22:00:09 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 22:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 21 22:00:09 2016 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 22:00:11 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 22:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 22:00:15 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:00:18 <stickster> .hello pfrields 22:00:20 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 22:00:58 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 22:00:59 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 22:01:20 <jflory7> Lost track of time, happened to open the channel at the exact right moment. :) 22:01:34 * jflory7 switches gears 22:02:14 <stickster> ha 22:02:53 <puiterwijk> .hello puiterwijk 22:02:54 <zodbot> puiterwijk: puiterwijk 'Patrick "マルタインアンドレアス" Uiterwijk' <puiterwijk@redhat.com> 22:03:00 <stickster> #chair jflory7 puiterwijk 22:03:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 puiterwijk stickster 22:03:18 <stickster> Lots to do, so let's get crackin' ;-) 22:03:28 <stickster> #topic Future meetings 22:03:30 <jflory7> +1! 22:03:40 <cydrobolt> o/ 22:03:45 <jflory7> #chair cydrobolt 22:03:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: cydrobolt jflory7 puiterwijk stickster 22:03:50 <stickster> #info stickster will be out 2016-Feb-04 and 2016-Feb-11, and needs a chair substitute 22:04:15 <jflory7> I can probably do that 22:04:23 <Kohane> Hi 22:04:29 <jflory7> Welcome Kohane! :) 22:04:32 <stickster> Hi Kohane! 22:04:34 <jflory7> And hey cydrobolt! 22:04:43 <stickster> ^ what he said :-) 22:04:51 <puiterwijk> And I don't get a "hey"? :P 22:05:05 <stickster> puiterwijk: I've been talking to you all day, but I'll pin a medal on you in a few weeks ;-) 22:05:07 <Kohane> Puiterwijk hi! 22:05:08 <jflory7> stickster: Okay, yeah, I'm definitely open in those time slots - I could chair if you'd like. 22:05:16 <stickster> Thanks jflory7, that would be great 22:05:20 <jflory7> puiterwijk: Hello again :) 22:05:25 <stickster> #agreed jflory7 will chair 2016-Feb-04 and 2016-Feb-11 meetings 22:05:37 * jflory7 nods 22:05:40 <cydrobolt> Hey jflory7! 22:05:47 <Kohane> Good 22:05:47 <jflory7> o/ 22:05:52 <stickster> #topic Weekly review 22:06:16 <jflory7> I see two in pending 22:06:46 <jflory7> Kohane's "Art and design series" and cprofitt's "GnuPG: A Fedora Primer" 22:07:04 <stickster> Good job this past week -- we got out the following posts: 2016-Jan-15 SSH vulnerabilities, 2016-Jan-15 FTFTW, 2016-Jan-18 Fedora Year in Review notice, 2016-Jan-20 IRC beginner's guide 22:07:07 <Kohane> Yes 22:07:39 <jflory7> Oops, I'm moving too far ahead 22:07:48 <jflory7> I saw that a good number of those made it to social media too! 22:08:06 <jflory7> I was wanting to share that IRC beginner's guide in a few other communities too 22:08:21 <jflory7> I think that will make a great long-term reference tool for Fedora and many others 22:08:25 <jflory7> stickster++ 22:08:42 <stickster> We had an average of > 6000 hits/day, but notably the weekly hits were up 22:09:25 <stickster> jflory7: coolio! 22:09:30 <stickster> OK, moving right along 22:09:37 <Kohane> Excellent! 22:09:47 <stickster> #info Nice job this week, four posts and solid stats 22:09:55 <stickster> #topic Pending review 22:10:12 <jflory7> And actually, there is "technically" three pending review 22:10:16 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post&orderby=date&order=asc 22:10:41 <jflory7> Tomorrow's Picard article is already scheduled, but I would just like to have another pair of eyes look it over because I was starting to feel burnt out towards the end 22:10:51 <stickster> jflory7: I can do that after this meeting. 22:11:03 <stickster> #action stickster review Picard article quickly after meeting to confirm OK 22:11:18 <Kohane> Good. 22:11:22 <jflory7> stickster: Awesome, thanks! I don't really think it's in "bad shape" but another confirmation that I didn't cut it off too abruptly would be good -- that was my main concern 22:11:27 <stickster> yup 22:12:05 <jflory7> I see the GnuPG article first? 22:12:13 <stickster> By the way Kohane -- when you see us doing things like '#link' or '#action' at the top -- those are telling the automated bot in this channel that records minutes to make a special note for that line 22:12:31 <jflory7> #info * GnuPG: A Fedora Primer 22:12:34 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=11485&preview=true 22:12:34 <stickster> that way the minutes will be notated and easier to read when I send them out 22:12:56 <Kohane> stickster thanks! 22:13:04 <stickster> jflory7: Do you know if there's SVG source for that banner image? 22:13:16 <jflory7> stickster: Probably a question for cprofitt. 22:13:26 <stickster> I'll ask elsewhere, thanks jflory7 22:13:26 <jflory7> Not as far as I know. 22:13:53 <jflory7> So giving it a rough glance over, I think content and length seem solid. I know Charles spent a lot of time editing with the feedback from Yoast SEO too 22:14:05 <jflory7> I can give it a final edit tonight 22:14:15 <jflory7> Featured image seems to be okay too as far as I know? 22:14:24 <jflory7> If so, then I give a personal +1 for next Monday 22:14:32 <stickster> jflory7: I'd like to make a few adjustments to match our design aesthetic 22:14:38 * jflory7 nods 22:14:41 <stickster> like change the font and adjust the colors slightly 22:14:49 <Kohane> OK 22:14:51 <jflory7> Mhmm. 22:15:03 <stickster> jflory7: If I can't get the source by tomorrow, I'll fix something up accordingly 22:15:24 <jflory7> Sounds good to me. So for this article, final proposal: 22:15:34 <Kohane> Yes... 22:15:36 <stickster> But +1 to go out Monday 22:15:45 <Kohane> +1 22:16:05 <jflory7> Proposal: jflory7 to make final edits to article, stickster to contact cprofitt for image source to make small adjustments, if cannot get source, will design something else; to be published Monday 2016-01-15 8:00 UTC (?) 22:16:27 <stickster> +1 22:16:38 <stickster> jflory7: Also you can do #proposed for minutes 22:16:43 <stickster> just sayin', nbd :-) 22:16:49 <jflory7> Ooh, is that actually a meetbot thing?! 22:16:53 <jflory7> Cool! 22:17:07 <jflory7> #agreed jflory7 to make final edits to article, stickster to contact cprofitt for image source to make small adjustments, if cannot get source, will design something else; to be published Monday 2016-01-15 8:00 UTC 22:17:21 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Make final edits on cprofitt's GnuPG article tonight / tomorrow 22:17:45 <jflory7> #action stickster Contact cprofitt for image source on GnuPG article for final revisions; if cannot get source, make new image tomorrow (Friday) 22:17:46 <Kohane> Excellent 22:17:56 <jflory7> I will try the #proposed next article :) 22:17:57 <stickster> bonzer 22:18:06 * stickster wonders if ryanlerch is about 22:18:32 <stickster> also cprofitt++ 22:18:34 <stickster> oops 22:18:36 <stickster> cprofitt++ 22:18:46 <stickster> Hm, maybe I already cookied him :-) 22:19:15 <jflory7> I know I'm all cookie'd out now :) 22:19:18 <jflory7> Anyways, next article? 22:19:27 <stickster> That would be https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=11362&preview=true 22:19:41 <jflory7> #info * Art and design series 22:19:47 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=11362&preview=true 22:19:52 <stickster> Kohane: Correct me if I'm wrong... I believe we agreed last time that this would become an article covering one design tool, instead of a list 22:20:14 <Kohane> Honestly, I don't remember. 22:20:20 * stickster goes back to last week's minutes 22:20:32 <Kohane> But I thought that article stood 22:21:17 <Kohane> But if not just delete it and I'll keep adding stuff to Shotwell. 22:21:57 <stickster> Kohane: If that makes things easier for you, it sounds fine to me 22:22:05 <stickster> "22:27:23 <stickster> Kohane: Were you still interested in working on the design apps series? Because if so, I would suggest taking the intro article, and rather than writing an intro, just write the article about the first app you'd like" 22:22:28 <Kohane> Ah! I see! You're right 22:22:36 <stickster> It looks like we started talking about the featured image and fonts then, but didn't really come to an answer 22:22:55 <stickster> but it sounds like you have a good plan now, Kohane -- I like the idea of just starting with a tool like Shotwell 22:22:56 <jflory7> I like the idea of incorporating the the intro article as a unique header that appears in every article in the series, kind of like the HDYF series, with the header on top. 22:23:08 <jflory7> So that way it all sounds like the same series, but each article covers a major part. :) 22:23:09 <stickster> "Welcome to our series on ___" 22:23:22 <jflory7> Yeah! 22:23:25 <stickster> jflory7: For example, see http://fedoramagazine.org/systemd-getting-a-grip-on-units/ 22:23:29 <stickster> "Welcome back to the systemd series, where we explore more about how this central part of your Fedora system works. This installment talks about unit files. 22:23:32 <stickster> " 22:23:33 <Kohane> Yes, sounds good 22:23:43 <jflory7> stickster: Exactly :) 22:23:55 <jflory7> So, this proposal-- 22:24:44 <jflory7> #proposed Kohane to revise article to cover one part of the series, and include a unique header to introduce each article as part of the series -- first article in series ready by Tuesday for a Wednesday publication (?) 22:25:20 <Kohane> Yes, that's fine. Time enough to make a nice pic 22:25:28 <jflory7> Okay, great! :) 22:25:34 <jflory7> #agreed Kohane to revise article to cover one part of the series, and include a unique header to introduce each article as part of the series -- first article in series ready by Tuesday for a Wednesday publication (?) 22:25:40 <stickster> yup yup! 22:25:50 <Kohane> Good 22:25:57 <jflory7> #action Kohane Revise first design series article to cover one product in the series 22:26:12 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Help with editing on Kohane's article on Tuesday or whenever ready 22:26:19 <jflory7> All sound good? 22:26:28 <Kohane> Yes, perfect 22:26:31 <stickster> +1 to all, nice summary jflory7 22:26:43 <jflory7> Excellent! So that's all the pending articles. :) 22:26:44 <stickster> man, I'm beginning to feel obsolete (in a good way) 22:26:54 <Kohane> LOL 22:27:09 <stickster> #topic Drafts in progress 22:27:11 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post&orderby=date&order=asc 22:27:25 <stickster> There are a lot of these that are "cold" and I don't think we should beat dead horses here 22:27:55 <stickster> But some new things too 22:27:55 <jflory7> stickster: Heheh, well, who do I have to thank for learning the ways of the Magazine? ;) 22:28:06 <stickster> Some goofball, probably 22:28:19 <jflory7> stickster++ 22:28:32 <jflory7> So, I can give a few updates on some of the colder ones 22:28:35 <stickster> So some new things have shown up int he magazine... A draft on AWS tools in Fedora by fale -- that sounds neat, anyone heard from that person? 22:28:44 <stickster> .fas fale 22:28:46 <zodbot> stickster: mfalesni 'Milan Falesnik' <mfalesni@redhat.com> - falefel '' <falefel@gmail.com> - rfales 'ronald fales' <ronald.fales@yahoo.com> - wpbastos 'Wellington Pedroso Bastos' <falecom@wellington.eti.br> - mirotest 'miro test' <mirotest@nofale.org> - fale 'Fabio Alessandro Locati' <fabio@locati.cc> - remizoffalex 'Alex Remizoff' <remizoffalex@mail.ru> - bkfaler '' <disposableaddress77@gmail.com> - jwest 'Jakub (1 more message) 22:29:00 <stickster> Ah, it's from Fabio! 22:29:08 <stickster> fale++ 22:29:08 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for fale changed to 3 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:29:08 <Kohane> I never heard of 22:29:20 <jflory7> #info * AWS tools in Fedora 22:29:22 <stickster> It's probably late for him, if he's in Italy (I'm guessing from the name, sorry about that) 22:29:26 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=11599&preview=true 22:29:40 <stickster> jflory7: We should probably put this in "Pitch" until there's text there and we know someone wants to do it 22:29:48 <stickster> #proposed Put this in Pitch status for now 22:29:48 <jflory7> This would definitely be an awesome topic! 22:29:52 <stickster> totally 22:29:57 <Kohane> Okay 22:30:04 <jflory7> Heheh, whoops, I see now there is no content 22:30:09 <stickster> yeah, that ^ 22:30:15 <jflory7> +1 for moving to pitch and seeing what direction fale wants to take it. 22:30:18 <Kohane> As I don't know what AWS stands for, I can't help on this 22:30:22 <jflory7> fale++ for the idea and interest 22:30:22 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for fale changed to 4 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:30:28 <jflory7> Kohane: Amazon Web Services. :) 22:30:37 <stickster> #action stickster move AWS article to Pitch 22:30:44 <Kohane> Definitely out of knowledge 22:30:46 <stickster> #agreed We love the AWS tools article idea 22:30:56 <Kohane> Good 22:31:15 <Kohane> Jflory7 thanks for explaining 22:31:23 <jflory7> Kohane: No problem. :) 22:31:28 <stickster> #action stickster email fale to find out if he'll write the article for us, and if so, by when 22:31:49 <jflory7> I can give a quick update on the i3 article, can't remember if it was mentioned at last meeting 22:31:51 <Kohane> Good idea. 22:31:56 <jflory7> #info * Getting started with the i3 tiling window manager 22:32:01 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=11254&preview=true 22:32:11 <Kohane> No, it wasn't mentioned 22:32:31 <jflory7> #info williamjmorenor aware of the article and was drafting the article privately; estimated completion either this week or the next, for a hopeful publication in February 22:32:41 <jflory7> That's all for that one 22:32:50 <Kohane> Okay 22:33:06 <stickster> great news! 22:33:30 <jflory7> Agreed. Should be an interesting article for the techie readers! 22:33:33 <jflory7> Kohane, any new updates on "Installing another desktop" or "Shotwell - Two in one"? 22:34:12 <Kohane> No, I made some screen shots but I couldn't upload them 22:34:20 <stickster> reminder - Shotwell is the article that Kohane said she'd be working on now for the design series 22:34:21 <Kohane> I've been a bit too busy 22:34:50 <jflory7> Kohane: No worries - with the other design article, we're still at a good pace! 22:34:54 <Kohane> Yes. Because it will be a short article. It's a simple tool 22:35:05 <stickster> Kohane: just a reminder for screenshots -- I highly recommend to do them with a "new user" account on your system using the default environment, so it looks as much like what new users have as possible 22:35:46 <stickster> we often customize our own environments, and if a screenshot looks different because of that, it can confuse new Fedora users 22:36:07 <Kohane> I thought of describing Shotwell and then listing briefly its possible substitutes 22:36:36 <Kohane> Ah 22:36:39 <stickster> Kohane: actually... since this is a series, we could *cover* those substitutes later... so I'd just stick to showing off some Shotwell features 22:36:55 <Kohane> Oh, right 22:37:06 * fale just come home I can teply about the stickster action 22:37:11 <Kohane> Then it will be ready in a couple of days. 22:37:12 <stickster> hi fale! 22:37:26 <jflory7> Kohane: Excellent! 22:37:38 <jflory7> I can help work with you on editing once you're ready for review. :) 22:37:39 <Kohane> 😃 22:37:52 <Kohane> Oh, thank you! 22:37:57 <jflory7> Hiya fale, good timing! 22:38:19 <stickster> fale: I sent you some email too... just to find out if you were interested to write the article you proposed on AWS tools in Fedora 22:38:43 <jflory7> So, outside of revisiting AWS tools and the design article series, I only think we have gnokii_'s F24 wallpaper announcement left. 22:38:54 <fale> stickster: I'm interested in writing it and I've started even if I found some "philosophical" issues 22:38:56 <jflory7> And didn't he say there was a specific publication date too? 22:38:58 <stickster> fale: It's also completely fair to find a native English speaker to do it for you, but either way, we really want the article! 22:39:10 <stickster> jflory7: yes 22:39:17 * jflory7 goes digging for a second 22:39:46 <jflory7> Okay, I can do an #info for that article real fast before AWS 22:39:57 <jflory7> #info * Contribute! – get your wallpaper into Fedora 24 22:40:02 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=11442&preview=true 22:40:33 <stickster> #info F24 wallpaper announcement article is a timed article, not meant for publication until some time in February 22:40:47 <jflory7> #info Sirko (gnokii) is aware of article and intends to publish on February 15th, 2016 - will share details with the list as article is ready 22:41:06 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Add first draft due date on article as 2016-02-13 for future reference 22:41:15 <Kohane> fale: philosophical? 22:41:28 <jflory7> Oh, coolio, and it even has a featured image done 22:41:31 <stickster> yup 22:41:32 <jflory7> gnokii++ 22:41:32 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for gnokii changed to 5 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:42:21 <jflory7> It looks like a pretty solid article already 22:42:24 <jflory7> He might be done with it 22:42:34 <stickster> jflory7: If he is, let's schedule it for the right date and be done with it 22:42:45 <jflory7> I agree, I will follow up on the list after meeting to confirm 22:42:48 <stickster> #undo 22:42:48 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by jflory7 at 22:41:06 : jflory7 Add first draft due date on article as 2016-02-13 for future reference 22:43:08 <stickster> #action jflory7 check with gnokii on article status, and if ready, schedule it for 2016-Feb-15 22:43:16 <jflory7> Beat me to it :) 22:43:19 <jflory7> stickster++ 22:43:19 <stickster> hee hee 22:43:30 <Kohane> ☺ 22:43:31 <stickster> OK, I think that's everything then, right? 22:43:39 <fale> Kohane: the problem is that AWS is a commercial product and I would not like to make an advertise for it 22:43:52 <jflory7> Any other drafts? 22:44:03 <jflory7> Oh, shoot 22:44:05 <jflory7> There is one 22:44:13 <stickster> email clients 22:44:16 <jflory7> Jiri's article... I was going to edit that one too... 22:44:22 <jflory7> I totally forgot about that one 22:44:25 <Kohane> Fale: mmm... Interesting. I didn't consider that but now you say 22:44:42 <fale> Kohane: I did not too, until I started to write about it 22:44:54 <jflory7> I can make final edits to that one tonight / tomorrow and we can have it scheduled for next week 22:45:03 <jflory7> stickster: Does the featured image on that one look good to you? 22:45:44 <jflory7> Oh, and I will info this 22:45:50 <stickster> jflory7: tbh, I would like to change that 22:45:52 <jflory7> #info * Email Clients in Fedora 22:45:53 <nb> Hi 22:45:59 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=11497&preview=true 22:46:10 <stickster> it's very busy and hard to see the icons -- but I like the idea of having those icons in the graphic -- just a different background would be nice 22:46:11 <jflory7> stickster: Yeah, I don't know if the current image follows the theme 22:46:13 <Kohane> nb: hi 22:46:16 <jflory7> nb: Hiya! 22:46:32 <stickster> jflory7: I'll be happy to take that one one 22:46:37 <stickster> *that one on 22:46:53 <stickster> #action stickster work on featured image for Jiří's post 22:46:57 * jflory7 nods 22:47:01 <Kohane> Good 22:47:01 <jflory7> Sounds good to me. 22:47:22 <jflory7> So, the only things left for drafts are going to be cgroups and cockpit overviews 22:47:28 <stickster> #action stickster editorial pass on email clients post too 22:47:37 <Kohane> I sent an email to Jiri for that article, but I've got no answer up to now 22:47:46 <jflory7> Kohane: You're featured in there :) 22:47:59 <stickster> cgroups is on hold, same with cockpit for right now, until ryanlerch puts something together 22:48:01 <jflory7> Those would be in ryanlerch's court as of now -- do we want to move them to the Holding Pen until they're ready? 22:48:07 <jflory7> Yeah. 22:48:11 <stickster> #action ryanlerch to get us update on list for cockpit and cgroups posts 22:48:17 <Kohane> Where I featured? 22:48:20 <jflory7> +1 22:48:26 <jflory7> Kohane: In the email clients article. :) 22:48:38 <Kohane> Ah 22:48:53 <jflory7> Kohane: You're the featured user for Kmail. 22:49:08 <jflory7> stickster: So I think that should have us set for all drafts. 22:49:09 <Kohane> Ah! 22:49:21 <jflory7> We can switch to pitches and get fale's input while he's here :) 22:49:54 <stickster> coolio 22:49:58 <stickster> #topic Pitches 22:50:11 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pitch&orderby=date&order=asc 22:50:18 <jflory7> Top to bottom? 22:50:24 <jflory7> Ooh, Pagure 22:50:49 <stickster> I just added that one. pingou on our team will soon be releasing Pagure 1.0, a free git forge written in Python 22:51:03 <jflory7> +1 for the idea through and through 22:51:09 <Kohane> Yes 22:51:13 <Kohane> +1 22:51:19 <stickster> I already have a TODO to put together an outline for him to review and edit, and then we'll have an article shortly thereafter 22:51:19 <jflory7> A Pagure article would be *awesome* 22:51:28 <jflory7> Excellent! 22:51:33 <stickster> Not sure of release date yet, but it's soon 22:51:44 <jflory7> So I think this one is agreed, green light to write :) 22:51:45 <stickster> So we can time the article against the release date; pingou will keep me updated 22:51:58 <stickster> \o/ 22:52:01 <Kohane> Good! 22:52:07 <stickster> #agreed Pagure pitch accepted 22:52:20 <stickster> I think we already agreed on the AWS tools article 22:52:28 <Kohane> Yes 22:52:32 <jflory7> Right. 22:52:32 <stickster> #agreed (for posterity) AWS Tools in Fedora pitch accepted 22:52:55 <stickster> I see a HDYF, that should probably go to Draft because (1) YES, and (2) it's almost done 22:53:00 <jflory7> fale: As a writing tip, it would still probably be a good idea to throw together an outline before writing too. :) 22:53:04 <jflory7> stickster: Also have a new writer! 22:53:19 <stickster> Yes! Do we know his IRC? 22:53:20 <jflory7> fale: Might be useful. :) https://fedoramagazine.org/writing-a-new-pitch/ 22:53:23 <stickster> .fas moreno 22:53:23 <zodbot> stickster: moreno 'angel' <angel.samo@yahoo..es> - apostols 'Juan Angulo Moreno' <m@0x29.com.ve> - fabritux 'Fabrizzio Eduardo Moreno Rocha' <fabritux@gmail.com> - aesptux 'Adrián Espinosa Moreno' <mortuuslordofdeads@gmail.com> - imorenocrespin 'Ignacio Moreno' <imorenocrespin@gmail.com> - morenocomelli 'Moreno Comelli' <moreno@phidel.it> - boiledmint 'Xavier Moreno' <xavier.a.moreno@gmail.com> - juan77sur 'Juan (8 more messages) 22:53:30 <stickster> .more 22:53:30 <zodbot> stickster: José Moreno Rojo' <juan77@hotmail.com> - mmilinux 'Mario Moreno' <mmi.linux@gmail.com> - mnardelli 'moreno' <moreno.nardelli@unitn.it> - regiocty 'Jose Leonardo Moreno' <leopn36617@gmail.com> - uncholowapo 'Juan Moreno' <uncholowapo@gmail.com> - juanjo77sur 'Juan José Moreno Rojo' <juan77sur@hotmail.com> - srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> - netalien 'netalien' (7 more messages) 22:53:34 <jflory7> .fasinfo williamjmorenor 22:53:35 <zodbot> jflory7: User: williamjmorenor, Name: William Moreno, email: williamjmorenor@gmail.com, Creation: 2012-06-24, IRC Nick: williamjmorenor, Timezone: America/Managua, Locale: es, GPG key ID: , Status: active 22:53:37 <jflory7> ^ 22:53:38 <zodbot> jflory7: Approved Groups: +packager docs cla_fpca cla_done ambassadors designteam freemedia videos fedorabugs fudcon +fedora-ni 22:53:38 <stickster> thanks 22:53:42 <stickster> williamjmorenor++ 22:53:44 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for williamjmorenor changed to 6 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:53:45 <jflory7> Also the writer for the i3 article. 22:53:55 <stickster> sorry for the log noise :-) 22:54:02 <jflory7> No problem :) 22:54:04 <stickster> I forgot to do that in /msg 22:54:10 <jflory7> So I have no problem +1'ing this one 22:54:15 <stickster> Now, the only other one I see is "Installing Fedora for Dummies" 22:54:24 <stickster> Part of me wants to say, "duh, yes" 22:54:25 <jflory7> We just need the featured image and then formatting, but we can get that in editing. 22:54:38 <stickster> oops, sorry, I didn't mean to skip 22:54:45 <Kohane> I know Moreno, he's in LATAM like me 22:54:47 <jflory7> no problem, I was done :) 22:54:48 <stickster> +1 on HDYF by Mr. Moreno 22:54:56 <stickster> #agreed Neville Cross HDYF is good to go 22:54:57 * jflory7 imagines the hundreds of comments the article will get about installing Fedora 22:55:12 <jflory7> Also maybe name change on it too, just to avoid accidentally coming off derogatory 22:55:21 <stickster> The other part of me on the installation article says, "If you can't do this without an article plus our guide, we're Doing It Wrong" 22:55:34 <Kohane> Wait! 22:55:40 <stickster> oops, s/plus our guide/ 22:56:11 <Kohane> Is Neville or Moreno? 22:56:14 <Kohane> I'm getting confused 22:56:20 <stickster> Kohane: Moreno wrote the article, Neville is the subject 22:56:37 <jflory7> stickster: Admittedly, true, but I can see many people who maybe are looking to try Linux / Fedora and wanting to see a guide. 22:57:18 <jflory7> There's the debate over article versus wiki too 22:57:20 <Kohane> Newcomers instead of dummies? 22:57:20 <stickster> jflory7: Yes, agreed. But we have an Installation Guide already, and they should use that. 22:57:33 <stickster> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/23/html/Installation_Guide/index.html 22:57:35 <jflory7> Kohane: Yeah, I like that rewording 22:57:38 <jflory7> stickster: Touché. 22:58:02 <Kohane> stickster: I'm confused but leave it. 22:58:07 <jflory7> Hmmm, I think it might be thinking it's best to defer to the docs too 22:58:09 <stickster> Because that's already (1) detailed, (2) covers concepts we have no space for in a single article, and (3) is already maintained and updated by the Docs team. 22:58:17 <jflory7> An article can become outdated 22:58:22 <stickster> jflory7: For sure. 22:58:28 <jflory7> And might accidentally become the thing people by default turn to 22:58:36 <jflory7> Would be better to make that thing the official, maintained docs 22:58:59 <jflory7> So, with those thoughts in mind, I think I will actually vote -1 on the pitch 22:59:00 <Kohane> The article won't have links to doc/wiki? 22:59:01 <stickster> jflory7: Look at that scope... it's a mess. "VERY detailed installation instructions and LOTS of screenshots of Anaconda" 22:59:18 <stickster> jflory7: That's the recipe for being outdated in 6 months or less 22:59:33 <stickster> Kohane: It could, but the Installation Guide already does what this article wants to do 22:59:52 <stickster> it's duplicative... I would rather suggest this writer get with the Docs team and work with them on the Guide 23:00:06 <Kohane> Then discard it. 23:00:12 <Kohane> The article I mean 23:00:12 <stickster> -1 on this pitch from me 23:00:54 <jflory7> Feel a little guilty since I encouraged the article when the author was last at a meeting, but I hadn't thought of it in retrospect with our existing documentation and the accidental message that might send. 23:01:25 <stickster> sure, no one can know all the things :-) 23:01:38 <stickster> I happen to be an ex-Docs guy so I know their pain firsthand 23:01:54 <stickster> Oops, jflory7 we need to wrap this up, I have to run in a minute or two 23:02:02 <Kohane> I think an article is more visible than doc and could work for redirecting to the right pages 23:02:16 <stickster> Kohane: So maybe an article that tells people where to find the Installation Gudie? 23:02:19 <stickster> Guide 23:02:21 <jflory7> stickster: Just noticed we're over too 23:02:45 <jflory7> I think we did do everything - I will do a final schedule proposal and then call it? 23:02:48 <stickster> that would be better than the current pitch... jflory7, would you be open to talking with the writer about a revamp? 23:02:51 <Kohane> Stickster: like something quick and a list of links below for more details 23:02:53 <stickster> jflory7: Sounds good 23:03:03 <jflory7> Yes, I can do that, if you can #action me real fast 23:03:12 <stickster> Kohane: that seems better 23:03:15 <stickster> yup 23:03:44 <stickster> #action jflory7 talk to writer of installation pitch about reframing this as a pointer to the official Installation Guide and other resxources 23:03:47 <stickster> #undo 23:03:47 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by stickster at 23:03:44 : jflory7 talk to writer of installation pitch about reframing this as a pointer to the official Installation Guide and other resxources 23:03:48 <Kohane> stickster: glad you liked my idea 😊 23:03:50 <stickster> #action jflory7 talk to writer of installation pitch about reframing this as a pointer to the official Installation Guide and other resources 23:03:55 <stickster> Kohane++ 23:04:17 <jflory7> #proposed Mon. Jan 25, GnuPG: A Fedora Primer; Wed. Jan 27, First design series article about one of the specific programs; Fri. Jan 29, Email Clients in Fedora (?) 23:04:38 <stickster> YES! 23:04:45 <Kohane> Yes, perfect 23:04:47 <jflory7> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Mon. Jan 25, GnuPG: A Fedora Primer; Wed. Jan 27, First design series article about one of the specific programs; Fri. Jan 29, Email Clients in Fedora 23:04:53 <jflory7> And it's down in ink :) 23:05:05 <Kohane> Yep 23:05:11 <jflory7> stickster++ lailah++ Thanks for a great meeting tonight :) 23:05:24 <stickster> jflory7: you barely needed me here! awesome job lailah/Kohane too 23:05:25 <stickster> thanks all 23:05:27 <stickster> #endmeeting