17:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2011-09-29) 17:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 29 17:00:01 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 17:00:02 <nirik> #topic init process 17:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 17:00:48 <mether> I am here if anyone has any questions on the ticket I filed 17:02:15 <nirik> mether: we will get to it in the tickets section. ;) 17:03:18 <nirik> if anyone is here to meet that is. 17:03:27 * LoKoMurdoK here 17:03:43 * fenrus02 peeks in to a nearly empty room 17:03:59 * zcat viewed about 15 minutes of #fedora last week. can't say much. 17:05:04 <nirik> ok, lets get started. 17:05:04 <EvilBob> Bacon 17:05:06 <zcat> 'cept i see that f16 beta rc4 is almost ready 17:05:34 <nirik> #topic Week in review 17:05:35 <nirik> http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 17:05:50 <nirik> cool. I am down on the list today 17:06:20 * dcr226 passes out bacon 17:06:30 <fenrus02> odd. was the stats page broke? seems like mighty small numbers 17:06:31 <nirik> anyone have anything they would like to note from this last week? 17:06:33 <EvilBob> We've had some real assholes on at night(US Time) 17:06:45 <nirik> EvilBob: yeah, saw something about that. ;( 17:07:13 <EvilBob> about 3 of the last 5 nights 17:08:25 <EvilBob> So if any ops are alive between 1 and 5AM US Central time... 17:08:28 <Khaytsus> EvilBob: Who's around at 3-4am? 17:08:30 <nirik> anvil was often around then in the past... but I guess not recently. 17:08:35 <dcr226> I am usually 17:08:44 * N3LRX pokes his nose in 17:08:53 <DiscordianUK> sorry I'm late 17:09:09 <nirik> well, we should try and make sure we have coverage to handle then... 17:09:18 <Khaytsus> EvilBob: Do you not have "bot ops" where you can quiet from the bot? 17:09:18 <nirik> especially if they are making it a nightly issue. ;( 17:09:58 <dcr226> or maybe not...I caught the end of something this morning, but it was about 8am my time 17:10:04 <dcr226> well, maybe 9 17:10:22 <EvilBob> dcr226: Yeah that was about 2 hours after it started 17:10:33 <nirik> #info will try and make sure ops are around tonight and see if we can cover the gap 17:10:38 <nirik> anything else we can do? 17:10:46 <EvilBob> nope 17:11:09 <dcr226> EvilBob, if your active in the channel at that time, why not have botops on it? 17:11:25 <fenrus02> what level of pestilence are they? minor irritant, or major outright disturbance in the force? 17:11:32 <dcr226> I mean, you've been more active lately than any other time that I've been involved in the project 17:11:45 <EvilBob> I'm not an op in that channel 17:12:24 <nirik> fenrus02: some of both I think. 17:12:32 <nirik> anyhow, should we move on? or ? 17:12:33 <Khaytsus> Don't think the bot knows who are ops in the actual channel, right? 17:12:42 <dcr226> Khaytsus, yeah it does 17:12:45 <Khaytsus> oh okay 17:13:04 <dcr226> but you can have +o on the bot (#fedora,op) and it will give the same effect 17:14:25 <nirik> #topic Tickets 17:14:25 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/report/1 17:14:44 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/73 17:14:48 <nirik> .title https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/73 17:14:49 <zodbot> nirik: #73 (just a user experience) - irc-support-sig - Trac 17:15:02 <nirik> kudos to several folks in the channel. 17:15:13 <EvilBob> Ya'ay nirik 17:15:19 <nirik> " It is what gives me hope/energy to keep on trying when I meet serious obstacles in Fedora." 17:15:22 * fenrus02 hattips nirik 17:15:25 <nirik> good to hear. 17:15:44 <nirik> .title https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/74 17:15:45 <zodbot> nirik: #74 (ask.fedoraproject.org in the channel topic) - irc-support-sig - Trac 17:16:00 <EvilBob> Add it to the topic +1 17:16:14 <nirik> sure. I don't care much. No one reads the topic. ;) 17:16:24 <dcr226> +1 add it 17:16:39 <DiscordianUK> +1 17:16:42 <Khaytsus> I like the idea, haven't looked at the website yet. 17:16:57 <Khaytsus> I intend to look and understand what the moderation level is, who is answering the questions, etc... 17:16:58 <nirik> it needs more/better questions and answers. ;) 17:17:01 <EvilBob> I don't understand it, but that is beyond the scope of the request and this meeting 17:17:02 <nirik> but hopefully in time... 17:17:06 <fenrus02> append away. too bad fpo doesnt have a shorter-link service 17:17:24 <Khaytsus> fenrus02: I'm sure someone can bang out a few thousands lines of Python to do it 17:17:34 * fenrus02 chortles 17:17:43 <dcr226> Khaytsus, don't set him off 17:17:46 <Khaytsus> :D 17:17:47 <mether> fenrus02, one is being setup for fedora qa I think 17:17:53 <fenrus02> Khaytsus, yeah, that has worked out so well for t.co (hacked, hacked, and hacked again this week alone) 17:18:02 <fenrus02> mether, awesome! 17:18:13 <nirik> there's also one being worked on as part of insight. 17:18:21 <nirik> dunno the status there tho 17:18:51 <Khaytsus> Cool. Needs "keywords" like fp.o/ask 17:18:58 <mether> I have a side request related to ask. If you find something worth documenting, you can ask a question and answer it yourself 17:18:58 <Khaytsus> not fp.o/j4Dxk 17:19:15 <dcr226> Khaytsus, or we could use factoids on the channel 17:19:29 <dcr226> Khaytsus, like @fso nvidia 17:19:58 <fenrus02> dcr226, need one for fglrx, nvidia, skhype, gnome3, and ${next}release 17:20:05 <EvilBob> It's pointless, half the questions can't go there for legal reasons. and users can't be bothered to go read a link anyhow. 17:20:08 <dcr226> fenrus02, yeah, all of em 17:20:33 <mether> EvilBob, ask fedora doesn't have any real restrictions on what type of question to ask or answer 17:20:37 <fenrus02> EvilBob, would you make truecrypt work and just do it for me? :) 17:20:56 <EvilBob> mether: How did you get that one around Red Hat Legal 17:21:01 <EvilBob> and for how long? 17:21:21 <mether> EvilBob, user generated content = Legal doesnt care 17:21:38 <EvilBob> mether: they've always cared about the black hole 17:21:44 <EvilBob> I mean, wiki 17:21:53 <fenrus02> mether, even if $user has signed fpcla? 17:22:11 <EvilBob> Never mind that the community has been providing this content for years 17:22:17 <mether> I asked and this was the answer I got. 17:22:32 <nirik> I think it's like the channel... 17:22:51 <fenrus02> odd. in that case, i've got to stomp a few wiki pages that are blatantly incorrect 17:22:54 <fenrus02> (legal set them) 17:23:00 <mether> they treat it similar to questions in #fedora or users mailing list afaik 17:23:25 <nirik> anyhow, I suppose this is beyond our scope? 17:23:32 <nirik> #info add ask to topic. 17:23:33 <fenrus02> nirik, indeed 17:23:34 <EvilBob> The community has fedorasolved.org answering these questions that anyone can contribute to. 17:23:37 <mether> yep. offtopic 17:23:41 <dcr226> +1 move on 17:23:45 <EvilBob> but again this is outside the scope of this meeting 17:23:45 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 17:24:29 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor? 17:24:51 * dcr226 throws a bag of marbles out into the open floor, and turns the lights off 17:24:53 <dcr226> like that? 17:24:56 <dcr226> ;-) 17:25:21 * dcr226 guesses not 17:25:36 <fenrus02> dcr226, you need to wax the floor to a high shine first 17:26:02 <nirik> would someone like to close tickets this week? 17:26:10 <nirik> and would someone like to mail the minutes to the list? ;) 17:27:01 <dcr226> I'll close 17:27:33 <nirik> dcr226: thanks. 17:27:39 <nirik> #endmeeting