16:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2010-04-15) 16:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 15 16:00:01 2010 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 16:00:01 <nirik> #topic init process 16:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 16:00:42 <nirik> who all is around for the meeting? 16:01:32 * zcat ... one hand 16:02:21 <mock> .fas mock 16:02:22 <zodbot> mock: actown 'Derrick Dymock' <actown@gmail.com> - mock 'mark mcintyre' <mark@mockgeek.com> - mocker '' <marin.julian@gmail.com> 16:02:26 <mock> :( 16:02:30 <mock> .fasinfo mock 16:02:36 <zodbot> mock: User: mock, Name: mark mcintyre, email: mark@mockgeek.com, Creation: 2008-07-25, IRC Nick: mock, Timezone: US/Eastern, Locale: en, Extension: 5111336, GPG key ID: , Status: active 16:02:41 <zodbot> mock: Unapproved Groups: fedorabugs 16:02:45 <zodbot> mock: Approved Groups: ambassadors cla_fedora cla_done 16:03:01 <mock> too much? 16:04:07 * nirik shrugs. ;) 16:04:40 * mock just rasises his hand 16:05:38 <mock> just us? 16:05:42 <nirik> I'll wait another min or two to see who else shows up. 16:05:48 <mock> is there going to be left over bacon? 16:06:00 <nirik> mock: no chance of that. ;) 16:06:21 <mock> yeah, not with me around, eh? 16:07:48 <nirik> ok, I didn't have too many things today, so I guess we can go ahead. 16:08:03 <nirik> #topic Week in review 16:08:18 <nirik> We had Beta out on tuesday... seems a but busier in channel. 16:08:28 <nirik> http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 16:08:37 <nirik> I've been a bit swamped and not around as much. ;( 16:09:18 <DiscordianUK> Sorry for being late 16:09:21 <nirik> anything else from the week in review? 16:09:26 <nirik> no worries. Welcome DiscordianUK 16:10:17 <nirik> A reminder that we should now try and take F13 questions if we can answer them in channel. 16:10:28 <nirik> #topic Ban Purge 16:10:40 <mock> should the fedora topic be adjusted accordingly? 16:10:43 <nirik> as agreed, today we will wipe the channel bans for this cycle. 16:10:47 <nirik> mock: it should already have been. 16:10:53 <mock> oh, then mn 16:10:54 <mock> nm 16:11:09 <mock> yep 16:11:13 <nirik> so, I guess I will go do that after this meeting, unless someone else really wants to. 16:11:25 <nirik> We need to be alert for long time offenders returning. 16:12:07 <nirik> ok, any questions/concerns on that? 16:12:47 <mock> i think i speak for everyone when i say, nope 16:13:49 <nirik> #topic Ops code of conduct 16:13:53 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/IRC_operators_code_of_conduct 16:14:15 <zcat> +1 16:14:16 <nirik> I don't see any more changes there. Did anyone have alternate drafts or changes to suggest? 16:14:25 <zcat> "Be Execellent" 16:14:31 <DiscordianUK> I'm happy with that 16:14:31 <zcat> (if you can speel) 16:15:04 <nirik> It's a poor mind that can only think of one way to speel something. ;) 16:16:18 <nirik> I'd rather have more folks on board before we put it in effect... 16:16:37 <nirik> but perhaps we can start acting like it is and amend/tweek it as needed moving forward. 16:18:14 <mock> sry, not an op. 16:18:18 <nirik> the one thing I think it will be hard for people to remember is to make sure and note any actions they take and why to the ops channel. 16:18:27 <EvilBob> nirik: I read it, and it looked fine to me 16:18:37 <nirik> mock: no worries... do provide feedback on it though... more input the better. 16:19:14 <zcat> nirik, this is why I *try* to use the form "/msg #fedora-ops @kban15m baduser whatever reason", so at least it's logged inchannel 16:19:16 * EvilBob likes his qwebirc pointing to his bouncer 16:19:37 <nirik> zcat: yep. That works nicely. 16:20:02 <mock> "seperate" is misspelled 16:20:20 <mock> that's all i see 16:20:44 <mock> and i defer to zcat regarding that 16:21:10 <zcat> mock, ... wiki edit? 16:21:11 <nirik> fixed (I think) 16:21:15 <zcat> ah 16:21:28 <mock> fixed 16:21:32 <mock> i'm good 16:22:18 <nirik> ok, I will mail the ops alias and point to that page for any last minute corrections/objections then. 16:23:04 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 16:23:07 <nirik> Anything for open floor? 16:24:14 * mock looks around 16:24:20 <mock> i has nothing 16:26:04 <DiscordianUK> nor me 16:26:18 <nirik> okey dokey. 16:26:22 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone. 16:26:30 <nirik> #endmeeting