23:08:37 <aeperezt> #startmeeting 23:08:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 12 23:08:37 2015 UTC. The chair is aeperezt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:08:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:08:57 <aeperezt> #meetingname Latam Ambassadors 23:08:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'latam_ambassadors' 23:09:04 <srkraken> .fas srkraken 23:09:04 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 23:09:09 <aeperezt> #topic rollcall 23:09:14 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 23:09:15 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 23:09:18 <villadalmine> aca toy 23:09:22 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 23:09:22 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 23:09:24 <villadalmine> .fas villadalmine 23:09:25 <zodbot> villadalmine: villadalmine 'Rino Rondan' <villadalmine@gmail.com> 23:09:31 <lilix_> .fas lilixx 23:09:31 <zodbot> lilix_: lilixx 'Aura Lila Gutierrez Tejada' <lila2390@gmail.com> 23:10:45 <srkraken> Mexico 23:11:05 * aeperezt Panama 23:11:13 * villadalmine Argentina 23:11:30 <wolnei> Brazil 23:11:36 <aeperezt> #topic quorum meeting start 23:11:58 <aeperezt> People any one can chair or start the meeting 23:12:15 <aeperezt> Gente cualquiera de ustedes puede iniciar la reunion 23:12:29 <aeperezt> aunque este usted solo a la hora acordada 23:12:42 <aeperezt> se inicia la reunion se cuenta el quorum 23:12:49 <villadalmine> como se hace 23:13:00 <aeperezt> y si no hay quorum para tomar deciciones entonces se cierra 23:13:10 <villadalmine> me da verguenza nunca lo hice :/ 23:13:13 <aeperezt> pero eso deja constancia que hubo interes y que se puede hacer 23:14:12 <aeperezt> todos tenemos que aprender en algun momento 23:14:18 <villadalmine> bueno perate que googleo :/ 23:14:47 <aeperezt> para iniciar un meeting "#startmeeting y #endmeeting" para cerrarlo 23:14:55 <zodbot> villadalmine: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 23:15:07 <aeperezt> lo puse entre comillas pasa que que no trate de hacerlo 23:15:12 <villadalmine> ya arranco hay una 23:15:20 <villadalmine> y no es la que intente arrancar 23:15:39 <villadalmine> cierro ?? 23:15:45 <villadalmine> y le doy start devuelta? 23:15:58 <aeperezt> poner el nombre del la reunion "#meetingname ", para darle otro administrador de la reunion "#chair usuario" 23:16:12 <aeperezt> para poner un tema "#topic nombre" 23:16:18 <srkraken> suena interesante alejandro 23:16:19 <villadalmine> #meetingname 23:16:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to '' 23:16:24 <aeperezt> villadalmine, no 23:16:26 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 23:16:26 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:16:28 <villadalmine> :/ 23:16:35 * itamarjp Cuba 23:16:47 <aeperezt> #chair villadalmine wolnei lilix_ 23:16:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt lilix_ villadalmine wolnei 23:16:54 <villadalmine> ahora ? 23:16:58 * lilix_ esta aprendiendo 23:17:08 <villadalmine> meetingname que nombre deberia llevar? 23:17:16 <aeperezt> #meetingname latam ambassadors 23:17:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'latam_ambassadors' 23:17:17 <srkraken> 0_0 23:17:45 <aeperezt> los comandos que estan alli son los basicos para iniciar la reunion 23:18:11 <aeperezt> el quorum establecido para tomar una decicion es de 5 embajadores de distintos paises 23:18:41 <aeperezt> ese es el minimo si no estan esta variedad no se puede tomar decisiones 23:18:58 <potty> Hola 23:19:01 <wolnei> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/report/9 23:19:17 <villadalmine> ahh okas 23:19:41 <lilix_> hola potty 23:20:34 <villadalmine> y ahora como sigue? 23:20:59 <wolnei> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/298 23:21:26 <wolnei> Please read 23:21:30 <villadalmine> :) 23:21:37 <srkraken> ok wilnei 23:21:49 <srkraken> wolnei 23:22:24 * itamarjp reading ticket 298 23:22:35 * itamarjp slow connection 23:23:24 * potty reading but like a phatom... 23:24:20 <itamarjp> villadalmine 300+hotel ? 23:24:39 <villadalmine> hotel is not in the ticket 23:24:51 <villadalmine> just fly only 23:25:04 <villadalmine> if someone buy it from brazil it will be cheaper 23:25:12 <villadalmine> we have 35% of taxes here 23:25:17 <itamarjp> villadalmine, do you need the hotel ? 23:25:22 <villadalmine> yes 23:25:40 <villadalmine> but i think that hotel will be in other ticket 23:25:52 <villadalmine> someone do a global reservation?? or not? 23:26:26 <wolnei> Hotel is ticket 301 23:26:44 <aeperezt> +1 23:27:03 <wolnei> +1 23:27:07 <lilixx> +1 23:27:21 <srkraken> +1 23:27:27 <itamarjp> +1 23:28:38 <potty> +1 23:29:02 <wolnei> #agreed latam ticket 298 aproveed (+6,0,0) 23:30:00 <wolnei> #topic latam ticket #299 23:30:16 <wolnei> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/299 23:30:47 <itamarjp> wolnei, ticket 299 $100 usd ? does the hotel are in ticket 301 ? 23:30:48 <wolnei> Please read 23:30:58 <wolnei> No, only flight too 23:31:08 <itamarjp> +1 23:31:46 <villadalmine> +1 23:32:05 <srkraken> +1 23:32:16 <itamarjp> Wolnei are good giving talks, his ticket is cheap, I high recomend approving his ticket 23:32:36 <wolnei> Thanks 23:32:41 <lilixx> +1 23:32:59 <dsouza> +1 23:33:00 <villadalmine> he is good with trivias too 23:34:00 <aeperezt> +1 23:34:01 <wolnei> aeperezt vote? 23:34:04 <wolnei> Ok 23:34:48 <wolnei> #agreed latam ticket 299 aproveed (+6,0,0) 23:35:33 <wolnei> #topic latam ticket #300 23:35:59 <wolnei> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/300 23:36:56 <wolnei> Please read, but I think this ticket need to be on fudcon-planning 23:38:08 <itamarjp> aeperezt, what are the maximum amount that we can approve here ? 23:39:23 <itamarjp> wolnei, move to next ticket ? 23:39:48 <aeperezt> itamarjp, wolnei we could do it as it is below 1999 23:39:54 <aeperezt> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Reimbursement 23:40:27 <wolnei> But that is not from Fudcon budget direct from Red Hat 23:40:32 <wolnei> ? 23:40:33 <itamarjp> then we should vote 23:41:09 <aeperezt> In this case is from latam budget not fudcon 23:41:24 <wolnei> OK, lets vote 23:41:25 <itamarjp> wolnei, that's a good question because rh is supposed to have budged for his employees 23:41:35 <itamarjp> +1 23:41:41 <lilixx> +1 23:41:56 <itamarjp> I just verified and the ticket price today was arround $1499 23:41:58 <aeperezt> +1 23:42:11 <aeperezt> mejor aun 23:42:14 <villadalmine> +1 23:42:25 <wolnei> +1 23:42:26 <dsouza> +1 23:42:47 <potty> +1 23:43:14 <potty> Good 23:43:41 <wolnei> #agreed latam ticket 300 aproveed (+7,0,0) 23:44:36 <wolnei> #topic latam ticket #301 23:44:55 <wolnei> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/301 23:45:21 <aeperezt> +1 23:45:32 <wolnei> This is the hotel room for 3 ambassadors 23:45:33 <villadalmine> +1 23:45:43 <itamarjp> +1 23:46:07 <itamarjp> wolnei, please update the ticket later with the names of the people that are going to share the room 23:46:32 <aeperezt> how many days 23:46:36 <aeperezt> too 23:47:09 <wolnei> Ok, 4 days 23:47:55 <wolnei> +1 23:48:49 <wolnei> potty,dsouza,lilixx vote? 23:49:13 <lilixx> +1 23:49:52 <aeperezt> + 23:49:54 <aeperezt> +1 23:50:04 <aeperezt> add that for the ticket 23:50:30 <dsouza> +1 23:52:41 <wolnei> ping potty, last chance to vote 23:54:05 <wolnei> #agreed ticket latam 301 aproveed (+6,0,0) 23:54:57 <lilixx> I have to go :/ 23:55:13 <wolnei> #topic latam ticket 302 23:55:23 <wolnei> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/302 23:56:01 <itamarjp> about ticket #302, the ticket is too expensive, its more cheaper to bring this guy to fudcon than for latinoware, also the guy are not attending the meetings 23:56:09 <wolnei> Davi is 450 USD or 450 brl? 23:56:22 <dsouza> USD 23:56:33 <aeperezt> and hotel? 23:56:38 <dsouza> yes 23:56:51 <dsouza> USD 76 23:57:15 <wolnei> 1500 brl flight? 23:57:32 <itamarjp> http://www.decolar.com/shop/flights/results/roundtrip/GRU/IGU/2015-10-13/2015-10-17/1/0/0 23:58:26 <itamarjp> -1 for $450 usd too expensive. 23:59:30 <itamarjp> in decolar theres a ticket for $200usd 23:59:43 <wolnei> Yes 23:59:48 <villadalmine> mi pasaje si lo compran en brasil sale 232 brl 23:59:52 <villadalmine> cuanto es en dolar? 00:00:13 <itamarjp> villadalmine, $100 00:00:19 <villadalmine> for me i do not have problem he did god work with electronuc 00:00:33 <villadalmine> so if you buy it is 200 more chepear 00:00:43 <villadalmine> so you can use 200 for ticket 302 00:01:08 <villadalmine> my ticket is 100usd if you buy my figlth in BR 00:01:09 <dsouza> 690 brl 00:01:15 <aeperezt> villadalmine, tu pasaje lo compraria Neville 00:01:24 <villadalmine> ok , que lo compre desde otra web 00:01:30 <villadalmine> puedo actualizar el ticket para que use otra plataforma 00:01:36 <villadalmine> y se baja de 300USD a 100USD 00:01:47 <villadalmine> y hay mas fondo para que dsouza pueda venir 00:01:47 <dsouza> ok 00:01:54 <villadalmine> what do you think? 00:02:02 <itamarjp> I have to leave now 00:02:07 <itamarjp> bye 00:02:45 <wolnei> dsouza 200 USD today can buy our ticket? 00:02:53 <dsouza> yes 00:03:23 <aeperezt> tengo que salir quien cierra la reunion 00:03:39 <wolnei> Ok please vote 200usd to Davi flight ticket 00:03:44 <wolnei> I close 00:03:49 <dsouza> ok 00:03:56 <aeperezt> aunque no creo que puedan aprobar el ticket 302 a menos que se busque mejor precio se va quedar sin quorum 00:04:11 <aeperezt> wolnei, close the meeting for me please 00:04:14 <aeperezt> and email it 00:04:15 <villadalmine> +1 for 200usd 00:04:25 <wolnei> Ok aeperezt 00:04:32 <wolnei> +1 00:04:46 <villadalmine> just need that someone can buy my ticket in other country 00:04:58 <wolnei> Neville will buy 00:05:27 <dsouza> ok 00:05:33 <villadalmine> let me try again another web that someone use in their country 00:05:39 <villadalmine> other that not be despegar 00:06:43 <wolnei> Votes? We need 3 more, or will be for next meeting 00:09:50 <wolnei> #action latam ticket #302 will be vote again in next meeting 00:10:16 <wolnei> #topic Open Floor 00:10:52 <wolnei> Any announcements? 00:11:06 <villadalmine> nop here 00:12:19 <wolnei> end meeting ... 00:12:23 <wolnei> 5 00:12:25 <wolnei> 4 00:12:28 <wolnei> 3 00:12:30 <wolnei> 2 00:12:33 <wolnei> 1 00:12:54 <wolnei> #endmeeting