18:00:37 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2013-09-12) 18:00:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 12 18:00:37 2013 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:37 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 18:00:37 <nirik> #topic init process 18:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 18:00:40 <nirik> yes? 18:00:52 <EvilBob> Just checking on ya... 18:00:54 <EvilBob> ;) 18:01:26 <nirik> :) 18:01:30 <nirik> just us today? 18:01:39 <dcr226> yeah, just you guys 18:01:42 <dcr226> oh wait 18:01:43 * DiscordianUK is here 18:01:56 <nirik> oh man, who let those uk people in. ;) 18:02:13 <dcr226> anarchy! 18:02:36 <nirik> quite. :) anyhow, lets go ahead then I guess... 18:02:41 <nirik> #topic Week in review 18:02:46 <frankieonuonga> I am here. :-).Greetings from NBI 18:03:04 <nirik> anything anyone has noticed from the previous week? common problems in #fedora or issues? 18:03:27 <nirik> hi frankieonuonga (do note that this is the irc support sig meeting if you were looking for infrastructure it's in an hour) 18:03:35 * Sonar_Gal 18:03:54 <DiscordianUK> Yes we're seeing lots of folk who have installed windows 8 and thereby have lost grub2 18:04:14 <nirik> bummer. 18:04:18 <frankieonuonga> nirik: thank you.. attending both 18:04:22 <nirik> the grub2 docs good to point them at? 18:04:31 <EvilBob> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Grub2 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Grub2 http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/ 18:05:00 <DiscordianUK> Those are what we point em at and the DVD rescue feature 18:05:30 * nirik nods. 18:05:33 <nirik> sounds good. 18:05:58 <nirik> anything else common show up recently? it's been very quiet overall. 18:06:25 <DiscordianUK> nah that's all I've seen 18:06:39 <nirik> ok, shall we move on to tickets? 18:07:08 <nirik> #topic ticket #156 maltreatment and abuse of power in #fedora-social 18:07:23 <nirik> so, this was discussed and closed, but reopened by the reporter. 18:07:37 <EvilBob> Close it again IMO 18:07:37 <nirik> they seem to want us to force an apology from someone to them. 18:08:13 <nirik> yeah, I don't think we can compel someone to apologize. 18:08:19 <DiscordianUK> not gonna happen 18:09:00 <nirik> ok, any other thoughts or discussion on this then? 18:09:47 <nirik> guess not. 18:09:56 <EvilBob> I was done with it weeks ago 18:10:09 <nirik> #info close ticket again and ask reporter to move on or communicate directly for any apologies. 18:10:17 <nirik> #topic ticket #159 EvilBob is an asset to the community 18:10:34 <MikeGamut> Hehehe 18:10:36 <nirik> kudos EvilBob. ;) 18:10:59 <EvilBob> User was easy to work with made it fun. 18:11:04 <Sonar_Gal> Good job EvilBob 18:11:11 <DiscordianUK> +1 18:11:28 <nirik> #info kudos EvilBob 18:11:36 <dcr226> pffft...can we have EvilBob back please not, NiceHelpfulBob 18:11:41 <nirik> #topic ticket #160 Got help on #fedora 18:12:06 <nirik> and this one is a kudos for DiscordianUK 18:12:08 <Sonar_Gal> WTG DiscordianUK 18:12:21 <nirik> #info kudos DiscordianUK 18:12:32 <DiscordianUK> Ta I was happy to help 18:12:41 <underscores> DiscordianUK: +1 :) 18:12:52 <EvilBob> DiscordianUK, and to a lesser degree ME, sorted this out. Good catch overall. 18:13:19 <nirik> yep. nice when there's a issue and the reporter is happy to provide you info to track it down. 18:13:22 <EvilBob> Now the FUN ticket... 18:13:26 <nirik> #topic ticket #158 Ban for no obvious reason from #Fedora 18:13:33 <MikeGamut> o3o 18:13:39 <Sonar_Gal> yeah the normal ticket for every release 18:13:42 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/158 18:13:48 <EvilBob> I am sick and tired of dealing with this every release 18:13:49 <nirik> so, my observations: 18:14:02 <DiscordianUK> I propose we make it a permanent ban 18:14:06 <nirik> We have given them many chances and removed bans in the past. 18:14:14 <nirik> There doesn't seem to be any change in behavior 18:14:30 <EvilBob> We remove the bans as per policy and have to deal with it over and over. 18:14:32 <nirik> or desire for change. Or even willingness to say that they were wrong. 18:14:56 <MikeGamut> You could just ignore the ticket and continue 18:15:04 <EvilBob> I would like to see the first ever FOREVER ban. 18:15:51 <nirik> I'm +1 to keeping a ban in place until/unless something changes... ie, they show somehow that they will stop doing the things that were getting them banned. 18:15:59 <dcr226> I've already given my opinion on this. permanently ban the user, do not overturn the ban, do not change position ever 18:16:00 <Sonar_Gal> I would have to agree. This person is banned and unbanned every release per same behavior. 18:16:03 <EvilBob> In the less than 2 years this is their third release ban 18:16:15 <nirik> right. 18:16:16 <dcr226> nirik, forget "unless something....", just ban and be done with it 18:16:40 * nirik shrugs. I'm open to revisiting, but not unless there's some good reason too (which I very much doubt will ever happen) 18:16:55 <dcr226> re-visiting is a waste of resources 18:17:00 <dcr226> has been for the last couple of years 18:17:11 <nirik> discussing revisiting now is a waste of resources. ;) 18:17:22 <dcr226> indeed...so lets put it to bed in 10 seconds, and never re-visit 18:17:23 <Sonar_Gal> +1 18:17:30 <DiscordianUK> +1 18:17:34 <nirik> any objections to closing the ticket and leaving ban in place? 18:17:40 <dcr226> permanently ban, second it, make it happen...buhbye 18:18:13 <nirik> #info user is advised to seek other support channels, ban will stay in place. 18:18:23 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:18:32 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor? 18:18:48 <underscores> keep up the good work 18:18:51 <EvilBob> New updated LiveMedia from Southern_Gentlem 18:19:21 <nirik> #info Southern_Gentlem has pushed out new updated live media. See #fedora /topic for link. 18:20:33 <nirik> ok, if nothing else will close out in a minute or two 18:20:43 <nirik> does anyone want to close tickets this week? or I can later tonight... 18:21:58 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone! 18:22:01 <nirik> #endmeeting