#fedora-meeting: IRC Support SIG (2010-11-11)
Meeting started by nirik at 16:30:01 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (nirik, 16:30:01)
- Week in review (nirik, 16:33:04)
- http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html
- Brainstorming new OP's process/voting (nirik, 16:38:44)
- ACTION: nirik will
write up a process and mail the list for feedback. (nirik,
- Open Floor (nirik, 16:53:32)
Meeting ended at 17:13:36 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- nirik will write up a process and mail the list for feedback.
Action items, by person
- nirik
- nirik will write up a process and mail the list for feedback.
People present (lines said)
- nirik (64)
- Lnxmad_ (27)
- Southern_Gentlem (24)
- zodbot (11)
- dcr226 (11)
- hicham (9)
- DiscordianUK (9)
- Khaytsus (8)
- mharris (8)
- zcat (5)
- gholms (2)
- daMaestro (1)
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