22:00:02 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 22:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 3 22:00:02 2015 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 22:00:04 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 22:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 22:00:07 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:00:18 <stickster> .hello pfrields 22:00:20 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 22:00:20 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 22:00:23 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'ryan lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 22:00:31 <cprofitt> .hello cprofitt 22:00:32 <zodbot> cprofitt: cprofitt 'Charles Profitt' <fedora@cprofitt.com> 22:00:54 <cprofitt> thought the meeting was at 22:00 UTC glad I was wrong. 22:01:41 <stickster> no sir, you're on time! 22:02:02 * stickster waits to see if jflory7, roshi_, Cydrobolt, anyone else in our usual crowd is around 22:02:11 <condor47579> lurking 22:02:14 <Cydrobolt> o/ stickster 22:02:20 <Cydrobolt> .hello cydrobolt 22:02:21 <zodbot> Cydrobolt: cydrobolt 'Chaoyi Zha' <summermontreal@gmail.com> 22:03:31 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch cprofitt Cydrobolt jflory7 22:03:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt cprofitt jflory7 ryanlerch stickster 22:04:11 <stickster> #topic Week in review 22:04:48 <stickster> Sooo.... not surprisingly, it was a bit of a slow week. To be expected with so many people out of pocket half of the week for holidays 22:05:00 <stickster> But the good news is November was a *KILLER* month 22:05:06 <Cydrobolt> stickster, that's awesome! 22:06:01 <stickster> No need to retread statistics, but I think we can expect *some* dropoff this month. We should try and bump up some publishing schedule for the end of the month though -- because many of us, myself included, will be gone over the Christmas holiday 22:06:21 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 22:06:22 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 22:07:09 <stickster> #chair jflory7 22:07:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt cprofitt jflory7 ryanlerch stickster 22:07:15 <ryanlerch> yeah, the month was the best ever 22:07:16 <stickster> oh, you're already there, sorry! 22:07:26 <ryanlerch> i think we hit over 275K 22:07:29 <stickster> yes we did 22:07:44 <stickster> I think a good target for December would be 215-220K 22:07:58 * jflory7 is scrolling, catching up now 22:08:12 <stickster> That takes into account a fairly normal dropoff, but tries to be a little ambitious about getting people to read what we put out 22:08:21 <Cydrobolt> stickster, I agree 22:09:09 <ryanlerch> and the holidays will slow us down a bit as well 22:09:19 * jflory7 nods 22:09:28 <jflory7> I anticipate the last two weeks of December being slow for articles 22:09:58 <jflory7> I'm curious how that pans out to views though, if people are reading over the holidays. 22:10:00 <stickster> jflory7: Ideally, we would line up 5-8 articles to publish while we're making merry 22:10:20 <stickster> jflory7: Lots of people read their glowing screens on weekends, I think it's fair to say they'll do it over holidays too 22:10:34 <cprofitt> anything we can do to increase articles by making them holiday related or is that off-topic for the mag? 22:10:58 <jflory7> I see. Makes enough sense. So stockpiling is good for this month. :) 22:11:20 <stickster> cprofitt: I wouldn't recommend it -- holidays can be region specific; some people aren't religious and would raise a stink; different holidays with different timing; etc. 22:11:26 <cprofitt> I hope to have two more profile articles done this month. Currently waitin on photos for both of them. 22:11:29 <stickster> cprofitt: basically, more reasons against than for :-) 22:11:43 <cprofitt> stickster: that is what I thought, but wanted to confirm 22:11:53 <stickster> Let's shift topic here 22:11:59 <stickster> #topic Plans for holiday publishing 22:12:20 <stickster> cprofitt: Those "How do you Fedora?" articles would be perfect for lining up during break -- human interest, people can try out similar tools, etc. 22:12:39 <stickster> I hope to have another systemd article done by this weekend for next week 22:13:22 <ryanlerch> stickster: awesome! 22:13:33 <stickster> What are some other things we could line up for the break that are easy to do now? 22:13:48 <jflory7> stickster++ systemd has been drawing a lot of long-term traffic, I've noticed, looking at the stats. 22:13:57 <jflory7> I have two articles on deck now. 22:14:10 <Cydrobolt> yes 22:14:21 <Cydrobolt> I think my systemd #7 article is close 22:14:21 <ryanlerch> jflory7: yeah, those are super google-friendly ones 22:14:27 <Cydrobolt> will need someone else to look at it though 22:14:29 <jflory7> Picard one, which we discussed last week. Wanted to have it out this week originally, but the lasers one was ready sooner than anticipated, so I spent more cycles on that one. 22:14:40 <jflory7> Planning for over weekend to draft. 22:14:47 <jflory7> Then I have a new one... Mumble is back for Fedora! 22:15:11 <stickster> #info stickster scheduled the jduncan article to run tomorrow 22:15:17 <ryanlerch> jflory7: the gamer voice chat thing? 22:15:32 <ryanlerch> Mumble? 22:15:35 <jflory7> I think that one has a lot of user interest. I have an (undefined) pitch in the Magazine, but I'm interviewing the maintainer to add another perspective to why he wanted to bring it back, etc., as well as announce its general availability. 22:15:37 <jflory7> ryanlerch: Yep! 22:15:39 * jflory7 is eating, so slow on responses for a couple minutes 22:15:44 <stickster> Cydrobolt: I can review, but would like to have the draft by this weekend if we want it out next week 22:15:52 <Cydrobolt> okay 22:16:18 <ryanlerch> jflory7: yeah i think that would go well! 22:16:41 <stickster> There's a new draft on LetsEncrypt that just showed up in the "pending review" status 22:16:53 <stickster> It's timely so it would be great to put it out e.g. Monday 22:17:02 <stickster> but needs a graphic 22:17:14 <jflory7> So that one was jhogarth's article. It cropped up fairly last minute, but needs more discussion. 22:17:31 <jflory7> Currently the article hits on the availability of LetsEncrypt /and/ how to use it in Fedora 22:17:44 <stickster> yeah, it's like a double whammy 22:17:48 * jhogarth is here to answer any questions as the author and the pending package maintainer 22:17:50 <jflory7> However it's in Rawhide right now. :) 22:17:51 <stickster> I took a quick look and it seemed like a really cool author 22:17:56 <stickster> s/author/article 22:18:02 <stickster> but I'm sure the author's cool too ;-D 22:18:22 <stickster> Needs a bit of editing love to simplify the language a bit 22:18:30 <jflory7> It's not quite ready for users to use yet. The discussion we need to have is: separate into two articles, one about announcement for ASAP, other for later about using it in Fedora when available. 22:18:54 <jflory7> *? 22:18:58 <stickster> Thing to recall when writing: We have an international audience. Shorter sentences help with readability, whenever possible. They also incidentally boost our SEO which isn't bad either. 22:19:02 <cprofitt> so I have Dan Mossur and Ralph Bean in my queue for the How do you Fedora right now. 22:19:37 <stickster> jflory7: good point. I think a follow-up article later on how to use the official client would work well 22:20:03 <stickster> jflory7: At the same time, if people can use the article to make use right now, that's cool, and it boosts the use, visibility, and awareness of the service 22:20:47 <jflory7> I think best plan of action right now is to separate. It documents how to use it, but unless you're running Rawhide right now, it's all unavailable. Unless we want to promote the fact that it's available in Rawhide as a pointer to the fact that "it's coming"/ 22:21:02 <stickster> jflory7: AH! I didn't get that part. 22:21:32 <stickster> jflory7: I thought it was runnable in F23 but with some non-package juju, but I haven't looked into it *at all* 22:21:44 <jflory7> jhogarth: Did you say you had an idea when it might be available in F23? 22:21:57 <jflory7> I remember you had an estimate of some sort, but I can't remember what you said. :) 22:22:42 <ryanlerch> jflory7: i think that is the best way for now -- the two part article 22:22:48 <stickster> If we don't think it will be ready in F23 on Monday -- and note, we're *not* pushing for any special effort -- I'd say jflory7 is right on the money. 22:22:57 <jhogarth> jflory7, due to dependency issues it's going to be difficult to get into F23 ... we may manage it but it'll require a few python module updates first... right now I wouldn't want to give an estimate for that.. and of course f24 branch isn't till feb next year 22:23:03 <jflory7> I think so too, ryanlerch. 22:23:05 <jflory7> I see. 22:23:16 <jflory7> So, here's my proposal on this article: 22:23:34 <jflory7> 1) Draft new, short article about general availability (I can do that) 22:23:55 <jhogarth> there's a python-dialog which was a fairly large update that was needed as a key dependency ... I don't know if that maintainer will be willing to push a major version update in f23 (obviously the new one is in rawhide) 22:23:57 <jflory7> 2) Move jhogarth's post to the Holding Pen and have something for farther down the line once LetsEncrypt is ready for the public 22:24:05 <jflory7> Thoughts on that? 22:24:16 <stickster> jflory7: +1 on the whole proposal. 22:24:24 <ryanlerch> big +1 from me too 22:24:29 <jflory7> jhogarth: Thanks for the info. 22:24:38 <stickster> jhogarth: your thoughts also appreciated here, does this work for you? 22:24:39 <cprofitt> +1 from me as well. 22:25:06 <stickster> jflory7: I think you may be able to pull quite a lot from the top half of jhogarth's draft 22:25:13 <jhogarth> that seems sensible as it's very few who can follow the instructions in the article right now 22:25:13 <jflory7> jhogarth++ Thanks nonetheless for getting this out so quickly, hope I didn't rush you too much! 22:25:17 <jflory7> stickster: I think so too. 22:25:26 <jhogarth> pfft only one night's lack of sleep ;) 22:25:37 <stickster> jflory7: And if so, it would make sense to either give him credit (attach him as author), or list him at the end as a contributor (or vice versa for you if you do the first thing) 22:25:56 <Cydrobolt> jflory7, I think letsencrypt is getting deployed to Chrome and Firefox already 22:26:04 <Cydrobolt> my browser seems to trust it already 22:26:10 <jhogarth> once the package is approved for rawhide (expecting this weekend at latest) I do plan to poke maintainer and file bugs to see if F23 is feasible however ... 22:26:14 <jflory7> jhogarth: So what I think we will do is move your article to the Holding Pen for now. It will be available and you will have edit access any time, but we will look more heavily at it closer to the release. You're welcome to play with it in the interim period. :) 22:26:22 <Cydrobolt> unless I'm completely misunderstanding -- in which case, ignore me :) 22:26:30 <jflory7> stickster: Definitely, I think I'd just pull from his article, I think he will get the credit anyways. :) 22:26:32 <jhogarth> if it is I can't imagine it taking more than 1-2 weeks to get that out if so ... and we can then publish at that point if so 22:26:39 <stickster> cool cool 22:26:43 <jflory7> Cydrobolt: That's a good detail for the general availability. 22:26:50 <jflory7> Going to do a few #actions 22:27:05 <stickster> jflory7: When you do this, assuming we get a featured image from somewhere, you should feel free to Schedule the post 22:27:51 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Separate LetsEncrypt article into two pieces: (1) Announcement of availability (due: ASAP), (2) jhogarth's original article into Holding Pen for future review once LetsEncrypt is available in stable Fedora 22:27:52 <stickster> ryanlerch: Tell me if I'm wrong, as you're the e-i-c 22:28:40 <jflory7> #info LetsEncrypt detail: Support in Firefox and Chrome, include in announcement about availability (thanks Cydrobolt for pointing out) 22:28:52 <stickster> disco! 22:28:54 <jflory7> stickster: Sounds good. 22:29:10 <ryanlerch> stickster: about the credit? 22:29:10 <cprofitt> is it appropriate to make a suggestiong (pitch) in this meeting? 22:29:26 <stickster> ryanlerch: sorry, I meant about jflory7 scheduling the post 22:29:45 <ryanlerch> ah -- yeah sounds good to me :) get it out ASAP! 22:29:46 <stickster> cprofitt: you can, but you can pitch anytime straight into the magazine 22:29:52 <ryanlerch> :) 22:30:03 * cprofitt nods 22:30:07 <ryanlerch> jhogarth might need to update his author bio however 22:30:33 <cprofitt> just was not sure about protocol - if something sprang to mind during the conversation here. Thanks. 22:30:40 <stickster> np 22:30:53 <jhogarth> ryanlerch, good point ... I only logged into FM for the first time yesterday ... I'll try and do that tomorrow :) 22:31:03 <ryanlerch> jhogarth: awesome thanks!!! 22:31:51 <stickster> So let's look at some existing stuff that's backlogged 22:32:15 <stickster> There are 10 (!) things in the Draft folder right now 22:32:25 <ryanlerch> woah! 22:32:38 <stickster> I feel like we need to get those things moving before we look at pitches, although pitches are TOTALLY welcome to keep rolling in 22:33:13 <stickster> #topic Draft queue 22:33:17 <ryanlerch> +1 22:33:18 <jflory7> I agree, seems higher than normal. I'll be around for a bit post-meeting to help with pitches too. 22:33:54 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 22:33:55 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 22:34:01 <stickster> o/ 22:34:10 <robyduck> o/ 22:34:44 <jflory7> So I think we kind of touched on systemd earlier, right? 22:34:54 <jflory7> You're doing the next one, stickster, I think? 22:34:59 <stickster> I think we already agreed jflory's slight revamp of 1/2 the LetsEncrypt story, Cydrobolt's systemd post, and perhaps jflory7's Picard post (?) might be ready to go next week? 22:35:08 <Cydrobolt> yeah 22:35:14 <stickster> Yeah, I'm fine with s/Cydrobolt/me/ there too 22:35:19 <Cydrobolt> I think the systemd post is about ready 22:35:25 <Cydrobolt> I want to hear your feedback 22:35:57 <stickster> jflory7: Although I think the remote logging was scheduled for a week later, and now everything's off ~a week due to turkey induced naps 22:36:19 <stickster> #info systemd #7 - https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=10439&preview=true 22:36:29 <jflory7> stickster: That schedule sounds good to me. 22:36:34 <jflory7> Opening article now 22:38:01 <stickster> Cydrobolt: A couple observations: Very long sentences make for more difficult reading. Also, it's quite "dry" and readers may not understand why template unit files are cool 22:38:12 <Cydrobolt> stickster, yeah 22:38:30 <Cydrobolt> I agree 22:38:42 <Cydrobolt> will spice it up before next week 22:38:57 <jflory7> I'm going to go ahead and revoke any technical authority with that article. But I'd be happy to help do some proofreading and editing for this article if you'd like, Cydrobolt. 22:39:06 <jflory7> I could build it into my queue for this evening without a problem. :) 22:39:12 <Cydrobolt> jflory7, yeah! I'll ping you when I make it more interesting 22:39:22 <jflory7> Cydrobolt++ Sounds good, thanks! 22:39:27 <Cydrobolt> I was in a paper-writing mode so I don't know what it sounded like haha 22:39:33 <stickster> heh 22:39:34 <Cydrobolt> lots of things were due that week 22:39:42 <Cydrobolt> will make sure to revamp :) 22:40:13 <jflory7> #action jflory7 / Cydrobolt to collaborate on next systemd article 22:40:35 <stickster> Don't be afraid to explain in more detail. These articles reach a *lot* of people who are new to system administration. It doesn't hurt to hold their hands a bit :-) 22:41:01 <stickster> I may use some time blocked out tomorrow afternoon to write up the remote logging article 22:41:08 <cprofitt> + stickster 22:41:21 <cprofitt> never hurts to old hands - new or old. 22:41:32 <stickster> cprofitt: agreed 22:41:42 <cprofitt> stickster: what remote logging tools are you going to cover? 22:41:53 <jflory7> stickster++ 22:42:15 <stickster> cprofitt: It's purely through systemd. 22:42:17 <jflory7> Cydrobolt: Want to put a loose deadline for having content finished by Monday? 22:42:19 <stickster> part of the series. 22:42:29 <jflory7> Then I can do editing + proofreading and we can get it out on Wednesday? 22:42:41 <Cydrobolt> jflory7, sure 22:42:45 * jflory7 nods 22:43:09 <stickster> #action stickster start systemd remote logging article and see if this can be ready just in case 22:43:10 <ryanlerch> i can try to get the nuntius one written up this week 22:43:11 <jflory7> #info systemd #7: final draft due Monday, revisions following no later than Tuesday evening 22:43:50 <jflory7> ryanlerch++ That would be great. 22:43:59 <jflory7> puiterwijk: Any news on your Varnish article? 22:44:02 <stickster> ryanlerch: What do you think about trying to line that up for the week of Dec 14? That would give us a head start on material for that week, and then we could concentrate starting middle of next week on plumping up the queue for Xmas 22:44:27 <ryanlerch> sounds good! 22:44:35 <puiterwijk> jflory7: not yet, sorry. 22:45:18 <jflory7> puiterwijk: Okay, that's fine - thanks for the update. Think you will have the time to get it out this month? 22:45:43 <puiterwijk> jflory7: if everything would work as it should, absolutely. 22:45:53 <jflory7> puiterwijk++ Awesome! 22:46:01 <stickster> heh 22:46:06 <jflory7> #info Varnish article still in drafting stages; should be ready for December 22:46:23 <stickster> puiterwijk: This is something we could tentatively schedule for the Christmas week, giving you another week or so to get it to where you're happy 22:46:38 <puiterwijk> stickster: sure 22:47:15 * puiterwijk randomly notes that NL has two days of Christmas :D 22:47:25 <stickster> nice! 22:47:58 <jflory7> So quick question about Picard article-- 22:48:13 <jflory7> Think that might be a good article for *next* Friday? I would have it ready for final review by the next meeting. 22:48:43 <stickster> sure 22:48:53 <jflory7> #action jflory7 to have Picard ready by next meeting 22:49:02 <stickster> So right now, as I understand it: Mon Dec 7 - LetsEncrypt; Wed Dec 9 - systemd; Fri Dec 11 - Picard 22:49:13 <jflory7> That's how I'm seeing it too. 22:49:26 <jflory7> So next week should be covered. 22:49:33 <stickster> Also, ~Tue Dec 15 - nuntius; Wed Dec 16 - systemd; Thu Dec 17...? 22:49:44 <ryanlerch> awesome! 22:49:46 <jflory7> Ooh, yeah, and nuntius! 22:49:53 <stickster> I'm forgetting something 22:49:56 <ryanlerch> keep an eye out for newsy articles too! 22:50:19 <jflory7> stickster: Mumble will likely be ready by that Thursday, not sure if we should save it for the queue 22:50:37 <stickster> jflory7: Let's not burn you out quite yet ;-D 22:51:00 <stickster> cprofitt: What if we published one of your "How Do You Fedora?" then? 22:51:12 <cprofitt> I hope to have dan or ralph done next week, and can plan on the other the week after. 22:51:18 <jflory7> Hahah - you have me around for another eleven days before I check out for a short bit. :) 22:51:21 <jflory7> Ooh, yeah! 22:51:21 <cprofitt> stickster: should work. 22:51:30 <cprofitt> I am just waiting on pictures for dan 22:51:31 <stickster> cprofitt: I will admit here cprofitt emailed me about doing this as well, and therefore I owe him an interview ;-) 22:51:33 <Cydrobolt> puiterwijk, christmas spirit lives on 22:51:48 <stickster> So Thu Dec 17 = "HDYF" with *someone* :-) 22:52:00 <cprofitt> stickster: yes, we can plan on that. 22:52:14 <ryanlerch> HDYF -- heh -- i like that 22:52:51 <stickster> As things stand, I'm completely gone the weeks of Dec 21 and Dec 28. So tentatively, it would be great to have at least 4 and maybe 6 or more things scheduled to go out then 22:53:22 <stickster> ryanlerch may be around part of that time and able to help a bit, but (1) I don't want to speak for him, and (2) whatever is going to publish, we need to line up featured image *in advance* 22:53:26 <cprofitt> would you want more than one HDYF article in one week? 22:53:48 <stickster> cprofitt: One per week is more than sufficient, and a HUGE contribution for which we are SUPER GRATEFUL 22:53:58 * cprofitt nods 22:54:05 <jflory7> cprofitt++ 22:54:07 <stickster> I mean, if more came in, we could run them in a pinch. But also it's nice to space out the "series" type articles 22:54:11 <stickster> cprofitt++ 22:54:11 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for cprofitt changed to 3 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:54:14 <ryanlerch> yeah -- feel free to ping me directly here on IRC in advacne for the featured articles 22:54:37 <cprofitt> stickster: Yes, my preference would be to queue them up, but I can try to have some ready in cases we need more articles in a given week. 22:54:45 <stickster> ryanlerch: I think the key is, we probably need to know what those are by next week, and have their stuff ready before you're gone on vacation 22:55:13 <stickster> Ideally -- the articles can publish themselves while we're wassailing or whatever ;-) 22:55:27 <stickster> hope that makes sense and came out right :-D 22:55:27 <ryanlerch> :) 22:55:51 <ryanlerch> yeah -- i'll try to go though and do images for all the drafts now 22:56:27 <stickster> #info Publishing schedule: Mon Dec 7 - LetsEncrypt; Wed Dec 9 - systemd; Fri Dec 11 - Picard; Tue Dec 15 - nuntius; Wed Dec 16 - systemd; Thu Dec 17 - HDYF 22:56:29 * puiterwijk considers breaking auto-schedule again, jsut to annoy stickster and make sure he has to come back from wassailing :D 22:56:30 <stickster> BAM! 22:56:37 <stickster> puiterwijk: :,-( 22:56:49 <cprofitt> I can assist with images if needed - though I do not have any stock parts for them yet. 22:56:52 <puiterwijk> (I hope you know I'm just kidding here) 22:56:57 <stickster> puiterwijk: haha of course! 22:57:03 <stickster> but hey, emergencies aside 22:57:35 <jflory7> Oh, time check of two minutes, FYI 22:57:59 <jflory7> Anything else important between drafts / pending we need to check? I think we hit them all. 22:58:10 <stickster> Nope, I think we did GREAT today 22:58:13 * jflory7 nods 22:58:17 <ryanlerch> stickster++ 22:58:18 <jflory7> I have one final detail to note 22:58:23 <stickster> I'll shoot minutes and more importantly, the publishing schedule (YAY!) to the list 22:58:39 <stickster> go go jflory7 22:58:51 <cprofitt> thanks stickster and everyone. Glad to be working on this team. Passionate group of people who have welcomed my participation. 22:59:00 <jflory7> Ooh, wait a sec, actually I didn't refresh the WhenIsGood page. 22:59:20 <jflory7> Tuesday 16:00 UTC was looking good 22:59:32 <jflory7> I might need to take another look, never mind. 22:59:39 <jflory7> Was going to mention the 2016 meeting time. 23:00:11 <jflory7> cprofitt: Thank you for being an enthusiastic participant! Glad to have you aboard. :) 23:00:35 <jflory7> stickster: Yeah, I'll need more time to take another look, disregard that note. I'll have to get a list of the best times now and send them out to the list. 23:00:40 <stickster> No worries, thanks jflory7 23:00:47 <stickster> And thanks everyone for coming! It's a wrap! 23:00:49 <stickster> #endmeeting