour. 14:58:42 <smooge> anything else for todays meeting? 14:59:11 <smooge> #topic Opera Floor 14:59:39 * aikidouke wonders if I should sing Toreador? 14:59:57 <smooge> Tosca 15:00:01 <aikidouke> because "Opera Floor" 15:01:10 <smooge> ok with nothing else .. a light goes to center stage and we sing adieu 15:01:18 <smooge> thank you all for coming 15:01:24 <smooge> #endmeeting