15:25:57 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2019-01-10) 15:25:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 10 15:25:57 2019 UTC. 15:25:57 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:25:57 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:25:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:25:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2019-01-10)' 15:25:57 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 15:25:57 <nirik> #topic aloha 15:25:57 <nirik> #chair nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink threebean cverna mkonecny 15:25:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 15:25:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna mkonecny nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink threebean 15:27:06 * relrod waves 15:27:14 <nirik> morning everyone 15:27:29 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions 15:27:29 <nirik> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 15:27:29 <nirik> #info Getting Started Guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 15:27:33 <nirik> any new folks around today? 15:28:37 * cverna waves 15:29:15 * mkonecny waves 15:30:28 <nirik> on to announcements... 15:30:44 <nirik> #topic announcements and information 15:30:44 <nirik> #info Anitya (release-monitoring.org) 0.14.0 released - deployment on production planned to next week 15:30:44 <nirik> #info tflink is on extended PTO 15:30:44 <nirik> #info devconf is happening from 2019-01-25 -> 2019-01-27 15:30:45 <nirik> #info major outage: s390 2019-01-11 -> 2019-01-14 15:30:46 <nirik> #info Bodhi stakeholders' meeting next Tuesday https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/9429/ 15:30:49 <nirik> #info Proposed backwards incompatible changes in upcoming Bodhi 4.0.0: https://github.com/fedora-infra/bodhi/projects/6 15:30:53 <nirik> any other announcements or items to note? 15:30:56 <tflink> actually, I'm back now 15:31:04 <nirik> oh hey! welcome back tflink! 15:31:32 <cverna> #info whatcanidoforfedora now runs on openshift 15:31:34 <relrod> #info proxies are done being upgraded to f29 \o/ 15:32:45 <smooge> *cough* 15:32:48 <smooge> sorry everyone 15:32:52 <smooge> thank you nirik 15:33:03 <tflink> nirik: thanks, still trying to get caught up with the stuff I missed 15:33:10 <nirik> #info builders are all upgraded to f29 except for all the armv7 ones (f27) and ppc64 ones (f28) 15:33:28 <nirik> hey smooge 15:33:28 <smooge> hi tflink 15:33:45 <smooge> you can keep running meeting. I just wanted to say hi and thanks for doing so 15:34:06 <smooge> I realized my *cough* could mean I could take over... 15:34:25 <cverna> fedora-packages still runs on f27, I have fixed Turbogears2 in f29 and it should land in stable tomorrow, so we can move these boxes to f29 15:34:28 <nirik> oh, so I was supposed to be on PTO this week (for moving) but thats not happening... so I instead now will be off the week after devconf at the end of the month 15:34:40 <nirik> cverna: great 15:35:15 <smooge> I have a question on ppc64be .. when F28 goes away do we need to keep an EL7 one? 15:35:42 <nirik> yep, we will. ;( 15:35:48 <nirik> for epel6/7 15:36:21 <nirik> but it can be just 2 or something... 15:36:54 <nirik> #topic Oncall 15:36:54 <nirik> #info relrod is on call from 2019-01-10 -> 2019-01-17 15:36:54 <nirik> #info ??? is on call from 2019-01-17 -> 2019-01-24 15:36:54 <nirik> #info ??? is on call from 2019-01-24 -> 2019-01-31 15:36:54 <nirik> #info Summary of last week: (from smooge ) 15:37:19 <creaked> .hello2 15:37:20 <zodbot> creaked: creaked 'Will Chellman' <creaked@gmail.com> 15:37:25 <smooge> Last week was pretty quiet. We have a problem with pkgs01.sg 15:37:44 <smooge> but otherwise most everything is the usual fedmsg memory leak 15:38:22 <tflink> a bunch of the taskotron machines are still F27, we're working on it but are currently stuck on upgrading to a new buildbot version 15:38:43 * nirik plays the pipes for the transfer of the oncall from smooge to relrod 15:39:25 <relrod> Next week classes are starting for me. So there might be a few periods of me not being around throughout the day. 15:39:48 <nirik> theres a few random other machines still on 27, I will try and upgrade/redeploy those soon 15:40:07 <nirik> relrod: ok. I should be around if needed. 15:40:36 <nirik> #topic Monitoring discussion 15:40:36 <nirik> #info https://nagios.fedoraproject.org/nagios 15:40:36 <nirik> #info Go over existing out items and fix 15:41:01 <nirik> we have some proxy03 alerts, but that should go away when it gets reinstalled. 15:41:19 <nirik> 2 machines have drives out of raid: ppc8-02 and virthost06 15:42:01 <nirik> the check for fedmsg plugin in zodbot is alerting again... likely a change on freenode we need to adjust the plugin for. 15:42:20 <mizdebsk> pkgs01.stg alerts are annoying, perhaps we can add more ram or swap to it? 15:42:45 <nirik> mizdebsk: I think puiterwijk needs to sort out some repospanner issues there... 15:42:53 <nirik> but yeah, we could try I guess. 15:42:55 <puiterwijk> nirik: not really, the box just needs more mem 15:43:08 <nirik> ok, how much? 15:43:32 <puiterwijk> Dunno? 128GB? 15:43:36 <nirik> it's got 8gb now... 15:44:08 <mizdebsk> or reduce number of httpd processes or something? 15:44:21 <mizdebsk> httpd seems to be responsible for most of memory consumption 15:44:25 <puiterwijk> Sure. That could work too 15:44:38 <nirik> we have 64gb free on that virthost. 15:44:44 <nirik> so we could bump it to 32? 15:44:57 <nirik> or 48? 15:45:14 <puiterwijk> I'd say 32, but maybe first just lower httpd? 15:45:39 <nirik> ok, someone want to take on this? I can if no one else has time... 15:45:51 <mizdebsk> i can do it 15:46:14 <nirik> thanks mizdebsk! 15:46:36 <nirik> #topic Tickets discussion 15:46:36 <nirik> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/report/Meetings%20ticket 15:47:22 <nirik> we have one item in meeting tickets, but mizdebsk's comment is fine with me there. 15:47:33 <smooge> so the issue on the pkgs01.stg was that several times I found that the swap was full but free ram was empty 15:48:11 <mizdebsk> smooge, yes, i think it would be good to check for sum of free swap and memory, not just swap 15:48:12 <nirik> yeah, I think that happens when there's a big httpd request or two, it swaps and then the request is over and memory goes down 15:49:19 <nirik> anyhow on tickets... if everyone could look at tickets they are assigned to or said they would do something on and do that, I would be happy. We have quite a lot of tickets building up... 15:49:24 <smooge> ah ok when I had seen this on our other servers it was usually some sort of memory leak where the ram was seen as not needed so the kernel never swapped it back out 15:49:41 <smooge> that is all on it and will not interrupt :) 15:50:05 <smooge> next week is DO ALL THE TICKETS! 15:50:44 <nirik> CLOSED->KTHXBYE :) 15:50:51 <mizdebsk> smooge, often it is a leak, but also services like rsyslogd like to preallocate like 2g ram in advance, which stays in swap 15:51:06 <nirik> #topic Apprentice Open office minutes 15:51:06 <nirik> #info A time where apprentices may ask for help or look at problems. 15:51:24 <nirik> any apprentices with questions or ideas or anything? 15:52:29 <chris787> i'd like to join the apprentice group i'm following meetings for quite a time now and like to implicate a little further 15:52:56 <nirik> chris787: excellent. welcome. See us all after the meeting in #fedora-admin and we can get you setup 15:53:05 <chris787> coool ! 15:53:27 <chris787> thx 15:53:42 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 15:53:51 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor? 15:54:31 <cverna> not sure if we want to discuss about the council report ? 15:54:34 <mizdebsk> there is an interesting infra-related thread on council-discuss list in case someone hasn't seen it yet 15:54:42 <cverna> or if there is anything to say about it :) 15:54:54 <nirik> ah yeah... we could note it for sure. 15:55:06 <cverna> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/GOUIBXVVVSE33ZMGV6JNFZIR6K5WZMG7/ 15:55:10 <cverna> ^^ 15:56:14 <cverna> we are supposed to work with FESCO to identify all the services we are running 15:56:17 <nirik> I guess we will see how it goes over the next few weeks... I'm fine with part of it, but not sure about other parts 15:56:23 <cverna> if I understood correctly 15:56:40 <nirik> yeah, which seems a bit odd, but ok. 15:56:59 <smooge> I think we need to do a bit more than that 15:57:03 <cverna> this is will be a long list :) 15:57:12 <smooge> because it will turn into a long loop like the other times we do that 15:57:33 <smooge> we need to outline all the services we run and should also outline what those services need to be 'close' to 15:57:35 <nirik> the thought of moving things that are working fine and use very little of our time means it... will use a lot more of our time 15:57:38 <smooge> or are related to 15:58:17 <smooge> it would also be good to get a good estimate of how much time we actually spend on each of those 15:58:42 <cverna> agreed with smooge 15:58:44 <nirik> indeed. But thats hard without all of us doing a good job recording it. 15:59:03 <smooge> so I think that should be our next goal. Pick a tool and make us all use it for a month 15:59:20 <nirik> well, it looks like that tool may be taiga... 15:59:44 <smooge> well then problem A solved 15:59:51 <smooge> onto problem B.. using it 16:00:01 <nirik> yep. :) 16:00:10 <smooge> going onto problem C. really using it 16:00:26 <smooge> and onto problem D.. I don't care how much of a time sink it is to use it... USE IT 16:00:44 <nirik> we skip one step as we will not be running it... it will be a hosted version by the taiga folks. 16:00:51 <mkonecny> I'm using taiga as my personal tool, but more like a TODO list than anything else 16:00:57 <smooge> me too 16:01:15 * nirik hasn't used it much, but can learn 16:01:58 <cverna> do we roughly know when it will be available ? 16:01:58 <mkonecny> But it's still duplication with github issues, but at least it's all in one place 16:02:23 <nirik> cverna: waiting to hear what amazon instances they need... soon I hope 16:02:37 <cverna> ok :) 16:02:39 <nirik> mkonecny: and pagure issues, and bugzilla and... ;) 16:03:02 <mizdebsk> yeah, https://xkcd.com/927 16:03:05 <nirik> but it should replace our cpe-planning thing 16:03:18 <nirik> mizdebsk++ 16:03:41 <nirik> anyhow, will close out in a minute if nothing else... 16:04:01 <mkonecny> nirik: You are right, it will be nice to have this automatized 16:04:23 <mkonecny> At least to list issues from other sources when creating new issue in taiga 16:04:56 <nirik> it's not an easy problem. ;( but hopefully taiga will help us at least at a high level... 16:05:01 <mkonecny> The best situation is to have taiga only tracking what you will tell it to track and don't need to do anything with it 16:05:17 <nirik> yeah. 16:05:34 <mkonecny> But I understand that is not possible at 100% 16:06:10 <nirik> yeah, at least initially... but hopefully we can make it better over time 16:06:39 <nirik> anyhow, thanks for coming everyone! 16:06:42 <nirik> #endmeeting