16:00:07 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2010-09-02) 16:00:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 2 16:00:07 2010 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:07 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 16:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 16:00:07 <nirik> #topic init process 16:01:20 <nirik> who all is around? 16:01:24 * plarsen raises hand 16:01:30 * dcr226 16:01:36 * BobLfoot 16:02:10 <B-> 16:02:32 * zmore [ OK ] 16:02:40 <dcr226> Heh 16:02:45 <B-> hehe 16:03:10 <nirik> oh good, the systemd update on zmore didn't break startup. ;) 16:03:14 <plarsen> we are geeks ;) 16:03:20 <dcr226> HA 16:03:27 <nirik> anyhow, I guess lets go ahead and get started... 16:03:38 <zmore> nirik, hah... i was holding back any systemd quips because i haven't poked at it much yet 16:03:39 <nirik> #topic Week in review 16:03:39 <nirik> http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 16:04:06 <dcr226> think their servers are down :( 16:04:12 <zmore> AC's out 16:04:35 * thomasj is here 16:04:40 <nirik> oh yeah. 16:05:05 <dcr226> nirik, lets just assume I got the best stats and move on? 16:05:07 <nirik> since our last meeting: 4 kicks in #fedora. 3 by fedbot for flooding. 16:05:08 * dcr226 ducks 16:05:34 <dcr226> wow, thats pretty awesome actually, only one kick that wasn't the bot 16:05:44 <nirik> one ban as well. 16:05:50 <dcr226> same person? 16:06:24 <nirik> nope. 16:06:47 <zmore> there would've been one more kick by me, but fedbot was offline 16:06:55 * plarsen wonders if that's because school is back ? 16:07:09 <nirik> yeah, I had network connection issues yesterday. ;( 16:07:22 <nirik> Anyhow, it's seemed like a pretty quiet week. 16:07:30 <nirik> anyone have anything to note from the previous week? 16:08:13 <nirik> ok, moving on... 16:08:21 <nirik> #topic trac instance setup 16:08:30 <nirik> I started a thread on the mailing list on this... 16:08:48 <nirik> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/irc-support-sig/ 16:09:14 <nirik> so far people think we should just leave it requiring a fas login to make a new ticket... 16:09:21 <nirik> but more input is of course welcome. 16:10:15 <plarsen> nirik, in my opinion to be efficient it should allow for non-members to post. Otherwise you're not giving most people in #fedora a chance to contribute. 16:10:42 <nirik> plarsen: well, it's not hard to sign up for a fedora account... 16:10:47 <thomasj> plarsen, and giving some nice drive by comments the chance ;) 16:10:54 <plarsen> nirik, to avoid spam you could limit the size and add rules like same IP posting more than X number of times a day is denied. 16:11:14 <BobLfoot> It's been a few months since I got my fas but aren;t they avaialble to jsut about anyone? 16:11:15 <nirik> there's not any way to do that in trac I don't think. 16:11:27 <nirik> BobLfoot: yes, it's just a sign up and ack an email. 16:11:46 <nirik> basically the same it would be for signing up for a mailing list. 16:12:05 <nirik> also, I will note that #fedora requires freenode registration, so they must have some kind of email address to have done that. ;) 16:12:05 <plarsen> nirik, that would work; still be open and limit SOME of the spam? 16:12:31 <BobLfoot> So if I really have a problem taking 2 mintues to sign up and another mintue to respond to the email is small potatoes IMHO 16:12:37 <nirik> plarsen: you can specify who can make new tickets: anyone, or only members of a group. 16:12:49 <EvilBob> Not everyone can sign the CLA 16:12:51 <nirik> plarsen: if you pick anyone, it means anyone at all can make a ticket. 16:13:01 <nirik> EvilBob: you do not need to sign the CLA to make a ticket. 16:13:12 <nirik> it's just a fedora account. 16:13:13 <EvilBob> things may have changed as i have not followed any of that discussion in the past 16:13:17 <EvilBob> OK 16:13:17 <plarsen> nirik, isn't the site meant to be the arbitrator of #fedora issues? Meaning it should allow of people who attend #fedora to post there? 16:13:32 <nirik> plarsen: it's for feedback, yep. 16:14:03 * dcr226 doesn't want anyone to have to put much more effort into the feedback trac, until someone actually makes an attempt to give feedback, fwiw 16:14:06 <plarsen> nirik, sounds to me like requiring the same as it does to /j #fedora is the way to go. Email confirmation ? 16:14:22 <nirik> plarsen: right, which signing up for a fedora account would be... 16:15:06 <plarsen> nirik, if by that you mean signing up on the track site with your email address, yeah. To me FAS is quite a bigger deal? 16:15:25 <BobLfoot> crazy idea - how hard to create account for bot and let it post tickets from folks in #fedora? 16:15:39 <EvilBob> As long as the required FAS account does not require the CLA I am cool with that. 16:15:43 <nirik> plarsen: fedora trac uses fedora accounts system. 16:15:47 <dcr226> BobLfoot, cool idea, would get spammed though I reckon ;-( 16:16:19 <nirik> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/user/new 16:16:30 <EvilBob> We want feedback from real people, not bugs 16:16:32 <plarsen> BobLfoot, for seasoned IRC folkes that would work. For people new/unsure of IRC who gets in trouble, I doubt they'll know how to use the bot to get a ticket created? 16:16:34 <EvilBob> I mean bots 16:16:48 <nirik> so, you fill that in and get a confirm email which you ack to activate the account. 16:16:52 <nirik> it seems pretty easy to me... 16:17:09 <dcr226> EvilBob, eliza ftw ;-) 16:17:13 <EvilBob> plarsen: they jump trough a hoop to get in to the channel, they do a little dance to give feedback. 16:17:20 <plarsen> nirik, hmm - I thought you said above it didn't ;) Maybe we're saying the same. The user confirms his/her email in order to be able to post - mainly to reduce spam. Most people know how to do that already. 16:17:43 * BobLfoot light bulb dawns -- #fedora trac tickets are for problems using irc channel - ah ha 16:17:52 <EvilBob> Yes they have already passed the most basic intelligence test 16:18:02 <plarsen> EvilBob, true; you need to know SOMETHING to get your freenode "hat" so you can join the real channel. 16:18:09 <nirik> plarsen: the CLA is after that. Contributor license agreement. Ie, if you want to contribute and join other groups you have to sign that agreement... but you do NOT need that to make trac tickets. 16:18:28 <EvilBob> nirik: Is a FAS account needed for Bugzilla? 16:18:41 <nirik> EvilBob: nope. they are seperate. 16:19:01 <nirik> but it needs an account. You have to sign up and provide an email and ack it. 16:19:08 <nirik> so, it's the same dance. 16:19:16 <EvilBob> nirik: Right on 16:19:37 <nirik> so, how about we hook trac up to the list and start pointing people at it for feedback and see how it goes? 16:19:49 <plarsen> nirik, +1 16:20:02 <EvilBob> Has anything been done with the trac frontpage? 16:20:29 <nirik> not yet. I would love for someone to step up to do so... or I can possibly in the next few days. 16:20:31 <BobLfoot> nirik: +1 16:20:34 <nirik> it's a wiki... 16:21:05 <EvilBob> Oh so it has fail built in? Cool! 16:21:09 * EvilBob ducks 16:21:12 <nirik> EvilBob: extra helpings. ;) 16:22:09 <zmore> +1 tryitandseeifthebarstoohigh 16:22:18 * Khaytsus munches pad thai 16:22:40 <nirik> okey dokey. If anyone would like to edit the frontpage, please do, otherwise I can try in the next few days. 16:22:56 <EvilBob> nirik: I am cool with moving forward on this now that the CLA requirement is clear 16:23:09 <nirik> yeah, I asked that same thing to make sure... 16:23:11 <EvilBob> or lack of CLA requirement 16:23:17 <nirik> they should not have to CLA to provide feedback. 16:23:41 <nirik> anyhow, anything more on trac? 16:23:46 <plarsen> nirik, if getting a user-account is possible, i can try to write a front-page ? 16:24:06 <nirik> plarsen: sure! Sign in with your fedora account and you should be able to edit it... 16:24:07 <dcr226> nirik, let it fly with trac/fas see what happens 16:24:20 <EvilBob> plarsen: Cool, thanks for stepping up 16:24:31 * dcr226 votes revisit in 4 weeks when we have some metrics 16:24:36 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/wiki/WikiStart?action=edit 16:24:47 <EvilBob> dcr226: +1 we have to give it a chance 16:24:53 <nirik> indeed. 16:25:06 <plarsen> nirik, worked. Thanks. 16:25:06 <EvilBob> First meeting in Oct? 16:25:15 <dcr226> wfm +1 16:25:34 <nirik> sure. we can also look at it as we go each week... if it needs quicker correction. 16:25:48 <dcr226> yeah, if there's a major problem or something 16:26:04 <dcr226> to be honest, plarsen should be able to sort most issues by wiki entries 16:26:37 <dcr226> I'll happy take a fallback position on wiki-edits, should plarsen get too busy/afk 16:26:45 <Khaytsus> Is the concern spam or abuse? 16:26:46 <plarsen> I'm used to trac. Run it internally here at work. 16:26:48 <nirik> it's a wiki, everyone can plan. ;) 16:26:53 <nirik> play 16:26:53 <dcr226> point 16:27:04 <plarsen> So I should get something going quick. Spelling errors may be a different thing though ;) 16:27:19 <dcr226> dnot wory plarsen , I cna help 16:27:25 <dcr226> :) 16:27:31 <plarsen> heh 16:27:38 <Khaytsus> two funneh 16:27:44 <nirik> ha 16:27:59 <nirik> ok, thanks plarsen and dcr226 16:28:03 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 16:28:23 <nirik> I didn't have much else. We can go back to some of the topics from last week, but many of them are waiting on mailing list discussion. 16:28:28 <jsmith> Keep up the good work! You folks rock! 16:28:32 <jsmith> eof 16:28:39 <nirik> thanks jsmith 16:28:43 <dcr226> thanks jsmith 16:29:06 <EvilBob> Last night I did a k/b in -unregistered 16:29:29 <Khaytsus> csb 16:29:35 <dcr226> just a note. DiscordianUK is away for a little bit, not for any reason to do with the project. He'll be back soon I'm sure 16:30:06 <nirik> yeah. 16:30:07 <Khaytsus> dcr226: Yeah, hopefully able to soon 16:30:10 <dcr226> which kinda relates to the whole inactive-ops thing 16:30:22 <EvilBob> Some user, apparently French from what I could make out, Later they came to #fedora and wanted to be a random pest. Never crossed the line but got close, just keep your eyes to the skies. 16:30:23 <nirik> best wishes to him if you talk to him. 16:30:29 <dcr226> will do 16:30:53 <dcr226> EvilBob, nick? 16:31:03 <nirik> EvilBob: yeah, unregistered gets a lot of drive by stuff... there was a (get this) *bsd drive by in there the other day. Posting links to linux exploits... 16:31:19 <nirik> dcr226: not in meeting please. 16:31:26 <dcr226> ups, wrong channel 16:31:29 <Khaytsus> \o/ 16:31:30 <EvilBob> dcr226: It can be noted out of the meeting 16:31:43 <nirik> anyhow, anyone have anything else for open floor? 16:32:36 <thomasj> This will take longer to decide about the inactive-ops thing? 16:32:54 <nirik> thomasj: it's waiting for discussion on the list. I didn't have time to start anything there last week... 16:33:03 <nirik> but I can fire off a discussion starter. 16:33:10 <EvilBob> I did not either, sorry 16:33:23 <thomasj> Well, i can wait.. It's just about me, so don't worry. 16:33:32 <EvilBob> thomasj: no it's not 16:33:39 <EvilBob> it's not about you at all 16:33:50 <EvilBob> it's about establishing a policy 16:33:54 <Khaytsus> thomasj: iirc there are more which are awol for a long time? 16:34:03 <dcr226> yup 16:34:14 <thomasj> Only my nick was mentioned in the list and last here at the meeting. 16:34:21 <thomasj> *last time 16:34:28 <Khaytsus> And +1 on policy 16:34:37 <EvilBob> thomasj: You may have been used as an example, sorry about that 16:34:37 <thomasj> So to me, it's about me. 16:34:45 * dcr226 votes we get a policy nailed up on the ml and put it to bed 16:34:50 <thomasj> EvilBob, don't worry 16:35:08 * nirik thinks we don't need a policy and will post why to the list. ;) 16:35:17 <EvilBob> again, I brought the issue up, and it is not about you. 16:35:27 <dcr226> nirik, Policy : no policy? 16:35:28 * thomasj is just waiting to have his reputation back to normal. 16:35:40 <EvilBob> thomasj: That will take money 16:35:43 <thomasj> hahaha 16:35:53 <thomasj> damn.. i knew it ;) 16:35:55 <zmore> thomasj, you filthy invalid^Winactive 16:36:53 <zmore> -1 'inactive' removal. just clean house of extreme cases every few years. 16:37:26 <Khaytsus> I personally think we could align with release schedules 16:37:33 <Khaytsus> If someone has not actively opped in the last 6 months..... 16:37:47 <nirik> dcr226: well, I think we should remove only people who have done something very wrong, or people we know are dead/never going to return. Removing people who may just not have time right now seems to not solve any problem to me. 16:38:25 <thomasj> Khaytsus, wait, let me op once, so my butt is save for the next 6 months ;p 16:38:31 <EvilBob> nirik: Not having time right now, can be solved with direct contact 16:38:48 <Khaytsus> thomasj: wait 864000 { /say #fedora oh hai } 16:38:54 <EvilBob> nirik: if they tell us that, then it is different than just not being around 16:38:54 <thomasj> lol 16:38:58 <dcr226> nirik, works for me. I just think - if that was the policy, then at least the discussion ends :) 16:39:20 <nirik> I guess the main reason is I don't see the problem it solves. So, someone is not active, then they aren't misusing ops? it's just a entry in a list saying we trusted them to be an op... 16:39:44 <nirik> and when they do become active again, they don't need to re-prove themselves 16:39:48 <Khaytsus> nirik: ONly problem I see is that someone could move on, change opinions.... and (totally not related to any similar nicks) go rogue 16:39:52 <EvilBob> Isn't not being an op and "protecting" the channel a misuse of ops? 16:39:54 <dcr226> the potential is their voting rights. A long term non-op could be called out of hibernation to vote on issues that they are not current with 16:40:10 <nirik> Khaytsus: then we remove them when they misuse? 16:40:11 <Sonar_Guy> nirik: only one issue with that, what if their irc nick gets re-assigned in their absence? 16:40:26 <nirik> dcr226: voting on what? new ops? 16:40:36 <dcr226> not necessarily, but yeah if you like 16:40:37 <Khaytsus> nirik: Could.. but do we need ops inactive for 1, 2 years? 16:40:40 <EvilBob> Not being around for 6 months when they are needed is a gross misuse IMO 16:40:41 <nirik> Sonar_Guy: yeah, if they totally go dormant. 16:40:51 <Khaytsus> nirik: What's the work needed to remove and add? 16:40:55 <nirik> Sonar_Guy: I think it resets those tho 16:41:10 <zmore> Sonar_Guy, iirc, freenode doesn't delete dead accounts for over 1 year. 16:41:15 <nirik> EvilBob: they are busy with other things? possibly fedora related things? 16:41:25 <EvilBob> It's like a cop who spends his whole shift in the donut shop 16:41:39 <dcr226> EvilBob, are there any that don't? 16:41:40 * mock likes donuts 16:41:42 <Khaytsus> EvilBob: Safest business in town 16:41:42 <EvilBob> nirik: again, direct contact clears that up 16:41:47 * jsmith loves donuts too 16:41:54 * Khaytsus feeds jsmith a donut 16:41:58 <nirik> anyhow, there's lots of ideas here... perhaps we could try this next week to discuss on the list? or should we keep brainstorming here? 16:42:12 <dcr226> list 16:42:14 <nirik> EvilBob: It might be more that they are working in the CSI lab instead of being a beat cop. ;) 16:42:15 <BobLfoot> EvilBob: more like a beat cop who spends his entire shift at an undersover stake out to use your analogy on niriks point 16:42:24 <EvilBob> nirik: If we contact them and they say "Hey I'm busy bulding mousetrap v34.6" we know why 16:42:31 * Khaytsus could totally go undercover as a homeless person 16:42:44 * mock likes steak 16:42:55 <nirik> EvilBob: yeah. That might be a reasonable compromise... say once a year or something... 16:43:00 <EvilBob> if we know why it is a lot different than.... ENOCLUE 16:43:16 <thomasj> right 16:43:21 <Khaytsus> I match that flag sometimes 16:44:00 <EvilBob> In thomas' case we have known, he has been around, just not as active and has not need to be oped when he was around. 16:44:03 <Southern_Gentlem> say the first of each year we contact everyone and ask would you like to remain having op priveleges in the #fedora channel yes or no 16:44:04 <nirik> dear $nick, you are a #fedora operator and we haven't seen you around lately. We miss you. Please write. ;) 16:44:08 <EvilBob> See you are an example again 16:44:19 <EvilBob> nirik: Exactly 16:44:26 <thomasj> :) 16:44:28 <BobLfoot> just MHO but quality ops have an obligation to remain communicative to the org. If they are going off line for a while {personal or otherwise} they should let nirik, EvilBob or a few of us know. 16:44:36 <dcr226> s/miss/remember :) 16:44:37 * thomasj starts to like being an example ;) 16:44:38 <Khaytsus> nirik: Like my bank "We haven't seen you in a while, come check out our latest javascript and flash website. It's even slower and bugger than ever!" 16:44:45 <EvilBob> nirik: and if we hear nothing... we remove them and if they come back I don't see why they would have to be revetted 16:45:19 <EvilBob> Southern_Gentlem: How about beta of each release? 16:45:24 <zmore> "/ns info nickname" to see how long since the last nickserv login. 16:45:43 <nirik> EvilBob: right. they could be re-instated I suppose. 16:45:45 <dcr226> ".last #fedora {nick}" 16:45:49 <EvilBob> zmore: That does not count in distro jumped 16:45:55 <dcr226> ups, meant seen 16:46:32 <nirik> a number on the list are obviously active... wouldn't need to ping them really... 16:46:38 <EvilBob> We all know people that have been very active in Fedora and #fedora that could have or perhaps should have been ops that have moved on. 16:47:11 <nirik> anyhow, sounds like we have some kind of rough outline to at least continue on the list... 16:47:18 <EvilBob> just asking nickserv isn't enough 16:47:56 <dcr226> ask nickser and zodbot 16:48:04 <dcr226> oh, there's a v missing 16:48:25 <nirik> when the sig started up, we pinged all currently listed ops via memoserv. 16:48:33 <nirik> and removed some that didn't answer. 16:49:00 <EvilBob> nirik: I think memoserv and email should be enough 16:49:11 <EvilBob> nirik: some block memoserv message 16:49:17 <nirik> I think we used memoserv since we didn't have email for all of them. 16:49:22 <EvilBob> I know I never see them because of my bouncer 16:49:47 <EvilBob> well NOW we have addresses because of FAS and the list 16:49:47 <Southern_Gentlem> EvilBob, i would be ok with that as well 16:49:52 <dcr226> there's loads of options. I reckon - decide criteria first, then communication method after 16:50:12 <EvilBob> Oh about the list... 16:50:22 <EvilBob> I am losing messages in the mud 16:50:40 <EvilBob> I can't get filters wrking in my web client 16:50:56 <thomasj> Ok, so is my name off the discussion about removing? We have dinner now, so i have to leave.. sorry 16:51:03 <EvilBob> could we please get [IRC] or something added on the subject? 16:51:13 <EvilBob> thomasj: IMO Yes 16:51:18 <nirik> EvilBob: yeah, I can do that... how about [irc-support-sig] ? 16:51:32 <EvilBob> nirik: Some have issues with length I know 16:51:38 <nirik> thomasj: I hope so, and I hope you will be able to be more active too... :) 16:51:52 <thomasj> nirik, i will, i try really hard 16:51:59 <EvilBob> thomasj: As long as we can force you out again when we miss you. 16:52:08 <nirik> thats odd, length shouldn't matter normally I wouldn't think. 16:52:10 <thomasj> Sure :) 16:52:22 <EvilBob> nirik: "people" have the issue 16:52:33 <dcr226> thomasj, thanks for the help on #fedora over the last couple of weeks btw 16:52:34 <EvilBob> nirik: when they subject scan 16:52:35 <nirik> PICNIC error 16:52:56 <EvilBob> nirik: What ever you think is best 16:53:11 <nirik> I guess I can do IRC, but I think thats confusing. People might think it's from freenode or something. 16:53:12 <EvilBob> I vote for short and sweet personally. 16:53:23 <thomasj> dcr226, i did not much, but thank you :) 16:53:23 <EvilBob> IRC-SIG 16:53:24 <nirik> you should be able to filter on "List-Id:" 16:53:32 <nirik> thats the best way 16:53:33 <EvilBob> nirik: it is a bug 16:53:55 <EvilBob> nirik: I have not had the time yet to change/upgrade tools 16:54:04 * BobLfoot well I'm out - l8r 16:54:10 <nirik> ah, well, we can tweak it out of band... 16:54:23 <nirik> lets take the inactive thing to the list and end the meeting? 16:54:31 <EvilBob> +1 16:54:49 <EvilBob> Oh I want to note quick 16:55:27 <EvilBob> Red Hat and Fedora are asking for help with a trademark issue, see stickster_afk's blog for more info 16:55:36 <EvilBob> it is also on a list, FAB I think 16:55:49 <nirik> yep. Please do 16:56:05 <EvilBob> advisory-board 16:56:42 <nirik> thanks for the note. 16:56:43 <EvilBob> thanks 16:56:58 <nirik> ok, closing out now... continue on list. Thanks for all the great work everyone. ;) 16:57:01 <nirik> #endmeeting