15:06:56 <stoney> #startmeeting IRC 2 15:06:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 26 15:06:56 2016 UTC. The chair is stoney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:06:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:06:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc_2' 15:07:14 <heidie> Yes, we might be missing one or two? 15:07:30 <stoney> Ok... I'll just hang out for a bit 15:07:37 <stoney> Feels like office hours 15:07:57 <stoney> hey there's one! 15:08:04 <stoney> jadudm how you doing! 15:08:04 <stoney> ? 15:08:19 <jadudm> Was overrunning with a student; mentoring re: grad school... 15:08:28 <stoney> good stuff 15:08:48 <stoney> your the first POSSE vict... um participant that has shown 15:09:14 <jadudm> shown what? 15:09:22 <stoney> shown up here 15:09:24 <jadudm> ah. 15:09:29 <jadudm> it sounded wrong for a moment… ;) 15:09:38 <stoney> right 15:09:43 <stoney> this is being recorded 15:09:44 <stoney> :) 15:10:01 <stoney> OK... one more minute... 15:10:21 <stoney> and then we can just run through the agenda loosely 15:10:26 <jadudm> I’m here. I’ll await instructions. 15:10:56 <stoney> #link Agenda: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 15:11:09 <stoney> I think we'll skip introductions 15:11:20 <stoney> I think we all know each other here 15:11:27 <stoney> #topic Status Updates 15:11:33 <stoney> How are things going? 15:11:57 <stoney> Specifically, how are the activities going? Any troubles? Questions? 15:12:46 <jadudm> Lets see. I think I did the first set of activities. 15:13:06 <jadudm> It is possible I’m behind on my Stage 2. 15:13:10 <heidie> stoney, the only three people we are missing are Chunmei Liu, Pat Lee, and Joel Sweatte. 15:13:11 <jadudm> I’m looking for the page. 15:13:20 <heidie> And Joel hasn't attended any IRCs so far. 15:13:32 <stoney> heidie ok thanks 15:13:45 <stoney> jadudm me too.. but my browser is giving me troubles 15:13:58 <jadudm> The Stage 1 activities, having recently taught a deep-dive course, are things that I’ve mostly done. I’m refreshing myself, but they’re not “new” to me. 15:13:59 <heidie> I've updated the spreadsheet with attendees, including jadudm for today. 15:14:02 <stoney> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_1_Activities#Part_B:_Second_Two_Weeks 15:14:12 <stoney> thank you heidie ! 15:14:19 <jadudm> Right. 15:14:35 <stoney> Awesome 15:14:48 <jadudm> So, I need to do these, which I will (because that way I’ve done the activities recently), but they’re not new. They’re partially reflective for me. 15:15:05 <stoney> Cool... 15:15:18 <stoney> my only comment would be to pay attention to the suggested time for each activity 15:15:23 <jadudm> FWIW, we’ve submitted CSC 4XX: Open Source Software Engineering to the committee that approves courses; we’re going to insert it into our standing rotation of 400-level courses. 15:15:29 <stoney> some of them can be a rabbit hole 15:15:43 <stoney> so you might want to time box it a bit 15:15:52 <jadudm> In this regard, having the whole Berea CS dept coming is good, because it means we’ll all be well-prepared to offer it on an ongoing basis. We’re also thinking about this in terms of capstone. 15:15:55 <stoney> That's fantastic! 15:16:18 <jadudm> That is, we think our capstone needs to be better structured, and perhaps using the FOSS/HFOSS dive as a way to structure capstone could be one pathway that helps us out. 15:16:20 <stoney> right, department buy-in is a good thing 15:16:37 <jadudm> We’re currently swimming in majors - something like 79 declared and over 100 are exploratory+declared+minors. 15:16:54 <jadudm> So, we need to make capstone… more streamlined. Right now, I have 17 independent projects to mentor, which is not sustainable. 15:17:06 <stoney> is that for the entire department? or are those new enrollments? 15:17:23 <jadudm> Er. We have an “exploratory declaration” process, and last spring we had… nearly 40 students. 15:17:35 <jadudm> So the 79 is the currently declared majors at all levels. 15:17:44 <stoney> ok, got it 15:17:46 <jadudm> The 100+ is “some are in our books as exploratory, but not yet declared." 15:17:48 <stoney> awesome 15:17:54 <jadudm> We will pick up more next spring… 15:18:14 <stoney> so freshmen don't declare a major right away 15:18:15 <stoney> ? 15:18:16 <jadudm> No. 15:18:23 <stoney> got it 15:18:28 <jadudm> Declaration is typically second term second year. 15:18:45 <jadudm> However, exploratory declaration (so we can pair up advisors with potential majors) is second semester first year. 15:18:48 <stoney> i see... just before registering for fall junior year 15:18:58 <jadudm> Right. But we catch them in an advising context first year. 15:19:16 <jadudm> They sometimes go another direction from their exploratory, but if you’re doing things right, you retain them at a high percentage. 15:19:30 <stoney> ok... i think i have a better idea of what "exploratory declaration" means... 15:19:32 <jadudm> However, some decide after their first course they’d rather go another direction, so we make sure they’re successful in that move. 15:19:36 <stoney> its like an intent to major in something 15:19:47 <stoney> right, cool 15:19:50 <jadudm> Right. And makes sure a professor in Nursing isn’t trying to advise on courses in CSC. 15:19:53 <jadudm> And visa-versa. 15:19:58 <stoney> sure 15:19:59 <stoney> :) 15:20:11 <stoney> #topic Projects 15:20:30 <stoney> so are you all thinking about a specific project for that capstone? 15:21:00 <jadudm> If we go that way (which would be good to talk to people at POSSE about), I think we’d have to have a small set of projects as standing options. 15:21:10 <jadudm> I’m currently a fan of OctoPrint, because we have six printers running it. 15:21:28 <jadudm> It’s Python, has a good community, and is really easy to get into, “because Python" 15:21:29 * stoney looks up OctoPrint 15:21:46 <stoney> cool 15:22:31 <jadudm> It has a plugin architecture, which means they can do things without having to be in the core, but the core is accessible 15:22:40 <stoney> During the POSSE activities there are a few projects that we are guiding folks to, primarily because they have a strong humanitarian aspect to them 15:22:42 <jadudm> And, the students can then run it on the printers that we have in our bay. 15:22:46 <jadudm> Right. 15:23:08 <jadudm> I’m currently off OpenMRS, based on our experiences last year—perhaps things have changed, but we could not get a build that we could work against. 15:23:35 <jadudm> I would like to find a lighter-weight community that we could work with on an ongoing basis; if there was something Appalachian-regional, or is used throughout the region, that would be a great fit. 15:23:39 <stoney> We would really like to find an HFOSS project that is as accessible as what it sounds like OctoPrint is 15:23:41 <jadudm> I haven’t deeply researched this yet, though. 15:23:46 <jadudm> Yeah. 15:23:53 <stoney> right 15:24:10 <stoney> MouseTrap was the lightest weight that we found 15:24:13 <stoney> so far 15:24:28 <jadudm> CodeWorkout wasn’t HFOSS, but it is educational. 15:24:39 * stoney looking 15:24:47 <jadudm> Stephen Edwards at VT leads it; it doesn’t have the same community feel, though, because it is led at an academic institution. 15:24:56 <jadudm> https://codeworkoutdev.cs.vt.edu/ 15:25:07 <jadudm> Ruby on rails, and it was easy for the students to get involved. 15:25:21 <stoney> cool 15:25:23 <jadudm> However, it was really light on community interaction, because there isn’t currently a “community” of developers. 15:25:38 <stoney> right... that's part of a problem for mousetrap 15:25:47 <stoney> it has the GNOME community 15:25:48 <jadudm> However, it is something that I’d like us to be using in our curriculum… again, though, it’s a question of whether we call “educational” software “HFOSS”. 15:26:11 <stoney> but the project itself is really maintained by Heidi and I, and the students we bring into it 15:26:18 <jadudm> Ah. 15:26:31 <jadudm> That explains things I’ve heard about the MouseTrap community… *cough* 15:26:32 <stoney> we would really like professional developers working on the project 15:26:34 <jadudm> Kidding! 15:26:35 <jadudm> HA! 15:26:40 <jadudm> So much funny. 15:26:52 <stoney> no need to kid... I probably started the rummer 15:26:59 <stoney> :) 15:27:18 * stoney looks at agenda again 15:27:47 <stoney> While on the topic of projects, I want to direct your attention to the groups page. 15:27:54 <stoney> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 15:28:00 <stoney> This is the last part of part B 15:28:06 <stoney> If you haven't indicated your interests please do so when you have a chance - this helps us get a sense of peoples' interests and direction before arriving for Stage 2 15:28:38 <stoney> Guest29341 are you here for the IRC 2 POSSE meeting? 15:28:54 <Guest29341> Yes. Rob Hochberg. Sorry I'm late. 15:29:03 <stoney> Welcome! 15:29:21 <stoney> Let's catch you up 15:29:29 <jadudm> I’m alphabatizing sections. 15:29:44 <jadudm> Why? I have no idea. 15:29:47 <stoney> I'm Stoney Jackson, from Western New England University and one of the foss2serve team mebers 15:30:00 <jadudm> I’m Matt Jadud, a member of the CSC faculty at Berea College. 15:30:08 <stoney> Perfect 15:30:35 <stoney> Guest29341 how are you doing on the stage 1 activities? Questions? 15:30:39 <Guest29341> I'm Rob Hochberg, University of Dallas Computer Science. 15:31:00 <Guest29341> Mostly done with stage 1. I'd like to know more about what "course" to sign up for. 15:31:42 <stoney> Probably one that you either regularly teach, or might teach 15:31:45 <Guest29341> That is, does "course" refer to what course I might like to implement FOSS in 15:31:53 <stoney> or one that loosely matches something you teach 15:32:00 <stoney> yes 15:32:02 <stoney> exactly 15:32:03 <Guest29341> Okay. Thanks! 15:32:14 <stoney> no problem :) 15:32:27 <jadudm> I feel like that was one of those “either/or” questions that was answered with “yes”. :) 15:32:35 <jadudm> I’m just inserting my name in places. 15:32:38 <stoney> oops 15:32:49 <jadudm> And alphabatizing everything. 15:33:18 <stoney> so... sign up for a course that you would might try to implement HFOSS stuff 15:33:25 <stoney> how's that? 15:33:38 <Guest29341> Okay. In that case, I'm a clear CS2 candidate. We don't have anything like 15:33:43 <Guest29341> software engineering here. 15:33:46 <stoney> awesome 15:34:24 <stoney> And now we are caught up to the current topic of Projects 15:34:42 <stoney> Have you given any thought to what project you might like to explore? 15:34:54 <stoney> Or any questions about various HFOSS projects? 15:35:17 <Guest29341> (Rob Hochberg) I'm interested in MouseTrap, becaues computer vision has been a thing we've been doing with our students. 15:35:36 <stoney> oh wow... that would be great! 15:35:54 <stoney> Heidi and I have been maintainers for MouseTrap for a couple years now 15:36:02 <stoney> so we're the right ones to ask 15:37:02 <stoney> we've lacked expertise in computer vision... so your crew would be a great addition 15:38:02 * jadudm momentarily multitasking... 15:38:02 <stoney> So I look forward to talking to you more :) 15:38:04 <Guest29341> So it's still considered active? This would be a very natural way to get FOSS into our curriculum, as projects for the post-CS2 kids, and hopefully into our High Performance Computing class, which we will be holding next semester. 15:38:14 <stoney> ah... sorry 15:38:20 <stoney> I got impatient :) 15:38:48 <stoney> ok... regarding active... 15:38:50 <Guest29341> We have experience more than expertise :-) But this is a way to gain expertise. 15:39:04 <stoney> Heidi and I maintain it. 15:39:20 <stoney> When we have a class that works on it... that's the only time we have development on it 15:39:30 <stoney> there are no other developers other than us at the moment 15:39:55 <Guest29341> This sounds like a real opportunity for our students, then, to be major contributors to a real project. 15:40:02 <stoney> true 15:40:35 <Guest29341> So would it be something I could start trying to build interest in at this time? Of should I wait until after Raleigh? 15:40:40 <stoney> from our perspective, the disadvantage is that students don't get to engage a professional community of developers 15:41:10 <stoney> build interest with who? your students? faculty? all of the above? 15:41:39 <stoney> At this point, I think POSSE participants are still exploring different projects.... 15:41:45 <Guest29341> I'm thinking of students. We have some looking for projects and/or research opportunities right now. 15:41:57 <stoney> there will be time during the Stage 2 meeting to talk about the different projects and learn more 15:42:23 <stoney> They are welcome to work on it 15:42:26 <Guest29341> Okay. Thanks. I'll wait until then... 15:42:48 <stoney> We do our best to review respond to bug reports, and review patches 15:43:57 <stoney> ok :) 15:44:07 <stoney> so last agenda item 15:44:12 <stoney> #topic Stage 2 questions 15:44:23 <stoney> Any questions about logistics for Stage 2? 15:44:52 <stoney> An email will go out with lots of details 15:45:01 <Guest29341> We were told in the last IRC to look for an email about airport trips and hotel info. And not to rent a car, since it won't be necessary... 15:45:16 <stoney> Right... hotel rooms will be booked for you 15:45:27 <stoney> that's true about the car 15:45:52 <stoney> you will need to book your flight/train/whatever 15:46:16 <stoney> let's see... lori mentioned when the email would go out in the last IRC meeting.... 15:46:22 * stoney checking minutes 15:47:32 <Guest29341> I don't recall a timeframe for the email. Just "soon." 15:47:34 <stoney> expect an email in the week of november 8th 15:48:01 <stoney> that's what I found in the minutes 15:48:08 <Guest29341> Thanks. 15:48:58 <stoney> And I think that's before our last IRC meeting too 15:49:22 <stoney> ok... same week 15:49:42 <Guest29341> My flight was booked last month, and I sent info to Lori. I think I'm set for that. 15:49:49 <stoney> If you have any concerns though... just email Lori 15:49:53 <stoney> perfect! 15:49:55 <stoney> :) 15:50:13 <stoney> any other big burning questions? 15:50:17 <Guest29341> Okay. Will do. She's been very on top of things! 15:50:27 <stoney> she is! 15:50:43 <Guest29341> Nope. Just looking at the part B and C activities and thinking that another buckle-down session is called for! 15:50:57 <stoney> that sounds about right :) 15:51:20 <stoney> OK then... feel free to email us if you have any questions before the next IRC meeting 15:51:42 <stoney> Motion to adjourn? 15:51:49 <Guest29341> Thanks. Second. 15:51:55 <stoney> #endmeeting