16:00:48 <mobrien> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2020-12-10) 16:00:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 10 16:00:48 2020 UTC. 16:00:48 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:48 <zodbot> The chair is mobrien. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2020-12-10)' 16:00:48 <mobrien> #meetingname infrastructure 16:00:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 16:00:48 <mobrien> #chair nirik pingou smooge cverna mizdebsk mkonecny abompard siddharthvipul mobrien 16:00:48 <mobrien> #info Agenda is at: https://board.net/p/fedora-infra 16:00:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard cverna mizdebsk mkonecny mobrien nirik pingou siddharthvipul smooge 16:00:48 <mobrien> #info About our team: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/ 16:00:49 <mobrien> #topic aloha 16:01:00 <nirik> morning 16:01:06 <siddharthvipul> hellooo 16:01:07 <mobrien> Hello everyone, welcome to this weeks edition 16:01:10 <siddharthvipul> Good morning all :) 16:01:12 <mobrien> .hi 16:01:13 <zodbot> mobrien: mobrien 'Mark O'Brien' <markobri@redhat.com> 16:01:18 <Southern_Gentlem> howdy 16:01:45 <nils> .hello nphilipp 16:01:46 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 16:01:48 <nils> hey everybody 16:02:02 <siddharthvipul> .hello siddharthvipul1 16:02:07 <zodbot> siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul1 'Vipul Siddharth' <siddharthvipul1@gmail.com> 16:02:18 <Southern_Gentlem> .hello jbwillia 16:02:19 <zodbot> Southern_Gentlem: jbwillia 'Ben Williams' <vaioof@gmail.com> 16:02:50 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez 16:02:50 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <michal.konecny@psmail.xyz> 16:03:05 <smooge> hello 16:03:40 <mobrien> #topic New folks introductions 16:03:40 <mobrien> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 16:03:40 <mobrien> #info Getting Started Guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 16:03:47 <mobrien> Anyone new? 16:03:57 <siddharthvipul> mobrien, how long of a break makes you a new member? 16:04:03 <mobrien> Now is the time to say hello 16:04:18 <mobrien> I would say 15 years :P 16:05:14 <nirik> can someone be a gnu member? :) 16:06:20 <mobrien> haha 16:06:35 <siddharthvipul> 15 years.. I was eating mud 15 years ago lol 16:07:32 <misc> mud without spice ? 16:08:39 <mobrien> ok looks like no new or gnu members here so lets move on 16:09:15 <mobrien> #info magic eight ball says: 16:09:16 <mobrien> #info 2020-12-03 - nirik 16:09:16 <mobrien> #info 2020-12-10 - mobrien 16:09:16 <mobrien> #info 2020-12-17 - mkonecny 16:09:16 <mobrien> #info 2020-12-24 - canceled 16:09:16 <mobrien> #info 2020-12-31 - canceled 16:09:18 <mobrien> #info 2021-01-07 - ? 16:09:22 <siddharthvipul> misc, whatever kids ate :P 16:09:33 <siddharthvipul> mobrien, me me 16:09:36 <siddharthvipul> it's been a while 16:09:54 <mobrien> you got it siddharthvipul 16:09:59 <siddharthvipul> mobrien, also, infos won't be noted because of space 16:10:11 <mobrien> oh? 16:10:17 <siddharthvipul> I *think* so 16:10:34 <siddharthvipul> actually, before you asked, I was fairly sure :P 16:10:40 <mobrien> sorry. let me do that again. I thoght you meant disk space at first lol 16:10:54 <mobrien> #info 2020-12-10 - mobrien 16:10:54 <mobrien> #info 2020-12-17 - mkonecny 16:10:54 <mobrien> #info 2020-12-24 - canceled 16:10:54 <mobrien> #info 2020-12-31 - canceled 16:10:54 <mobrien> #info 2021-01-07 - ? 16:11:10 <mobrien> #info 2021-01-07 - siddharthvipul 16:11:28 <siddharthvipul> mobrien, oops :P 16:12:03 <mobrien> ok so we are well stocked for chairpersons lets move on 16:12:24 <mobrien> #topic announcements and information 16:12:24 <mobrien> #info CPE Sustaining EU-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting 16:12:24 <mobrien> #info CPE Sustaining NA-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-admin 16:12:24 <mobrien> #info Datacenter move is over, but some items still need to be done: see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/2020-post-datacenter-move-known-issues 16:12:26 <mobrien> #info no meetings on December 24th and 31st 16:12:38 <mobrien> Any other info to announce 16:13:18 <mobrien> #info Container and Flatpak builds are now also built on AArch64 on production 16:14:29 <nirik> congrats on the aarch64 container builds. ;) 16:14:43 <nirik> #info most builders moved to f33, arm left to do. 16:15:05 <mobrien> nice work 16:16:31 <mobrien> ok so if no more announcements I will move on in 2 minutes 16:18:35 <mobrien> Alrighty 16:18:37 <mobrien> #topic Oncall 16:18:37 <mobrien> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Oncall 16:18:37 <mobrien> #info mobrien is oncall for 2020-12-03 to 2020-12-10 16:18:37 <mobrien> #info noone is oncall for 2020-12-17 to 2021-01-07 (please file a ticket) 16:18:37 <mobrien> ## .oncalltakeeu .oncalltakeus 16:19:18 <mobrien> So there is no on call for the rest of the year, please raise tickets if there are any issues 16:19:30 <mobrien> #info Summary of last week: 16:19:46 <mobrien> I was on this week. Had a couple of pings 16:19:55 <mobrien> 1. Pinged about spam email 16:19:55 <mobrien> requester raised a ticket as it was out of hours. 16:19:55 <mobrien> 2. Query about motebot version 16:19:55 <mobrien> pingou checked the version and informed the requester. 16:20:17 <mobrien> nothing major 16:20:34 <mobrien> although spam does seem to be picking up a bit 16:21:25 <mobrien> How do I drop oncall if nobody else is taking it? 16:21:33 <nirik> I just fixed it. 16:21:35 <nirik> .oncall 16:21:35 <zodbot> No one is currently oncall. Please file a ticket ( https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues ) and someone will get back to you as soon as they can 16:22:24 <mobrien> Thank you 16:22:54 <mobrien> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik] 16:22:54 <mobrien> #info https://nagios.fedoraproject.org/nagios 16:22:54 <mobrien> #info Go over existing out items and fix 16:23:00 <mobrien> over to you nirik 16:23:33 <nirik> lets see 16:23:57 <nirik> I managed to revive two of the down aarch64 boxes eariler this week. 16:24:04 <nirik> got them reinstalled and back in service. 16:24:15 <mobrien> nice! 16:24:17 <nirik> I took the other 2 out of inventory... they are completely dead as far as I can tell. 16:24:24 <nirik> so, we have 0 down hosts now at least. 16:24:55 <nirik> the outstanding alerts are mostly low swap and such... 16:25:22 <nirik> and the pagure cert expiring in 25 days 16:25:29 <mobrien> nagios is looking a lot better these days 16:26:51 <nirik> yeah, starting to. I think there's a few we could clean up still... there's a faf fedmsg thing... there's sign bridge in stg... and retrace-stg 16:26:59 <nirik> but nothing urgent. 16:27:59 <nirik> thats all, we can move on I guess 16:28:29 <mobrien> Ok I don't think we have a learning topic this week 16:29:04 <mobrien> So unless someone would like to volunteer I'll move to open floor in 3 mins 16:29:44 <nirik> I'm always happy to pontificate on something, but happy to just skip today too. 16:31:11 <mobrien> I'm always happy to listen but can't think of anything off hand to ask about 16:33:11 <mobrien> Ok so I guess we'll move on to open floor 16:33:23 <mobrien> #topic Open Floor 16:34:06 * nirik has nothing off hand. 16:34:24 <nirik> oh, I will be out next week until jan... so everyone have a happy holidays. ;) 16:34:40 <mobrien> Enjoy the time off! 16:34:51 <mobrien> Make sure to relax a bit 16:35:39 <nirik> I'll try... 16:36:22 <mkonecny> Enjoy the holidays :-) 16:37:11 <mobrien> mkonecny, you have the last meeting of the year next week. Any suprises for us? 16:39:25 <mobrien> ok I'll close in 2 mins if nothing else 16:40:07 <mkonecny> mobrien: I don't have anything prepared in advance, but I will probably think of something 16:40:50 <mobrien> Great! I look forward to it 16:41:49 <mobrien> ok we'll leave it there, enjoy the rest of your day/week everyone 16:41:52 <mobrien> #endmeeting