15:00:10 <cverna> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2019-10-24) 15:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 24 15:00:10 2019 UTC. 15:00:10 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:10 <zodbot> The chair is cverna. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2019-10-24)' 15:00:10 <cverna> #meetingname infrastructure 15:00:10 <cverna> #topic aloha 15:00:10 <cverna> #chair nirik pingou relrod smooge tflink cverna mizdebsk mkonecny abompard bowlofeggs 15:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 15:00:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard bowlofeggs cverna mizdebsk mkonecny nirik pingou relrod smooge tflink 15:00:21 <cverna> Hello all 15:00:21 <mizdebsk> hello 15:00:35 <austinpowered> morning all 15:01:10 <bowlofeggs> .hello2 15:01:11 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <rbarlow@redhat.com> 15:01:17 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez 15:01:18 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <michal.konecny@packetseekers.eu> 15:03:08 <bowlofeggs> are you guys ready to talk about roads and bridges 15:03:08 <smooge> gekko 15:03:09 <smooge> thanks cverna for running this meeting 15:03:22 <cverna> no problem :-) 15:03:24 <cverna> #topic Next chair 15:03:39 <cverna> 2019-10-31: dustymabe 15:04:21 <cverna> anyone wants to volunteer for the 2019-11-07 15:04:27 <cverna> ? 15:04:45 <mkonecny> I can take it 15:05:08 <cverna> cool thanks mkonecny 15:05:38 <cverna> #info mkonecny to run the 2019-11-07 meeting 15:05:40 <nils> .hello nphilipp 15:05:43 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 15:05:46 <abompard> .hello2 15:05:47 <zodbot> abompard: abompard 'Aurelien Bompard' <aurelien@bompard.org> 15:05:55 <cverna> #topic New folks introductions 15:05:55 <cverna> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 15:05:55 <cverna> #info Getting Started Guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 15:06:01 <relrod> .hello codeblock 15:06:02 <zodbot> relrod: codeblock 'Rick Elrod' <codeblock@elrod.me> 15:06:53 <cverna> do we have any new folks ? 15:07:43 <cverna> ok lets move on 15:07:44 <smooge> i believe there was someone on th elists 15:07:49 <smooge> but not at the meeting 15:08:42 <cverna> #topic announcements and information 15:08:42 <cverna> #info f31 final freeze now in effect 15:08:42 <cverna> #info kevin/nirik on PTO 15:08:42 <cverna> #info koji updated for https://docs.pagure.org/koji/CVE-2019-17109/ 15:08:42 <cverna> #info work ongoing to deprecate ModernPaste pastebin - new fpaste client ready for testing: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/GCHZLJSBWJIQERU524P67OMVWZTIOMN4/ - report issues to Ankur/FranciscoD 15:08:43 <cverna> #info aarch64 hardware having issues 15:08:43 <cverna> #info koji backups are done on secondary host. Slowdown in koji still occurring. 15:10:41 <cverna> ok moving on :-) 15:11:08 <cverna> #topic Oncall 15:11:08 <cverna> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Oncall 15:11:08 <cverna> #info smooge is on call 2019-10-17->2019-10-24 15:11:08 <cverna> #info relrod is on call 2019-10-24->2019-10-31 15:11:08 <cverna> #info nirik is on call 2019-10-31->2019-11-07 15:11:19 <cverna> #info Summary of last week: (from smooge ) 15:11:48 <smooge> Last week had some issues 15:12:02 <smooge> mostly from koji going on walk about 15:12:40 <cverna> thanks smooge 15:12:44 <smooge> we are dealing with some systems which rebooted and did not come back 15:13:22 <smooge> that is all 15:13:24 <relrod> .alias add oncall "echo relrod (Rick Elrod) is oncall. If not around, please file a ticket: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues" 15:13:24 <zodbot> relrod: Kneel before zod! 15:13:32 <bowlofeggs> i wish i could reboot and not come back sometimes 15:13:33 <smooge> thanks rick 15:13:54 <bcotton> bowlofeggs: big mood 15:13:57 <bowlofeggs> lol 15:14:11 <bowlofeggs> i rebooted to japan a couple times and didn't want to come back 15:14:22 <bowlofeggs> but the problem is that your bank account starts to shrink if you reboot too long 15:14:47 <bowlofeggs> is sleeping rebooting too? 15:14:51 <bowlofeggs> kind of a mini reboot 15:15:00 <smooge> ok on nagios items.. freshmaker.stg is out 15:15:04 <cverna> #topic Monitoring discussion 15:15:04 <cverna> #info https://nagios.fedoraproject.org/nagios 15:15:04 <cverna> #info Go over existing out items and fix 15:15:05 <smooge> is it staying out? 15:15:26 <bowlofeggs> i saw a ticke tin infra about turning it off or something? 15:15:31 <cverna> I think so I saw a ticket about removing it completely 15:15:40 <cverna> we are not using it and it was never used 15:15:43 <bowlofeggs> yeah: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8321 15:15:48 <cverna> as far as I understand it 15:15:59 <bowlofeggs> sounds like we should just remove it from nagios 15:16:20 <smooge> ok I will do that after the meeting 15:16:20 <cverna> +1 15:16:40 <cverna> osbs-master01.stg.phx2.fedoraproject.org should be back now, do I need to restart the nrpe service to make it happy again ? 15:18:02 <bowlofeggs> you know, if we just turn nagios off then all the alerts will stop. anyone ever tried that? 15:18:07 <smooge> ok it is already out of ansible.. running nagios playbook 15:18:44 <cverna> bowlofeggs: I like that idea :-) 15:18:45 <smooge> cverna, i would check that its firewall allows it to to be talked to on nrpe ports 15:18:47 <bowlofeggs> hahaha 15:19:07 <cverna> smooge: oh ok I can do that 15:19:17 <cverna> after the meeting :-) 15:19:19 <bowlofeggs> i used to get all these phone calls about how i owe some guy like a lot of money, so i just turned my phone off and now it's nice and quiet. i think we could try the same with monitoring 15:19:23 <bowlofeggs> what you don't know can't hurt you! 15:19:27 <cverna> moving to the next topic 15:19:51 <cverna> #info Fedora CoreOS Team requests 15:19:52 <cverna> #link https://hackmd.io/5uB7hOJKSjGUt65iLgPnbA#Existing-requests-for-Fedora-Infra 15:20:13 <cverna> I am not sure if dustymabe is around 15:20:35 <smooge> i think he is in the go/no-go 15:21:06 <cverna> ok let's move on we can come back later if needed 15:21:18 <cverna> #topic backlog discussion 15:21:18 <cverna> #info go over our backlog and discuss and determine priority 15:21:18 <cverna> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8178 15:21:18 <cverna> #info topic: provision new aarch64 builders 15:21:18 <cverna> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8157 15:21:18 <cverna> #info topic: ansible: enable ansible-report as a hook 15:21:34 <smooge> does that work? 15:22:44 <cverna> what works ? 15:22:54 <cverna> focusing on the backlog items ? 15:22:55 <smooge> I remember it was not working or something about versions 15:23:07 <smooge> ansible-report 15:23:26 <smooge> sorry I was laser guided in my idea and used a pronoun which is a nuke 15:23:56 <cverna> :-) no problem, I have not started to look at it yet, I was planning to work on that tomorrow 15:24:02 <smooge> ah ok 15:24:03 <smooge> cool 15:24:09 <cverna> I ll send a email on the list if people want to join 15:25:12 <smooge> cool 15:26:21 <smooge> cverna i think it is just you and me on this 15:26:25 <austinpowered> I'm willing to help with ansible-report issue. 15:26:35 <smooge> hahahahahha 15:26:40 <cverna> austinpowered: cool 15:26:55 <smooge> how is it that I always type something like that at the same moment as someone is volunteering 15:27:06 <austinpowered> I'll look for the email 15:27:25 <cverna> smooge: you should do it more often :-) so we will have a lot of volunteers :) 15:27:52 <cverna> austinpowered: yes I ll do that after the meeting :-), what is your timezone ? 15:27:56 <bowlofeggs> i volunteer smooge to find more volunteers by saying there aren't any volunteers, but i don't volunteer to do that myself 15:28:28 <austinpowered> US/Eastern 15:28:39 <cverna> great :-) 15:29:01 <cverna> ok if we don't have anything else we can move to the Open Floor 15:29:29 <cverna> #topic Open Floor 15:29:33 <bowlofeggs> open floor is the best. question: what is your favorite snack? 15:29:59 <cverna> anything sweet and not healthy :P 15:30:10 <joalon> peanuts! 15:30:16 <bowlofeggs> I'm gonna throw out Do-ri-tos. Not sure if they are sold outside the US though, but my dad worked at Frito Lay when i was growing up and we ate a bunch of those. 15:30:30 <bowlofeggs> i do like a good salted peanut 15:30:32 <smooge> it expalins a lot 15:30:35 <bowlofeggs> hahaha 15:30:42 <austinpowered> peanut M&M's - I have a dispenser on my desk 15:31:17 <bowlofeggs> whoah that's advanced 15:31:20 <joalon> austinpowered man, seriously? That's cool 15:32:09 <smooge> #info Fedora 31 is a Go. We will release next week 15:32:57 <cverna> \o/ 15:33:03 <smooge> #info We will be in a 'hard' freeze from now until then in production. Please be considerate for what changes may affect things 15:33:30 <abompard> yay :-) 15:34:17 <smooge> #info Release is 2019-10-29. End of Freeze should be 2019-10-30. 15:34:46 <smooge> ok all the info I have at th emoment 15:34:56 <smooge> thank you all.. wait I ma not running htis 15:34:59 <mkonecny> \o/ 15:35:19 <smooge> oh wait who does the next meeting/ 15:35:35 <cverna> dustymabe is running the next meeting 15:35:37 <cverna> :-) 15:35:59 <cverna> I think we can close if we don't have anything else 15:36:42 <cverna> thanks all for coming and see you next week same place same time :-) 15:36:51 <joalon> Thanks, cverna for running this :) 15:37:00 <cverna> #endmeeting