21:00:18 <stickster> #startmeeting Fedora Magazine 21:00:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 27 21:00:18 2015 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:21 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 21:00:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 21:00:23 <stickster> #topic Roll call! 21:00:59 <stickster> .hello pfrields 21:01:00 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 21:01:02 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 21:01:02 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 21:01:27 <stickster> #chair mitzie ryanlerch 21:01:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: mitzie ryanlerch stickster 21:01:30 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 21:01:30 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'ryan lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 21:01:31 <mailga> .fas mailga 21:01:34 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 21:01:37 <stickster> #chair mailga 21:01:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: mailga mitzie ryanlerch stickster 21:01:45 * stickster waits a few more minutes for anyone else 21:02:35 * ryanlerch is glad he got the timezones right! 21:02:40 <stickster> :-) 21:02:49 <stickster> It would have been a bummer to be up this early and have no meeting yet 21:03:35 <stickster> OK, I guess we'll get started 21:03:43 <stickster> #topic Agenda review 21:03:47 <stickster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Magazine/Editorial_meetings 21:04:08 * decause_otg waves 21:04:11 <ryanlerch> stickster, i do have a cute wake up alarm though 21:04:17 <stickster> yes you do! 21:04:22 <stickster> #chair decause_otg 21:04:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause_otg mailga mitzie ryanlerch stickster 21:04:42 <stickster> So I drew up this agenda pretty quickly. Looking at it, I wonder if it's almost exactly backwards... and the order needs to be 1, 4, 3, 2 instead 21:05:20 * decause_otg prefers old business covered first 21:05:32 <decause_otg> IMHO, that makes it less likely that things won't get dropped 21:05:57 <stickster> *nod. What I was aiming for with this agenda was that anyone could run it each week, and follow like a blueprint... if you do all these things each week, *and* each contributor follows through with their commitments ;-) the Magazine can move pretty smoothly with fresh content each week 21:06:02 <ryanlerch> can i add a quick agenda 0? 21:06:10 <stickster> ryanlerch: Sure! 21:06:22 <ryanlerch> all it is is to say thanks stickster for setting this up! 21:06:32 <ryanlerch> /done 21:06:33 <decause_otg> +1 21:06:42 <decause_otg> stickster++ 21:06:50 <mailga> +1 21:07:00 <ryanlerch> stickster++ 21:07:00 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for pfrields changed to 12: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:07:09 <stickster> haha! of course... Like I said on list, I'm just one guy on the team hoping to help things move forward :-) 21:07:53 * roshi is here - just late 21:08:00 <ryanlerch> hi roshi! 21:08:08 <stickster> http://bit.ly/1hizpuC 21:08:09 * decause_otg waves 21:08:09 <mitzie> Hey roshi 21:08:11 <roshi> o/ 21:08:12 <stickster> #chair roshi 21:08:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause_otg mailga mitzie roshi ryanlerch stickster 21:08:37 <roshi> classy meeting, even comes with chairs :) 21:08:59 <stickster> I wonder if we need some sort of popout for each of those agenda bullets, that tells you what to do for each one 21:09:03 * decause_otg lols a whole bunch at that classic gif 21:09:15 <stickster> Like, "Here's how to set a publication date" 21:10:14 <decause_otg> stickster: at some point we should pick the brains shibby and jenwike and rikkiendsley about how OSDC calendaring is established 21:10:32 <ryanlerch> decause, OSDC? 21:10:37 <stickster> opensource.com 21:10:43 <decause_otg> #link http://opensource.com 21:10:48 <stickster> disco 21:11:54 <ryanlerch> my not qualified, generally experience is that posts seem to to a bit better when posted in the morning US east coast time 21:12:05 <stickster> The goal of this meeting was primarily to make our agenda for future meetings solid, so that next week we start riding the horse :-) 21:12:33 <decause_otg> ryanlerch: another great place for input from OSDC. They have *def* clocked that kind of stuff out. I reckon they post around 6-7am EST 21:12:40 <mailga> stickster +1 21:12:45 <decause_otg> our communities are not identical of course 21:13:23 <decause_otg> question: do we have a piwik instance tracking the magazine? I know wordpress comes with it's own analytics where we can likely get data that will answer that question 21:13:37 <stickster> #proposed Have Rikki or someone(s) from OSDC give us some general advice/braindump on setting up publishing schedule 21:14:17 <stickster> Keeping in mind... they use a different type of site (Drupal) but we're really looking for the principles as opposed to "use this set of plugins" 21:14:19 <decause_otg> #action decause open a loop with Rikki/Shibby for Editorial best practices braindumping 21:14:26 <decause_otg> stickster: agreed 21:15:19 <stickster> We should still be able to come up with mechanical instructions for setting dates on posts and stuff -- ryanlerch, did you have ideas already about how to do some of those things/ 21:16:22 <ryanlerch> stickster, yeah -- wordpress + our plugins makes this process pretty easy -- the hard part is the acutal human shceduling 21:16:28 <stickster> Like, "How do we assign a draft due date" and "How do we assign a reviewer" 21:16:35 <ryanlerch> we cant schedule without posts :) 21:16:40 <stickster> Yup yup 21:17:33 <stickster> ryanlerch: Can you help me with fleshing out that wiki page with the right procedures? 21:17:56 <ryanlerch> yes -- add a action item for me to get this done 21:18:11 <ryanlerch> this will be a living document that we can iron the wrinkles out as we do this more though 21:18:25 <decause_otg> #action ryanlerch flesh out post scheduling on the Magazine Wiki Page 21:18:30 <jzb> decause_otg: we can probably ask misc about adding Fedora Magazine to our Piwik instance as we discussed at Flock 21:18:38 <decause_otg> jzb: nod nod nod 21:18:39 <stickster> jzb! o/ 21:18:42 <stickster> #chair jzb 21:18:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause_otg jzb mailga mitzie roshi ryanlerch stickster 21:18:56 <roshi> aren't the meat widgets always the hardest part to configure of any given system? 21:19:20 <decause_otg> #action decause reach out to misc about adding Fedora Magazine to Piwik instance in OSAS 21:19:23 * stickster never heard "meat widget" before and thinks about rotating gyro meat tube 21:19:29 <jzb> mmmm gyro 21:20:01 <ryanlerch> i did open a ticket for a fedora piwik a while back for this purpose IIRC 21:20:22 <stickster> ryanlerch: It turns out piwik has a ton of bundled things, so BLEARRRGGH 21:20:23 <jzb> ryanlerch: for us to set up a new instance, you mean? 21:21:00 <ryanlerch> jzb, it was more -- we need better stats for all websites -- piwik was my initial (somewhat unqualified) suggestion 21:21:31 <jzb> ryanlerch: for Fedora I think Piwik is fantastic, as it's in line with our Fs 21:21:46 <jzb> ryanlerch: at least I don't know of another similar tool that's FOSS 21:21:51 <ryanlerch> we do have jetpack stats on magazine too 21:22:39 <stickster> jzb: +1, piwik is pretty darn great... the bundling problem is really the sticking point 21:23:09 <decause_otg> I can vouch for piwik. It was pretty painless to deploy on OpenShift for my personal sites, and the dash/admin flow is rather good 21:23:09 <stickster> That basically means a lot of time picking things apart to accomplish packaging :-( So if we're able to use an existing instance somewhere, all the better 21:23:35 <ryanlerch> i think we should tackle some of these talking points as agenda 5, TBH 21:23:38 <decause_otg> stickster: I will reach out to misc directly 21:23:50 <ryanlerch> would love getting in to planning some posts for next week :) 21:24:02 <stickster> ryanlerch: Yeah, I don't want to spend our entire time debugging our next week agenda ;-) 21:24:19 <stickster> decause_otg: With a goal of... what? 21:25:00 <decause_otg> stickster: the action item previous: ask about adding Fedora Magazine to OSAS piwik instance 21:25:19 <stickster> OK, cool -- I was hoping that was it :-) 21:25:24 <decause_otg> stickster: nod nod nod 21:25:31 <stickster> #action decause_otg Talk to misc to see if we can get F-Mag on the OSAS piwik instance 21:25:59 <ryanlerch> i'll have to help with that too, to get the JS into the theme i suppose 21:26:13 <stickster> Is there any issue with adding the requisite tracking in the theme? 21:26:54 <ryanlerch> stickster, i havent looked at it from a magazine standpoint 21:27:15 <stickster> ryanlerch: I'm almost certain there's a simple widget for embedding something like that in any served page 21:27:29 <ryanlerch> stickster, roger -- will look into it 21:27:34 <stickster> My question was more about whether we think this would be objectionable to our readers in any way 21:27:37 <jzb> https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-piwik/ 21:27:43 <stickster> and there you go :-D 21:28:23 <decause_otg> jzb++ 21:28:29 <stickster> #link https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-piwik/ -- embedding Piwik stats + code for WP 21:28:30 <ryanlerch> stickster, pretty sure this is what jetpack does at the momnet anyway 21:28:37 <stickster> ryanlerch: Yeah, you're exactly right 21:30:20 <stickster> Are we agreed to JFDI? 21:30:32 <ryanlerch> +1 21:31:25 <stickster> decause_otg: mailga: mitzie: jzb: ? 21:31:26 <decause_otg> +1 21:31:29 <mailga> +1 21:32:19 <jzb> +1 21:32:23 <stickster> #agreed Let's get Piwik functionality on board, pending OSAS assistance via their instance (+5, 0, 0) 21:32:57 * decause_otg has an instance too he uses for the FOSS courses at RIT he can use to test if we can't get OSAS on board immediately 21:32:57 <stickster> Shall we move on to some post review? 21:33:37 <decause_otg> +1 21:34:00 <stickster> The way I see it, we don't have a "retrospective" today since it's our first meeting and we have nothing from previous meeting to check on. Sure, we had some posts, but we're not really checking they got done against some schedule :-) 21:34:37 * stickster fixes wiki order 21:34:44 <ryanlerch> we had 3 posts this week, BTW 21:34:48 <stickster> \o/ 21:34:54 <stickster> OK, 21:34:57 <ryanlerch> major's firewall one 21:34:59 <stickster> #topic Quick retrospective! 21:35:14 <ryanlerch> stickster's one about the flock videos 21:35:25 <ryanlerch> and my quick news item about wayland 21:35:39 <stickster> #info 3 posts this week -- Major's firewall howto, Paul's Flock 2015 video news, and Ryan's Wayland update for F23 story 21:35:55 <stickster> OK, now we've set our baseline for next week :-) 21:35:59 <ryanlerch> :) 21:36:07 <stickster> #topic Pitch votes 21:36:17 <stickster> So we have 9 pitches up right now 21:36:40 <ryanlerch> i just noticiced there is a critical firefox update in the pipeline too 21:36:54 <stickster> ryanlerch: Oh, that should be a pitch right now. Good point 21:37:06 * roshi has something for open floor - don't let me miss the end of the meeting 21:37:08 <stickster> Because we definitely want users to pull that in when it's available 21:37:12 <stickster> roshi: sure thing 21:37:42 <stickster> Question: How do we want to approve pitches? I think aiming for consensus vote is probably best so no one's voice is unheard 21:37:55 <ryanlerch> stickster +1 21:38:36 <stickster> meaning, we want unanimous yes from the editors, and if we don't get it, then either we trash the pitch, some +1 person tries to convince the holdouts, or we change the scope of the pitch until we get unanimity 21:39:18 <stickster> Does that sound workable? I think at first glance it might look like "ugh, arguments over pitches" but I think in practice we will probably have lots of unanimous ones 21:39:35 <stickster> and it will help us refine our ideas of a good story 21:39:37 <mailga> stickster: in the case we ask for some explanations? 21:39:51 <mailga> to the author I mean... 21:39:59 <jzb> stickster: unanimous yes ... where? 21:40:10 <stickster> jzb: here, in this weekly meeting 21:40:34 <stickster> mailga: We would go strictly by the contributor's summary in their pitch 21:40:52 <stickster> mailga: If it doesn't make sense, we make a *suggestion* back to the contributor. If it does, we approve as-is 21:41:05 <jzb> stickster: I'm not against the meeting, but... that limits participation significantly 21:41:24 <mailga> stickster: works for me. 21:41:41 <roshi> yeah, that seems like a bottle neck for sure 21:41:47 <stickster> jzb: We need some editorial commitment though, and since the pitches are in a queue, an interested, involved person can vote ahead of time if desired. 21:41:56 <stickster> I don't think looping on a list is going to promote activity 21:42:02 <ryanlerch> let's try it an see how it goes -- having weekly feedback on pitches is better than what currently happens -- where a pitch may not get feedback for months 21:42:11 <jzb> stickster: if there's a venue for voting outside the meeting then OK 21:42:12 <roshi> so an author has two options: fish for votes early, or set to pitch and wait for review? 21:42:24 <stickster> jzb: We can easily invite that on marketing@ list IMHO 21:42:42 <roshi> and is the list of people who vote supposed to be anyone that's an editor? 21:42:44 <jzb> stickster: I'd also suggest we don't need all the yesses 21:42:49 <stickster> I also don't want random votes from people who don't put any work into the Magazine, but I think we can safely avoid that trap 21:43:01 <jzb> stickster: if you have two or three editors +1'ing then that should be good enough. 21:43:04 <roshi> full consenseus of everyone in the meeting or all included parties in the editor group? 21:43:11 <jzb> odds are a really bad pitch isn't going to get any +1s 21:43:12 * decause-otg enjoys lazy consensus we use in council-land 21:43:17 <stickster> jzb: +10 21:43:27 <stickster> decause-otg: Probably a good way to go. 21:43:29 <mitzie> jzb: +1 21:43:40 <stickster> OK, let's not get bogged down too much in the unanimity thing... let's look at some pitches and see how it goes! 21:44:08 * stickster brings up page of pitches 21:44:24 <stickster> #proposed Fedora 23 L10n Test Day tomorrow! 21:44:40 <stickster> IIUC this is past history, so we should probably trash it 21:44:51 <ryanlerch> +1 trash 21:45:03 <jzb> if it's gone, it's gone. 21:45:11 <stickster> Yup, 2015-08-18 to 2015-08-19 21:45:13 <decause-otg> stickster: pitches page link plz? 21:45:22 <stickster> decause-otg: Ah! Sorry 21:45:27 <stickster> #link http://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pitch&post_type=post 21:45:39 * decause-otg is thinking about future-readers mostly 21:45:48 <roshi> that's my thing to bring up - test day announcements 21:45:52 <stickster> #proposed How to use fpaste to share problem reports 21:46:05 * roshi stops interrupting 21:46:08 <ryanlerch> ^ by mattdm 21:46:16 <roshi> -1 if it's mattdm 21:46:23 <stickster> roshi: That's the spirit 21:46:42 <roshi> :D 21:46:47 <mitzie> :P 21:47:07 <stickster> I'm kind of +1 to this one. If the article isn't strictly limited to e.g. IRC help, and shows this is a useful way to be able to share any output with people in any context, it seems like a great article 21:47:12 <stickster> s/kind of// 21:47:16 <ryanlerch> i think this one would be good -- if it has a good spin for general use 21:47:16 <jzb> doesn't the FPL get carte blanche? 21:47:22 <mailga> why preview return 404 to me? 21:47:28 <jzb> mitzie: are you logged in? 21:47:29 <stickster> jzb: No, in fact we are going to be harder on him :-) 21:47:53 <decause-otg> "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." <-- stickster: when /me tries to access this 21:48:01 * stickster checks users 21:48:14 <stickster> decause-otg: Ah, you're a subscriber. I can promote you. 21:48:23 <decause-otg> stickster: thanks \0/ 21:49:08 * stickster assumes roshi is joking about -1 -- any other +/-1 for this? 21:49:31 <ryanlerch> this post is also pretty old, FWIW 21:49:37 <roshi> yeah, I was kidding 21:49:43 <roshi> ...this time :p 21:49:54 <roshi> +1 21:50:04 <jzb> +1 21:50:05 <stickster> haha 21:50:26 <stickster> #agreed Yes on fpaste 21:50:42 * stickster updates agenda again with new idea 21:51:08 <stickster> #proposed Perl 6 on the backends MoarVM and JVM 21:51:53 <decause-otg> +1 fpaste 21:52:02 <stickster> The pitch is actually a very short article. But I can't tell what the benefit is for anyone who reads it. 21:52:16 <mitzie> Isn't it too technical? 21:52:31 <stickster> mitzie: We're not necessarily against technical articles. 21:52:51 <jzb> this is more "this exists" and not so much useful 21:52:56 <roshi> -1 for this 21:52:59 <stickster> jzb: Exactly 21:52:59 <jzb> I mean, if it were more in-depth, yes 21:53:05 <ryanlerch> perl6 is not the official perl isnt it? 21:53:11 <mitzie> ok, because compared to others it's a bit more technical 21:53:12 <roshi> not enough context for it to be useful for the general userbase I don't think 21:53:23 <roshi> or technical enough for those not familiar to become so 21:53:24 <mitzie> I agree, it's too short 21:53:37 * ryanlerch is not a perl guy, but i think this is pretty edge case interesting even for perl guys 21:54:14 <stickster> I'm comfortable saying -1 on this as my two cents 21:54:19 <roshi> if it had more context to it, I think it could be a good in depth article though 21:54:25 <stickster> Remember that pitches may not be fully written articles 21:54:44 <roshi> right, but I also didn't get an idea of where the article was going or meant to 21:54:49 <stickster> But there's no sense here of what info or wisdom is being imparted to the reader 21:54:57 <roshi> which is why I was -1 until there's more there to look at 21:55:17 <stickster> roshi: I think we are in violent agreement 21:55:30 <roshi> it occurs to me: am I even allowed to vote here? 21:55:35 <stickster> roshi: You showed up. 21:55:37 * roshi is just so used to voting on things all the time 21:55:49 <roshi> I think I ack'd at the grocery store yesterday 21:55:49 <stickster> roshi: I assumed you cared about helping edit the magazine :-D 21:56:20 <roshi> for sure :) and I'm hoping it'll motivate me to write more regularly :) 21:56:22 <ryanlerch> yeah -1 from me -- it's not clear from the pitch where the article is going 21:56:30 <stickster> #idea Let's ask Gerd (the pitch author) if he wants to provide a couple brief bullet points on what he intends the reader to learn with a fuller article 21:56:52 <roshi> ack 21:56:56 <ryanlerch> i had to do research to know what it was all about 21:57:06 <ryanlerch> when i looked at it a few weeks bacl 21:57:07 <stickster> And when he does that we can reconsider. If we don't see that by next meeting, we trash the pitch. +/-1? 21:57:27 <roshi> proposed - if you have to research something to figure out what it's about before reading the article, it needs revision 21:57:43 <ryanlerch> stickster, +1 21:58:08 <stickster> We might need to be careful there, roshi -- I imagine jzb has ideas for some good cloud or atomic related articles where I'd be clueless when I started reading 21:58:46 <stickster> OK, so I'll take action to email Gerd 21:59:06 <stickster> #action stickster Email Gerd to ask for clarification on point of article by 2015-09-03 21:59:08 <roshi> I guess I meant more of, if you read the article and still had to research it to get the gist, then it needs revision 21:59:09 <jzb> well, I would suggest that the lede should at least give you a clue 21:59:13 <stickster> roshi: Ah! 21:59:32 <stickster> Yeah, this one was just *phhheeewwww* (motion of hand flying over my own head) 21:59:52 <stickster> We are coming to the end of the hour, but this was a great start I think 22:00:07 <stickster> #agreed NEEDINFO on pitch author 22:00:44 <mitzie> should we trash some old pitches from 2014? 22:00:45 <ryanlerch> stickster, just a quick query on posts like the firefox criticial update post 22:00:56 <roshi> +1 to trash 2014 pitches 22:01:02 <stickster> +1 to trash 2014 pitches 22:01:11 <roshi> or at least ping authors to see if they want an update or are still relevant 22:01:15 <decause-otg> +1 to trash 2014 pitches 22:01:20 <ryanlerch> +1 trash 22:01:23 <jzb> +1 22:01:32 <stickster> wait wait 22:01:32 <mitzie> mattdm has one from 2014 :P 22:01:39 <decause-otg> #info for those who are not looking at the dashboard in wordpress, trash means "go into another queue" not "delete from the site forever" 22:01:42 <stickster> mattdm's is not a pitch, it's actually more like a draft 22:01:46 <stickster> He actually wrote quite a bit there 22:01:53 <jzb> one question 22:01:56 <stickster> decause-otg: Good point! 22:02:07 <jzb> who's taking responsibility to notify authors and do that kind of hand-holding? 22:02:22 <stickster> #action stickster Email Gerd to ask for clarification on point of article by 2015-09-03 22:02:26 <stickster> #undo 22:02:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by stickster at 22:02:22 : stickster Email Gerd to ask for clarification on point of article by 2015-09-03 22:02:39 <stickster> jzb: I took the last one, I expected to rotate that around as we go 22:02:52 <roshi> jzb: I just suggested it, but I don't think that's what the +1's were for 22:03:12 <roshi> and now it's been clarified that "trashed" is to move to another queue 22:03:17 <roshi> which does essentially the same thing 22:03:29 <stickster> Correct, we can empty the trash at some point when we're comfortable 22:03:42 <stickster> This way if there's a loud objection or an error, we can resuscitate a post easily :-) 22:03:49 <roshi> makes sense to me 22:03:58 <mitzie> +1 22:04:02 <jzb> is part of the site contribution guidelines "have a backup"? 22:04:07 <jzb> because it really ought to be 22:04:22 <jzb> people who write in WordPress are taking a big risk :-) 22:04:45 <stickster> jzb: We have a daily backup on the site as well 22:04:59 <decause-otg> good to know 22:05:21 <stickster> Before we skate into other topics, can we handle ryanlerch's idea please 22:05:37 <stickster> #proposed Critical Firefox update (40.0?) 22:05:44 <stickster> +1, without question afaic 22:05:58 <jzb> +1 22:06:01 <mitzie> +1 22:06:06 <decause-otg> +1 firefox post 22:06:23 <stickster> ryanlerch: Are you going to actually put in the draft? :-) 22:06:53 <ryanlerch> stickster, FWIW, i think posts like this should have the ability to be checked by other ediotor and posted 22:07:08 <stickster> ryanlerch: Ah, outside the schedule? That's a great point. I should add that to the wiki page. 22:07:28 <ryanlerch> time-sensitive, and very important to users 22:07:29 <stickster> #action stickster Add point to wiki page about critical update or other urgent posts 22:07:50 <decause-otg> there is an "editor metadata" field for such commenting/approval from other editors, from what I can tell, yes? 22:07:52 <stickster> ryanlerch: Do you know when the update will start rolling out in Fedora? 22:08:00 * jzb wonders if it'd be reasonable to have a "trusted" group of editors that can publish without the pitch dance. 22:08:10 <ryanlerch> stickster, i only just saw the email when the meeting stated 22:08:12 <stickster> decause-otg: The problem AFAIK is that it doesn't provide any notifications 22:08:33 <ryanlerch> stickster, so i havent looked into it 22:08:47 <ryanlerch> if someone else has some cycles this evening to write it up -- 22:08:47 <stickster> jzb: Perhaps. It doesn't happen too often but it's worth considering 22:09:08 <ryanlerch> i have a bit on my plate this morning, so wont get to it til later this afternoon 22:09:16 * stickster is running out of time at keyboard and is AFK tonight 22:10:07 <stickster> Wait, I have 40.0 now, so I'm not sure that's the right version 22:10:21 <ryanlerch> i think it is the -10 release 22:10:26 <ryanlerch> that has the patch 22:10:31 <stickster> aha 22:12:03 <stickster> OK, we have no volunteers for the article AFAICT 22:12:45 <stickster> I can't write it tonight but I could do it tomorrow morning 22:12:55 <ryanlerch> i'll do it today 22:13:01 <ryanlerch> i'll make some time 22:14:03 <decause-otg> ryanlerch++ 22:14:19 <stickster> #action ryanlerch draft Firefox article for publication tomorrow 22:14:35 <stickster> ryanlerch has done a few of these and I think we can probably pre-approve, right? 22:14:45 * stickster feels totally comfortable wit that 22:14:48 <mitzie> +1 22:14:53 <jzb> +1 22:14:54 <mailga> +1 22:14:59 <roshi> +1 works for me 22:15:07 <stickster> #agreed ryanlerch can go ahead and publish when ready 22:15:10 <decause-otg> +1 22:15:16 <jzb> this is why I think we might benefit from a "trusted editor" policy 22:15:17 <ryanlerch> stickster, thanks! will have it out ASAP 22:15:28 <stickster> OK, we are +15 minutes and I need to bail. I would move that we take up more pitches next meeting, as well as look at our first retrospective 22:15:42 <stickster> Also, I promise future meetings will end at 60 minutes ;-) 22:16:04 <stickster> roshi: But we didn't get to your item 22:16:27 <roshi> looks like we're going to have a cloud test day sometime soon 22:16:29 <stickster> roshi: Shoot, I'll stay until :20 to see if we can resolve 22:16:45 <roshi> when do you need to have a pitch by, or can I do the out of loop thing to get that published? 22:16:49 <ryanlerch> stickster, okies -- this will be pretty fluid too i think -- if concensus happens on the list im not opposed to that, but it is good to meet up once a week to chat pitches too -- the more we do that the more our general direction for the magazine will become clearer 22:17:03 <roshi> if I get to it by next week, we should have time though 22:17:14 <roshi> so hurry stickster get to your afk status :) 22:17:18 <stickster> ryanlerch: Sure, we don't have to restrict to just meetings 22:17:24 <ryanlerch> okies nohbj 22:17:28 <ryanlerch> mmmk 22:17:31 <stickster> ha 22:17:34 <mitzie> +1 for meeting once a week 22:17:49 <decause-otg> +1 weekly meetings yes 22:17:52 <ryanlerch> sorry -- someone got to the laptop 22:17:55 <jzb> +1 22:18:07 * roshi adds it to his calendar 22:18:27 <stickster> roshi: I'm assuming most people here are OK with test day notices going out on the magazine. I think that sounds OK, especially if we can lean the article toward "here's how this helps you too" 22:18:41 * ryanlerch has to go AFK 22:18:46 <roshi> yep 22:18:47 <ryanlerch> see you all next week 22:18:48 * decause-otg will still be around, FYI 22:18:48 * stickster too 22:18:50 <roshi> thanks folks! 22:18:53 <jzb> adios 22:18:53 <stickster> Thanks everyone! 22:18:58 <stickster> #info Awesome first meeting! 22:18:59 <decause-otg> stickster: thanks 22:19:00 <mailga> see you soon 22:19:09 <stickster> #endmeeting