16:01:34 <petebuffon> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2022-02-24) 16:01:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 24 16:01:34 2022 UTC. 16:01:34 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:01:34 <zodbot> The chair is petebuffon. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:01:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2022-02-24)' 16:01:34 <petebuffon> #meetingname infrastructure 16:01:34 <petebuffon> #chair nirik siddharthvipul mobrien zlopez pingou bodanel dtometzki jnsamyak computerkid 16:01:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 16:01:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: bodanel computerkid dtometzki jnsamyak mobrien nirik petebuffon pingou siddharthvipul zlopez 16:01:34 <petebuffon> #info Agenda is at: https://board.net/p/fedora-infra 16:01:34 <petebuffon> #info About our team: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/ 16:01:35 <petebuffon> #topic greetings! 16:01:44 <petebuffon> greetings everyone! 16:01:52 <anheath-mobile> Hello 16:01:53 <dtometzki> .hi 16:01:54 <zodbot> dtometzki: Something blew up, please try again 16:01:57 <zodbot> dtometzki: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 16:02:01 <nirik> good morning everyone. ⛅ 16:03:06 <nirik> zodbot: reload Fedora 16:03:06 <zodbot> nirik: Kneel before zod! 16:03:06 <petebuffon> poor zodbot 16:03:06 <darknao> .hi 16:03:07 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez 16:03:18 <zodbot> darknao: darknao 'Francois Andrieu' <darknao@drkn.ninja> 16:03:21 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konecny' <michal.konecny@psmail.xyz> 16:04:53 <petebuffon> just FYI I need to duck out at 16:50 to go get something notarized. 16:05:07 <anheath-mobile> All good 16:05:28 <petebuffon> #topic New folks introductions 16:05:28 <petebuffon> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 16:05:28 <petebuffon> #info Getting Started Guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 16:05:35 <petebuffon> anyone new here today? 16:05:44 <anheath-mobile> I am 16:05:53 <petebuffon> welcome! 16:06:05 <petebuffon> would you like to introduce yourself? 16:06:43 <anheath-mobile> Sure, my name is Andy I am a senior system administrator at Red Hat 16:07:22 <nirik> welcome anheath-mobile! 16:07:31 <petebuffon> fantastic. and what brought you on over to Fedora? 16:07:50 <darknao> welcome anheath-mobile 16:08:16 <anheath-mobile> I have been using Fedora for 7+ years now so I figure it's time to give back 16:08:49 <petebuffon> that's great :) 16:09:39 <nirik> awesome. Are you more interested in sysadmin or development type things? 16:10:07 <nirik> we can add you to the apprentice group after the meeting if you are interested. (That lets you login and have ro access to many things in our setup) 16:10:58 <anheath-mobile> So my current role is an SRE role so I like building and automation but can do troubleshooting as needed as well 16:11:28 <anheath-mobile> nirik, sure 16:12:18 <petebuffon> great, let's move right along then. 16:12:24 <austinpowered> .hi 16:12:25 <zodbot> austinpowered: austinpowered 'T.C. Williams' <fedoraproject@wootenwilliams.com> 16:12:28 <petebuffon> #topic Next chair 16:12:28 <petebuffon> #info magic eight ball says: 16:12:28 <petebuffon> #info chair 2022-03-03 - eddiejennings 16:12:28 <petebuffon> ## info chair 2022-03-10 - ?? 16:12:28 <petebuffon> ## info chair 2022-03-17 - ?? 16:12:43 <petebuffon> any takers for 3-10 or 3-17? 16:13:20 <dtometzki> i can took 03-10 16:13:38 <petebuffon> great! 16:13:41 <mkonecny> I can take it 16:13:58 <petebuffon> #info 2022-03-10 - dtometzki> 16:14:21 <petebuffon> mkonecny can you take 3-17? 16:14:54 <Leo[m]1> .hello Leo 16:14:55 <zodbot> Leo[m]1: leo 'Leo Puvilland' <leo@craftcat.dev> 16:15:07 <petebuffon> #info chair 2022-03-10 - dtometzki 16:15:10 <mkonecny> petebuffon: I can 16:15:26 <petebuffon> perfect, thanks 16:15:44 <petebuffon> announcements then 16:15:46 <petebuffon> #topic announcements and information 16:15:46 <petebuffon> #info CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting 16:15:46 <petebuffon> #info CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3 16:15:46 <petebuffon> #info If your team wants support from the Fedora Program Management Team, file an isssue: https://pagure.io/fedora-pgm/pgm_team/issues?template=support_request 16:15:48 <petebuffon> #info matrix sig is forming, see https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/bi-weekly-meeting-for-matrix-sig-or-matrix-team/35947/3 if interested 16:15:51 <petebuffon> #info Bugzilla will introduce breaking Authentication API change on 28th February 16:15:53 <petebuffon> #info Infrastructure freeze in place leading up to the Fedora 36 Beta release. 16:15:59 <Leo[m]1> Hi :) 16:16:36 <petebuffon> hey! 16:16:46 <petebuffon> any other announcements from folks? 16:18:52 <petebuffon> I'll take that as a no 16:18:54 <petebuffon> #topic Oncall 16:18:54 <petebuffon> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Oncall 16:18:54 <petebuffon> #info https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/day_to_day_fedora/ 16:18:54 <petebuffon> ## .oncalltakeeu .oncalltakeus 16:18:54 <petebuffon> #info mkonecny on call from 2022-02-18 to 2022-02-24 16:18:55 <petebuffon> #info petebuffon on call from 2022-02-25 to 2022-03-03 16:18:57 <petebuffon> ## info ?? on call from 2022-03-04 to 2022-03-10 16:19:21 <nirik> I can take another turn if no one else wants to... 16:19:27 <petebuffon> any takers? 16:20:23 <darknao> I can take 03-04 16:20:31 <Leo[m]1> I can take the next one 16:20:36 <petebuffon> nice nice 16:20:37 <Leo[m]1> ah ok 16:20:47 <petebuffon> can you do the week after Leo? 16:20:57 <Leo[m]1> Yeah 16:21:24 <petebuffon> # info darknao on call from 2022-03-04 to 2022-03-10 16:21:32 <petebuffon> #info darknao on call from 2022-03-04 to 2022-03-10 16:22:06 <Leo[m]1> hm 16:22:07 <petebuffon> #info Leo on call from 2022-03-11 to 2022-03-17 16:22:14 <petebuffon> no dice? 16:22:35 <Leo[m]1> no no I can do it 16:22:48 <petebuffon> :) thanks 16:23:00 <petebuffon> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall ) 16:23:00 <petebuffon> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik] 16:23:00 <petebuffon> #info https://nagios.fedoraproject.org/nagios 16:23:00 <petebuffon> #info Go over existing out items and fix 16:23:05 <nirik> lets see 16:23:32 <nirik> I got a bunch of things cleaned up last week, and then a few new ones added. so... oh well. 16:24:03 <nirik> we have a number of mgmt interfaces that are not reachable. I'll file a networking ticket on that soonish 16:24:27 <nirik> and then just the misc stuff we have had for a while... 16:24:32 <mkonecny> I was skipped as oncall :-D , but there was only one ping outside my working hours and it was already solved, when I logged in 16:24:38 <nirik> in general we are in pretty ok shape for a freeze 16:24:46 <Leo[m]1> Time flies 16:25:36 <petebuffon> nice 16:25:37 <nirik> I think we can move along now... 16:25:52 <petebuffon> let's get into that backlog 16:25:55 <petebuffon> #topic Fedora Infra backlog refinement 16:25:55 <petebuffon> #info Refine oldest tickets on https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues 16:25:56 <Leo[m]1> ok 16:26:20 <mkonecny> Let's see 16:26:23 <petebuffon> .ticket 10340 16:26:24 <zodbot> petebuffon: Issue #10340: content lost from wiki without audit trail - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10340 16:27:27 <nirik> I just haven't had a chance to look into this... mysql is not something I enjoy. ;( 16:27:41 <Leo[m]1> same 16:27:50 <nirik> I think the content is still there, it's just some issue with it where it's not displaying properly anymore. 16:28:18 <petebuffon> hmm odd 16:29:01 <nirik> I had to make some database tweaks on the last upgrade, so I wonder if I broke something there. 16:30:47 <nirik> so, I guess lets just update it that I will try and get to it? 16:31:02 <mkonecny> I already commented on it 16:31:18 <nirik> thanks 16:31:33 <petebuffon> .ticket 10294 16:31:34 <zodbot> petebuffon: Issue #10294: Mediawiki config seems to hardcode proxy IP addresses - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10294 16:32:13 <nirik> a bit of light ansible work for anyone interested. ;) 16:32:26 <anheath> I can shadow on this 16:32:39 <petebuffon> I have some bandwidth available 16:33:04 <mkonecny> I see that nbugrovs didn't have time to look at it 16:33:41 <mkonecny> I will ping him in the ticket, maybe he found some time, otherwise it's probably free to take 16:33:59 <petebuffon> sounds good 16:34:09 <nirik> You should be able to do something similar to whats in roles/base/templates/iptables/iptables for the proxies. 16:34:19 <nirik> basically loop over them and add their ips... 16:34:26 <mkonecny> Comment added 16:34:41 <petebuffon> got it 16:34:49 <petebuffon> .ticket 10358 16:34:50 <zodbot> petebuffon: Issue #10358: IPA backup fails on ipa03 and ipa02.stg - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10358 16:36:35 <mkonecny> This looks stuck to me according to the comments 16:37:07 <nirik> so, yeah... lets see. 16:37:18 <nirik> we could just not back them up? ;) 16:37:27 <nirik> Or we could try and fix KRA 16:38:04 <mkonecny> Is this possible? 16:38:16 <mkonecny> Could IPA folks help with this? 16:38:25 <nirik> I don't know. I think perhaps we could file a bug about it and explore that? 16:38:33 <nirik> but I am not sure exactly where to file... 16:39:34 <mkonecny> Maybe some of the folks that worked on Noggin will knew 16:39:46 <nirik> I can ask. 16:40:36 <mkonecny> I'm thinking what I should add to the comment for the ticket 16:41:50 <mkonecny> And just a dumb question: What KRA means? 16:43:55 <nirik> I think it means Key Recovery Archive... basically it's a secrets vault... 16:44:08 <mkonecny> Added comment to ticket 16:44:38 <nirik> which we don't actually use. 16:44:47 <nirik> but there's no way to disable/remove 16:44:59 <mkonecny> Sad 16:45:12 <nirik> yeah 16:45:32 <petebuffon> .ticket 10386 16:45:33 <zodbot> petebuffon: Issue #10386: Investigate moving registry.fp.o to quay.io - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10386 16:46:29 <nirik> needs investigating, no one has gotten to it yet. 16:47:52 <nirik> we need to make sure they support all the arches we do, etc. 16:48:48 <mkonecny> Commented on it 16:49:18 <petebuffon> .ticket 9728 16:49:23 <zodbot> petebuffon: Issue #9728: [rfe] src.fedoraproject.org:/forks/... is not in the list of allowed SCMs - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9728 16:50:47 <petebuffon> I have to step away for about 20 minutes. Can y'all finish up the meeting for me? 16:50:50 <nirik> I guess this needs comment from the koji developers, because I couldn't puzzle out what the config for this looks like. It's been implemented... 16:51:45 <mkonecny> petebuffon: I can take it over, but I'm not sure if the meeting could be closed by someone else than the one who started it 16:51:56 <nirik> it can... anyone who is a chair. 16:52:12 <mkonecny> Ok, in this case it should be okay 16:52:18 <nirik> #chair 16:52:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: bodanel computerkid dtometzki jnsamyak mobrien nirik petebuffon pingou siddharthvipul zlopez 16:52:23 <nirik> yeah 16:52:56 <nirik> let me ask koji devs in the ticket about it 16:53:12 <mkonecny> It's yours 16:54:44 <nirik> added. 16:54:49 <nirik> another? or open floor? 16:55:11 <mkonecny> Let's go to Open floor 16:55:17 <mkonecny> We have only few minutes left 16:55:25 <dtometzki> yes 16:55:28 <nirik> +1 16:55:33 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 16:55:58 <mkonecny> Anything you want to discuss? 16:56:22 <Leo[m]1> Nothing from me 16:56:32 <dtometzki> same here 16:56:52 <nirik> a while back we had a video meetup after infra meeting thing... do we want to do that again sometime? 16:57:05 <nirik> It's kind of nice to see faces and just chat with folks.... 16:57:12 <mkonecny> I think we can 16:57:22 <dtometzki> nice idea 16:57:40 <anheath> +1 16:57:46 <nirik> I think after a meeting is good too, because everyone is available that was at the meeting anyhow. ;) well, mostly 16:57:51 <mkonecny> Probably not today, but we can do it in the future, just add it to fedora-infra calendar 16:57:59 <Leo[m]1> ya not today 16:57:59 <nirik> so, we could try next week? or ? 16:58:06 <dtometzki> yes 16:58:13 <dtometzki> +1 16:58:26 <mkonecny> +1 16:58:28 <Leo[m]1> nirik++ 16:59:01 <nirik> who's chair next week? 16:59:20 <Leo[m]1> Not me 16:59:23 <mkonecny> eddiejennings: 16:59:23 <nirik> anyhow, we can add it... thats all I had. 16:59:55 <mkonecny> We are at the end of your time anyway 17:00:11 <mkonecny> Thanks everyone for coming and thanks petebuffon for running it 17:00:13 <mkonecny> #endmeeting 17:00:19 <dtometzki> many thanks 17:00:26 <dtometzki> nirik++ 17:00:26 <zodbot> dtometzki: Karma for kevin changed to 24 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:00:38 <nirik> thanks everyone! 17:00:41 <Leo[m]1> petebuffon++ 17:00:42 <nirik> #endmeeting