15:02:50 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig
15:02:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 14 15:02:50 2015 UTC.  The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:02:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:02:55 <rdieter> #meetingname kde-sig
15:02:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig'
15:03:02 <rdieter> #topic roll call
15:03:10 <pino|work> o/
15:03:12 <rdieter> who's present today?
15:03:20 * danofsatx raises his hand
15:03:22 * satellit listening
15:03:27 <Caterpillar2> \me
15:03:33 <rdieter> #info rdieter danofsatx Caterpillar2 pino|work satellit present (so far)
15:04:12 <rdieter> #chair danofsatx Caterpillar2 pino|work satellit
15:04:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Caterpillar2 danofsatx pino|work rdieter satellit
15:04:28 <rdieter> #topic agenda
15:04:35 <tosky> hi
15:04:38 <rdieter> any topics for discussion today?
15:04:42 <rdieter> #info tosky present
15:04:44 <rdieter> #chair tosky
15:04:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: Caterpillar2 danofsatx pino|work rdieter satellit tosky
15:05:44 <rdieter> I can give update on kde-apps-15.04.3/kf5-5.12.0 status
15:07:04 <rdieter> may be a short meeting \o/
15:07:11 <rdieter> #topic status updates
15:07:42 <striker> .
15:07:52 <rdieter> over the past week or so, been working on kde-apps-15.04.3 builds... rawhide is done, f22 is ongoing as I have time
15:08:09 <rdieter> (f22 games builds were done first)
15:08:40 <rdieter> then kf5-5.12.0 was released, and started working on importing that ... took awhile... I wasn't familiar with all the pkg interdependancies.
15:09:10 <rdieter> the packaging probably ought to tighten (make versioned) build dependencies
15:09:46 <rdieter> hoping to find time to update the wiki on that too https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/KDE_updates
15:10:01 <rdieter> which helped, but I found it inaccurate in a few places
15:10:12 <rdieter> (probably just out-of-date)
15:10:49 <rdieter> any comments, or anyone else with recent activity worth mentioning?
15:12:04 <rdieter> I guess worth mentioning too... qt 5.5.0 also built in rawhide, and https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/dvratil/qt5/ (f22)
15:12:42 <rdieter> I'd like to encourage testing there, so we can consider f22 updates once we're confident that it works well
15:13:25 <rdieter> #info recent updates, kde-apps-15.04.3, kf5-5.12.0, qt5-5.5.0
15:14:04 <Caterpillar2> do you have a Fedora updates webpage URL about that?
15:14:41 <rdieter> sorry, *rawhide* updates, there's nothing in bodhi yet for any of that (for f22 or otherwise)
15:14:43 * satellit I am doing a a big update of f23 bfo.iso install of plasma in VirtualBox atm..
15:14:46 <Caterpillar2> ah ok
15:15:17 <rdieter> .bug 1213184
15:15:19 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1213184 Review Request: grantlee-qt5 - Qt string template engine based on the Django template system - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1213184
15:15:19 <rdieter> while on the topic ^^
15:15:38 <rdieter> a review of last missing dependency for building all of kde-apps packages (rocs needs it)
15:15:59 <rdieter> and others (like kf5 kdepim) will need it soon too
15:16:30 <rdieter> so any help there as reviewer would be appreciated
15:17:01 <rdieter> moving on...
15:17:04 <rdieter> #topic open discussion
15:17:13 <rdieter> anything else worth mentioning today?
15:17:34 <danofsatx> Go team?
15:18:03 <pino|work> rdieter: only rocs needs grantlee-qt5?
15:18:15 * pino|work remembers something else should do
15:18:29 <rdieter> pino|work: that's the only one I know of so far
15:18:51 <pino|work> ah, kdevplatform too, but the kf5 version is not released yet
15:18:59 <pino|work> ignore me :)
15:19:01 <rdieter> but yeah, I'm sure other kf5 stuff will need it sooner or later
15:20:58 * rdieter will close meeting in 1 minute if there's nothing else
15:22:20 <rdieter> thanks everyone
15:22:22 <rdieter> #endmeeting