15:01:00 <smooge> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2019-07-25) 15:01:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 25 15:01:00 2019 UTC. 15:01:00 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:00 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2019-07-25)' 15:01:00 <smooge> #meetingname infrastructure 15:01:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 15:01:00 <smooge> #topic aloha 15:01:00 <smooge> #chair nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink cverna mizdebsk mkonecny abompard bowlofeggs 15:01:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard bowlofeggs cverna mizdebsk mkonecny nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink 15:01:12 <pingou> ó/ 15:01:18 <nirik> morning everyone. 15:01:36 <smooge> #topic New folks introductions 15:01:36 <smooge> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 15:01:36 <smooge> #info Getting Started Guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 15:01:36 <smooge> #knstn introduction 15:01:41 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez 15:01:42 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <michal.konecny@packetseekers.eu> 15:01:53 <mizdebsk> .hello2 15:01:54 <zodbot> mizdebsk: mizdebsk 'Mikolaj Izdebski' <mizdebsk@redhat.com> 15:02:03 <tflink> .hello2 15:02:04 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 15:03:04 <abompard> .hello2 15:03:05 <zodbot> abompard: abompard 'Aurelien Bompard' <aurelien@bompard.org> 15:03:52 <relrod> morning 15:04:43 <smooge> #topic announcements and information 15:04:43 <smooge> #info bowlofeggs is on extended leave 15:04:43 <smooge> #info cverna is on extended leave 15:04:43 <smooge> #info Flock2Fedora 2019-08-08 -> 2019-08-11 15:04:43 <smooge> #info Blog post on retiring apps https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/application-service-categories-and-community-handoff/ 15:04:44 <smooge> #info CPE/Infrastructure workshop at FLOCK (date to be announced) 15:04:57 <smooge> #info Mass rebuild is ongoing 15:05:17 <smooge> nirik, relrod any other items to add to the announcements? 15:05:27 <nils> .hello nphilipp 15:05:28 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 15:06:30 <pingou> #info rawhide package gating Phase I was pushed to production earlier today 15:06:30 <nirik> not sure off hand... 15:06:31 <relrod> I can't think of anything offhand 15:08:24 <smooge> #info No meeting on 2019-08-08 15:08:34 <smooge> #topic Oncall 15:08:34 <smooge> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Oncall 15:08:34 <smooge> #info relrod is on call from 2019-07-11 -> 2019-07-18 15:08:34 <smooge> #info nirik is on call from 2019-07-18 -> 2019-07-25 15:08:34 <smooge> #info relrod is on call from 2019-07-25 -> 2019-08-01 15:08:35 <smooge> #info smooge is on call from 2019-08-01 -> 2019-08-13 #flock 15:08:37 <smooge> #info ?????? is on call from 2019-08-13 -> 2019-08-15 15:08:39 <smooge> #info Summary of last week: (from relrod ) 15:08:53 <smooge> and I messed that section up 15:08:54 <nirik> yeah, I slacked on my oncall a bit... thanks relrod and smooge for taking some of that. 15:09:43 <smooge> nirik, I guess that was a joke, but I don't see it as a slack. You have 2+ high priority items which you need complete focus on 15:09:54 <nirik> it's been a very irq week tho... 15:09:57 <smooge> trying to add in IRQ friendly oncall fails 15:10:00 <nirik> lots of pings. 15:10:37 <smooge> yeah.. my mornings until you got in were pretty much pings from before I woke up til late 15:10:38 <nirik> I wonder if we shouldn't start trying to more educate folks... a friendly page/thing about pinging 15:10:58 <smooge> please come up with one.. mine was not friendly 15:11:09 <nirik> heh. will put it on my list 15:11:16 <relrod> I can try to write something up 15:11:31 <nirik> basically like the no naked pings wiki page 15:11:36 <relrod> yeah 15:11:49 <nirik> but why updating a ticket (or making one) is better than pinging people. 15:11:59 <pingou> we need to get the "how to work w/ cpe" page out there 15:12:04 <pingou> so we can point people to it 15:12:07 <smooge> thank you for pinging @$. Please be aware that all our operators are busy and unable to take requests. Please open a ticket. Further pings without ticket numbers will be downgraded appropriately 15:12:10 <nirik> and why making a ticket or doing a list post or pr or whatever and then pinging is also bad 15:12:17 <nirik> pingou: yeah. 15:12:28 <nirik> but perhaps more specific to irc pings. 15:12:42 <pingou> we can expand on it there 15:12:56 <nirik> but I guess randy is right in the end... we just need to stop responding/answering/working on things because of them... and people will move to where the work gets done 15:13:19 <pingou> there is surely truth in that 15:13:22 <tflink> yeah, people tend to prefer that which gets done easiest/fastest 15:13:38 <nirik> I still see a lot of the second case... 15:14:00 <nirik> <files a ticket> 2 seconds later: ping. I filed this ticket, please work on it now. 15:14:07 <smooge> Honestly I am of the "A ping without a ticket number to someone who is not oncall is considered dead" 15:14:41 <pingou> I'll get behind this 15:14:42 <nirik> To be clear, working with people on irc is great, but arrange for a time in ticket instead of IRQing them 15:14:43 <smooge> nirik, in that case I respond with "Your ticket is being read and will be allocated resources 15:14:56 <nirik> smooge: right, but even doing that made you stop doing where you were doing. 15:15:44 <nirik> anyhow, we have had this converstaion before... and will again I'm sure. ;) 15:15:58 <smooge> I am almost filled out my Ping Bingo Card 15:16:12 <smooge> #topic Monitoring discussion 15:16:12 <smooge> #info https://nagios.fedoraproject.org/nagios 15:16:12 <smooge> #info Go over existing out items and fix 15:17:59 <nirik> some of them are due to mass rebuild 15:18:03 <smooge> so the items on this are pretty routine. THe ppc09 swap seems to be that the boxes may need 1 less builder 15:18:17 <nirik> did the autocloud-backend box get a disk replacement? 15:18:17 <smooge> Or more swap 15:18:36 <nirik> smooge: well, not sure thats the case, it's more than all the builders are 100% pegged due to mass rebuild... 15:20:23 <nirik> anyhow, the rest we know about... 15:20:37 <nirik> who is our odcs contact(s)? 15:20:53 <smooge> nirik, I don't know about either the disk (relrod?) or who an odcs contact is 15:20:56 <pingou> lucas? 15:21:47 <nirik> no idea. 15:21:48 <relrod> autocloud-backend disk is still on my list. 15:22:04 <nirik> but it would be good to get them moved to a nfs volume and off gluster and perms fixed up 15:22:49 * pingou asked him 15:23:03 <nirik> cool. 15:23:10 <smooge> #topic Tickets discussion 15:23:10 <smooge> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/report/Meetings%20ticket 15:23:10 <nirik> we don't need to wait. ;) 15:23:27 <smooge> I guess that segues into this? 15:24:02 <nirik> sure. 15:24:15 <nirik> we don't have anything marked, but are there any tickets people want to discuss? 15:24:39 <nirik> pingou: is https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7983 done/ready to close? 15:25:34 <pingou> I think they are looking for more 15:25:45 <pingou> It's in my todo, I'll assign the ticket to myself 15:26:20 <nirik> ok, thanks 15:27:05 <nirik> pingou: another one you might be able to help with... 15:27:17 <nirik> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7879 15:27:41 <nirik> patrick was going to walk me through doing a release, but he's been super busy... I think you have done them before there? 15:27:42 <pingou> ah yes 15:27:53 <pingou> I've done them 15:27:53 <nirik> and there's some upstream pr's that need review 15:28:14 <pingou> I kinda had stopped in purpose to encourage people to move to fedora-messaging but I guess it's time to make a new one :) 15:28:26 <pingou> that Pr got merged 15:28:41 <nirik> there was a second one I think... 15:28:54 <pingou> nirik: happy to walk you through the release process if you want to, otherwise I can just do it 15:29:14 <nirik> either way. 15:29:57 <nirik> if it won't take long, I'd love to hear how to do it so I can do it later 15:30:05 <nirik> if it's anoying/complex, just do it. ;) 15:30:47 <smooge> nirik, sorry had a door ping 15:31:05 <pingou> I'll do it, document it while I do and next time we can do it together based on these notes 15:31:34 <nirik> smooge: was it next to the most expensive machine in the hospital? </monty python joke about the machine that goes PING> 15:31:41 <nirik> pingou: +1 15:31:59 * smooge needs to watch that skit again 15:32:22 <smooge> it was more like the 3 repairman skit 15:33:31 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 15:33:45 <smooge> which is also a good "And now for something Different" 15:34:19 <nirik> a man with a piano up his nose? 15:35:00 <pingou> someone's been watching a lot of Monty Python lately :D 15:35:20 * smooge put it on netflix but didn't remember that much nudity 15:35:22 <nirik> s/a lot/not enough/ :) 15:35:25 <bookwar> nirik: Regarding pings with tickets: People ping you directly, because they have no idea who they should be pinging, and what is the alternative and also if anyone reads the tickets they created. It would help if when i file an issue i could see the estimated initial response time for it, then I wouldn't bother you or anyone before this time passes. Or if there is a comment about what's "oncall" means, and who and how i should 15:35:25 <bookwar> ping properly about ticket i created 15:35:46 <bookwar> i've been evesdropping unintentionally, sorry for that :) 15:35:51 <smooge> the initial response time is 1-2 days 15:35:58 <nirik> bookwar: yes, we are working on this sort of document for sure. 15:36:09 <bookwar> smooge: we don't have this info when we file a ticket 15:36:19 <bookwar> Also since fedora-infra channel is closed, there is no way to contact fedora-infra as a team. This is also the reason why we ping people directly 15:36:32 <pingou> closed channel? 15:36:35 <smooge> fedora-infra is closed to everyone 15:36:39 <nirik> bookwar: we have never used that channel. 15:36:43 <pingou> what channel? 15:36:50 <nirik> it has been #fedora-admin 15:37:05 * pingou didn't know there was a #fedora-infra :( 15:37:20 <smooge> so a while back I created #fedora-infra because several people were complaining that there too many questions about general admin in #fedora-admin 15:37:22 <nirik> pingou: we made it and closed it to everyone because people would go there... it was supposed to redirect 15:37:35 <smooge> It was a bad idea 15:37:38 <smooge> and I regret it 15:37:41 <pingou> oh ok 15:37:44 <bookwar> it doesn't redirect, it says to me "you need an invitation" 15:37:46 <smooge> I tried to close it multiple times 15:37:48 <pingou> smooge: shift happens :) 15:37:52 <bookwar> so i was confused 15:38:05 <pingou> bookwar: we have documents in progress containing all this 15:38:17 <bookwar> so we should go to #fedora-admin and check for those who are on call? 15:38:17 <pingou> we need to finish them and publish them 15:38:22 * nirik nods. 15:38:26 <smooge> mainly because everytime we do set it up to redirect a day or so later it gets set to "you need an invitation" 15:38:38 <pingou> bookwar: also the .oncall command works everywhere where zodbot is 15:38:56 <nirik> bookwar: depends on what you need. If you file a ticket we should interact with you there. 15:39:04 <nirik> unless it's somehow urgent 15:39:18 <nirik> or you aren't sure if it's urgent. 15:39:36 <nirik> but it might be. oncall person can look and find info from you. 15:39:48 <bookwar> ok, that's smth new i learned today, thanks, but also please add note about it in pagure default issue template if possible, i think for users it is more natural to start from there, than from standalone doc 15:40:26 <nirik> Sure, a pointer to that doc from the default template sounds like a great idea. 15:42:10 <nirik> thanks for the feedback bookwar... 15:42:36 <smooge> bookwar, could I ask a favour and you put that in a ticket 15:42:55 <bookwar> smooge: ok, i can do that 15:42:56 <smooge> we have come up a couple of times here.. and we usually end up with a complete 5 alarm fire right afterwords 15:43:25 <smooge> it is like summoning Diablo 15:43:39 <bookwar> always happens with docs :) 15:43:47 <smooge> "Oh could you make things easier to interact and set expectations?" "BOWELS OF HELL OPEN UP" 15:44:13 * nirik has been meanting to help those docs along all well, but ENOTIME. Perhaps tomorrow. 15:44:51 <smooge> nirik, like I said 15:45:42 <smooge> you open up the docs folder to review things or correct something and the next thing you know you are fighting a blood thirsty rabbit 15:45:58 <pingou> rabbits are cute though 15:46:38 * pingou going to step afk 15:46:42 <smooge> same here 15:46:49 <smooge> ok thank you all for coming this week 15:47:13 <smooge> see you next week and then I need someone to run the July 15th meeting 15:47:27 <smooge> #info Smooge is on PTO 2019-08-14->2019-08-16 15:47:33 <smooge> #endmeeting