15:00:19 <smooge> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2019-05-03) 15:00:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 2 15:00:19 2019 UTC. 15:00:19 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:19 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2019-05-03)' 15:00:19 <smooge> #meetingname infrastructure 15:00:19 <smooge> #topic aloha 15:00:19 <smooge> #chair nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink cverna mizdebsk mkonecny abompard bowlofeggs 15:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 15:00:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard bowlofeggs cverna mizdebsk mkonecny nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink 15:00:36 <relrod> hello 15:01:01 <smooge> hello 15:01:28 * nirik arrives late 15:01:48 <pingou> .hello2 15:01:48 <tflink> .hello2 15:01:49 <zodbot> pingou: pingou 'Pierre-YvesChibon' <pingou@pingoured.fr> 15:01:52 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 15:01:54 <bcotton> .hello2 15:01:56 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 15:02:01 <puiterwijk> .hello2 15:02:02 <zodbot> puiterwijk: puiterwijk 'Patrick "マルタインアンドレアス" Uiterwijk' <puiterwijk@redhat.com> 15:02:42 <bowlofeggs> .hello2 15:02:43 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <rbarlow@redhat.com> 15:02:44 <smooge> .hello3 15:02:48 <bowlofeggs> ooh, i get a chair now? 15:02:54 * bowlofeggs sits down 15:02:57 * bowlofeggs comfy 15:03:07 <smooge> #pullchair bowlofeggs 15:03:10 <bowlofeggs> hahaha 15:03:20 * bowlofeggs falls on the floor 15:03:21 <smooge> #topic New folks introductions 15:03:21 <smooge> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 15:03:21 <smooge> #info Getting Started Guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 15:03:28 <smooge> any new people? 15:04:35 <smooge> #topic announcements and information 15:04:35 <smooge> #info F30 released. Freeze is over 15:04:50 <smooge> any other announcements? 15:05:40 <relrod> #info tentative new target for deploying new getfedora.org site May 13th 15:05:56 <smooge> cool 15:06:31 <smooge> ok sounds like post-release depression has set in and we are all catching up 15:06:35 <bowlofeggs> haha 15:06:46 <smooge> #topic Oncall 15:06:46 <smooge> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Oncall 15:06:46 <smooge> #info puiterwijk is on call from 2019-04-25 -> 2019-05-02 15:06:46 <smooge> #info bowlofeggs is on call from 2019-05-02 -> 2019-05-09 15:06:46 <smooge> #info nirik? is on call from 2019-05-09 -> 2019-05-16 15:06:47 <smooge> #info smooge? is on call from 2019-05-16 -> 2019-05-23 15:06:48 <smooge> #info ?????? is on call from 2019-05-23 -> 2019-05-30 15:06:50 <smooge> #info ?????? is on call from 2019-05-30 -> 2019-06-06 15:06:52 <smooge> #info no one is on call from 2019-06-06 -> 2019-06-17 15:06:54 <smooge> #info Summary of last week: (from puiteriwjk ) 15:07:09 <smooge> ok puiterwijk you can say what is up and then hand over the mystical batton to bowlofeggs 15:07:24 <puiterwijk> Not a lot of pings last week 15:07:25 <bowlofeggs> i thought it was a ceremonial coffee mug? 15:08:10 <smooge> maybe? 15:08:25 <puiterwijk> bowlofeggs: just say ".oncall_take_us" :) 15:08:30 <bowlofeggs> .oncall_take_us 15:08:30 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: Error: You don't have the alias.add capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. 15:08:35 <smooge> ☕ 15:08:37 <puiterwijk> oh. lol 15:08:39 <bowlofeggs> i think i should have this capability 15:08:42 <bowlofeggs> .whoami 15:08:42 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: I don't recognize you. You can message me either of these two commands: "user identify <username> <password>" to log in or "user register <username> <password>" to register. 15:08:51 <bowlofeggs> WHO AM I 15:08:55 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez 15:08:56 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <michal.konecny@packetseekers.eu> 15:08:59 <puiterwijk> We'll sort that out afterwards :) 15:09:02 <bowlofeggs> heh 15:09:11 <bowlofeggs> my password is password - that way i won't forget it 15:09:22 <smooge> sorry bowlofeggs is having an identity crisis. Our leader zod no longer recognizes him 15:09:28 <bowlofeggs> hahaha 15:09:32 <puiterwijk> bowlofeggs: query zodbot with "Register bowlofeggs <somepwd>" :) 15:09:33 <bowlofeggs> i kneel before zod 15:09:37 * bowlofeggs kneels 15:09:45 <bowlofeggs> puiterwijk: will do 15:09:47 <mkonecny> bowlofeggs: And nobody could guess this :-D 15:09:47 <smooge> #topic Monitoring discussion 15:09:47 <smooge> #info https://nagios.fedoraproject.org/nagios 15:09:47 <smooge> #info Go over existing out items and fix 15:10:01 <puiterwijk> .oncall 15:10:01 <zodbot> bowlofeggs is oncall. My normal hours are 1000 UTC to 1800 UTC Monday through Friday. If I do not answer or it is outside those hours, please file a ticket (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues) 15:10:14 * puiterwijk guesses I might need to update times 15:10:16 <smooge> that is a bit early for him 15:10:24 <smooge> wee bit.. until the kid comes 15:10:56 <nirik> so now that we are out of freeze... do we want to resize pkgs02? 15:11:02 <smooge> sure 15:11:08 <smooge> well I was wondering 15:11:25 <nirik> the resultsdb message is likely because it moved to fedora-messaging... 15:11:39 <bowlofeggs> .oncall_take_us 15:11:39 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: Error: You don't have the alias.add capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. 15:11:45 <smooge> we can do that, and then after say the 15th move the contents of pkgs02 to repospanner 15:12:18 <pingou> shouldn't the bridge still make monitoring of fedmsg work? 15:13:07 <nirik> pingou: perhaps. dunno. 15:14:28 <nirik> so when should we do the outage? tomorrow? it should really only take a few minutes of downtime. 15:14:41 <nirik> and we should schedule the migration with the centos side 15:16:44 <smooge> nirik, I have no problems with tomorrow as I am out :P 15:17:13 <smooge> and we would schedule any migration with the CentOS side but the earliest for them would be the 14th or so 15:17:49 <smooge> anything on current nagios items? 15:17:49 <nirik> ok. I will try and send a short outage notice and just do it tomorrow. 15:18:36 <nirik> so there's definitely resultsdb items. 15:18:43 <nirik> something must be off in the check... 15:19:21 <smooge> I think I know what th eproblem is 15:19:28 <smooge> I need to run a playbook on the host 15:19:36 <smooge> will do so after meeting 15:21:32 <smooge> I think the nagios_client part of the playbook needed to be run 15:21:42 <smooge> will see if that fixes it and if not will see what is up and get it cleared 15:22:39 <smooge> the other item I see is dedicatedsolutions/prox11 have had some problems 15:23:23 <smooge> ok any other items? 15:23:45 <smooge> #topic Tickets discussion 15:23:45 <smooge> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/report/Meetings%20ticket 15:24:07 <smooge> I think the ticket on that can be looked at next week 15:24:35 <nirik> sure 15:24:51 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 15:24:53 <relrod> either way 15:25:00 <smooge> oh sorry relrod 15:25:08 <smooge> I thought it was exams today 15:25:12 <smooge> #undo 15:25:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7f7e66f79610> 15:25:28 <relrod> nah, exams are next week and I just have one luckily 15:25:31 <smooge> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7661 15:25:50 <relrod> and a paper due 15:25:53 <relrod> Anyway 15:26:25 <relrod> So our various geoip services seem to be in random states. The upstream geoip format changed at the beginning of this year. 15:26:47 <relrod> I rewrote our geo-dns scripts so that worked again (though I did so with a custom parser, because I didn't know that upstream had a new library for it) 15:27:10 <relrod> upstream mirrormanager apparently knows how to use the new format according to #7661 15:27:19 <relrod> but we still have some things like geoip.fp.o that don't 15:28:25 <relrod> So to geoip.fp.o, my first thought was: Can/should this move to openshift? It seems like a small enough thing that openshift would be super easy for it and might make sense 15:28:44 <smooge> relrod, I agree 15:29:02 <relrod> Secondly, since we need to change it for the new format anyway, are we tied to Python here, or can I play with another language? Especially if it moves to openshift, it seems pretty low risk to experiment some. 15:29:18 <nirik> +1 to move it 15:29:37 <marc84> +1 15:29:48 <nirik> yeah, I don't think it matters too much how it's implemented as long as others can understand it. 15:29:58 <nirik> I think it's really simple python right now 15:30:23 <smooge> i have no opinions.. just that it works 15:30:29 <relrod> And thirdly, do we have any other geoip-using services that need to be updated? Or is it just dns, mm, and geoip.fp.o? 15:31:24 <smooge> awstats needs an update but that is low priority 15:31:26 <nirik> there's a membership map of ambassadors that uses it too 15:31:38 <smooge> and probably some other things 15:31:41 <nirik> (which has also been broken for a long time due to the wiki auth change) 15:32:29 <relrod> hm ok. I might right up a wiki page or SOP that lists everything just so if it changes again in the future, we have a rough list of what all needs to change with it. 15:32:32 <relrod> write up* 15:32:48 <relrod> I do good englishes 15:33:45 <relrod> ok that's all from me then. I will work on a plan to get geoip.fp.o moved sometime in the next $timeperiod 15:33:48 <nirik> yeah, thats a good plan. 15:35:31 <smooge> ok back to #topic Open FLoor 15:35:41 <smooge> anything else for todays meeting? 15:35:51 <tflink> I have one thing for open floor 15:35:56 <smooge> hi tflink 15:36:00 <smooge> the floor is yours 15:36:51 <tflink> this is a little vague since I'm trying to get in front of it but I was wondering if there is some available capacity in both openshift and opensstack 15:37:16 <tflink> there is an automated testing effort going on in QE and there is also a desire to see it happen in Fedora 15:37:18 <nirik> yes for openshift. 15:37:38 <nirik> openstack is going to go away as soon as we can make it do so. 15:37:49 <tflink> ok, I wasn't sure if that was the plan or not 15:38:14 <smooge> nirik has a giant can of kerosene 15:38:22 * tflink is trying to figure out where such a system could possibly live 15:38:25 <nirik> we can add capacity to opeshift.../me looks at current 15:38:50 <tflink> I have a suspicion that we'd need VMs but I could be wrong 15:39:40 <nirik> we are hoping to play with kubevirt soon... 15:40:20 * bowlofeggs passes nirik a gianter can of kerosene 15:40:32 <smooge> tflink, I have a question for you.. the regular blockerbugs cron job emails 15:40:42 <tflink> yeah, I keep forgetting to get back to that 15:40:55 <tflink> now that freeze is up, I need to fix it - those emails are annoying 15:41:24 * tflink was always glad he didn't have to maintain the openstack instance 15:41:26 * smooge puts it on his Thursday meeting remind tflink 15:41:41 <tflink> it's great as a user, though :) 15:42:01 <smooge> ok anything else for this week? 15:42:09 <tflink> thanks for the info, I'll keep looking around and may have more questions as the plans solidify 15:42:16 <smooge> I think nirik and other have pings to answer and I have a lunch to eat 15:42:34 <smooge> thank you all for coming this week 15:42:41 <smooge> will hopefully see you all next week 15:42:51 <smooge> #endmeeting