22:00:12 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 22:00:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 12 22:00:12 2015 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:15 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 22:00:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 22:00:18 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:00:20 <stickster> .hello pfrields 22:00:21 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 22:01:14 <stickster> jflory7: ryanlerch: roshi: mailga: FranciscoD|Uni: (pinging those who've come to previous meetings) 22:01:20 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 22:01:21 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'ryan lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 22:01:26 <stickster> decause: ^ 22:01:48 <ryanlerch> morning stickster! 22:01:58 <stickster> morning ryanlerch :-) Glad it's an hour later for you this week 22:02:05 <stickster> or rather, as of last week 22:02:25 <ryanlerch> yeah -- i slept in last week too! it worked out well ahhaa 22:02:34 <stickster> nice 22:02:47 <stickster> I wonder if it's just you and me this week? 22:02:55 <ryanlerch> hmmmm :( 22:02:55 * stickster holds door open for a couple more minutes 22:03:18 <ryanlerch> all posts about pants this week? 22:03:30 <stickster> ALL PANTS ALL THE TIME 22:03:46 <ryanlerch> it's PANTS week on fedora magazine this week! 22:03:52 <stickster> First up, KNICKERS 22:03:58 <ryanlerch> teeheehee 22:04:03 <ryanlerch> then TROUSERS 22:04:11 <ryanlerch> followed by BLOOMERS 22:04:23 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 22:04:24 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 22:04:28 <stickster> yay, we're not alone! 22:04:29 <ryanlerch> then on friday, for a bit of fun, Parachute pants! 22:04:31 * robyduck looks in 22:04:40 <stickster> #chair jflory7 ryanlerch 22:04:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 ryanlerch stickster 22:04:43 <stickster> you want in, robyduck ? 22:04:45 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 22:04:45 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 22:04:52 <stickster> #chair robyduck 22:04:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 robyduck ryanlerch stickster 22:04:59 <jflory7> Made it just in time :) 22:05:02 <stickster> #topic Review from last week 22:05:15 <stickster> Let's keep this short -- if we go over every post last week we'll be here all night 22:05:32 <decause> .hello decause 22:05:33 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 22:05:38 <stickster> #chair decause 22:05:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause jflory7 robyduck ryanlerch stickster 22:05:59 <stickster> #info Suffice it to say: Record week last week; successful communityblog.fp.o launch; plenty of articles on deck 22:06:10 <stickster> And we're on track for a record month for Nov 2015 22:06:35 <jflory7> High fives all around! 22:06:55 * robyduck got positive feedback from the local community here, for the communityblog 22:06:59 <puiterwijk> Hi. I'm here now 22:07:01 <stickster> +1 22:07:06 <stickster> #chair puiterwijk 22:07:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause jflory7 puiterwijk robyduck ryanlerch stickster 22:07:30 <stickster> #info puiterwijk fixed our post scheduling issue -- so that works like gangbusters now too 22:07:53 <ryanlerch> puiterwijk++ 22:08:04 <stickster> We should probably get on with a couple things: checking next week's publishing schedule, and pitch votes 22:08:04 <decause> robyduck: :) 22:08:20 <jflory7> +1, let's get the show on the road. 22:08:31 <stickster> #info stickster is going to violate the agenda on the wiki because he's not sure it's working out optimally, let's see if this works a little better 22:08:43 <robyduck> hi decause ;) 22:08:47 <stickster> #topic Next week's publishing schedule 22:10:14 * stickster trying to bring up list but it's a little slow 22:10:33 <jflory7> I know the Fedora Planet one could be ready to go for next week/ 22:10:57 <stickster> We should have at least a systemd article in draft today -- I believe ashutosh sent in an article on masking services. I looked at it, needs a lot of editing but it's solid 22:12:39 <stickster> ryanlerch: Do you recall what the draft due date was for the Cinnamon spin article? 22:12:50 <robyduck> would be cool to get out also the cinnamon article 22:13:02 <ryanlerch> stickster: i don't think we set one last week 22:13:09 <robyduck> ooh, sorry stickster 22:14:17 <stickster> jflory7: Ryan and I were talking about the planet post on the list earlier -- I think this is one that seems better for the community blog, and here's my reasoning 22:14:18 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah i have noticed the admin interface is a bit slower than usual the last couple days 22:14:25 <ryanlerch> still wrestling with it? 22:14:31 <stickster> ryanlerch: it's better now 22:15:10 <stickster> jflory7: 1. planet is more for *intra*-community information; 2. it tends to have some random stuff in it inadvertently; 3. it seems less like a place we want to send the public (similar to wiki) 22:15:25 <puiterwijk> ryanlerch, stickster: thanks for the report. Will look at it after the meeting 22:15:30 <stickster> jflory7: But my $0.02 is, we very much could use an article on the planet on commblog 22:15:41 <ryanlerch> yeah, i'm leaning towards that one being a community blog one too, TBH 22:16:05 <jflory7> stickster: That all makes sense to me. I think it would be well-targeted for the Community Blog. I could port it over to the CommBlog. 22:16:12 <ryanlerch> but probably a good one to still hit the official social networks with 22:16:40 <jflory7> If we all agree on that, I can get it moved over and prettied up on the CommBlog later tonight. 22:16:40 <decause> jflory7: will give it a read when it's ready 22:16:43 <stickster> but I would still say when we find interesting articles in the planet that are good for the public, we should either: (1) point to them with a "clicky" style Magazine post, or (2) see if author would like to republish to Magazine (or let us do it, though rather it be them) 22:16:44 <decause> jflory7++ 22:16:47 <ryanlerch> so +1 for me for moving the planet post to CB 22:16:58 <robyduck> +1 for me too 22:16:59 <stickster> +1 22:17:01 <decause> +1 22:17:04 <stickster> done 22:17:17 <stickster> #action jflory7 move planet post to commblog and publish as soon as ready 22:17:27 <decause> stickster: I like the idea of "clicky" posts from good planet posts 22:17:37 <stickster> yup, ryanlerch is always after us for those 22:17:45 <decause> nod nod nod 22:17:53 <stickster> we just need to make sure those posts are similar to what we target for the Magazine 22:18:18 <stickster> if not -- then elevating them on the commblog is another good option 22:18:28 <ryanlerch> decause: yeah, we get some of those sent to say G+ sometimes, but not the others 22:18:40 <stickster> this doesn't imply, by the way, that commblog is second-best -- it's different audiences who expect different things 22:18:47 <ryanlerch> would be nice to have them on the magazine first, then promote on the social channels 22:19:09 <ryanlerch> stickster +1 to that :) 22:19:26 <ryanlerch> writing for commblog is so much easier :) 22:19:30 <jflory7> Yeah, I definitely think CommBlog and Magazine have different focuses 22:19:47 <robyduck> yeh they have IMO 22:20:11 <stickster> So what about this cinnamon article? do you guys know who's writing it? 22:20:24 <decause> stickster: agreed 22:20:29 <ryanlerch> stickster: is there a pitch/draft? 22:20:30 <jflory7> I've never seen that author name before 22:20:42 <jflory7> lailah? 22:20:55 <robyduck> no 22:21:18 <ryanlerch> #link fedoramagazine.org/?p=10849&preview=true 22:21:34 <stickster> It's a great idea 22:22:08 <jflory7> Yeah, I think it's something a lot of users have high interest towards 22:22:28 <decause> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=10849&preview=true 22:22:38 <ryanlerch> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Lailah 22:22:45 <stickster> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Lailah 22:22:48 <stickster> oops, sorry! 22:22:51 <ryanlerch> :) 22:23:10 <ryanlerch> yeah -- definiently a +1 for me on this 22:23:14 <jflory7> Ahh - wonder if user is on the Marketing mailing list? 22:23:19 <ryanlerch> i like this stuff, i can write it 22:23:36 <stickster> ryanlerch: That might work better since lailah is apparently ESL 22:23:36 <jflory7> ryanlerch++ 22:23:47 <stickster> Can we throw it to you, and set a draft date? 22:24:01 <ryanlerch> i'll reach out to the cinnamon team to see if they have any input 22:24:24 <ryanlerch> they might want to write it too -- that worked out well with the KDE one 22:24:39 <stickster> beautiful... maybe try to do a draft in time for next week's meeting so we can publish it the following week? 22:24:42 <ryanlerch> leave it with me, i'll contact the cinnamon guys and get it sorted. 22:24:44 <decause> ryanlerch: if you want help on that, cc the commops list on your cinnamon query so it can be on the collective radar :) 22:25:12 * robyduck is often in contact with the owner, but more tan installation would be nice to have features in the magazine article 22:25:13 <ryanlerch> stickster: that timeframe looks good to me -- but if i get it done earlier, we can post too 22:25:21 <robyduck> s/tan/than 22:25:23 <stickster> ryanlerch: perfect 22:25:44 <ryanlerch> robyduck: i'll ping you after the meeting to get some info about the cinnamon spin team 22:25:56 * decause raises hand wrt Fedora 21 EoL crossover when we get a space for it in the agenda 22:25:57 <robyduck> ryanlerch: oki doki 22:25:58 <stickster> #action ryanlerch contact Cinnamon team and work with them to draft an article, hopefully before next meeting 22:27:28 <ryanlerch> stickster: ack! 22:27:28 <stickster> OK, and decause I'll put you on EOL article duty -- let's say also due next week 22:27:44 <ryanlerch> stickster: i threw a pitch in for that this morning 22:27:49 <stickster> does anyone know the date yet? 22:27:57 <stickster> I mean the F21 EOL date 22:28:12 <ryanlerch> nirik posted and email to an *-announce list 22:28:17 <stickster> Ah, got it -- 2015-Dec-01 22:28:27 <ryanlerch> not sure if it was devel-announce, or regular announce 22:28:31 <decause> I have a *rilly* simple post based on his announce 22:28:33 <stickster> decause: How about if you draft this one by Monday, and we'll put it out ASAP after that 22:28:37 <robyduck> yes december 1st 22:28:43 <stickster> even sooner is great if you have a draft, decause 22:28:54 <stickster> We could publish it ASAP 22:28:56 <ryanlerch> yeah, a week before the EOL would be good 22:29:02 <ryanlerch> at least a week 22:29:07 <stickster> There's a F21 image already IIRC, we could reuse it 22:29:12 <stickster> ryanlerch++ 22:29:33 <robyduck> recycling is good 22:30:06 <stickster> #action decause draft F21 EOL article due no later than Mon 2015-Nov-16, publish ASAP afterward 22:30:39 <decause> stickster: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-21-is-about-to-be-eol/ 22:30:57 <stickster> Hrm, 404 22:31:05 * decause tries again 22:31:07 <puiterwijk> stickster: probably need to be logged in 22:31:32 <decause> stickster: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=140&preview=true 22:31:36 <stickster> jflory7: Sorry, I think you had one on deck too, right? I didn't mean to skip you 22:32:07 <jflory7> stickster: Besides the Planet article, there was just the pitch about the interview with the student who made Fedora lasers. 22:32:18 <ryanlerch> lasers++++++++++++++++++++ 22:32:30 * puiterwijk wants to put in my pitch for vote 22:32:37 <jflory7> That's all I have on deck right now. 22:32:45 <stickster> decause: Looks good -- should be rewritten to avoid jargon like 22:32:47 <stickster> oops 22:33:03 <decause> ryanlerch: agreed :) 22:33:06 <stickster> decause: Looks good -- should be rewritten to avoid jargon like ISO dates (use plain English), and maybe explain the side effects just a little bit -- but no more than a few minutes work 22:33:17 <decause> stickster: kk, will add to my plate 22:33:36 <jflory7> OpenVPN is in holding pen for now until I have more time to actually make sure I am knowledgeable about what I'm writing about - I was a bit too used to the Access Panel, I've realized :P 22:33:39 <decause> will x-post to commblog pointing at magazine post too, as per ryanlerch's suggestion 22:33:45 <stickster> cool cool 22:33:59 <stickster> jflory7: That makes sense 22:34:06 <stickster> jflory7: lasers!!!!! 22:34:19 <stickster> I still love this story, can't wait to see it 22:34:25 <puiterwijk> jflory7: I could help with the OpenVPN one if you want help there 22:34:32 <stickster> puiterwijk++ 22:34:35 <jflory7> puiterwijk++ 22:34:49 <jflory7> I've stalled on the OpenVPN for longer than I would have liked. 22:34:55 <stickster> meh, it happens 22:35:34 <jflory7> stickster: I'm super psyched for the laser interview one - the guy I'm interviewing is also excited about it now. :) He's in progress of getting the hardware for actually doing a live demo for the purposes of this article, so it might be late this month or early December before it's ready to go. 22:35:43 <stickster> jflory7: OK, so longer term 22:35:51 <jflory7> Right. 22:35:54 <stickster> it sounds to me like we should line up at least one more article then 22:36:33 <stickster> The Cockpit article would be a slam dunk but it's not going to be fast to write 22:36:46 <stickster> I'm going to be busy editing the masking thing, I suspect 22:37:36 <decause> #action decause migrate F21 EoL post from CommBlog to Magazine, and create a CommBlog link x-post pointing to Magazine. Due 11/16 22:38:13 * stickster wracks brain 22:38:20 <jflory7> Doing the same... 22:38:31 <jflory7> I know I could get something else penned for next week given a topic 22:38:34 <decause> stickster: I x-posted the Hyperkitty migration announcment to commblog 22:38:42 <stickster> decause++ 22:38:43 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for decause changed to 8 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:38:51 <stickster> YOU GET A COOKIE, AND YOU GET A COOKIE 22:38:51 <decause> dunno if that is too contributor-y, but could make for magzine post maybe? 22:39:00 * decause does a cookie dance 22:39:01 <stickster> Too contributor-y as is 22:39:13 <decause> stickster: kk, /me puts thinking cap back on 22:39:18 <stickster> But I *could* see a general Hyperkitty article as more on target 22:39:33 * stickster notes, he is NOT editor in chief, just a loudmouth in this meeting ;-) 22:39:34 <decause> stickster: we're gonna announce our outreachy intern selections by 11/17 22:39:42 <ryanlerch> there is the nuntius post that might be good too 22:39:47 <robyduck> stickster: what about the varnish one? 22:39:47 <decause> that could make for a "meet the new interns" post? 22:39:51 <ryanlerch> and the KDE connect one 22:39:56 <decause> that isn't next week, but soon thereafter 22:40:03 <stickster> robyduck: I didn't want to overload puiterwijk but I wouldn't turn down any of these :-) 22:40:14 <jflory7> Ooohhh, that's right, I had an idea for one. Anyone familiar with Picard (Musicbrainz)? I was wanting to a draft up an article for that sometime explaining what it is and how music lovers can use it to take control of their libraries. 22:40:24 * stickster looking for something we can reliably say, "no problem to get done and post next week" without breaking anyone's back 22:40:55 <puiterwijk> stickster: well, I got the varnish one pretty much done. I'm just waiting whether we want it for magazine or if I'll just post it to my blog 22:41:14 <puiterwijk> (note: it's only edited by me obviously) 22:41:15 <ryanlerch> the varish one would be good IMHO 22:41:17 <stickster> puiterwijk: ZOMG YOU R TEH AWSUM 22:41:18 <jflory7> puiterwijk: I haven't seen the latest changes but I loved the idea for that one. 22:41:23 <stickster> ryanlerch: +100 22:41:31 <stickster> I didn't realize it was ready to review 22:41:34 <ryanlerch> more server content ++ 22:41:40 <puiterwijk> jflory7: the latest changes aren't in the magazine yet... I wanted to give people the chance to ack/nack before changing it 22:42:01 <stickster> bring it on 22:42:03 <puiterwijk> (I thought it needed to be acked in the meeting before it could go from pitch -> draft) 22:42:08 <decause> stickster: there is a python3 vFAD happening this weekend. 22:42:23 <decause> I think commblog has a draft (jflory?) 22:42:32 <decause> that is pretty dev specific though 22:42:33 <stickster> puiterwijk: We have been acking pitches, but I think we were in verbal agreement this was a no-brainer 22:42:48 <jflory7> puiterwijk: Definitely loved the idea!! 22:42:49 <decause> but, it's meant to be a new-contributor-friendly virtual event? 22:43:12 <stickster> decause: that's a new contributor friendly thing, I think it *might* work... what do you think, ryanlerch? 22:43:15 <puiterwijk> stickster: ah. I thought itn eeded to be acked here since "we" (mostly ryanlerch and jflory7 and some others) did so last week 22:43:38 <stickster> I know we've wavered on things like test days 22:43:54 <jflory7> decause: Ahh, yeah, we could mention that if we want to pull it from the CommBlog. It's almost ready, Matt emailed me the last answer to the interview question, but it would be going out tomorrow morning. Planned to get the last part in tonight and then schedule it 22:43:57 <stickster> #agreed puiterwijk varnish article should go forth with all due haste :-D 22:44:13 <ryanlerch> i think a link post for the magazine to the commblog for the python FAD 22:44:16 <puiterwijk> Yay :) 22:44:19 <robyduck> cool 22:44:21 <ryanlerch> with the main content on the CB 22:44:31 <decause> oooOOOooo 22:44:32 <decause> :) 22:44:33 <stickster> ryanlerch: decause there you go 22:44:40 <decause> x-posty goodness both ways! 22:44:46 <decause> this is awesome everyone 22:45:01 <jflory7> ryanlerch: In a few hours, I'll be finishing the CommBlog article, I could make the pointer on the Magazine if we want to do that 22:45:22 <ryanlerch> jflory7: too easy :) 22:45:29 <decause> jflory7++ 22:45:32 <decause> nice 22:45:39 <robyduck> quick question: do we already know nomination dates for elections? These should go to the commblog too IMHO. 22:45:47 <stickster> So right now, it looks like we have articles for: * EOL F21... * systemd masking... * varnish... * pointer article for Python vFAD... all should be ready to go next week 22:45:50 <stickster> did we miss anything? 22:45:52 * decause has an evening engagment he has to travel for, but will check back in IRC when he lands 22:46:00 <jflory7> robyduck: I know there's an Outreachy applicant who is super interested in Election stuff. 22:46:10 <decause> stickster: vFAD will be posted tomo, event is Fri/Sat 22:46:11 <robyduck> stickster: no, I think they are good 22:46:12 <stickster> robyduck: I don't know them, but I think this would be good material for a commblog meeting decause can set up ;-) 22:46:23 <stickster> decause: oops, ok 22:46:46 <jflory7> #action jflory7 write up pointer article on Magazine for full Python 3 vFAD article on CommBlog tonight (publish in the morning) 22:46:55 <decause> robyduck: bee2502 pinged jkurik and the commops list to start this rolling 22:47:06 <robyduck> awesome 22:47:15 <decause> #action decause/bee2502 follow-up with jkuirk about elections interviews for CommBlog 22:47:36 <stickster> jflory7: Nice! 22:47:37 <jflory7> stickster: +1 to that publishing schedule 22:47:45 <stickster> ryanlerch: Did I miss antything? 22:48:02 <ryanlerch> stickster: looks good to me! 22:48:05 <decause> +1 22:48:16 <ryanlerch> OMG do we have time for an open floor?!!!! 22:48:28 <robyduck> hehe 22:48:31 * decause disappears in a puff of logic 22:48:33 <decause> thanks all :) 22:48:34 * decause & 22:49:33 <stickster> #topic Open floor 22:49:38 <stickster> GO ryanlerch !!! 22:49:50 <ryanlerch> heres a doosie 22:49:58 <ryanlerch> localizing the magazine 22:50:11 <ryanlerch> i have been doing a bit of research into it 22:50:25 * jflory7 wants to mention SSL as well in a bit 22:50:55 <ryanlerch> there are several plugins to localize content -- but they are all realy hinged on translators just translating in the wordpress interface 22:51:12 <ryanlerch> i am yet to find one with good hooks to export externally 22:51:18 <stickster> Oof, as opposed to going through something programmatic like Zanata 22:51:18 <ryanlerch> like to zanata 22:51:23 <stickster> *JINX 22:51:26 <ryanlerch> :) 22:52:03 <ryanlerch> i think this should be a larger goal we aim towards 22:52:19 <ryanlerch> maybe to have it in place for the f24 release? 22:52:25 <stickster> ryanlerch: just judging by workflow here... I'm betting this is really something we'd need a PHP plugin for... but harder is how to handle credentials for pushing content out 22:52:50 <robyduck> not sure if translating articles/news would make sense 22:53:30 <robyduck> they don't have a long life, and translators are rather slow in translating (much stuff to work on, but few persons working actively) 22:54:53 <ryanlerch> robyduck: at the very least, the release announcements would be awesome to have translated 22:55:03 * robyduck nods 22:55:21 <robyduck> true 22:55:41 <ryanlerch> TBH, not super concerned with the coverage on this -- just more would love to get the ability up there, 22:55:53 <ryanlerch> we may attract more translators with this 22:56:28 <ryanlerch> i assume translating articles we write might be a bit simpler than tech documentation 22:56:37 <stickster> ryanlerch: for sure 22:56:48 <ryanlerch> also, there are a few sites that already take our content and translate it an post eslewhere 22:56:52 <jflory7> I think it's a good goal to work towards, at the very least for big draw articles. 22:56:55 <ryanlerch> there is one in indonesian i think 22:57:01 <stickster> I think this is one of those things that, if we can make it happen without a huge engineering effort, is worth it for community goodwill/participation 22:57:11 <jflory7> +1 22:57:16 <ryanlerch> and fedora.cz does it semi regularly too 22:57:58 <stickster> What's the next step here? 22:58:16 <ryanlerch> stickster: not sure -- there is a thread on the mktg list about it i think 22:58:25 <ryanlerch> pravins was interested... 22:58:34 <stickster> sounds like we need to talk about mechanics on the list, honestly. I doubt there's a plugin available off the shelf that would do this.] 22:58:49 <ryanlerch> just wanted to check to see if we can set a timeframe goal, really 22:59:07 <stickster> #action ryanlerch stir up thread with pravins on the list and we should see if it's something we can reasonably do before F24 22:59:10 <stickster> ^ cool? 22:59:19 <stickster> I'll be glad to poke my nose around here too 22:59:20 <ryanlerch> stickster: ++ 22:59:30 <ryanlerch> jflory7: SSL -- quick 22:59:33 <ryanlerch> <1min 22:59:38 <ryanlerch> ; 22:59:40 <ryanlerch> :) 22:59:42 <jflory7> In the last minute, just want to mention this ticket about SSL. Seems like there's a broken implementation on the site as-is right now. I've noticed broken SSL pages when browsing around. 22:59:42 <jflory7> https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/157 22:59:57 <jflory7> I think when that ticket was filed it was something to add; seems to be there now but images aren 23:00:01 <jflory7> * aren't being served under SSL. 23:00:11 <jflory7> So browsers complain the content isn't secured. 23:00:18 <stickster> *this* I think there's a plugin for -- rewrites on page delivery 23:00:25 <stickster> So it shouldn't hurt our caching mechanism 23:00:28 <puiterwijk> Please don't do this in PHP! 23:00:35 <stickster> puiterwijk: oops! OK! :-D 23:00:37 <puiterwijk> I can make sure that this happens on the webserver side 23:00:44 <stickster> once again, puiterwijk ftw 23:00:50 <puiterwijk> But you should just make sure that the links to images are https 23:01:08 <stickster> I thought that was all done by the WP site itself 23:01:18 <stickster> I don't enter URLs, just insert an image from the library 23:01:23 <stickster> maybe this is a config option we can twiddle 23:01:25 <jflory7> Was mentioned in ticket about referring to configuration for CommBlog for SSL too, not sure how useful that might be 23:01:39 <puiterwijk> Oh, then it might be fixed when I changed config the other day. Will check on that 23:01:50 <puiterwijk> jflory7: commblog should be on SSL already as well 23:02:12 <jflory7> puiterwijk: Yep, CommBlog is 100%, someone thought might be useful to compare between CommBlog / Magazine for functionality. 23:02:29 <puiterwijk> jflory7: I did that when I set it up, and they should both be equal 23:02:35 <puiterwijk> Any difference in them is due to templating or content 23:02:43 * ryanlerch hides 23:02:46 <stickster> hee hee 23:02:49 <robyduck> I feel this was fixed some days ago, indeed. Websites are also going to change all fedmag links to https 23:02:53 <ryanlerch> it's probably my fault 23:02:57 <puiterwijk> stickster: just checked, and fedoramagazine does send links to images over https 23:03:18 <puiterwijk> So as said: I think this was fixed when I fixed the config a few days ago. 23:03:31 <puiterwijk> If anyone sees images that give errors, please let me know, and I'll look into it 23:03:31 <robyduck> puiterwijk++ 23:03:31 <zodbot> robyduck: Karma for puiterwijk changed to 14 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:03:36 <jflory7> puiterwijk: https://fedoramagazine.org/never-leave-irc-znc/ 23:03:36 <stickster> puiterwijk: I think you're right 23:03:42 <jflory7> Screenshots on that article for me 23:04:03 <puiterwijk> jflory7: <meta property="og:image" content="https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/znc.jpg" /> 23:04:27 <jflory7> Hmmm. Not sure what's up. http://i.j-f.co/u/15d3f6019c1bdc835172436d7ee7eb7e.png 23:04:30 <puiterwijk> jflory7: right. That's content 23:04:39 <puiterwijk> I see what you mean is happening yes, let me check the article 23:05:08 <jflory7> Shall we close out and move to #mktg? We can probably finish this discussion in there. 23:05:12 <stickster> And with that, time to close 23:05:14 <stickster> jflory7++ 23:05:20 <stickster> Thanks for coming everyone! 23:05:21 <stickster> #endmeeting